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29 Thoughts to “Heavy Snow At Joshua Tree National Park; Accumulations In Murcia, Spain; ‘Climate Change’ Is Nothing New, Study; + Media Parrots Bogus Wildfire Report”
Climate change a catch all phrase. It’s like saying CO2
is going to cause the sunsets to turn green &
after 42 years of propaganda no change so you switch to CO2 is going to make the sunset some color. Let’s stick to the original claim, of Global Warming. For some mysterious reason
& for many months now there has been a downward trend. Let’s see what this month brings.
Al Gore raved about “Global Warming”. Then when the GW crowd could see their rant was not holding up due to actual global cooling, “they” changed the term to Climate Change. The earth’s climate has changed many times between warm and cold in past history. We remember studying the ice ages and the warm periods also . It just slays me why people do not use their heads. But look at the millions that bought into “The Jab” and now millions have died, are chronically sick and will continue to die. Yes, follow the money and fear mongering.
You probably won’t believe me, but I did not intentionally call you Dork, lol. Didn’t even know I did it til hours later. But I can’t answer for my subconscious!
Winter, catch Chinook salmon, waiting for Spring Chinooks in a few months into Summer until the Coho salmon show up and catch those until October when the Chum salmon arrive and catch them.
Right now the sturgeon are hungry because all the Fall salmon runs are gone so it’s easy to catch eight feet sturgeon in January and Feb and March. Sturgeon smoked sells for $40lb the fish weigh 400 lbs. Do the math, the caviar is worth big bucks from the sturgeon and salmon.
Winter crabs are the best they sell for $50 a pop down the road if I go to the Columbia River I can catch 12 crabs a day that’s $600 bucks retail while catching many pounds of fish at the same time. Ling cod sell for big money and rockfish.
I can trade one pound of smoked sturgeon for 100 cans of green beans. One lb of smkd sturgeon for 10 cooked Costco chickens @ $5ea. I pay for my boats with productivity and then it’s all profit and I eat good fresh food. Little lake crappie are eight foot sturgeon bait. Sturgeon taste like scallops unbelievable good.
Derk , Drik I don’t give a hoot it’s a fake name anyway I have never typed my real name on this pute. Never bought anyything on this pute, Time to start shopping for boats for Summer, Winter is the best time to buy, supply is up, price is low. You can get cheap boats fix and sell in Summer make money.
I want a boat for me to go putt around in. I look at thousands of boats cars trucks SUVs la la la la. I’ve been boat and car shopping forever there are thousands on there all we used to have was the want ads in the newspaper. No pics. No email. No cell phones. CL shopping hobby, low cost low impact lots of new scenery. All I see here is trees now it’s dark only fourtten hours til dawn rain till Saturday night turning to snow till Wed oh goody.
Deb why do you believe Trump is Wrong? He is fixing the problems Biden caused like open borders etc. Yes he is an A hole sometimes but other country leaders fear him and THAT is good. Also he will be stopping all of this windmill & Solar land destruction and get us back on coal and NATGAS. Have a good day DEB!
I don’t believe Trump is wrong. I believe he is evil. I’m not going to argue the point because that would be a total waste of time — the info is everywhere for those who have eyes to see, and nowhere for those who don’t. Anyhow, I’m pretty sick of arguing. Spent a lot of years doing it, now want a little peace in my old age while that is still available.
Roger all that, Wayegon. President Trump is a man who strives to cut thru the BS, clean up the sewer of Washington, DC – and some states, too. The problems of the USA and the greater world are fixable but too many entrenched politicians and private people, too, will fight tooth and nail to preserve their gravy train & rancid politics.
On the climate front, there’s so much to address and fix there, too.
For far too many people, the phrase “Don’t confuse me with facts, my mind is made up” is how they live.
Zarkova may of been slightly wrong regarding solar cycle 25 but this doesn’t automatically mean her predictions for cycles 26 and 27 are going to be wrong. Solar science is still a relatively new discipline and still being refined. It’s possible that the sun threw us a bit of a curve ball that was impossible to predict and in future will behave in the way the models suggest.
