Arctic Blast To Slam The U.S.; Sakhalin Blizzards; Scientists Say Global Warming Could Cool The UK; UN Wildfire Lies; + Sunspot 3981
Arctic Blast To Slam The U.S.
January was cold across the CONUS, historically so.
The Climate Prediction Center did NOT see it coming…
Looking ahead, February is set to offer a repeat.
Another Arctic outbreak—colder than even that of January—threatens to grip the majority of the U.S. come mid-month, especially the Midwest, Plains, and Great Lakes regions, as per latest ECMWF models (see below).
Cities like Chicago, Minneapolis, and Kansas City are currently on for record-breaking lows, with southern states like Texas and Georgia not spared either.
Driving this frigid blast is a disruption in the ‘Polar Vortex’, as seen in the 500 hPa temperature chart (below), which will allow brutally cold air from the Arctic to surge deep into the Lower 48:
The 50 hPa geopotential height anomalies highlight significant stratospheric disturbances, often associated with prolonged cold spells in the Northern Hemisphere:
Rug up America—again.
Updates to follow…
Sakhalin Blizzards
Blizzards are continuing in Sakhalin, Russia, triggering what locals are calling a “snow apocalypse.”
Massive snowdrifts have shattered windows and brought road traffic to a standstill.
Residents are digging themselves out from beneath the heavy snow, while utility crews work tirelessly to manage the overwhelming conditions.
Eastern Asia is currently holding anomalously cold, with the freeze running from Russia, down through Mongolia, and into China, the Koreas, and Japan.
Scientists Say Global Warming Could Cool The UK
Brits were told to expect endless heatwaves and “forever hotter” summers. Now, after a freezing January (-0.4C below 1961-1990 average — Met Office), The Science™ says global warming might actually make the UK colder. A lot colder.
Scientists foot the blame at the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), which might slow down or collapse, plunging the UK into Arctic conditions. Or it might not. They’re not all that sure.
The same experts who warned of a scorched UK now say bitter, ice age-like cold could be on the cards, but insist that both outcomes are proof of climate change.
AMOC measurements only started in 2004, but that’s long enough for wild and terrifying predictions to do the MSM rounds.
A recent study, however, published in Science Advances highlights the massive uncertainties in predicting climate tipping points like AMOC.
Conducted by scientists from the Technical University of Munich and the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, the study reveals that forecasting these so-called tipping points is riddled with errors due to oversimplified models, scarce long-term data, and incomplete historical records.
Predictions for AMOC’s collapse range wildly, it turns out—from 2050 to 8065. That’s a 6,000-year window, rendering these forecasts useless for policymaking.
Yet, media outlets run with the most dramatic scenarios, ignoring the uncertainty behind them and, worst still, ignoring the real-world data.
Both Arctic temperatures and sea ice show stability, not impending disaster (see charts below). Since the early 2000s, Arctic temperatures have shown modest fluctuations around a stable mean. Similarly, sea ice extent has followed natural, cyclical patterns, with no evidence of a “catastrophic melt.”
An AMOC collapse would be “like a war situation,” so says Prof. Tim Lenton of the University of Exeter, ignoring the slim chance of it actually occurring in our lifetimes. Because when the science is shaky, fear fills the gaps. And climate alarmism, however unfounded, will always make deadlines.

Heatwave? Climate change. Deep freeze? Climate change. The solution? Cut emissions. Different weather, same agenda. No matter how contradictory the evidence, the prescription stays the same: more regulations, more taxes, more panic.
For the UK, the short-term outlook calls for continued cold through February, with widespread snow potentially returning mid-month. In typically hyperbolic fashion, the media is calling this ‘Beast from the East 2’.
UN Wildfire Lies
Despite recent claims by the UN, wildfires are not on the rise globally.
Advances in satellite technology, particularly NASA’s MODIS sensors on the Terra (1999) and Aqua (2002) satellites, have greatly improved our ability to monitor fires accurately. The Global Fire Emissions Database (GFED) uses MODIS data to estimate fire activity through CO2 emissions, which correlate with burned vegetation.
In recent decades, both the number of fires and the total burned area decreased significantly. In fact, burned areas declined by 24.3% between 1998 and 2015, driven by increased vegetation productivity in North Africa and global agricultural expansion.
This trend has continued through 2024:
And it extends back a lot further than 1998:

The UN are guilty of spreading MiSiNfOrMaTiOn.
Sunspot 3981
Sunspot 3981 is rapidly expanding and now positioned directly facing Earth, firing off intense solar flares.
On Feb 3 at 03:58 UT, it unleashed an M8.8-class flare—just shy of reaching the powerful X-class threshold. Updated SOHO coronagraphs will tell us if any CMEs are headed for Earth. For the latest info, check out
I feel that I must be misinterpreting the weather maps you have posted in this article. It looks like temps around 30-40F — BELOW ZERO — are being predicted for February 12. Not only is that well below anything we received in January, it’s well below any temps I have ever experienced in my life. I hear it can get down to -50F in Alaska, but Missouri is not Alaska.
