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28 Thoughts to “China Broke 117 Low Temperature Records On Thursday; Surprise La Niña; Cold Outbreaks Still Being Blamed On Global Warming; + X6.3 Flare (But No CME?)”
“The idea, promoted by Gates and leftist billionaire George Soros, involves pumping manmade white clouds containing chalk dust and other chemicals into the atmosphere to reflect sunlight away from the Earth’s surface.
“Blocking the sun’s light would allegedly lower the planet’s temperature enough to reverse global warming.”
—Hopefully, these madmen can’t put enough particulate matter and aerosols into the atmosphere to be significant. But, who knows, a little may be all it takes to accelerate the solar minimum cooling.
So, when these guys get the population reduced, how are these survivors be able to work given all the vaccines, bad food, and all that? After 70+ shots plus the “jab” and all the “boosters” based on lies, how are the people going to be fit slaves. I myself would want my slave to be in pretty good shape to do a good day’s work. Well, that’s my rant for today.
They’ll have robots to do the work. Slaves only need to be able to scream and cower.
The agenda is to destroy God’s creation., but so few people put the pieces together. For many, not until evil incarnate makes itself known, and destruction becomes widespread.
The illusion that all is “normal” grows ever thinner.
Actually, the plan began in the garden of Eden. The tower of Babel was a failed attempt at world domination. God wasn’t ready to let it happen yet. (Did you know that freemasons actually communicate by symbols so God cannot confuse their language again? Seriously!)
This time he ( the enemy of mankind) is getting all his ducks in a row – or so he thinks – by gradually corrupting every element of society, hence the Fabians, along with many other groups throughout the world.
It’s hard for me to understand why people will go to SO much trouble to grasp and hold the things of this world, but then, my treasure is in heaven, and where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
Am I doing it again?
I know when I get on a roll, I don’t know when to stop.
For Pete’s sake, somebody nudge me when I start going overboard!
I don’t want to get booted out of here – again!
I’ll try to keep a lid on it, Cap.
Fabien Socialists. Nazis. Students for Democratic Sociaties/Weather Underground/BHO. They are taking us to WW3 and game over. Fundamental transformation to what? Radioactive snowball Earth? Extinction? No thanks, I choose life.
My brother and I only fired up the rocket stove once before I had to go in the hospital. I had open heart surgery and am still recuperating from it. I’m not allowed to lift anything as heavy as a cast iron stove yet.
We were pretty pleased with the results. I had also bought a cast iron Dutch oven, so we cooked some water in it, lol, just to see how long it would take and so on.
The table we sat it on turned out to be too high for comfortable cooking. We’re planning to clean the scrap lumber off my diamond plate toolbox and try it on top of there. Should be the right height to look down into the pot.
I did manage to start several fires in my Cubic Mini woodstove that’s installed in my motorhome. I’m was getting pretty good at getting a fire started in a very short time. Also got quite a bit of firewood (5 1/2″ long) cut, and lots of kindling, which can be snapped off by hand (tiny little twigs). They’re so cute!
Since I have such a labor-intensive lifestyle when I’m at home in the woods, I won’t be able to go home for awhile yet.
The fuel for the rocket stove will have to be a bit shorter than the woodstove’s. I wanted to get some stored up, but didn’t get to it before I had to leave suddenly and unexpectedly.
I’m beginning to yearn to go home, which means I must be doing much better.
No idea what happened to Dallas, but maybe he will pop back up someday.
By the way, you would be a lot happier if you ignored all this apocalyptic BS, aka fear porn, and just live life one day at a time. Of course, it really helps if you stay close to God, since He is by far the most powerful player on the scene, and guess what, He loves you and He loves me. If God be for you, who can be against you?
Wow, welcome back after getting your heart fixed, not a fun Winter for you going through that.
Very warm in the mid west today I see on the forecast, 77F in Missouri then dropping down in the teens Wed morning behind the cold front. Wild weather with these solar flares beaming in, I watched a flare yesterday it was beautiful, I save pics of them they’re so beautiful. Enjoying God’s beauty in motion. I watch the NW snow cams enjoying the views wishing I could still ski. I save pics of Mt Hood and others during the year, different moods enjoying God’s beauty. Bla bla bla,
I really like whale watching now, more my speed. Enjoying the views and reading. I’m making chicken soup today, might snow later, storms all week.
