“Follow The Silence”
I’ll be back with a full-length article Sept 13. In the meantime, here’s a brief look at Cook’s infamous ‘97%’ study.
Science is not done by consensus, it isn’t a vote.
Historically, the claim of consensus has been the first refuge of scoundrels; it is a way to avoid debate by claiming that the matter is already settled. Whenever you hear the consensus of scientists agrees on something or other, reach for your wallet, because you’re being had.
Michael Crichton
Regarding ‘global boiling’, the widely-publicized ’97% consensus’ study was done by Australian John Cook — a conclusion that to this day is routinely regurgitated by AGW Party members:
John Kerry
97 percent of peer-reviewed climate studies confirm that climate change is happening and that human activity is largely responsible.
But the analysis is patently wrong, and demonstrates a complete misunderstanding/misrepresentation of the data.
Climate researcher David Legates demolished Cook’s study soon after its publications. Unfortunately though, Legates’ revelatory findings –“0.3% consensus, not 97%”– was not so widely circulated.
You read that right — the much-vaunted ‘97% consensus’ turns out to be a mere ‘0.3% consensus’.
Today, the claim that almost all published papers support AGW ‘in some way’ is indeed on its face correct, but only because the vast majority of skeptical papers are now refused at peer-review or publication.
The entire process has been completely subverted to support the UN’s ‘global boiling’ position, which gives the entirely misleading impression that everyone agrees, when they most certainly do not.
Alarmists are quick to claim that ‘the science is settled’, that ‘the debate is over’, but little do they realize the scientific establishment is now setup in such a way to allow only certain theories and particular narratives to enter the public domain.
An honest pursuit of the truth has been traded for the interests of the powerful — AGW has fallen foul of this.
We find ourselves in a reality where facts and fibs are nigh-on impossible to distinguish between, which is by design. Even the critical thinking among us are having a hard time finding which way is up; and as for the trusting, those conditioned by the factory schooling system to accept the mainstream narrative as read, no matter how absurd, well, there is no hope for them.
One truth does remain, however, and forever will: The science, in any subject, is never settled, and so scientific debate should never be censored. My new favorite line doing the rounds: “Follow The Silence”.
For more:
What is it with you denialists and your FIXATION on certain obscure ‘points’ like “muh John Cook 97%”, “muh scientists said the Maldives would be underwater by 2009 but I’m still here!”, “muh scientists said polar ice caps would melt in 2016!” etc. These are carefully crafted denialist strawmen designed to move the goalposts and distract from the fact that a warming trend is clear as day – even Electroverse indirectly admits to this by hosting the UAH graph in the top right of each and every blog page! I ask again – does the UAH show a warming or cooling trend? You decide.
Jupiter/Mercury/Sun/Mars alignment now, solar wind density spike to 40, solar flares active, m6.3quake Philippines, m6 Indo, 5.3 Kamchatka, m5.3 Mexico Hawaii eruption heavy SO2,
Abominably Angry needs to take a look at the date of perihelion. Once that date advances to Southern Hemisphere autumn climate change will head inexorably colder without the ebbing and flowing earth has enjoyed for the last ten thousand years or so.
Raglan is 6′, cold, with the spring equinox south westerlies firing up.
March-April is when it is occasionally 6′-8′ and glassy but not warm like Hawaii.
Solar wind density jumped to 72, nice mag spike:
Last Friday morning I went to the river to go fishing there was a bunch of hillbillies who have been going there their whole lives sitting around talking they were bored because there were no salmon and one logger spawn fellow with a big black bushy beard said there’s no fish because of climate change. Ten minutes later he said it again to me specifically and I asked him ” What protects us from the Sun”? He did not know so I told him “Our mag shield” then I asked “Is it getting weaker or stronger at what rate per year”? since he was an expert on climate he said “I don’t know” and he gave me a weird look and I said “You should look into it it’s getting weaker faster and it’s changing climate not carbon” and he kinda looked at me like I’m a kook because I am ask my neighbor I’ve been telling him about the weakening mag shield for five years and he is all “It’s manmade climate change just like they say on TV” OMG he will never look up anything on his “smart” phone thinks it’s just conspiracy theory and I’m a kook, which I am because nobody pays any attention to the weakening mag shield and it drives my kooky. Oh well, dat’s life.