I believe those are “temps below average” – definitely they can look misleading.
Thank you, Jim. But since I don’t know what average temps are for here, it doesn’t help much. I guess it’s going to get cold again. That’s normal for February in
Just Google your average annual temps for your area/city, etc. You’ll see temps by mopnth at least. Qiute simple really.
Thank you!
So I subtracted 32 from the average high and low and I got a high of 14F and a low of -8F. That’s unpleasant, but not unheard of here. If anything, these long warm spells are the weather anomalies we’ve been having here this winter. Yesterday it got to 70F, which is 24 above normal.
I don’t mind another cold spell. I look forward to the opportunity to stay inside and paint and bake. I haven’t made any soup yet this winter. Maybe I’ll do a big pot of vegetable beef. My favorite. And see if I can nail down a good homemade bread recipe. Cold weather has its advantages.
Correct. It is the anomaly, the difference between the forecast and the historical mean.
Yes, Deb, those are temps below normal for a given area.
Look at the green ringed areas. If those were low temps, it would be as cold in New Orleans as it is up in Canada, eh.
Good point, lol!
I think that calling an M-class solar flare “intense: is rather gilding the lily.
In days gone by (|early 2000s) an X-20 flare would have been “intense”. Even today with the less powerful solar flares that we have been experiencing an M-classs flare is not :intense”.
Should we experience an X-15 flare how would you describe it?
More than intense.
I might even curse.
Scientists foot the blame at the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), which might slow down or collapse, plunging the UK into Arctic conditions. Or it might not. They’re not all that sure.
Here we go again, another half of the loaf 🍞
scientific explanation. If southern waters keep
the northern regions warmer then frigid polar waters returning south would keep the equatorial regions cooler. So are they heating up? The Caribbean seems to be cooling.
Claims of the AMOC collapsing are based on predictions of a massive increase in melt water from the Greenland ice sheet changing circulation patterns in the North Atlantic. Given that there’s little or no increase in ice loss over the last 30 years this blows the alarmists theory out the water.
It’s likely that the AMOC collapsed about 12,000 years ago, as the Earth was coming out of the last glacial period, which caused a 1,000 year return to glacial conditions, the Younger Dryas. It’s believed that there was a massive melt water lake (much larger than all the Great Lakes put together) in North America which was held in place by an ice dam. When the dam melted/burst trillions of gallons of fresh water flooded into the Atlantic in a very short period of time collapsing the AMOC. For this to happen again they’d need to be a colossal lake in Greenland that could release ten’s or hundred’s of years worth of meltwater in the space of a couple of years.
Eleven feet of snow forecast next two weeks SW Greenland the most on the planet. Temps interior -56F I don’t think it’s going to melt tomorrow.
NTSB report communications recorded by CRJ. Tower to Aircraft, Aircraft to tower.
The following radio transmissions were received by the CRJ.
8:46:01 PAT 25 informed that traffic just south of the Wilson bridge was a CRJ 1200 feet circling to RW 33
8:47:39 tower radio transmission to PAT 25 asking if the CRJ was insight
From another source:
UHF reply from PAT 25: PAT 25, has the aircraft in sight, REQUEST VISUAL SEPARATION
Not heard by CRJ. CRJ using VHF
From another source:
TOWER ON UHF should also be on VHF, PAT 25 request reply:
The tower approval or
Message Was not heard by the CRJ why not?
Did the NTSB put our bad data?
The controller previously was transmitting on
a paired UHF, VHF channels. What changed?
Something is wrong. CRJ should have heard
On second later the CRJ crew received automated traffic traffic alert.
8:47:42 tower transmission to PAT 25 directing
it to pass behind the CRJ
8:47:58 CRJ crew verbal reaction, CRJ CRJ controlled aircraft to pitch up
8:47:59 sounds of impact the recording ended.
List of DC area improvements that could be made.
No case where VFR should be used as a procedure in this area. The people of the United States are paying for Air-traffic control and they should get it, especially when the vertical separation is like threading a needle.
In an area where joint military and civilian aircraft co-mingle, VHF should be used by both parties so mutual awareness is established.
The system should be updated to blink the altitude of Helicopters above 200 feet.
The FAA should be aware of & use the full range helicopter flight capabilities. As an example the traffic controller should have asked the PAT 25 aircraft to duck to 150’
and hover until civilian traffic passes in front of him.
NTSB report
1) If the helo had stayed at or below it’s mandated ceiling, no crash.
It climbed quickly above that ceiling.
2) If the helo had maintained a consistent ground speed, no crash.
It sped up.
3) If the helo had flown the proper flight course, no crash. It deviated toward the incoming aircraft.
I buy any one of those flight anomalies as simple pilot error. All three? Not likely by accident, imo.
The wolf of the Patomac.
