Harsh Chill Sweeps Taiwan; Antarctica Nears -70C (-94F); Snow Persists Across U.S.; Pileups In Russia; + March Accumulations In Japan, Rare Tokyo Flakes
Harsh Chill Sweeps Taiwan; Antarctica Nears -70C (-94F); Snow Persists Across U.S.; Pileups In Russia; + March Accumulations In Japan, Rare Tokyo Flakes
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13 Thoughts to “Harsh Chill Sweeps Taiwan; Antarctica Nears -70C (-94F); Snow Persists Across U.S.; Pileups In Russia; + March Accumulations In Japan, Rare Tokyo Flakes”
Taipei Taiwan was 86 F last week,14 degrees above ave. The heatwave starts again tomorrow, forecast 89F next Tue and Wed a whole week way above ave. The lowest daytime temp of this cold front was 58F which would be warmer than ave here and we’d call that a very nice day not harsh coolness crisis.
Cyclone off E Japan yesterday gusting 77mph Typhoon pulling cold air off Northern E Asia. Cyclone heat driven. The same cyclone is now SE of Kamchatka gusting 98mph pulling cold air over Japan and SO2 from Kamchatka volcanos into the cyclone. Waves there now 32 feet every 11 seconds. Cyclone from solar activity, look at the electron chart. Finding cold fronts from cyclones from solar activity but blaming no solar activity for years.
Same cyclone headed here bringing an atmospheric river with it loaded with SO2 from all over. 75 volcanos erupting from solar activity. As the electrons increased the NH snow amount increased from volcanos.
Yes Sir, I read all about that in 2012 and have a great chart that shows the
super volcanos that blew during the GSMs since time began. I started reading every day at Ice Age Now in ’12 and must have heard that big volcanos erupt during GSM 5000 times including here since they killed Robert Felix with the vax.
Waiting for the super volcano in GSM I watch all the other volcanos erupting and how they influence global weather seven days and nights a week. 75 volcanos erupting now, An SO2 plume just went through S Korea, Taiwan and Japan. The cold front went down to Nam. The warm front went up into the Arctic and then down into E Asia loaded with SO2 from Kamchatka volcano from solar activity. During cosmic ray max the volcanos were silent. No SO2 from volcanos on the map until the solar flares started at the beginning of SC25. Cosmic rays at twenty two year low now and electrons are strongest in years.
Cap, what are your thoughts on this Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI) going on over most of the globe? We see it almost daily in our skies. Last Sunday I was working outside. I watched the spraying, watched the “clouds” develop then the sky was totally covered. An absolute gorgeous day turned gray, cold and gloomy. I took several pictures as the process developed.
There is no such thing as SAI. What you are seeing is called clouds and they are caused by routine weather phenomena. The internet is ripe with folks who barely understand science. Our problem is the weather is changing for the worse per predictable long term cycles driven by our sun.
Contrails turn to cirrocumulus clouds which look like fish scales so they used to call it Mackerel Sky. Old saying from pre TV or internet, Mackerel Sky, not 24 hours dry. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mackerel_sky
Saw some numbers this morning on Adapt 2030 YouTube, paper to physical ratios for gold and silver. Gold is leveraged 131 to one, they’ve sold every ounce 131 times but there’s only one ounce. That puts gold at $360,713.00 an oz. Silver is leveraged 409 to one which puts it at $13,780.00 US dollars an oz.
Will we ever find out what’s in Ft Knox? Even if they told us I would assume it’s all a big fat lie. One vid I watched said the FED has a lien on all but .04% of all US gold, they sold it all but a tidbit. We need to know our status on all that ASAP. Now. Get er done already.
What GARBAGE is this about Japan and the stupid establishment? The heavy snow this winter until now was because of ongoing climatic cooling.
Some asshole outlet will always find an excuse to blame every single stupid event on GW. Those two words are ILLEGAL terms not allowed to be used anymore. Those words are criminal. If I were to forget to change my underwear, they would blame that on GW.