Hurricane Lee East of Florida tomorrow night waves forty four feet every twelve seconds, that sounds fun:
It shows a slight warming trend but it doesn’t say what has caused this trend. Anyway warm is good for all life, cold kills 1000 times faster than warmth.
‘What is our fixation with incorrect proclamations’, is that seriously your question? How else do you determine the validity of a theory? You yourself listed three spectacular failures without even trying; there are hundreds more. Nothing the AGW Party claims ever comes true, including temperature — the warming since the LIA is still ongoing, but my ‘forecast’ is that a trend change to cooling is near. Time will tell. But I’m not the one forcing a carbon tax on people and claiming it will avert the ETOW.
Bugs Bunny describes this Angler sort of person succinctly “What a maroon!”
Are you for real? Is this comment sarcasm? Because if you are and it isn’t you are either stupid or naive. The simplest answer for simpletons is there is nothing that proves the climate shifts happening today are anything other than natural variability. As a matter of fact, the changes occurring today are consistent with changes that have occurred in the past. The data is consistently indicating humans have little impact on climate. And anyone who recognizes that also recognizes that nothing that is being done today will have any significant impact on climate.
During the Roman Warming Period Hannibal crossed the Alps with his elephants in his war with Rome. He couldn’t do that today because it’s too cold with too much ice and snow. Then the Roman Warming Period ended and the Dark Ages Cooling Period began. The climate had changed and humanity suffered as a result.
Next came the Medieval Warming Period and the Vikings established a thriving colony in Greenland with crops and farm animals. But the climate changed and the Little Ice Age began about 1250. It became too cold in Greenland so the Viking colony died out and humanity suffered as a result.
The Little Ice Age ended about 1850 and the modern warming began. Since then humanity has greatly benefited from the warmth and food production has skyrocketed and climate-related deaths have plummeted.
If the climate changes again and another cold period begins look to history to see what will happen to humanity especially if the Climate Alarmists get their way and ban fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are the substance of life and prosperity.
Look to history to see if you prefer warm or cold. Ask the Donner Party who suffered through the winter of 1846-47. Do you really want humanity to suffer through another cooling period? Think crop failures, mass starvation, cold related deaths…
NOAA show that the Earth has been cooling since 2016:
NASA show that the Arctic minimum ice extent has been growing since 2012:
The original prediction for Arctic ice was that it would be gone “by 2000” three years before Great Thunberg was born!!! And that date has constantly been moved to later and later dates ever since. Every time this claim was made us deniers said it wouldn’t happen so for the 24 years the score is climate scientists 100% wrong, deniers 100% right. Even someone idiot tossing a coin to decide if a year would be ice-free or not would have been right 50% of the time, so how come the self-declared climate experts have done so badly compared to idiots?
lists the “expert”s predictions in due-by date order with the earliest at the bottom. Again, us deniers said those predictions would never come true. Of the 51 that have reached their due-by date NONE has been correct (and none of them has come true in the period since their due-by date – 49 years since in the earliest case), so again the score is “experts” 100% wrong, deniers 100% right, and also again, had an idiot been tossing a coin to decide if the predictions would come true or not, the idiot would have been right 50% of the time.
So the question has to be: why on Earth do you believe people who, at 100% wrong, have done far worse than even an idiot tossing a coin at 50% wrong, and denigrate those of us who have been 100% right?
Pointing out that those you believe have been 100% wrong is not a strawman argument, it is proof that those people you believe in haven’t got a clue what they are talking about.
The climate scientists have changed the definition of “climate” so now it only 30 years instead of the thousands to million of years it was before, it’s now basically weather which is always changing.