Also it’s far too early to say that cycle 25 was stronger than 24. Obviously the maximum sunspot count was a lot higher than anything in cycle 24 but the total number of spots in the whole cycle may end up being very similar to the total for cycle 24. In terms of the effect on decadal global temperatures the total number of sunspots in a cycle may be more important than the number recorded at solar max. Also the size and strength of the spots may be as important as the number of spots. A better measure of the strength of each solar cycle may well be the strength of the sun’s magnetic field although I can’t find a data set that extends beyond 2018 to be able to make a comparison between cycle 24 and the first half of cycle 25 .
That’s funny, the solar cycle chart is right next to your comment showing SC25 is larger than SC24 and Zarkova is wrong. You don’t even have to look away from the page, there it is.
I’ve showed the sun’s mag strength site lots of times showing how wrong Zarkova is, I’ve been watching that chart for 14 years and am waiting for them to update it. Hurry up and wait. If we could see what that chart looks like in four years that would be special. I could just show the mag strength site again but nothing is going to change here. Same thing, trend the CR chart shows Zarkova was wrong. CR max was ’09, solar min was ’09, that was it. This crap was over before I heard about it in 2012 12 years of BS.
I have three solar cycle prediction charts that show ’09 was the low. That was it no GSM next decade. They are two years old and they got posted on here two years ago. They all show Zarkova was really really wrong. And they show you guys are wrong wrong wrong all day long. One of the chart was posted here as an article the prediction done by AI and it showed Zarkova is wrong.
I have no updated GSM charts showing you guys are sane. Nada, zip. Three to zero. Can’t use the old GSM charts, they’re junk. All you got up there is the UAH GT chart showing it’s not cold.
The UN/IPCC redefined the word “climate” to mean 30 years’ worth of weather instead of the thousands to millions of years it used to mean. So, like the weather, of course, “climate” is always changing, with the new definition.
The only person I talk to here in the neighborhood believes in man made climate change. He watches CNN and Fox news to get both sides of the story though. He watches the commercials with the volume up full blast on a big screen TV which has fried his brain to mush. Has Facebook always on getting stupid messages of trivial crap. Punk rubbish. Any search is ask Google from cell phone, all CIA AI selected disinfo. Everything he says is stupid, he only says something if he thinks up something stupid. But he’s a plumber and he helped me twice five years ago when I needed a hand so I think he’s a good neighbor and I bring him smoked salmon because he doesn’t know how to fish. I bring him garden veggies he’s never seen a bean plant. ???? I bring over smoked oysters, he’s never figured out how to do it you just smoke them it’s not magic holy crap what a doorknob.
One more, I’ll go away. Zarkova’s parameter blew out ten years ago. Wanna see the chart? No. You don’t wanna see I already spent a month showing that chart showing the Sun’s mag strength increased above her prediction ten years ago.
I was watching the chart fulltime and even Ben Davidson was saying it at the time and showing that because that is the chart we get to watch to see what SC26 should look like. Watch the chart the next four years whenever they update the ferking thing. Hurry up and wait. Any updates yet? No. Whatever the mag chart does I’m going to watch it not predict what it’s going to do and then measure mag strength at solar minimum fiveish years away. Lots of time to wait watching the chart not update week after week for months. Solar polar fields chart, watching for fourteen years now waiting for updates.
Can you maybe put your hyperbolic comments into a form of English that is more easily recognised? As far as your apparent hysterics go, I suspect that there is far more in the solar cycles than we have yet discovered and we will just have to wait and see what transpires. Being ‘wrong’ is to be a scientist. It’s the nature of the scientific method; Karl Popper’s “conjecture and refutation”. The current observed reality is that there is nothing happening to our weather that hasn’t happened before, and there are more displayed benefits of increasing CO2 than any supposed negatives. Having watched this bunfight for the past forty years or so I know full well that I’m not going to live to see it all pan out, but I do hope that those who are trashing our world in their insane obsession against this necessary trace gas will receive some kind of Karma before I go.
Sure I like everybody just fine. There’s not many people around here there’s more elk than humans. Nobody comes over here and I don’t go anywhere this time of year just stuff logs in the woodstove and try to survive another Winter. It is sposed to be cold crappy weather everyday in February snow rain sleet lots of snow in the mountains.
