Arctic Scientist Warns “Global Cooling” Is Less Than A Decade Away; Insurance Companies Asking ‘Where’s The Climate Crisis?’; + Another Weak CME Opens A Crack In Earth’s Atmosphere
Arctic Scientist Warns “Global Cooling” Is Less Than A Decade Away
Polar expert Andrey Fedotov of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences recently declared that “warming is about to end” and the planet is about to enter an “ice age.“
“Warming is about to end. And the cause is not humans, but the interplay between the Sun and Earth,” said Fedotov, a doctor of geological and mineralogical sciences and director of the Limnological Institute of the RAS.
“Currently, we are in a favorable period, but we will inevitably transition to an unfavorable [cold] one,” he warned.
The period of “unfavorable cold” will begin around 2030-2035, continued Fedotov in a warning published by the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), Russia’s leading scientific institution.
Fedotov, citing his studies of Lake Baikal and ancient climate epochs, urged the public to prepare as the looming levels of cold will severely impact global food supplies: “When the ice age comes, you will feel it immediately,” he warned.
In an interview with the RAS, Fedotov elaborated on his findings:
“Now we are in a prosperous period, but let’s move on to a disadvantaged one. It’s inevitable … According to my estimates, the transition should occur in 2030–2035 … When it comes, you will feel it immediately.”
“And what should be done now?,” the RAS interviewer asked in a follow-up question, “Prepare felt boots, warm clothes, heaters?”
“I would start with food,” replied Fedotov. “Hungry in felt boots, [you] won’t last long.”
Back in May, the RAS said that Earth’s modest warming is primarily due to the “outflow of potassium isotope from the Earth’s depths” and linked local climate catastrophes to the “increasing emission of natural hydrogen, which creates ozone holes.”
Russia’s scientific establishments and media alike have a rather more balanced take on the ‘climate crisis’ that their Western counterparts. Theories of imminent global cooling appear to hold just as much–perhaps more–credibility to the consensus on human-induced warming promoted by the IPCC.
In an episode of the TV show ‘The Most Shocking Hypotheses’, the host said: “Isn’t it time for the whole world to save humanity from imminent doom? It turns out things are not so straightforward. Perhaps the climate apocalypse exists only in the inflamed minds of people, frightened by global media and the shocking predictions of scientists.”
Insurance Companies Asking ‘Where’s The Climate Crisis?‘
As reported by the Financial Times, Lloyd’s of London has said the impact of climate change has yet to translate into claims data.
For decades, a warming planet has been identified by insurance experts and activists alike as a defining factor for the industry.
However, at a private event last month, one top executive at the corporation (Lloyds) told underwriters that ‘it has not yet seen clear evidence that a warming climate is a major driver in claims costs’.
‘Not yet’.
Global boiling will of course magnify future losses, continues Kirsten Mitchell-Wallace, Lloyd’s director of portfolio risk management, only by then “it will be too late,” she claims–which translated from line toeing doublespeak reads: ‘The evidence of climate change may be completely missing from the data, but let’s double down on it anyway’.
This is the data:
And this was also the message expressed by insurance market participator and ‘weather catastrophist’, Andrew Siffert: “Many perils show zero evidence of change.”
Another Weak CME Opens A Crack In Earth’s Atmosphere
Arriving earlier than expected, a coronal mass ejection (CME) hit Earth’s magnetic field on Oct 20.
Although weak (initially overlooked even), the impact opened a crack in Earth’s magnetosphere and solar wind poured in to fuel auroras in both hemispheres.
Below is a shot of the display at Otago Peninsula, New Zealand:
“I was out getting ready to photograph the Orionid meteor shower” said photographer Ian Griffin. “But at around 9:30 local time my attention was focused entirely in the opposite direction as a wonderful display of the aurora australis exploded in the southern sky.”
Auroras penetrated northern hemisphere skies, too.
Fantastic shapes including beads and swirls were observed over Canada:

Auroras also descended deep into the United States as far south as Kansas and Missouri:

Earth’s ever-waning magnetosphere is resulting in even minor solar ejections having a larger than usual effect.
Our planet’s magnetic field strength is weakening, down some ≈20% from the 1800s.
This waning is believed to be tied to two key factors: 1) low solar activity, and 2) our planet’s migrating magnetic poles.
As Earth loses its dipole magnetic shape, due to the shifting of its magnetic poles, the overall field strength weakens and its protective shield against potentially harmful space energy is reduced. This means every enhancement of the solar wind, every crossing of the Sun’s current sheet, and every CME has a larger and larger impact than it ordinarily would, both directly on the upper atmosphere, and also indirectly through the ionosphere’s equator-traveling waves that come from the aurora.
The weakening is accelerating.
In the year 2000, we knew the field had lost 10% of its strength since the 1800s. Another 5% was lost by 2010. Further accelerations occurred in 2015 and 2017 but we laymen were not privy to any additional loss data.