The geological climate of the Earth is and ongoing 2.56 million year ice age named the Quaternary Glaciation. That is very seldom mentioned in climate articles. The Earth is in a warm interglacial period that happens about every 100,000 years and lasts about 10,000 years which alternates with a cold glacial period that lasts about 90,000 years. The Earth still has around 200,000 glaciers and 11 percent of the land is permafrost. The ice age the Earth is in won’t end and the geological climate won’t officially change until all the natural ice melts.
This recent study shows that cold weather we have every year causes about 4.6 million deaths a year mainly through increased strokes and heart attacks, compared with about 500,000 deaths a year from hot weather. We can’t easily protect our lungs from the cold air in the winter and that causes our blood vessels to constrict causing heart attacks and strokes.
‘Global, regional and national burden of mortality associated with nonoptimal ambient temperatures from 2000 to 2019: a three-stage modelling study’
This article from 2015 says that cold weather kills 20 times as many people as hot weather and that moderately warm or cool weather kills far more people than extreme weather. Increased strokes and heart attacks from cool weather are the main cause of the deaths.
‘Mortality risk attributable to high and low ambient temperature: a multi-country observational study’ https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(14)62114-0/fulltext
We have technology in the form of warm clothes, warm shoes, warmed houses, warmed automobiles and buses and warmed workplaces to shield us from the cold but we don’t have similar technology to shield us from the heat. In most places in the US a person would die of hypothermia if the person had to live outside in the winter with only minimal regular clothes on.
What even is the purpose of trying to keep the Earth cold when 4 million plus people are dying from the cold each year? It just seems like lunacy or hopefully it is just because of the people making policy are ill-informed.
There is a paper by the solar physicist, Valentina Zharkova, who discovered how two magnetic dynamos at different depths in the Sun give the 11-year sunspot cycle and another cycle of around 350-400 years. The author says that the Sun is going to be cooling enough to lead to a mini-ice age for around 40 years with probable crop failures starting in a few years.
‘Modern Grand Solar Minimum will lead to terrestrial cooling’
NOAA also agrees that the sunspot number will be reducing starting in 2025 and going to zero in around a decade and that will reflect a lower solar output leading to terrestrial cooling.
The Beaufort Gyre in the Arctic Ocean is also set to release its fresh water into the North Atlantic which may slow down or stop the transport of heat from the tropics and cool Europe and the eastern US substantially.
First observational evidence of Beaufort Gyre stabilization, which could be precursor to huge freshwater release
Recent state transition of the Arctic Ocean’s Beaufort Gyre
It looks more like the upcoming weather is going to be much colder in the coming years and that is what the governments should be spending their trillions on instead of spending it on instead of trying to keep it from getting a little bit warmer, which would probably be more helpful than harmful in terms of lives lost to weather anyway.
Just in case Adaminaby Angler is interested in replies to their comments.
UAH clearly shows warming trend, however it tells us nothing about the cause of that trend.
Saying that only an idiot denies climate change is the ultimate strawman. All “climate sceptics” know that climate has always changed and are sure that the changes in the last 150 years are no different from the changes in the past.
If AA want’s a constructive discussion rather than just trolling they should read replies and respond to them.
Mr Angry
I read the responses to your diatribe but they were not good enough.
The coming global warming crisis is a prediction, not a fact.
When we hear predictions of the long term climate, we examine prior predictions of the long term climate for accuracy..
We have found that 100% of long term climate predictions in the past century have been wrong.
Many predictions were for climate doom — all wrong.
That’s why we do not take long term climate predictions seriously. Those predictions are not science. Science requires data. There are no data to support climate predictions of rapid, dangerous global warming, sometimes called CAGW.
Why are there no CAGW data?
Because CAGW has never happened, so there are no historical CAGW data, And there are never data for the future. So predictions of CAGW are data-free. Data-free predictions are astrology, not science.
“muh scientists said the Maldives would be underwater by 2009 but I’m still here!”
Can give us the name(s) of the scientists or their peer reviewed papers which state that the Maldives will be underwater by 2009? And I mean the source not links to media sites/ newspaper articles.
Thanks in advance.
