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14 Thoughts to “August Snow Has U.S. Resorts Planning For Winter; Most Climate Policies Fail To Reduce Emissions; + New Study: Clouds, Not CO2, Control the Climate”
To all,
For anyone stopping in here, in the comments, to see what, we who support Cap Allon, have say, please know that the support that I personally give Cap is well worth the five days of reporting he brings to me, Monday through Friday. Cap digs through news and studies photos, reals, clips forms and graphs, doing an excellent job of reporting to us what others are too afraid to report. For we as a global society have chosen to kill free speech, even though within free speech may be the truth. Cap tries to dig around and find studies and daily reports that confirm what we all can see but are afraid to talk about. This execution of freedom, and mistrust of the common man, is why Cap was forced behind a paywall.
So come and join the conversation, for things are really starting to heat up and cool down, with chaos breaking out everywhere followed by, “since records have been kept”, with the Sun’s dynamo going into a four decade long hibernation.
Wayegon Mike here…you are correct Sir.
Cap & Tony Heller are the two top Climate specialists on the Planet. AND the AGW persons are terrified of them. A Scientist who is sure if his/her Science will debate with facts their stance on the Climate…Mann & others refuse to do so which means they are LYING!
Two top climate BS artists more like it. Why does Heller refuse to show newspaper articles of the various extreme snow events we used to get in Australia, which are no longer occurring?
Weather currently in the southern hemisphere has been affected by the wildfires of Australia in 2019-2020. This creates a belt around the Southern Pole (Polar Vortex) trapping cold air which lowers volatility and increase temperatures for the remainder of the hemisphere. “Radiative impacts of the Australian bushfires 2019–2020 – Part 2: Large-scale and in-vortex radiative heating” Anderson, G. P., Clough, S. A., Kneizys, F. X., Chetwynd, J. H., and Shettle, E. P.: AFGL atmospheric constituent profiles (0–120 km), DTIC, (last access: 2 June 2016), 1986.
The same thing happened this past winter in the Northern hemisphere due to the canadian wildfires of 2023 (warm winter and summer). We may also expect some effect from this year’s (2024) Siberian wildfires.
Alberta Jim is spot on. Censorship has gone ballistic. During the pandemic, I could not use the word ivermectin in comments on the Globe and Mail. Cap has been defunded by advertisers for “disinformation”.
Ontario Don
Amen to Alberta Jim’s comment. Also, what a great paper regarding Earth’s albedo changes explaining most, if not all, the warmer temperatures over the last few decades. As many now believe, the Climate Change theory effectively supports mechanisms to transfer wealth to the already wealthy globalist. As an increasing number of scientists now believe, sun cycles play a huge role in earth’s climate and we seem to be nearing the maximum in this most recent sun spot cycle with a downturn expected into a Solar minimum. Hopefully we do not completely destroy our capacities to provide dependable energy before the colder temperatures begin to take hold.
If you have’nt already, check out ChrisMartzWX on twitter. Seems to be a young Meteorology student havin fun skewering alarmists with acurate rebuttals.
I am very grateful for all your hard work Cap. Please keep it up. I believe there was an old Aussie saying that advised don’t let the b&^$ grind you down. Cheers
To all,
For anyone stopping in here, in the comments, to see what, we who support Cap Allon, have say, please know that the support that I personally give Cap is well worth the five days of reporting he brings to me, Monday through Friday. Cap digs through news and studies photos, reals, clips forms and graphs, doing an excellent job of reporting to us what others are too afraid to report. For we as a global society have chosen to kill free speech, even though within free speech may be the truth. Cap tries to dig around and find studies and daily reports that confirm what we all can see but are afraid to talk about. This execution of freedom, and mistrust of the common man, is why Cap was forced behind a paywall.
So come and join the conversation, for things are really starting to heat up and cool down, with chaos breaking out everywhere followed by, “since records have been kept”, with the Sun’s dynamo going into a four decade long hibernation.
Alberta Jim
Wayegon Mike here…you are correct Sir.
Cap & Tony Heller are the two top Climate specialists on the Planet. AND the AGW persons are terrified of them. A Scientist who is sure if his/her Science will debate with facts their stance on the Climate…Mann & others refuse to do so which means they are LYING!
Two top climate BS artists more like it. Why does Heller refuse to show newspaper articles of the various extreme snow events we used to get in Australia, which are no longer occurring?
Weather currently in the southern hemisphere has been affected by the wildfires of Australia in 2019-2020. This creates a belt around the Southern Pole (Polar Vortex) trapping cold air which lowers volatility and increase temperatures for the remainder of the hemisphere. “Radiative impacts of the Australian bushfires 2019–2020 – Part 2: Large-scale and in-vortex radiative heating” Anderson, G. P., Clough, S. A., Kneizys, F. X., Chetwynd, J. H., and Shettle, E. P.: AFGL atmospheric constituent profiles (0–120 km), DTIC, (last access: 2 June 2016), 1986.
The same thing happened this past winter in the Northern hemisphere due to the canadian wildfires of 2023 (warm winter and summer). We may also expect some effect from this year’s (2024) Siberian wildfires.
Well said Jim. And well done Cap.
Alberta Jim is spot on. Censorship has gone ballistic. During the pandemic, I could not use the word ivermectin in comments on the Globe and Mail. Cap has been defunded by advertisers for “disinformation”.
Ontario Don
Amen to Alberta Jim’s comment. Also, what a great paper regarding Earth’s albedo changes explaining most, if not all, the warmer temperatures over the last few decades. As many now believe, the Climate Change theory effectively supports mechanisms to transfer wealth to the already wealthy globalist. As an increasing number of scientists now believe, sun cycles play a huge role in earth’s climate and we seem to be nearing the maximum in this most recent sun spot cycle with a downturn expected into a Solar minimum. Hopefully we do not completely destroy our capacities to provide dependable energy before the colder temperatures begin to take hold.
If you have’nt already, check out ChrisMartzWX on twitter. Seems to be a young Meteorology student havin fun skewering alarmists with acurate rebuttals.
In case anyone wants to check him out
Damn, where’s the edit button! Having…accurate
Ah we know what ys meant kid

Rare rain event over the Sahara, the northward shift of ITCZ could bring years’ worth of rainfall in 2 weeks
I agree with Alberta Jim 100% – keep up the great work, Cap!
I am very grateful for all your hard work Cap. Please keep it up. I believe there was an old Aussie saying that advised don’t let the b&^$ grind you down. Cheers
I fully agree with and commend Alberta Jim’s comments and observations.
It’s also great to see increased the commenting this day!
The more I read Cap’s articles and the comments, the more I realize how incredibly complex are the forces shaping the earth’s climate movements.