What planet is that on the SOHO feed, Mercury? Venus or Saturn? They’re all in the same quadrant right now.
how many people know this site and searching truth 0, 1 or 0,2% of the world population , the many try to only to survive , and the other “few” want live in the egoic confort zone and the upper class want to destroy all of us because they don’t need us anymore .and they like to be evil and to make suffer all life forms
what can do the average neo- serf , nothing !. to be conscient doesn’t mean to be capable to win the war
most of people are lobotomised now ,they don ‘ t want hear the truth and become violent with people who tell them it (, because they rather be in the deny which is more confortable and continue to believe to in of illusory safety
i ‘m tired of this shit world in whit we are only slaves and ressources for our masters and owners and the poor innocent victims of the cosmic cycles
Don’t come and talk to me about a good God who loves his creation, there is a bug in this matrix, or it is his creation that is not finished, he may have time, personally and people don’t have any more and they are dying or the other explanation is that all this human and animal suffering for several thousand years “feeds” mephitic non-human entities
Do we still have free will, yes maybe, but it has been biased, altered for a long time, so it is almost insignificant, and we have not evolved enough to understand the purposes of this God, it is true that without the parasitism of human collaborators and non-human masters humanity would not be in this pitiful state of involution and destructive suffering.
Technology is neither good nor bad, it is the technical choices and their uses that are, if for example the Deep State was “good” and had used Tesla’s inventions in particular for the purpose of emancipating man we would not be in this state of war for energy and the so-called resources, how many geniuses and inventors have been killed reduced to misery to put the criminals back to continue exploiting and killing
I am convinced that our species is only a source and an energy reserve for one or more predatory species that delight in our emotions and the harm that we have inflicted on ourselves and our human and animal brothers and sisters
I’m tired of it now all I want to do is leave this hellish planet
fight for what? honor?! you don’t fight in an asymmetrical war where the adversary has thousands of years of advantages and a power beyond comprehension and has patiently physically, morally, spiritually disarmed his slave.
a slave who is incapable of thinking or conceptualizing that he is indeed a slave.
“While some progress is being made on this, it isn’t enough or fast enough to mitigate climate change.”
Have these people ever heard of China?
“If coal is a planet wrecking problem, if it really mattered, about 30 countries are beating themselves up in acts of grandiose public flagellation, while one country is wrecking the planet and nobody cares. The truth is that no one is behaving like they think CO2 is causing a crisis. All over the West everyone wears the hippie-care coat while buying the cheapest fridges, phones and fashion they can get from the global coal furnace. And China nods the nod then keeps on adding coal power plants.
So the rulers of the West buy their transformers, solar panels and wind turbines from The Coal Giant, while pretending they sincerely want to reduce coal use. And the populace buy their cheap t-shirts, lemon squeezers and avocado-slicers (and their fridges and freezers). And no one in polite society suggests sanctions or boycotts. (No one suggests “checking the science” either). Everyone wants their cheap stuff.
And so the charade continues, China pretends it will reduce emissions, and the West pretends it could happen:” Jo Nova
(This comment jumped to the bottom of the page, and I don’t feel like rewriting it in the appropriate place.)
Nice view? Understatement of the year! I took a screenshot of it. I used to live in The Dalles, worked on a farm on the side of Mt. Hood. I miss that beautiful volcano! And the whole Columbia Gorge area.
I made chicken soup last week. The family was sick. They didn’t eat it, then I got sick, so I did. It was pretty good. What did you put in yours?
I know what you mean about the skiing. But in my case, it’s roller skating. And walking/ hiking. Knees.
Thanks Cap for the reporting and the vigil you keep. The forces fighting are you, and you are still standing. Please keep it up.
Bill Gates’ Dream of Blocking Sunlight About To Be Realized
What could possibly go wrong?
“The idea, promoted by Gates and leftist billionaire George Soros, involves pumping manmade white clouds containing chalk dust and other chemicals into the atmosphere to reflect sunlight away from the Earth’s surface.
“Blocking the sun’s light would allegedly lower the planet’s temperature enough to reverse global warming.”
—Hopefully, these madmen can’t put enough particulate matter and aerosols into the atmosphere to be significant. But, who knows, a little may be all it takes to accelerate the solar minimum cooling.
In would think Gates would use something more like PixieDust.
Aerosolised mRNA ‘vaccine’?…
Not madmen-possessed men.
Do they not know what cause the last great Extinction! Perhaps that is there plan?
So, when these guys get the population reduced, how are these survivors be able to work given all the vaccines, bad food, and all that? After 70+ shots plus the “jab” and all the “boosters” based on lies, how are the people going to be fit slaves. I myself would want my slave to be in pretty good shape to do a good day’s work. Well, that’s my rant for today.