It wasn’t all that long ago that “The Science” said that the Sun revolved around the Earth. Then when that didn’t work out “The Science” said the Earth was flat.
Yup 97% is ALWAYS right…
Cap, i commented on another thread about the Adaminaby angler. It will belong to a misinformed group hailing from Cooma NSW that is so embolden in the AGW cult that the only science they adhere to is, ” muh world is burning to a sliver, doomed I tell you, we’re all doomed”.
My best advice to everyone here, ignore the troll. This fool wouldn’t last 5 sec over at WUWT.
The troll probably hasn’t heard all of the facts that make supporting the Climate Change point of view very wrong. Just the fact that each year around 4.6 million people die from cold or cool weather compared to 500,000 people dying because of warm or hot weather might make him reevaluate his position that cold or cooler weather is better than hot or warmer weather, and that’s just one fact, there are many others that make the Climate Change point of view wrong and even potentially harmful. The Sun has just started a Grand Solar Minimum which should make it very cold in Europe and North America, it made it very cold the last time it occurred in the 1600’s. That where the biggest danger is. The cold made crops fail and millions died from famine.
Well in Australia, winters have only been getting milder. Snow used to be a common, nigh-annual occurrence in places like Parkes (300m above sea level in Central West NSW) https://historyparkes.org/2017/06/16/snow-in-parkes-shire/ – The last occurrence of snow in Parkes, was in June 2005. When it used to occur nearly every single year in the early 1900s and 1920s.
Kiandra (1400m), where skiing was pioneered in Australia, nowadays struggles to manage a winter snowpack – with winter 2023 being almost entirely deprived of ANY snow at Kiandra, let alone skiable snow! You denialists are frankly at odds with Australian history.
Here in Tumbarumba (650 to 700m), it would traditionally snow at least two times per annum and sleet would occur on several days of the year. Above 900m in the hills (Maragle and so on), it would be snowbound from time to time in July and August and skiable at times to 900m! That is no longer the case.
I encourage y’all to have a read of this thread:
Let’s see if your beloved Cap Allon would even bother to reference these historical snowfalls when making claims of “Australia shivers with record snow!!!111!!!”
Stating facts about changes says nothing about the cause of changes that have been observed.
Can AA provide a link to a single scientific paper that shows a linear relationship between the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere and the amount of warming. There’s plenty of papers showing that at relatively low amounts CO2 becomes saturated and adding more causes no additional warming.
Another point our guest troll Adaminably Angler conveniently left out of his post was the attempts by the warministas to erase climate history. We’ve seen they will go to extraordinary lengths to keep any information contrary to the global climate warming change from the masses, but also ALTER what has already past. A perfect example of this is from the following about the good ‘ol rube Michael Mann and his “Hockey Stick” garbage. I had not seen this particular write up so everyone might want to check it out. Without further ado, here it is: https://nov79.com/gbwm/trees.html
Adaminably Angler could well be an AI bot. The name above its posts links to something.
LOL ! It links to my Ski.com.au forum profile (the largest weather forum in Australia): https://www.ski.com.au/xf/members/adaminaby-angler.71033/
I resent being called a denier, (well not really, My bottle of F*#K’s is empty) I do not deny any facts at all, as is the case for the people that frequent this site, this is a fact based site.
On the other hand the Friendly Troll and it’s cohorts, seem to do this, science is base on the theory and then proven by real life testing.
If it fails real life testing, Than the theory is in need of review.
Today’s scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wander off through equation after equation, and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality.
~Nikola Tesla
No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right; a single experiment can prove me wrong
-Albert Einstein
It’s all well and Good generating predictions on computer, But the real world is tearing those predictions apart every single day.
A group from Coma, sorry easy mistake Cooma, state of coma in the town. I think the recent cold weather, must be frustrating these people, with the MSM saying the world is boiling, and the record breaking minimum temps in the real world of Cooma.
I really don’t need to drive through Cooma, There is no reason to go to Dantoria.
I will stay in Queensland or should that be Kingsland now…
Hope the Move back to the UK was trouble Free Cap.
