Over The Weekend, Greenland Gained 14 Gigatons Of Snow/Ice; + The Sun’s Magnetic Poles Are Disappearing
Over The Weekend, Greenland Gained 14 Gigatons Of Snow/Ice
The Greenland Ice Sheet has been faring incredibly well in recent years with above-average Surface Mass Balance (SMB) gains as well as a swing back to overall growth noted in Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI) data.
This season has started in similar fashion, too, with record-breaking gains observed on its opening day.
And now most recently (this past weekend), the ice sheet gained a whopping â14 gigatons of mass. For those who love dumb, decontextualized headlines, ‘That’s enough to bury Central Park, New York City under approx. 15,000 feet of ice’.
Enlarging the DMI’s daily SMB chart, we see that almost 7 gigatons of snow/ice accumulated on Saturday, followed by the same amount on Sunday:
‘SMB’ is a calculation used to determine the âhealthâ of a glacier.
Greenland’s SMB has held above average for five out of the last seven years, indicating that the glacier is healthy.
But this is news routinely shadow-banned by the AGW Party’s Ministry of Truth.
It would muddy Narrative waters.
Two seasons ago (Sept 2021 – Aug 2022), Greenland posted an SMB gain of 471Gt, ranking it as a top 10 SMB season in books dating back to 1981, and also 27% above the 1981-2010 mean.
The season just gone (2022-23) achieved similar gains (article coming soon).
These two season continued a multi-year trend of growth which commenced around 2014.
2016-2017 season:
2017-2018 season:
And while it is true that the Greenland ice sheet lost mass â1995 to 2012, that trend has now halted, and reversed — almost completely. Like the gradual turning of a grand ship, from the yearâs 2010 to 2015, Greenlandâs SMB changed course and has been on an upward trajectory ever since.
Total Mass Balance (TMB) is a calculation that combines three separate measurements in order to determine the overall health of the ice sheet: SMB (as mentioned), Marine Mass Balance (MMB), and Basal Mass Balance (BMB).
MMB consists of the breaking off (âcalvingâ) of icebergs and the melting of glaciers that meet the warmer sea waters. BMB refers to ice losses from the base of the sheet, caused by frictional effects/ground heat flux (though in the case of Greenland, this is unimpactful).
The below chart represents the TMB from 1986-2022Â (still to be updated with this year’s data).
What it shows is a clear reversal in the ice sheetâs fortunes, an unambiguous cyclical swing toward gains:

The poster boy for global warming is letting the side down.
The Sun’s Magnetic Poles Are Disappearing
Recent measurements by NASA reveal a rapid weakening of magnetic fields in the polar regions of the Sun.
North and south magnetic poles are on the verge of disappearing.
This will lead to a complete reversal of the Sun’s global magnetic field (likely sometime in 2024).
If this were occurring on Earth it would likely prove catastrophic. On the Sun, however, it is standard, occurring “every 11 years (more or less) when we’re on the verge of Solar Maximum,” explains Todd Hoeksema, a solar physicist at Stanford.
Disappearing poles and magnetic reversals have been observed at the peak of every single solar cycle since astronomers first learned to measure the Sun’s magnetic fields.
This will be the fifth such reversal since 1980:
“One thing we have learned from these decades of data is that no two polar field reversals are alike,” says Hoeksema.
Sometimes the transition is swift, taking only a few months for the poles to vanish and reappear on opposite ends of the Sun. Sometimes it takes years, leaving the Sun without magnetic poles for an extended period of time.
“Even more strange,” continues Hoeksema, “sometimes one pole switches before the other, leaving both poles with the same polarity for a while.”
Such a scenario could actually be playing out now, writes Dr Tony Phillips of spaceweather.com. The Sun’s south magnetic pole has almost completely vanished, but the north magnetic pole is still hanging on, albeit barely.
How does all this effect us on Earth?
Well, the vanishing of the poles means we’re on the verge of the solar maximum of Solar Cycle 25.
Though slightly stronger than its predecessor, Solar Cycle 25 is proving to be weaker than the historical norm. It is looking set to peak early, too, and so crash us down to solar minimum and, in turn, the much anticipated Solar Cycle 26 sooner than expected.
SC26 is where Iâve long contended the chill of solar minimum gets underway, where the next Grand Solar Minimum officially commences with all the struggles, strife and hardships such a period delivers (as revealed by the historical documentation).
For us to already find ourselves on the downward-slope of SC25, well, thatâs a concerning prospect.
Related reading:
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Your generosity is humbling.
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Earth facing equatorial coronal hole now is negative polarity. Quake here last evening CHs known for that. Solar wind from CH due 10/12 and cause more quakes/volcanos/Greenland snow. Greenland snow from Alaska volcano from solar activity. Power will probably go out here any minute from storm here from Ak volcano wind gusting 35mph at 02AM.
If we were going in to a GSM, would SC26 not have been weaker than SC25?
Also, what are your thoughts on the record high UAH satellite temperature anomaly for September 2023?
Regarding the record high temp for Sept as calculated by Dr. Spencer, I’m interested to see what he postulates as the reason for the last 3 months break from the previous 2 years pattern. Personally I feel it has to do with the weakening magnetosphere as evidenced by the number of red auroras seen during this solar cycle. Something clearly has changed to cause the global temps to spike so much and I feel that is a sharp weakening letting in more solar radiation . I’ll be interested to see what Dr. Spencer comes up with as a cause.
I see that the Australian BOM is at it again stating that Australia is in for 7 months of severe weather. Well duh it’s the build up hot time of the year before the wet season. This is actually an annual event. They can’t even get next week right yet alone 7 months ahead. They have failed in all their predictions yet here they go again. How embarrassing for those that work for these clowns.All they do is try and scare
the wider population with fanciful pie in the sky rubbish.
BOM are an embarrassment for me.
Entrenched, Institutionally cross linked, whatever it takes.
Cap, it was a pleasure to find that your book was posted today….
All the very best, L
I agree. ‘Severe’ weather for me is, stormy, unsettled weather (think cold fronts, polar lows, northwest cloudbands) – summer is almost never ‘severe’.
Regarding the latest UAH temp â it certainly proved my triangle theory that a breakout would happen!!! Very likely this is due to Hunga Tonga.
Earlier this year by a few months my Sky-Ground-Air temp readings reversed the Ground-Air relationship. âNormallyâ the ground would be lower than the air due to sky induced cooling. Now that reading is ânormallyâ warmer which would induced sky induced heating is the reading is taken from a small glass coffee table top exposed to the sky in an open area.
The Triangle theory is where the high readings are trending down against the low readings trending up which leads to a tightening of the readings into almost a straight line which precedes a breakout. For you online trader, try this! I REALLY LIKE the results I am having from that analysis!!! The basic problem is determining in advance WHICH way the breakout will occur â Up or Down!!
In stocks the SMAs Simple Moving Average â three of them the 8-20-200 units will greatly assist in being right here.
Now another thing which happens is that a false move to the major move will occur immediately before the main breakout.
It seems to me this is what has occurred with the UAH temp data.
This winter is predicted to be âbrutalâ per Clif High, and others like Farmers Almanac. We are going into effects of the planetary alignment which really started around Sept 21st, the Fall Equinox.
Now much like a RV gas Refrigerator which depends on itâs cooling effects from a little gas pilot light heater in my opinion the heating effects from the injection of 13% more water vapor in the air will turn to cooling. I admit it is NOT a closed system like the refrigerator. Not being a closed system is also why the earth will NEVER have a âGreenhouse Effectâ. Big Fat Lie staring you right in the face, the âGreenhouse Effectâ is.
So all that water vapor is fixing to turn the planet into one HUGE GIANT WALK-IN FREEZER!!! It has heated up, now the Refrigerant Effect is upon us!!! Stay Warm!!!
Water IS a Refrigerant Fluid just like FREON!!! It just reacts at a different set of temperatures. At the Rexene Polyolefins (plastics) plant we had a huge Container sized water based cooler. It used steam for itâs power source. It had two absorbent tanks which flipped back and forth. The absorbent would cool the water by evaporative effects by absorbing the water vapor from one tank creating a vacuum in it. The other tank would be drying out from the steam heat getting ready. The device was one helluva noisy operation, creaking and groaning all the time.
WAKE UP WARMISTS!!! Your World is getting COLD NOW!!!
We go by Jupiter with Mercury opposite and there’s a full moon on 10/28 which should increase solar activity. 11/2 Mercury goes by Mars, more flares? 11/14 Mercury opposite Venus could increase solar activity. 11/28 Mercury goes by Saturn, more flares? 12/11 Mercury goes by Jupiter and more flares. 12/24 Mercury goes by us and Mars is opposite should produce more solar flares. 1/26 Mercury goes by Venus, Jupiter opposite could produce flares. More alignments in ’24 more flares more volcanos more snow. Tonga was from another Mercury related solar flare event. Many many many since then what a show.
I really do hope you’re correct Dallas. I just want my old climate back when it was cooler and drier. The current climate is far too warm for far too long.
Today is noticeably cooler in SW Florida. The Ground temp cooler than the air temp, back to “normal”. 60 F on waking up at 5 AM this morning.
Accuweather predicting another 5-10 F drop this coming Sunday after the front moves through Saturday dropping some wetness on us.
Likely an inch or two, normal.
Stay Warm, it is going to get frosty this year in the states!!!
So the Greenland ice mass is back to it’s 2002-2003 level? Interesting
If SC25 peaks within the next 9-12 months then declines rapidly will it end up being stronger or weaker than SC24? The highest monthly number of sun spots will be higher, but an early decline could mean that the total number of sun spots during the cycle will be lower than for cycle 24.
The main thing that affects climate, via the solar cloud effect, is the strength of the sun’s magnetic field. Sun spot numbers are a useful proxy for magnetic field strength before this was measured by satellites but estimating historical field strength from sun spot numbers probably involves a margin of error.
“the ice sheet gained a whopping â14 gigatons of mass. For those who love dumb, decontextualized headlines, âThatâs enough to bury Central Park, New York City under approx. 15,000 feet of iceâ. ”
The average ~20 year old woman weighs 128 lbs. So this means that the Greenland Ice Shelf added a HORRIFYING ~218,750,000,000 Greta Thunbergs worth of ice mass to its stupid self!! đ”âđ«
This is absolutely terrifying!
The world is truly about to end!
Someone should measure the depth of Greta Thunbergs head, and the width of her shoulders, then calculate how many billions of miles of ice this would bury her under if it was stacked exactly on top of her.
The Greta Thunberg Ice Measurement, could be used to estimate how many Greta Thunbergs of ice the regressive and unhelpful natural climate is piling onto The Narrative every year.