I wouldn’t bet against what you are thinking.
to Mystic: Right on! Thanks for this. I have not flown passenger for a long time. NOw, I simply will not due to the last 4 years and more of the DEI stuff. I want my airline pilot hopefully to have had like Air Fprce combat type experience, and also to NOT have a Boeing plane under me. So much for my rabbit hole. But thanks for the info.
31 degrees F above average in Texas today according to Accuweather, it’s hot.
The Mexi volcano erupting pushing heat up into US following solar activity. Heatwave all week then cold front next week BFD.
Aloha Cap, et al;
Today, 2.3.25; in Norman, OK, just south of Oklahoma City, OK, we sit here in 82ºF, Bright Sun, clear skies and gentle South winds.
If I had not started fasting, I might go ride my bicycle in the pleasant, Hawaii-like Day in central Oklahoma.
I can see from the climate change B.S. that the cold weather doesn’t “flow” all the way south into OK. Not this week. Maybe next week, or the week after that, if not the week after that. Wo knows. Definitely not the UN or the PEOPLE in NYC.
I will force myself to enjoy this very pleasant WEATHER.
A hui ho’u,
Steven Blue
(Former hang glider – which makes me a “weather expert” because a hang glider pilot’s life depends upon ACCURATE weather interpretation.)
Ten solar flares the last 48 hours and there were steady flares before those the days before. Also there was a solar wind storm from a coronal hole over the weekend. All these add up and made a heatwave PLUS the Mexican volcano erupted and the plume went North I’ve been watching it for days.
Still heavy SO2 in the Gulf of Mexico the plume extends all the way to EU. Plume also went SW into the Pacific O into the jet stream it’s still shown on SO2 map.
The weak mag shield lets in more solar activity, that’s in the GSM handbook along with cosmic rays. Ten solar flares last 48 hours after a solar wind storm. Heatwave not from CO2 it’s from solar activity.
The Sun is active now because Mercury is on the other side of the Sun in an alignment. Mercury opposite, Next alignment on the 15th Mercury goes by Saturn and also Venus goes by Mars same time, a double alignment which increases potential for solar activity. New Moon the 27th while Mercury twards Jupiter will increase solar activity. In March on New Moon the 29th we have Mercury in retrograde and Venus also going by Earth the same time. This increases potential for large solar flares.
Watch planetary positions for free on SimSolar:
Trump has picked the best and brightest controller for
this flight.
Joe Biden
The big solar flares in ’05 were years after solar max when everybody thought the cycle was all done. X 17 caused Hurricane Katrina. 41 flares in 23 days caused many hurricanes and typhoons it was a busy season.
The Sun’s mag strength dropped after that big ’05 solar storm, it was spent. Then in 2007 it got cold and ’08 and ’09 was the worst no corn crop here just miles of mud. Bank crash the same year economy was dead they were dark days.
The ’05 solar storm can be seen on the solar cycle chart just a little blip but look at how low the sunspot count was in Sept ’05 on the chart:
Gotta wait just a little longer ton be certain. The operaional GFS is still sort wishy washy about how far south the cold will come. I’m not certain if it will reach record cold into the South Appalachians yet by the 16th. I think at this point the Midwest and North have the best chance right now.
No don’t become one of those GW believers. That would be real stupid and will destroy the entire credibility of this site forever. The UK is getting colder because Cooling equals Cold. The same goes for everywhere else across the land areas. This “cooling” will intensity dramatically in the next few years.
Yes a cooling planet is the forecast with 2030 a bench mark for that cooling to be full on. The rural temperatures are strongly showing a relentless cooling is occurring.
The date for this catastrophic event keeps getting bumped forward, been going on for 20 years or more. 🤔
Whole-planet climate is complex and chaotic. I don’t look for a bright line beginning point but rather a gradual trending of complimentary (and competing) forces resulting in a tipping toward the cooling phases.
Some folks said the GSM would ‘begin’ in 2014, others in 2020. Solar cycles are themselves only loosely defined; it is the overall trend over a cycle or two pointing toward the beginning of the cooling.
Pick whatever specific timeframe you like – the mid-teens, 2020, now, in the next year or two or three but I do believe conditions will prove the 2030 area of time is a good marker for demonstrating that the GSM is now underway.
Gee, it just seems suspiciously similar to the end of the world dates given by cultists, always inching forward as each new date fails to produce. Are you sure someone is not pulling our leg?
As far as I’m concerned, the burden of proof is on the one making the claim.
UAH GT went up last solar minimum, twice. Where is this official God approved temp forecast you have for 2030 or are you just making up BS? Can you show an official God approved temp chart for the next five years?
Nobody knew Tonga would erupt and heat us up there are unknown unknowns.
Robert Felix said it would snow year round at my house in Seattle by 2015 and it got record hot and killed all the salmon. Record hot El Nino when Ice Age Now Robert Felix said it would freeze over for decades.
nice article.
if all extremes are caused by climate change they cannot ever be wrong!!
thank you