The didn’t stop you at customs, for carrying bags of Truth into the country…
Have a great one folks….
What ‘record-breaking minimum temps’ are you even on about? Minimum temperatures were milder than average this “winter” if you could even call it that, and maxima were even further above the mean.
P.S. I’m from the Tumbarumba area, not Cooma
Tumbarumba was even warmer relative to average due to the lack of prevailing westerlies all winter.
You’ve just shown that average temperatures in Tumbarumba are the result of short term weather patterns not longer term warming.
Please carry on commenting and making a fool of yourself.
Surely the “climate deniers” are the IPCC group whose thinking is stuck and little minded by the very mandate they received to investigate “mann-made” global warming eliminating the considerations of Global Electric Circuits heating effects which explain EVERY OUNCE of temperature change ever attributed to CO2!!!
It seems they NEVER EVEN HEARD OF THIS PHENOMENA, a very very GROSS Denial!!
1984 Propaganda like we have never seen before it is!!
Now as to the trend in the UAH data, apparently you haven’t done much with graphs. A “trend” is UP or DOWN. What we have since 2015 is a “Consolidation”.
It is NOT UP!!! The 1998 peak was higher. Since the two twin peaks did NOT break that high, after the consolidation we will have a “BREAKOUT” to the downside, starting now with this extremely brutal winter, PEAKING DOWN in 2032 following the extreme DOWN breakouts we had in Jan 2010 and February 2021, on the 11 year solar cycle. Better buy a new fur coat and cut some more firewood for 2032!!!
Does that help you understand the UAH Graph,
You could also say there was a ‘consolidation’ from about 2000 to 2014…until the trend went UP again and plateaued thereafter (which will then go up again, and again and again). We are in that same ‘consolidation’ period now, only this time it is located HIGHER on the graph.
Sorry, I don’t see your type “Consolidation”.
A very broad view of the entire graph will give a very good warming trend.
Now if you take the peaks from 2018 to present you get a very good cooling trend with a couple spikes. Take the lows. one gets a warming trend.
Now put the two together one gets a triangle pointing to the right. The highs and the lows are converging together NOW.
This normally precedes a breakout. The last two months could be a breakout to the upside.
Analysis: The reason for this could be the 13% increase in water vapor in the atmosphere from the Hunga Tonga event. My daily “sky” temp readings clearly indicate to me a definite relationship between the sky temp and humidity level in SW Florida. When the temp goes up, it rains!!!
Conclusion: Thank God for giving us Hunga Tonga for keeping us warm and safe from the cooling effects from the Grand Solar Minimum!!!
Prediction: Let’s see if these outlier peaks we see last, or if this winter is a brutal as predicted despite being in the middle of the solar cycle!!!
Here are my “Sky” temps the week before Hurricane Ian,
28th Sept 2022 with rain amounts:
23rd 35 F, no rain
24th 42 F, no rain
25th 66 F, no rain
26th 46 F, 0.1 inch (rain after 24 F increase the day before)
27th 60 F, 1.7 inches rain (14 F increase from the day before)
28th 70 F, 10.2 inches rain (10 F increase on top of 14 F increase the day before)
high clouds, windy that morning
Hurricane Ian hit in the afternoon, evening with the Australian Pine trees landing on my 200′ electric service line cutting the power around 4 pm.
Heard on the street today, there is already snow on Pike’s Peak in Colorado!!!
Stay warm Angler!!!
Two feet of snow forecast for Iron Mtn Montana next ten days, ten inches Colorado, nine feet Alaska, eight feet Canada, four feet Greenland, three feet E Siberia, one foot Norway, China and Mongolia, six feet S Ameriac, five feet NZ, one foot Taz, all the way around Antarctic ice sheet up to six feet in one area.
As a Professional Online Trader I have to know my graphs or I go broke.
Wish it was the same for the mann-made climate deniers!!!
Unfortunately, the pit of money paying them their salary still seems to have a little bit of cash still in it. Don’t worry, the pendulum swings, the graph moves, their money pit will run dry!!!
