Death Toll Rises In San Bernardino: People Found Frozen In Their Homes; UK Hardships; + Swings
Death Toll Rises In San Bernardino: People Found Frozen In Their Homes
The power is out, thermometers read below zero, and the snow is up to the rafters — and nobody seems to care.
The neighbors of 93-year-old Elinor “Dolly” Avenatti found her bundled up in a chair in front of her fireplace, which had gone cold — dead. Air Force veteran and religious man, Alden Park Thayer, 85, died at his Lake Arrowhead home as the snow drifts piled up to 14 feet outside his windows. His daughter, Lisa Thayer, was by side as he passed singing “How Great Thou Art.” The roads remained impassable, and emergency officials said it would be at least week until they could retrieve Alden’s body.
These are just two tragedies that have befallen the San Bernardino mountains alone during a two-week onslaught of record-setting snow–which total at least eleven, according to authorities — perhaps many more.
It remains unclear exactly how many more lives have been lost due to blizzard-related factors, such as blocked roads, downed power lines or critical medical care that could not be summoned. At a City Council meeting this week in Big Bear Lake, city officials said that more than seven feet of snow had fallen there in 15 days; hospital officials said that “tragedies” had happened because of the weather, citing access to dialysis treatments as a particular concern.
“I’m sure they haven’t found everyone yet,” said Rhea-Frances Tetley, who spoke of her neighbor across the street who died last week in her home and was not found for days. “I only was just able to get out of my house yesterday afternoon, and it took two strong men to dig out the driveway,” she said.
Gary DeFrench, a contractor in Crestline, tells of a similar fate for his neighbor, a woman in her 80s, who froze to feath last week. “Some of those people are on roads that are very narrow and way out in the boonies,” he said, adding, “I’m from Cleveland, Ohio, so I’ve seen snow storms. But nothing like this. This is unbelievable.”
Authorities are keen to list the deaths as “natural.” The sheriff’s department, which also serves as the county coroner’s office, said there was little evidence to suggest that the victims died because they might have been trapped in their homes.
But other snowbound locals have called this ridiculous. “That’s absolutely not true,” said Carola Hauer, a Running Springs resident and psychologist, adding that she hoped officials and communities would learn and be better prepared in the future.
“We probably should have raised the emergency flag a little sooner,” she said.
The mounting cold-related tragedies–of which I’ve only documented a small percentage of–come as yet another winter storm barrels into California, threatening to deliver feet of additional snow to the higher elevations, with heavy falls forecast across the Midwest and Northeast, too:

But of course, with these being ‘cold-related’ tragedies they aren’t quite garnering the same mainstream media attention.
There is no balance, only agenda-driving obfuscations…
UK Hardships
Similar misery is sweeping the UK, too.
Here, spiraling energy prices, plunging living standards and an unusual March freeze are making existence particularly hard.
According to one report, an additional 100,000 people are expected to die next winter–that’s over and above average winter deaths–due to economic hardships; i.e., having to choose between heating and eating — and that’s assuming the lights stay on, which, as the energy CEOs have warned us, is far from guaranteed, particularly if winter 2023-24 is a cold one.
Below is a comment I read online which I feel perfectly sums up the level of frustration and confusion:
This winter has been by far the most brutal of my life. My heating bill has been incredible! I literally cannot afford to keep my home warm AT ALL. I’m living in the smallest room of my house with an electric heater set on low and even that is costing me around £10 PER DAY. WTF is going on!? How is this allowed!? How is this legal?
My bedrooms, my bathroom all have black mold growing on the walls and ceilings, because it’s so cold any water vapor is condensing on the walls. I’ve live here for years and never had black mold.
