Dr Judith Curry: “It’s A Manufactured Consensus”; U.S. Burn Acreage Fourth-Lowest On Record (Since 1926); UT And CO Still Have Snow; + Barrier Reef Holding On To Record Coral Gains

Dr Judith Curry: “It’s A Manufactured Consensus”

An overwhelming scientific consensus? More like a “manufactured consensus”.

In a recent interview with John Stossel for the New York Post, climate scientist Dr Judith Curry said today’s researchers have alluring incentives to exaggerate the risk of ‘global boiling’ — “fame and fortune”, to name two.

Curry knows all about this because she once spread climate alarm herself. The media loved her for it, and was happy to wine and dine her after she published a study that seemed to show a dramatic increase in hurricane intensity.

“We found that the percent of Category 4 and 5 hurricanes had doubled,” said Curry. “This was picked up by the media,” and then climate alarmists realized, “Oh, here is the way to do it. Tie extreme weather events to global warming!”

“I was adopted by the environmental advocacy groups and the alarmists and I was treated like a rock star,” Curry recounts. “Flown all over the place to meet with politicians.”

But then some researchers pointed out gaps in her research — years with low levels of hurricanes.

“Like a good scientist, I investigated,” said Curry.

She soon realized her critics had a point.

“Part of it was bad data. Part of it is natural climate variability,” she explained.

Curry’s discipline and honesty are increasingly rare commodities these days — the Climategate scandal opened Curry’s eyes to this. Alarmist scientists’ aggressive attempts to hide data suggesting climate change is not a crisis were revealed in leaked emails.

“Ugly things,” Curry said: “Avoiding Freedom of Information Act requests. Trying to get journal editors fired.”

All of this game-playing made Curry realize that there is a “climate-change industry” set up to reward alarmism. “The origins go back to the … UN environmental program,” she explained. Some United Nations officials were motivated by “anti-capitalism. They hated the oil companies and seized on the climate change issue to move their policies along.”

The UN created the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, of course. “The IPCC wasn’t supposed to focus on any benefits of warming. The IPCC’s mandate was to look for dangerous human-caused climate change. Then the national funding agencies directed all the funding … assuming there are dangerous impacts.”

The researchers quickly figured out that the way to get funded was to make alarmist claims about “man-made climate change.”

This is how “manufactured consensus” happens.

Even if a skeptic did get funding, it’s harder to publish because journal editors are alarmists.

“The editor of the journal Science wrote this political rant: The time for debate has ended. What kind of message does that give?”, asked Curry. “Promote the alarming papers!”, she answered, “Don’t even send the other ones out for review. If you want to advance in your career, like be at a prestigious university and get a big salary, have big laboratory space, get lots of grant funding, be director of an institute, there is clearly only one path to go.”

U.S. Burn Acreage Fourth-Lowest On Record (Since 1926)

United States burn area is at history low levels this year.

In data extending back to 1926, burn acreage this year is its fourth lowest in almost a century of data:

And the U.S. is not the anomaly.

Canada is also seeing its burn area reduce:

As is Europe, much to chagrin of BBC reporters during a recent ‘story’.

In fact, the globe as a whole is witnessing a sharp reduction in burn area, again contrary to the alarmist claims (see below), which I would call an even more impressive feat given the ongoing greening of the planet–as revealed by NASA data.

UT And CO Still Have Snow

The MSM’s refusal to report realities such as the following are testament to the agenda at play.

Snow is lingering at Alta Ski Area, Utah in mid-August — an exceptional 2 feet!

Below is an update on the snow depth at Alta’s Devil’s Castle from Adam Fehr, a Ski Utah employee:

Like many others throughout the Western U.S. (at least 19 by my count), Alta posted historic snowfall totals this past winter and spring, smashing its all-time snow record after 900+ inches accumulated.

“At this rate, Alta’s going to still have snow by the time next winter starts,” writes Ian Greenwood of powder.com.

Switching to Colorado, Keystone Resort has gone and bested its previous record for the latest date ever snow tubed:

Snow tubing [Keystone Resort, CO].

Keystone ‘s old record was August 6, but this year, thanks to the historic snow and great preservation work, the hill is still sliding strong with a goal to keep snow tubing running as late as Labor Day.

Barrier Reef Holding On To Record Coral Gains

Like the now stonewalled scares of extinct polar bears and an ice-free Arctic, the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) has gone the same way. MSM-peddled doomsday predictions have once again been proven pitifully inaccurate.

The record-breaking growth reported in 2021-22 has been sustained in the latest annual period (to May 2023). The Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) recently reported that regional average hard coral cover in 2022-2023 was similar to last year, with most reefs witnessing little change.

No bleaching; no cyclones hitting the reef; no crown-of thorns starfish attacks — an alarmists worth nightmare: no alarm.

Like most state-funded scientific bodies, AIMS is fully signed up to climate extremism and delivering politically correct messages to promote the Net Zero solution, writes Chris Morrison of dailysceptic.org.

Despite reporting what is now a substantial multi-year recovery, AIMS claims that the future will bring “more frequent, intense and enduring marine heatwaves, alongside the persistent threat of crown-of thorns starfish outbreaks and tropical cyclones”.

Despite the recover, the likes of the Guardian are desperately fighting to keep the coral destruction story going. A year ago, the rag reported that the GBR still had “some capacity” for recovery, but the window was closing fast as the climate continued to heat. Of course, the Guardian has form as long as your arm on this score, Morrison points out, illuding to George Monbiot’s 1999 article which told its readers that the “imminent total destruction of the world’s coral reefs is not a scare story but a fact”.


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