WW3, game over. The Great Reset. Extinction event. Won’t live to see SC25 peak at this rate. FU JB.
Give AA a break. I am from central east Queensland Aust and the winter we just had was on the warmer side. As I have previously said September here used to be wild, wet and windy when we first settled here over 20 years ago. Not so for several years now and definately no sign of it happening this September.
I used to live at Trentham in central Vic in the 1960’s where it typically had light snow once or twice a year – be interesting to know if AA has any records for there.
What I would like to know is what feature(s) of the weather/climate follows the 11 year sunspot cycle?
I understand the longer cycles eg Roman warming etc and am aware the current CO2 issue is just a convenient scare mechanism. (Glaciation was a landscaping feature not far from Trentham – definately no ice cover there for millennia)
Australia is in a downward spiral as far as supply of energy because of the mad adherence to the “climate boiling” thought process – that is the real crisis here – whether to gets warmer or cooler is of no immediate consequence for now. Either way I am building on resilience.
https://www.australianweathernews.com/snow/Snow%20days%20VIC.htm – a snowy days observation site at Woods Point (698m, same elevation and latitude as Trentham) shows an annual average of 7.8 snowy days between 1957 and 1969. Omeo (685m) shows an annual average of 4.7 snowy days between 1957 and 2004, however it should be noted that Omeo lay on the eastern/leeward side of the dividing range and shielded from the prevailing westerlies, hence the much warmer maximum temperatures and drier winters than Trentham and Woods Point on the windward west side of the ranges.
Truthfully I’ve no clue where the ’13 snowy days’ on Trentham’s Wiki page comes from…I will remove that shortly and replace it with the official 7.8 snowy days sourced at Woods Point (which mind you includes falling, non-sticking snow, so settling snow on one or two days as you said seems about right). 13 days did seem awfully high for Trentham.
I must say that snow is by no means a indicator of cold weather, It must have the right amount of moisture and the right conditions to generate snow or sleet.
and does not change the fact that the country has had mild summers and very cold winters, In my area, all time records have been broken for minimum temps,
In fact the south East of Queensland has had many records broken. Even in Cairns and many parts of Western Queensland have had record breaking minimum
temps .
The Geospatial company I work for has offices in each state, Two in Queensland One in Brisbane and Cairns., and customers across the country and all around the pacific islands including PNG.
So we get constant feedback on weather conditions indirectly through discussions with customers and colleagues and also via data from instrumentation used in the field.
Could you provide the details of the years of snow falls for your area.
I have notice since i was a child the correlational between local flooding and the 11 and 22 year cycles of the sun.
And it fits, it fits very well right back at least 1820.
the eleven year cycle is from a minimum in the sunspot count and as the number rises to around 40 to 50, we have major flooding in the Brisbane Bremer rivers.
There is the 22 year cycle, where the decline from a maximum down to a minimum count and again when reaching around the 50 to 40 count, major flooding.
Last two have been eleven year events, last year 2022 and prior 2011 (and not 2000 but 2001 this is at a higher point of the cycle), 1988-1989, 1978 ??. then 1967-1968, not 1956, but 1955, not 1945 but 1946, 1934-1935,
22 year events 1974, 1996, not 1952 but 1951. and not 1930, but 1931 and then 1908, not 1886 but 1887. then 1864, 1841 not 1842
This is just a quick check with Noaa Solar cycle progression interactive charts and Flooding reports for the Brisbane and Bremer rivers and catchment areas, plus reports from news papers on trove.
one day when I get the time, I will have a serious look and see what else is involved. solar events like the 1859 Carrington Flare which is estimated to have been an X80 event. so would be interesting to see what effects it generated on the planet
the sun clearly is the driving force of the GEC and the effects on the weather systems of the planet.
and I haven’t mentioned the Droughts yet…
32.6% stated we cause “some” warming.
How meaningless is this???
If you breathe out, or fart, or express an opinion, when the air temperature is less than 98.4ºF, then you caused “some” warming….
It’s good enough for politicians though, because 97% of people are content to be spoon fed their views…