Honestly, I do not give a toss about Ukraine. You may hate me for saying that. But I don’t know these people, it’s horrible that the war is happening over there but it isn’t OUR problem. It has nothing to do with us. We should NOT be giving money and weapons to them, painting a target upon our country for no reason and making our own people suffer this brutal winter. We are literally allowing our unelected government to murder and impoverish our own citizens to further the West’s anti-Russian agenda that’s been running for several decades now. For what? Why must we die from cold, illness and starvation for Ukraine? Has anyone here voted to give Ukraine tanks and missiles? Have you voted to increase your power bills 10 times over? Did you vote to get health problems due to black mold? Did you vote Rishi Sunak into office? No? Me either.
The West is crumbling — and not organically.
Access to cheap and reliable energy is under attack; consumption of meat and eggs etc. is being demonized; and bodily autonomy without state intervention is painted as some crazy conspiracy theory.
And a word of warning to all those dutifully abiding by these undemocratic charters, know that your weakness is forwarding an evil anti-human agenda and also lining the pockets of the 0.01%; know too that your cowardice won’t go unpunished.
Straying off topic a little now, but watch for the pendulum swing from ‘left’ back to ‘right’.
The culture is visibly shifting, the left has gone way too far–even for Hollywood! But be it far-left or far-right, far-anything is bad, and given how doggedly the right has been going after the left’s absurdities of late, and rightly so, an overcompensating shift is all-but assured. Take victory graciously when it comes, and, crucially, be sure to keep that pendulum swing in check — as with the left’s, the right’s hands are far from clean when it comes to evil and human suffering.
These are merely my musing, and maybe they’re off.
Either way, ‘something is coming’.
Enjoy your weekend! I’m off out to finish construction of our new pig enclosure. We have three Kunekune piglets arriving early next month, which we intend to breed. I can already smell the bacon!
My favourite ‘toy’, controls bottom left.,55.50,367
Yeah, that’ll work, don’t make the leftists pay for their evil actions, forgive and forget, it’ll be fine. /s
6 inches of heavy wet white stuff, beautiful but not uncommon in madistan area, wi during march. More this weekend but colder. The rug rats school is open so off on a driving adventure.
The Democrats are so determined to avoid questions about why global warming causes so much snow, they just grab their bug out bags and hide. During the nation wide pre Christmas freeze Biden went to the Caribbean. So did the Mayer of NY City. There have been reports that the Governor of California Gavin Newsom grabbed his bag and fled to Baja California. People with no concern or conscious.
The giant question is will the mountain regions in California have to be totally abandoned during the GSM?
The snow in California is a once in decades event. Lots of people might be prepared to put up with relatively rare hardship to live in beautiful locations. There’s no guarantee the GSM will mean more snow, it could lead to colder drier weather (in the UK really cold weather tends to result in below average precipitation).
Remember this everyone. Hegelian Dialectics: Thesis, Anti thesis, Synthesis.
Defined here NOUN
an interpretive method, originally used to relate specific entities or events to the absolute idea, in which some assertible proposition (thesis) is necessarily opposed by an equally assertible and apparently contradictory proposition (antithesis), the mutual contradiction being reconciled on a higher level of truth by a third proposition (synthesis)
They have been taking two steps forward and one step back my entire life.
This is how they fool everyone and things keep going in the same direction no matter what happens.
I hope they are using an ELECTRIC SNOW blower. I sure hope they aren’t using CARBON fuel. The reason we have this rampant Global Warming (which is what they are removing from the roof) is because of Gasoline. We need to shut down ALL GASOLINE supply NOW to stop this Global Warming.
Wow! Are you full of B.S., you social vandal?
If you don’t like hydrocarbons (gasoline), consider just holding your breath until you stop breathing – forever.
Thanks for the sarcasm! CAP doesn’t like humor on this site but a laugh now and then is good medicine. Thanks!
No idea why this is thought to be sarcasm. We all inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide around 40,000ppm. Where do people think the carbon comes from?
You forgot the (sarcasm) warning.
California has banned the sale of gas powered equipment starting next stop global warming and set the standard for all UN countries.
Right now Cali needs gas powered water pumps as well as snow blowers because eleven million folks are under a flood alert or almost a quarter of total population there.