Taipei Taiwan was 86 F last week,14 degrees above ave. The heatwave starts again tomorrow, forecast 89F next Tue and Wed a whole week way above ave. The lowest daytime temp of this cold front was 58F which would be warmer than ave here and we’d call that a very nice day not harsh coolness crisis.
Cyclone off E Japan yesterday gusting 77mph Typhoon pulling cold air off Northern E Asia. Cyclone heat driven. The same cyclone is now SE of Kamchatka gusting 98mph pulling cold air over Japan and SO2 from Kamchatka volcanos into the cyclone. Waves there now 32 feet every 11 seconds. Cyclone from solar activity, look at the electron chart. Finding cold fronts from cyclones from solar activity but blaming no solar activity for years.
Same cyclone headed here bringing an atmospheric river with it loaded with SO2 from all over. 75 volcanos erupting from solar activity. As the electrons increased the NH snow amount increased from volcanos.
75% of super volcanoes happen in Grand Solar Minimums.
Yes Sir, I read all about that in 2012 and have a great chart that shows the
super volcanos that blew during the GSMs since time began. I started reading every day at Ice Age Now in ’12 and must have heard that big volcanos erupt during GSM 5000 times including here since they killed Robert Felix with the vax.
Waiting for the super volcano in GSM I watch all the other volcanos erupting and how they influence global weather seven days and nights a week. 75 volcanos erupting now, An SO2 plume just went through S Korea, Taiwan and Japan. The cold front went down to Nam. The warm front went up into the Arctic and then down into E Asia loaded with SO2 from Kamchatka volcano from solar activity. During cosmic ray max the volcanos were silent. No SO2 from volcanos on the map until the solar flares started at the beginning of SC25. Cosmic rays at twenty two year low now and electrons are strongest in years.
Cap, what are your thoughts on this Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI) going on over most of the globe? We see it almost daily in our skies. Last Sunday I was working outside. I watched the spraying, watched the “clouds” develop then the sky was totally covered. An absolute gorgeous day turned gray, cold and gloomy. I took several pictures as the process developed.
There is no such thing as SAI. What you are seeing is called clouds and they are caused by routine weather phenomena. The internet is ripe with folks who barely understand science. Our problem is the weather is changing for the worse per predictable long term cycles driven by our sun.
Airliners emit water vapor in exhaust which turns to ice crystals:
Contrails are an indicator that a warm front is approaching and it’s going to rain. It was going to rain even if an airliner didn’t fly over and leave a contrail. They taught us about this contrail pattern in college back in the 70s.
Oh noes! The contrails are going to kill us all!! And “they” are doing it.
Contrails turn to cirrocumulus clouds which look like fish scales so they used to call it Mackerel Sky. Old saying from pre TV or internet, Mackerel Sky, not 24 hours dry.
Geoengineeringwatch has info onthat.
Saw some numbers this morning on Adapt 2030 YouTube, paper to physical ratios for gold and silver. Gold is leveraged 131 to one, they’ve sold every ounce 131 times but there’s only one ounce. That puts gold at $360,713.00 an oz. Silver is leveraged 409 to one which puts it at $13,780.00 US dollars an oz.
Will we ever find out what’s in Ft Knox? Even if they told us I would assume it’s all a big fat lie. One vid I watched said the FED has a lien on all but .04% of all US gold, they sold it all but a tidbit. We need to know our status on all that ASAP. Now. Get er done already.
In most places outside the Tropics, a person will die of hypothermia in a few hours if they go outdoors in the winter with few clothes on.
What GARBAGE is this about Japan and the stupid establishment? The heavy snow this winter until now was because of ongoing climatic cooling.
Some asshole outlet will always find an excuse to blame every single stupid event on GW. Those two words are ILLEGAL terms not allowed to be used anymore. Those words are criminal. If I were to forget to change my underwear, they would blame that on GW.
I hope they were joking!!