Cool September In Alaska; First -20C (-4F) Of The Season In Russia; + “New Little Ice Age Instead Of Global Warming?”
Cool September In Alaska
Alaska isn’t playing by the AGW Party rulebook this year, with both temperatures and wildfires performing poorly.
The average temperature in Alaska last month has come out at 40.6F, which is 0.8F below the standard multidecadal norm.
NOAA, however, insist on using the average period ‘1925-2000’ for their press releases (shown below) meaning, by their account, September in Alaska ranked “near normal in the 99-year record”:
As also touched on, Alaska’s wildfire season proved another quiet one, which supports the overall global downward trend.
The mainstream contention, however, as pushed by the USDA’s Climate Hub, remains this: “Climate change is increasing the risk of large, frequent, and severe wildfires as rapidly warming temperatures and longer growing seasons affect Alaska.”
That’s the spiel, but below is the associated (and official) data (for Alaska as well as parts of Canada).
I fail to see the ‘fingerprints of climate change’ in the charts.
First -20C (-4F) Of The Season In Russia
The northern federal subjects of Russia have been holding anomalously-cold of late.
Russia’s first -20C (-4F) of the season has come early this year.
Tuesday’s low in Delyankir bottomed-out at -21C (-5.8F):
Elsewhere, an unusual -19.9C (-3.8F) was registered in Oymyakon; -13.1C (8.4F) in Verkhoyansk.
A few weeks ago now, on September 23, Verkhoyansk posted a low of -10.1C (13.8F) which made for the town’s earliest -10C in almost 15 years, since the Sept 17 of 2008 (solar minimum of cycle 24).
Across northern Siberia, in particular, ‘blues’ have been the dominant feature since the onset of fall, hinting at a potentially harsh winter to come.
While shifting eastwards, across the Bering Straight and through Alaska, a new seasonal low has been observed in Canada, too: Tuesday’s low in Eureka, Nunavut plunged to -27.3C (-17.1F):
Eastern Canada’s largest ski resort, Mont Tremblant, recorded its first snowfall of the season on Monday, October 9.
The resort took to social media to share photos of the accumulating snow:
“Snow in the beginning of October is simply a bonus,” reported — and it could be a sign of things to come.
Mont Tremblant joins Whiteface and Mount Washington as eastern resorts to have received their first substantial snows of the season, with forecasters predicting a strong chance for multiple Nor’easters this winter given the developing El Niño event.
A growing number of forecasts are calling for “huge snowstorms” this winter along the eastern seaboard.
“New Little Ice Age Instead Of Global Warming?”
[This next section was originally published Sept 7, 2020 on the now censored]
Among the long list or scientific papers suggesting a solar-driven spell of global cooling is on the cards, Dr Theodor Landscheidt’s ‘New Little ICE Age Instead of Global Warming?‘ probably has the claim of priority.
Published in 2003, just a year before his death, Landscheidt’s research is standing the test of time, and is still largely on course to be proved correct.
The paper’s abstract begins:
‘Analysis of the sun’s varying activity in the last two millennia indicates that contrary to the IPCC’s speculation about man-made global warming as high as 5.8C within the next hundred years, a long period of cool climate with its coldest phase around 2030 is to be expected.’
Crucially, in the growing list of research concluding that a solar-driven multidecadal spell of global cooling is on the cards (research from multiple studies of quite different characteristics), the year 2030 ALWAYS features prominently. Unlike the IPCC, which tosses its thermageddon doomsday date back and forth like a hot potato, researchers who track the multimillennial plays of the cosmos (namely those of the Sun) routinely land on the year 2030 as being the date of ‘climate deterioration’: this in itself should serve as compelling evidence.
Dr Landscheidt continues:
‘It is shown that minima in the 80 to 90-year Gleissberg cycle of solar activity, coinciding with periods of cool climate on Earth, are consistently linked to an 83-year cycle in the change of the rotary force driving the sun’s oscillatory motion … As the future course of this cycle and its amplitudes can be computed, it can be seen that the Gleissberg minimum around 2030 and another one around 2200 will be of the Maunder minimum type accompanied by severe cooling on Earth. This forecast should prove skillful as other long-range forecasts of climate phenomena, based on cycles in the sun’s orbital motion, have turned out correct as for instance the prediction of the last three El Niño years before the respective event.’
Dr Landscheidt concludes his introduction with the IPCC’s position on global warming, and he points to a growing list of publications showing a solar-climate connection:
‘The IPCC’s judgement that the solar factor is negligible is based on satellite observations available since 1978 which show that the Sun’s total irradiance, though not being constant, changes only by about 0.1 percent during the course of the 11-year sunspot cycle. This argument, however, does not take into account that the Sun’s eruptional activity (energetic flares, coronal mass ejections, eruptive prominences), heavily affecting the solar wind, as well as softer solar wind contributions by coronal holes have a much stronger effect than total irradiance. The total magnetic flux leaving the Sun, dragged out by the solar wind, has risen by a factor of 2.3 since 1901 (Lockwood et al., 1999), while global temperature on earth increased by about 0.6°C. The energy in the solar flux is transferred to the near-Earth environment by magnetic reconnection and directly into the atmosphere by charged particles. Energetic flares increase the Sun’s ultraviolet radiation by at least 16 percent. Ozone in the stratosphere absorbs this excess energy which causes local warming and circulation disturbances. General circulation models developed by Haigh (1996), Shindell et al. (1999), and Balachandran et al. (1999) confirm that circulation changes, initially induced in the stratosphere, can penetrate into the troposphere and influence temperature, air pressure, Hadley circulation, and storm tracks by changing the distribution of large amounts of energy already present in the atmosphere.’