More solar flares and more volcanic activity the last few days has not made it all better. NH SO2 circulation is looking worse by the minute.—add-more-layers/overlays?tcso2,69.565,-87.363,3,i:pressure,m:fvrak8z
I do hope that was sarcasm
Thank you for your reports, I would not know about people freezing to death in California, the “news” here (Arizona) is too busy interviewing ‘celebrities’ & selling useless items.
Parts of the UK had heavy (at least in a UK context) snow last night with people stuck on a motorway for 8 hours and other people rescued from their cars by mountain rescue teams. I know about this because I knew there’d be heavy snow and searched for reports about it. If I’d just read the headlines on MSN for example I would have clue about it.
It will be cold night in Yorkshire. Those who have seedlings in unheated greenhouse better carry them indoors. My seedlings go out when swans arrive jodling here in the north (61 N latitude)
61 North, where are you in the middle of Norway or Canada?? or Russia lol
Unfortunately, those deaths in SoCal are to be expected. After having “the planet is burning up!” pounded into our heads for decades now, no one is prepared for extreme cold weather. This happened to Texas two years ago and now California. It’s hitting the UK and other places. And it’s not going to get better soon.
the UN Secretary General closed COP27 in Egypt with a speech, including “we are living on a burning planet” — during the coldest Antarctic November thus far recorded.
the levels of political hypocrisy are astronomical.
‘something is coming’
1933 WEIMAR Germany is coming.
What do YOU consider ‘right’?
Here in America it is Conservatives who hate big govt, hate BOTH parties and we are not vindictive. You are talking about ‘republican politicians’ who are part of the UNIPARTY. We MAGA are not part of the Dem/Rep party and we care for all. AND Right & Left in America is WAY different than left/right in the rest of the World. Fascists Right, Socialists Center, Communists Left. In America all of those are FAR left statist groups. MAGA is on the Right – limited govt and Freedom.
AMEN! Excellent explanation of our curious situation here in the U.S.A.!
Like ‘white supremacy’, the right- wing is mostly an illusion conjured up by leftists. Conservative parties conserve nothing because they ape the left’s agenda. Leftists are a minority of control-freak elitists who now rule government, media, education and most of popular culture. Many vaguely ‘progressive’ types favour leftist ideas. The rest of us are non-leftists or anti-leftists, with diverse political views.
Hi Cap,
So, you’ve moved again. Perhaps it’s time to stop using WordPress and all its plugins. Bin CloudFlare while you are at it too. Stop linking to social media. Perhaps you will get left alone then. If not there’s always .onion. Or setting up an instance of Mastodon or something similar- good people will always follow the truth
I enjoy your site it would be a shame if you were chased off
Kunekune means ‘fat and round’ in the Maori language.
Also means ‘tasty wild pork’ – mmm kapai kai – thank goodness for colonialism eh cuz.
Are kunes (pl. koo-neez) the same as Captain Cookers? James Cook left breeding pairs of pigs on isolated islands around New Zealand in the 1770s in case of shipwrecked mariners… thank goodness for colonialism eh… food.
Captain Cookers are not Kunekunes.
James Cooke brought and distributed farm animals to the South Pacific because cannibalism did not suit his morals, or palette. Whalers did likewise. Cannibalism abounded where there were no mammals.
The entire crew of a ships boat (twelve men approx.) of the accompanying ship on one James Cooke exploration were captured and eaten in the Tory Channel.
Fiji was known as the cannibal islands.
The Boyd Massacre at Whangaroa in 1809 was when between 66 and seventy Europeans were killed and eaten, A world record cannibal event.
As an only white child at primary school I was called Pakeha Kunekune.
It had nothing to do with solar cycles or Milankovtch cycles and was stated without malice.
The Hawaiians brought their own pigs but they ate Capt Cook on the way back from Alaska. They the crew went back to Alaska then down along Asia and around Africa.'sThirdVoyage58.png
Attempting to kidnap royalty for short term security is fraught with danger, as Cap’n Cook’s crew discovered.