Migrating magnetic poles indicate that another ‘flip’ (aka ‘reversal’ or ‘excursion’) may be building.
Such an event would bring apocalyptic shifts in the geography and climate. It would seem like the ‘end of times’.
Proxy records reveal regular upheavals in the ancient past, with the Laschamp Excursion of some 42,000 years ago being perhaps the most notable. However, these flips likely occur on a much shorter periodicity, of 6,000 years, meaning we could be due.
It’s “toeing the line” Cap. From the military practice of standing with toes in a line.
Thanks for pointing this out Alby.
Magnetic Field Changes Will Amplify From Here (1/2) –
Are you prepared for the consequences of what began at the beginning of September 2023, increased in intensity in mid/late September 2023, will most likely have reached its peak between October 23rd and 25th, 2024 and then slowly subsides could leave behind a completely different earth?
Are you prepared for the coming catastrophes of biblical dimensions? –
How many times will we have to hear, “The sky is falling” before it actually falls? I’m beginning to get bored with catastrophism (how is this possible?.
Please come back in Oct. ’24 and explain to us what happened.
Who would have ever guessed that the most lethal (WMD)
would turn out be a simple diagram of a hockey stick in the hands of totally irresponsible & possibly corrupted scientist and governments.
I think it is more Weapons of mass delusion
Very Biblical of you, Peter. It behooves us to remember that Father knows best!
To true, excellent observation.
I once met a beekeeper with the last name Verslues. It’s not a very common name. Is it French?
Interesting development. I remember Abdussamatov (also from the Russian Academy of Sciences) saying “real cold will come by 2040”. This interview was recent?
Another Apostle heard from.
Thanks for the prophecy, dude.
Speaking of Russians, I wonder if I dare a 3rd Black Russian. (I’m a cheap drunk.) Munchin pistachios with that, pretty fine.
OK, maybe one more.
Listen, guys, any food that comes from trees is good for you.
Why, I’ll tell you why. Now you need to pay attention, because the PTB have been adulterating our foods and stripping our souls of minerals foe decades, at least.
Soils, not souls, but that works too.
Trees have very deep roots, much deeper than vegetables. They grow down below the deplwted soils and bring up minerals, which get incorporated into their fruits and nuts.
Also, it would much harder to place bug butters and bug meal into apples and walnuts than into junk food or even good food made from wheat or other flours.
Now I love you guys, and i deplore what is happening in this world right now.
Satan hates humaniry and all creaton, and he is out to destroy it. Maybe you don’t believe that, but you know SOMETHING is dreadfully wrong!
Take a tip from Mama Deb and only eat the foods as God provides them, not all processed in factories. And prepare yourself to live off grid.
I just bought a cast iron rocket stove abd a cast iron Dutch oven, so I can cook anything with twigs if the power goes out.
May never have to use it, but you necer know…
I don’t share your faith but I’m in total agreement with the idea of gathering more natural food, or food as God meant it to be as you might put it. There’s a huge amount things that can be eaten, in a good year it’s possible for a lot of people to collect 10’s of kilos of acorns or beech nuts in Europe (I’m not sure if there’s beeches in the US). These keep for months and can be ground into nutritious low gluten flour. I’ve been eating wild mushrooms most days for the last 4 months, they’re very easy to dry and store for months. The list goes on and on.
I don’t know about beeches. Maybe they have them in the Eastern states. (I’m in the Midwest.) I have never tried acorns, but if it comes to a starvation situation, I’ll get out my books on wild edibles and figure out how to process them. I’m surrounded by oak trees.
I have a number of wild edibles growing in my yard. Some I planted, and some just sprang up so I left them to go to seed abd spread. Lambs’ quarters and perilla are two of my favorites. I should be set for greens next year.
Deb : ; “never tried acorns,”
Lost the link in a computer burnout, but if using acorns: bring two pots of water to the boil, toss the (de-shelled) acorns into one pot ; then after ten minutes or so at gentle boil, drain the brown liquid off, and tip the hot acorns into the second pot of boiling water . Then get the first pot refilled and water boiling ; Again after about 20 minutes gentle boil, drain and tip the hot acorns into the third pot of boiling water. Boil gently 10 or so minutes, then let cool.
The idea is that if partly leached acorns are let to cool, the tannins will harden and not ever leach out, but if kept hot these bitter tannins can be leached out.
Works for me, O.K. on Q robur (English oak) even with the shells still on. I only made a coarse flour which kept well in the freezer, and mixed with oats and wheat flour to make easy-crunched hardtack / sailor biscuit.
Cheers, W
Thanks for the tip. I have a number of books on wild edibles, but most of them are buried in my storage locker.
I will keep in mind that hot water to hot water treatment. Never know when I might be fighting with the squirrels and possums for acorns underneath the snow.