They’ll have robots to do the work. Slaves only need to be able to scream and cower.
The agenda is to destroy God’s creation., but so few people put the pieces together. For many, not until evil incarnate makes itself known, and destruction becomes widespread.
The illusion that all is “normal” grows ever thinner.
Apropos of what?
Actually, the plan began in the garden of Eden. The tower of Babel was a failed attempt at world domination. God wasn’t ready to let it happen yet. (Did you know that freemasons actually communicate by symbols so God cannot confuse their language again? Seriously!)
This time he ( the enemy of mankind) is getting all his ducks in a row – or so he thinks – by gradually corrupting every element of society, hence the Fabians, along with many other groups throughout the world.
It’s hard for me to understand why people will go to SO much trouble to grasp and hold the things of this world, but then, my treasure is in heaven, and where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
Am I doing it again?
I know when I get on a roll, I don’t know when to stop.
For Pete’s sake, somebody nudge me when I start going overboard!
I don’t want to get booted out of here – again!
I’ll try to keep a lid on it, Cap.
Fabien Socialists. Nazis. Students for Democratic Sociaties/Weather Underground/BHO. They are taking us to WW3 and game over. Fundamental transformation to what? Radioactive snowball Earth? Extinction? No thanks, I choose life.
I’ll stick to weather maps, very strong El Nino. Warm Pacific/Atlantic/Indian Os, no La Nina, now. No global cooling now. One of these days though, it’s gonna be so cold.
Hi Deb , Last time you were here was before the site went subscriber only last year and you mentioned a cast iron rocket stove which I thought was the best comment ever on here. Keeping a regular woodstove going without a chainsaw and fuel for a truck would wear most people out hand sawing firewood, I go through about three cords a years I can’t hand saw that much. Rocket stoves are a great survival tool, how yours working out?
We haven’t seen Dallas Schneider since then either, no sky temps from Sarasota Florida. What happened to DS?
Big snow on the way here from Kamchatka volcano(s), forecast calls for lowland snow here next weekend too. Bring it on, I’m ready.:—add-more-layers/overlays?tcso2,46.459,-119.037,3,i:pressure
Notice Mexican volcano erupted too sending plume up the Mississippi into a low over Hudson Bay. Volcanos from solar flares.
WW3 could light them all up, bad plan.
My brother and I only fired up the rocket stove once before I had to go in the hospital. I had open heart surgery and am still recuperating from it. I’m not allowed to lift anything as heavy as a cast iron stove yet.
We were pretty pleased with the results. I had also bought a cast iron Dutch oven, so we cooked some water in it, lol, just to see how long it would take and so on.
The table we sat it on turned out to be too high for comfortable cooking. We’re planning to clean the scrap lumber off my diamond plate toolbox and try it on top of there. Should be the right height to look down into the pot.
I did manage to start several fires in my Cubic Mini woodstove that’s installed in my motorhome. I’m was getting pretty good at getting a fire started in a very short time. Also got quite a bit of firewood (5 1/2″ long) cut, and lots of kindling, which can be snapped off by hand (tiny little twigs). They’re so cute!
Since I have such a labor-intensive lifestyle when I’m at home in the woods, I won’t be able to go home for awhile yet.
The fuel for the rocket stove will have to be a bit shorter than the woodstove’s. I wanted to get some stored up, but didn’t get to it before I had to leave suddenly and unexpectedly.
I’m beginning to yearn to go home, which means I must be doing much better.
No idea what happened to Dallas, but maybe he will pop back up someday.
Some other characters seem to be missing as well.
On the Fabien window the Earth is on fire and they are preforming a fundamental transformation with hammers on an anvil. Que WW3, two seconds to midnight. Tic tic, game over.
We don’t want WW3, they do. Send them to Siberia and leave us to enjoy life. Thanks, DP
Great spot for them, fund it under DOJ.:—add-more-layers/overlays?temp,67.219,136.171,8,i:pressure,m:fxuajVg
By the way, you would be a lot happier if you ignored all this apocalyptic BS, aka fear porn, and just live life one day at a time. Of course, it really helps if you stay close to God, since He is by far the most powerful player on the scene, and guess what, He loves you and He loves me. If God be for you, who can be against you?
Wow, welcome back after getting your heart fixed, not a fun Winter for you going through that.
Very warm in the mid west today I see on the forecast, 77F in Missouri then dropping down in the teens Wed morning behind the cold front. Wild weather with these solar flares beaming in, I watched a flare yesterday it was beautiful, I save pics of them they’re so beautiful. Enjoying God’s beauty in motion. I watch the NW snow cams enjoying the views wishing I could still ski. I save pics of Mt Hood and others during the year, different moods enjoying God’s beauty. Bla bla bla,
I really like whale watching now, more my speed. Enjoying the views and reading. I’m making chicken soup today, might snow later, storms all week.