Pigs are not native to Hawai‘i. The first pigs were brought to the Hawaiian Islands by Polynesians as early as the fourth century A.D.i Skeletal remains of pigs and recorded traditional knowledge sources indicate that pua‘a (the Polynesian pig) was a much smaller animal than the feral pigs of today.ii Historical evidence and genetic studies trace the ancestry of these animals to wild Asiatic swine (Sus scrofa subsp. vittatus).iii
Hi Cap, I’m not sure if you ever look at the snow mass charts from Environment Canada. They show far greater amounts than the FMI charts, I’m not sure why but think it could be because they include mountainous areas. Their data points for this year have literally gone off the top of the graph. IMO Environment Canada are as bad as NOAA, the Met Office etc. when it comes to pushing an alarmist AGW agenda which makes it all the more ironic that their own data is showing unprecedented amounts of snow.
Be careful! You will fall in love with your piggies! Pigs are so sweet, just like dogs. they even wag their tails when they are happy to see you coming. I could never eat my friends. I’ll just stick to Eggies from my chickens. 🙂
The U.S. has been leftist since the 1960’s, with the ‘right’ (read: classical liberals) occasionally retaking power to fix some of the most glaring economic problems and then starting some useless war.
Warning about the ‘right’ taking over is about as useful as warning about anthropomorphic climate change. There is no such thing in America today.
Pop culture of the early 1800s knew all about the impending climate crisis. Just consider the American minstrel song ‘Oh Suzanna’ lyrics….”It rained all night the day I left, the weather it was dry….the sun so hot I froze to death….Suzanna don’t you cry.”
Captain Cookers are not Kunekunes.
James Cooke brought and distributed farm animals to the South Pacific because cannibalism did not suit his morals, or palette. Whalers did likewise. Cannibalism abounded where there were no mammals.
The entire crew of a ships boat (twelve men approx.) of the accompanying ship on one James Cooke exploration were captured and eaten in the Tory Channel.
Fiji was known as the cannibal islands.
The Boyd Massacre at Whangaroa in 1809 was when between 66 and seventy Europeans were killed and eaten, A world record cannibal event.
As an only white child at primary school I was called Pakeha Kunekune.
It had nothing to do with solar cycles or Milankovtch cycles and was stated without malice.
Thx Cap. Excellent reporting and writing. I’m on the Right – a conservative with mostly all Dem voting friends here in MA USA, you can imagine.
Got religion 50 years ago, saved me from an unruly life an old friend recently said.
Only one or two of my friends have stopped contact with me. I maintain an attitude of respect for all and kindness to all no matter their politics, race, religion, etc.
My thought is the right will not swing too far, realizing that nothing we humans do is perfect – but we can do a lot of good with leadership that has some integrity.
I’m buoyed by the many new R legislators, who were businessmen and women, former military, naturalized immigrants, male and female, older and younger, who came from totalitarian regimes.
This group whether now serving in public capacity or just honest and hard working citizens – have a love for this country and the freedoms of the West that is inspiring.
They are among our most patriotic citizens – quick to rise and speak out in defense of our country. A country under attack from within and without at this time you know of course, needs people like them to help us right the ship.
I’ll drop a dime for the piglets. My website is down for revamp. My last name is a family first name, a handle. Thanks again for your reports, only seen on sites like Tony H, CDN YT channel etc.
Stay well Cap
In Cali people live at 8500 ft, a bit north in Oregon at Mt Hood the upper chairlift goes to 8500ft but they don’t hang the chairs on until Summer because the wind will blow the cable off the towers. Nobody lives that high up, you can’t drive a car around.
Kinda snowy up there today, total whiteout AGAIN.
Still snowing Mt Bachelor Oregon:
Yellowstone Volcano was located a bit north of Mt Bachelor Oregon? Yellowstone Volcano was also located out in the Pacific Ocean as an island and is now the Olympic Mountains behind my house? Plate rotating one degree per million years?
Rescue team clip from Cali: