Global Volcanic Uptick And The Potential Implications: New Study Shows How Historical Eruptions Triggered Global Cooling
Global Volcanic Uptick
News of volcanoes popping off/threatening to pop off are doing the mainstream rounds this week, and while it makes for good ‘clicks’ I am not yet seeing anything overly concerning–over localized hazards that is, in Iceland most notably.
Residents of Iceland’s southwestern town of Grindavik have briefly been allowed back to their homes to collect belongings due to a hush in seismicity. Despite the reprieve however, a volcanic eruption is still expected, warn officials.
Pedrag, a native Serb who has lived in Iceland for many years, was one of those who fled the town with his wife.
“If you talk to Icelandic people who have lived there all their lives, they say they have never felt something like that”.
Another resident, Gisli Gunnarsson, said he feared he might never see his home again and called the situation “grim”.
Volcanologists say that a 15km-long (9 mile) river of magma running under the Reykjanes Peninsula is very active. Latest updates could indicate a smaller impending eruption than was previously thought, but one that would still put the town in real danger.
The river runs under Iceland as well as part of the Atlantic Ocean, and the impact of an eruption on the country –and further afield with regard to aviation and potential cooling– will depend on where exactly the magma breaches the surface.
One of Iceland’s most extensive eruptions occurred in 1783 when a flood of lava lasted for eight months. This produced extensive sulphur clouds which hung over Northern Europe for six months and caused an estimated cooling of 1.3C for the following two years.
Dr Ilyinskaya, who is in regular contact with geologists on the ground, said: “It looked concerning back on Friday and Saturday that we could have something of that scale … That is not the situation that is likely at the moment.”
Dr Bill McGuire, professor emeritus of Geophysical & Climate Hazards, UCL, said: “Grindavik is very close to the position of the new fracture, and its survival is far from assured. Everything depends upon where magma eventually reaches the surface, but the situation doesn’t look good for the residents of the town.”
Despite initial concerns of a much wider eruption now receding, officials are continuing to monitor the situation on a “minute by minute” basis things could change quickly.
The area had remained dormant to volcanic activity for 800 years before a 2021 eruption.
Thor Thordason, professor of volcanology at the University of Iceland, said that the magma is now less than 800m (2,600ft) below the surface and that an eruption appeared imminent.
“Unfortunately, the most likely eruption side appears to be within the boundary of the town of Grindavik,” he pointed out.
Other than Reykjanes volcano in southwest Iceland, we also see Italy’s Mount Etna establishing a new eruptive phase, as well as sizable eruptions at Sabancaya (Peru), Popocatépetl (Central Mexico), Klyuchevskoy (Kamchatka/Russia) and Sakurajima (Japan).
Again though, nothing overly concerning — not yet anyway.

Volcanic eruptions are one of the key climatic forcings that will drive Earth into its next bout of global cooling.
They have been shown to increase in both number and explosivity during bouts of prolonged low solar activity. This is thought to be tied to an influx of cosmic rays (CRs) penetrating and exciting silica-rich magma.
During solar minimums the sun’s magnetic field weakens and the outward pressure of the solar wind decreases . Ths allows more CRs to enter the inner solar system, including our own planet’s atmosphere, agitating magma and sending volcanoes a-popping.
New Study Shows How Historical Eruptions Triggered Global Cooling
A new international study led by Scotland’s University of St Andrews reveals historical high latitude volcanic eruptions caused dramatic global cooling.
“High sensitivity of summer temperatures to stratospheric sulfur loading from volcanoes in the Northern Hemisphere” is led by the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences at St Andrews with international colleagues from Switzerland and the United States, and was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) on November 6.
Unusually cold decades of the past, such as the 540s, 1450s, and 1600s, are associated with large volcanic eruptions, resulting in volcanic sulfate particles reflecting incoming sunlight. However, the source of the volcanic eruptions and the amount of sulfate they injected into the upper atmosphere has been unknown.
To address this, the international team of researchers, led by Dr. Andrea Burke, studied sulfur isotopes in ice cores from Greenland and Antarctica. The isotopes provided a fingerprint of the fraction of the sulfate that reached the stratosphere.
The results, correlated with tree-ring data, reveal that the largest historical cooling periods were due to volcanic eruptions at high latitudes. It also show that the amount of sulfate injected into the stratosphere by these eruption events may have been around half that previously estimated, suggesting that summer temperatures may be highly sensitive to high latitude volcanic eruptions.

“Our data show that when Earth’s climate gets altered, other parts of the climate system can kick in to strongly amplify this initial change,” said Dr. Burke.
“High latitudes feel these amplified climate changes particularly strongly.”
You can read the study for yourself, here.
I first encountered the importance of volcanoes to climate change in the work of the late Robert W Felix, author of “Not by Fire But by Ice” and ” Magnetic Reversals and Evolutionary Leaps”, both good reads.
Robert would sometimes stress how many undersea volcanoes there are, as just another of the many climate variables affecting climate, both in the short term and the long term.
His work, Cap’s and others clearly show the climate fanatics’ modeling attempts to be a fool’s errand and, more likely, a deliberate propaganda campaign.
I read at Ice Age Now every day from 2012 to the end but I already read about solar min/cosmic rays/volcanos/cooling before IAN had a chart collection was watching solar flares cause cyclones tracking them start to end globally 24/7. Quakes too. same as it ever was.
Ironically, there’s a geothermal plant right on the edge of that town in Iceland. Going to get a lot hotter there real soon.
There were 67 confirmed eruptions at some point during 2023 from 66 different volcanoes; 17 of those were new eruptions that started during the year.
Over the course of 2022, the GVP has documented 82 eruptions (on 78 volcanoes). Of those, 31 were eruptions than began this year, another 38
What uptrend?
That’s for the links Cap. Solid. May I make a recommendation if I could……..and maybe it’s just me, but clicking on a link should open the new site in another window instead of redirecting.
Just my .02. Something to consider.
Right click on the link and choose new window or new tab.
Hmmmmmmm………… totally a cooling trend !
Do you bother to read this site before trolling it?
We all know, and Cap has never denied, that there’s been warming up to about 2015, the trend since then has been flat or downwards. This might be the start of a multidecadal cooling trend, which various scientists who haven’t sold out to the corrupt IPCC have been predicting for at least a decade.
Simple enough for you to understand?
During the “Little Ice Age” (1300-1850), there was a major uptick in volcanic eruptions especially during the “Maunder Minimum” (1645-1715) and the “Dalton Minimum” (1790-1830). The main reason is that when the Sun is in a Minimum Cycle, the Sun releases far less solar radiation, therefore lessening the protection it gives our planet from Galactic Cosmic Rays (GCR). GCR then bombards our planet and act almost as microwaves to volcanoes with silica-rich magma, “cooking ” it, exciting the murons, and boom…eruption time. During the Dalton Minimum, Mt. Tambora erupted in 1816, which led to the “Year Without a Summer” and spread pestilence and disease throughout Europe, North America, and East Asia.
“Catastrophe,” by David Keys (ISBN 0-345-40876-4) details the volcanic megaeruption that in 535AD set off a “global chain of revolutions,” with the Roman Empire losing “half its territory in the century following the catastrophe,” and multiple other cataclysmic consequences. Keys demonstrates “these were not isolated upheavals but linked events arising from the same cause and rippling around the world like an enormous tidal wave.”
Compelling reading!