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- Cold January For Florida; Big Freeze Kills Thousands Of Mullet; Harsh Lows Grip Pakistan; India Chills; Alyeska Already At 436 inches; Snow Warning For Portugal; Record Cold To Spark Rare Clouds; + Today’s Sun
G’day Cap,
How about an update on Cosmic rays and associated volcanic response.
I thought yellow snow warnings had to do with where the huskies went ???
Well Deb are staying warm? Hope so cuz I don’t believe this Winter has shown its DEADLY side yet…not for us in the Middle of the US at least.
Great work Cap and thank you Sir.
Waygone –
We are starting into a warm spell here. We had 2 weeks of ice, snow and bitter cold, and that’s usually all we get of the most extreme weather, hot in summer and cold in winter. It will continue to go up and down, but unlikely to stay anywhere for long. I’m trying to catch up on my laundry, then it will probably rain so I will stay inside and paint.
Rain going up Mississippi R from Mexi volcano from so9lar flares.
Hawaii volcano erupted again and NW US getting rain/snow late this week from the plume and next week. New snow from volcanos, the electrons are still elevated on the chart, they were above alert levels yesterday.
Two hurricanes just hit UK from the Mexi volcano plume going across the Atlantic. 46 feet waves off S Ireland yesterday. Cold front from that brings snow to EU.
That is not true that the so called impact on the ecosystem will be “short lived”. The frequency of such sever freeze events are already on the increase since 2018 – now just 7 years apart – not the typical 10 years since 2018. With a sharp drop in global temperatures expected in the next 5 to 15 years, these impacts will become very severe. Same with orange juice prices and crops freezing in the the very distant future. It looks pretty glim as to food production as it will become way too cold to grow food. Many more people will freeze to death and many mammals will become extinct as the severity of the cold and snow increase dramatically. There will be no mercy at all. Better stock up early!
Of Americans would eat half as much, we could feed twice as many people and we would lose weight and be healthier. We have a ways to go before people start starving here.
If not of.
Re Kenneth: You are exactly right. I think the food scarcity should start soon, as there have been way too many recalls for “Listeria”, etc,, chicken farms decimated for bird flu, etc. Our growing seasons have been shortened by global cooling.
Ya, he’s right because the chickens. The sky IS falling because the chickens!!!
February is beginning to look really cold with snow here in the NW. The high pressure off the coast is beginning to move away allowing the brutal arctic cold to move in later next week. The new furnace is working very well and the emergency wood pile is ready.
My NW US Feb forecast shows a warm up with no major polar blast. It’s been low 20sF and there’s none of those forecast next month. A warm up, which is great news.
Giant coronal hole turning to face Earth, they cause earthquakes and volcanic activity.
They also produce solar wind which is hot like solar flares only longer duration. GEOMAG storms are stronger post solar maximum because of coronal holes.
Solar wind storm forecast from the coronal hole, seen on the model:
Increased solar activity hitting Earth not involved with sunspots or solar flares temp goes up with speed and density for longer duration than solar flares produce. If sunspot count is low we still get solar activity from coronal holes it’s usually one or the other.