Moving on, Section 3 of the paper includes this golden nugget:
‘If the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide (CO2) were the dominant cause of the observed rise in global temperature, the trend of this rise would be similar to the continuously rising CO2-trend shown [below] after Peixoto and Oort (1992).

‘The course of the Northern Hemisphere land air temperature, however, represented by the thick line in Fig. 4, does not follow the CO2 trend.

‘The increase in surface temperature from 1890 to 1940 was steeper and smoother than in the current warming phase since the early 1980s though the rate of anthropogenic emissions at that time was only 10% of the present rate. From 1940 through the late 1960s temperatures were falling in spite of the fast rise of anthropogenic CO2-emissions.
‘A closer look shows that nearly all Gleissberg minima back to 300 A.D., as for instance around 1670 (Maunder minimum), 1810 (Dalton minimum), and 1895, coincided with a cool climate in the Northern Hemisphere, whereas Gleissberg maxima went along with warm climate as for instance around 1130 (Medieval climate optimum). The degree of temperature change was proportional to the respective amplitudes in the Gleissberg cycle. During the Maunder minimum solar activity was minimal and during the Medieval Climate Optimum very high, probably even higher than in the six decades of intense solar activity before 1996.’
In subsequent sections, Dr Landscheidt’s paper delves into ‘the length of the 11 year solar cycle and temperature’, it looks at ‘the relationship between solar eruptions and global temperature’, as well as the ‘forecast of deep Gleissberg minima and cold climate around 2030 and 2200’.
My summary serves as a brief introduction to Dr Theodor Landscheidt’s work, and of course should not be seen as a substitute for reading the paper itself, which concludes with a damning verdict on the IPPC’s scientific method:
‘The IPCC’s “story lines”, far from forecasts as practiced in other fields of science, are nearly exclusively supported by runs of General Circulation Models (GCM). These models are based on the same type of nonlinear differential equations which induced Lorenz in 1961 to acknowledge that long-range weather predictions are impossible because of the atmosphere’s extreme sensitivity to initial conditions. It is not conceivable that the “Butterfly Effect” should disappear when the prediction range of a few days is extended to decades and centuries.
‘The IPCC-hypothesis of global warming requires that long-wave radiation to space is reduced because of the accumulating anthropogenic greenhouse gases. Actually, satellites have observed a trend of increasing tropical long-wave radiation to space over the past two decades (Wielicki et al., 2002). GCMs predict greater increase in temperature with increasing distance from the equator, but observations show no net change in the polar regions in the past four decades (Comiso, 2000; Przybylak, 2000; Venegas and Mysak, 2000). According to the most recent data, Antarctica has cooled significantly (Doran et al., 2002) instead of warming.’
In this prominent paper’s final section (11), it is concluded:
‘We need not wait until 2030 to see whether the forecast of the next deep Gleissberg minimum is correct. A declining trend in solar activity and global temperature should manifest long before the deepest point in the development. The current 11-year sunspot cycle 23 with its considerably weaker activity seems to be a first indication of the new trend, especially as it was predicted on the basis of solar motion cycles two decades ago. As to temperature, only El Niño periods should interrupt the downward trend, but even El Niños should become less frequent and strong.’
Landscheidt’s contentions are indeed chiming with reality — the truest test of any theory…
Solar physicist, Valentina Zharkova, discovered how two magnetic dynamos at different depths in the Sun give the 11-year sunspot cycle and another cycle of around 400 years. She says that the Sun is going to be cooling enough to lead to a mini-ice age for around 40 years with probable crop failures starting in a few years.
‘Modern Grand Solar Minimum will lead to terrestrial cooling’
NOAA agrees, and forecasts that the Sunspot Number currently around 100-200 will start dropping starting in 2025 and reaching single digits in 2031 and zero in 2040 when their forecast ends. The cooler sunspots are associated with hotter areas that increase solar output and fewer sunspots will reflect a lower solar output with lower magnetic fields more galactic cosmic rays and more clouds leading to terrestrial cooling.
There is no SC26 prediction yet on that NOAA link you’re making a religion out of rounding numbers repeating fake news over and over and over.. Many studies including one posted on here show SC26 stronger than SC25, ’09 was the bottom. The science isn’t settled. Ben Davidson has shown us several such studies I saved all the charts on my last pute including Zharkova’s. NOAA’s prediction will be after SC25 plays out in a few years because they don’t know what the sun is going to do in the next two years or anyone else. The science isn’t settled. By the time SC25 plays out and NOAA could make their SC26 prediction we’ll all be dead from WW3. Extinction event. SC26 prediction moot. If we don’t stop WW3 we won’t be here the main focus should be stop WW3 now. It’s out of control now with the Middle East blowing up. Terminal velocity. There is no Peace movement, never even started. We need to prove humans are smarter than yeast but so far it’s not happening. Nukes fly all the volcanos will go off and it will snow killing any who survived the nukes. A big radioactive snowball hurling through space with no life on it. Not a good plan. No PPP there. Too bad nobody sane stepped up and led us into peace and prosperity. Bummer. Scheduled power outage here Thursday night from midnight to seven AM which is tonight since it’s 02:27 early Thursday on the midwatch. No net later tonight, in the dark with a candle on Friday the thirteenth waiting for the hypersonic missiles. Oh goody. Cyclone NW US Monday followed by remnants from Super Typhoon off Japan now, next week. Warm weather created events with cold fronts, same as it ever was.—add-more-layers/overlays?gust,2023101515,45.429,-172.969,5,i:pressure,m:eQxak1N
Actually if you look up the cycles 180, 360,1440,11500 and 100,000 years you will see that the science is settled .