What planet is that on the SOHO feed, Mercury? Venus or Saturn? They’re all in the same quadrant right now.
Nice view of Mt Hood from a property for sale in Hood River:
how many people know this site and searching truth 0, 1 or 0,2% of the world population , the many try to only to survive , and the other “few” want live in the egoic confort zone and the upper class want to destroy all of us because they don’t need us anymore .and they like to be evil and to make suffer all life forms
what can do the average neo- serf , nothing !. to be conscient doesn’t mean to be capable to win the war
most of people are lobotomised now ,they don ‘ t want hear the truth and become violent with people who tell them it (, because they rather be in the deny which is more confortable and continue to believe to in of illusory safety
i ‘m tired of this shit world in whit we are only slaves and ressources for our masters and owners and the poor innocent victims of the cosmic cycles
Don’t come and talk to me about a good God who loves his creation, there is a bug in this matrix, or it is his creation that is not finished, he may have time, personally and people don’t have any more and they are dying or the other explanation is that all this human and animal suffering for several thousand years “feeds” mephitic non-human entities
Do we still have free will, yes maybe, but it has been biased, altered for a long time, so it is almost insignificant, and we have not evolved enough to understand the purposes of this God, it is true that without the parasitism of human collaborators and non-human masters humanity would not be in this pitiful state of involution and destructive suffering.
Technology is neither good nor bad, it is the technical choices and their uses that are, if for example the Deep State was “good” and had used Tesla’s inventions in particular for the purpose of emancipating man we would not be in this state of war for energy and the so-called resources, how many geniuses and inventors have been killed reduced to misery to put the criminals back to continue exploiting and killing
I am convinced that our species is only a source and an energy reserve for one or more predatory species that delight in our emotions and the harm that we have inflicted on ourselves and our human and animal brothers and sisters
I’m tired of it now all I want to do is leave this hellish planet
fight for what? honor?! you don’t fight in an asymmetrical war where the adversary has thousands of years of advantages and a power beyond comprehension and has patiently physically, morally, spiritually disarmed his slave.
a slave who is incapable of thinking or conceptualizing that he is indeed a slave.
all the best
Holy moly! I take back what I said about getting carried away. I can’t hold a candle to this guy!
PS I had to laugh at that “all the best” since you just went off the deep end expressing all the worst at great length! It’s plumb oxymoronish!
“While some progress is being made on this, it isn’t enough or fast enough to mitigate climate change.”
Have these people ever heard of China?
“If coal is a planet wrecking problem, if it really mattered, about 30 countries are beating themselves up in acts of grandiose public flagellation, while one country is wrecking the planet and nobody cares. The truth is that no one is behaving like they think CO2 is causing a crisis. All over the West everyone wears the hippie-care coat while buying the cheapest fridges, phones and fashion they can get from the global coal furnace. And China nods the nod then keeps on adding coal power plants.
So the rulers of the West buy their transformers, solar panels and wind turbines from The Coal Giant, while pretending they sincerely want to reduce coal use. And the populace buy their cheap t-shirts, lemon squeezers and avocado-slicers (and their fridges and freezers). And no one in polite society suggests sanctions or boycotts. (No one suggests “checking the science” either). Everyone wants their cheap stuff.
And so the charade continues, China pretends it will reduce emissions, and the West pretends it could happen:” Jo Nova
(This comment jumped to the bottom of the page, and I don’t feel like rewriting it in the appropriate place.)
Nice view? Understatement of the year! I took a screenshot of it. I used to live in The Dalles, worked on a farm on the side of Mt. Hood. I miss that beautiful volcano! And the whole Columbia Gorge area.
I made chicken soup last week. The family was sick. They didn’t eat it, then I got sick, so I did. It was pretty good. What did you put in yours?
I know what you mean about the skiing. But in my case, it’s roller skating. And walking/ hiking. Knees.
Redo on the SOHO link and another with the Sun’s polarity now.
Snowing heavy at Mt Hood, Mt Bachelor, Stevens Pass, Mission Ridge, and Crystal Mtn at 04:30AM PST.
Considerable difference in light conditions at various cams at Timberline.
The Grand Solar Minimum has started and NOAA forecasts that the Sunspot Number, which reflects solar output, will start dropping and continue dropping until it reaches zero in 2040 when their forecast ends.