We’re getting hit from the Hawaii volcano if you look at Windy SO Mid US getting hit by Mexi volcano, the Sun is very active with solar flares and a giant coronal hole. Mercury is opposite of us on the other side of the Sun a very big alignment and all the other planets are aligned in a V formation on this side of the Sun. I’m waiting for the Sun to pull apart there’s so much stress right now with these alignments it’s not a time to be talking about solar hibernation when the Sun is going bonkers and volcanos are erupting. What a show!!
Zarkova’s GSM BS went out the window ten years ago. Easy to see on a chart I showed lots of times and everybody else knows about but you guys.
Nobody at NASA thinks the sun is going into Grand Hibernation that’s just made up BS.
Climate change a catch all phrase. It’s like saying CO2
is going to cause the sunsets to turn green &
after 42 years of propaganda no change so you switch to CO2 is going to make the sunset some color. Let’s stick to the original claim, of Global Warming. For some mysterious reason
& for many months now there has been a downward trend. Let’s see what this month brings.
Al Gore raved about “Global Warming”. Then when the GW crowd could see their rant was not holding up due to actual global cooling, “they” changed the term to Climate Change. The earth’s climate has changed many times between warm and cold in past history. We remember studying the ice ages and the warm periods also . It just slays me why people do not use their heads. But look at the millions that bought into “The Jab” and now millions have died, are chronically sick and will continue to die. Yes, follow the money and fear mongering.
Always talk about how wrong the other guys are but never talk about how wrong Zarkova is.
If you’re looking to start a fight, Dork, you should talk about how wrong Trump and Musk are.
Cute 1929, 29′ putt putt, $6k:
Burns one gallon per hour at 6 knots, very economical.
You probably won’t believe me, but I did not intentionally call you Dork, lol. Didn’t even know I did it til hours later. But I can’t answer for my subconscious!
Nice boat. Are you going somewhere?
Winter, catch Chinook salmon, waiting for Spring Chinooks in a few months into Summer until the Coho salmon show up and catch those until October when the Chum salmon arrive and catch them.
Right now the sturgeon are hungry because all the Fall salmon runs are gone so it’s easy to catch eight feet sturgeon in January and Feb and March. Sturgeon smoked sells for $40lb the fish weigh 400 lbs. Do the math, the caviar is worth big bucks from the sturgeon and salmon.
Winter crabs are the best they sell for $50 a pop down the road if I go to the Columbia River I can catch 12 crabs a day that’s $600 bucks retail while catching many pounds of fish at the same time. Ling cod sell for big money and rockfish.
I can trade one pound of smoked sturgeon for 100 cans of green beans. One lb of smkd sturgeon for 10 cooked Costco chickens @ $5ea. I pay for my boats with productivity and then it’s all profit and I eat good fresh food. Little lake crappie are eight foot sturgeon bait. Sturgeon taste like scallops unbelievable good.
Derk , Drik I don’t give a hoot it’s a fake name anyway I have never typed my real name on this pute. Never bought anyything on this pute, Time to start shopping for boats for Summer, Winter is the best time to buy, supply is up, price is low. You can get cheap boats fix and sell in Summer make money.
I want a boat for me to go putt around in. I look at thousands of boats cars trucks SUVs la la la la. I’ve been boat and car shopping forever there are thousands on there all we used to have was the want ads in the newspaper. No pics. No email. No cell phones. CL shopping hobby, low cost low impact lots of new scenery. All I see here is trees now it’s dark only fourtten hours til dawn rain till Saturday night turning to snow till Wed oh goody.
Deb why do you believe Trump is Wrong? He is fixing the problems Biden caused like open borders etc. Yes he is an A hole sometimes but other country leaders fear him and THAT is good. Also he will be stopping all of this windmill & Solar land destruction and get us back on coal and NATGAS. Have a good day DEB!
I don’t believe Trump is wrong. I believe he is evil. I’m not going to argue the point because that would be a total waste of time — the info is everywhere for those who have eyes to see, and nowhere for those who don’t. Anyhow, I’m pretty sick of arguing. Spent a lot of years doing it, now want a little peace in my old age while that is still available.
Roger all that, Wayegon. President Trump is a man who strives to cut thru the BS, clean up the sewer of Washington, DC – and some states, too. The problems of the USA and the greater world are fixable but too many entrenched politicians and private people, too, will fight tooth and nail to preserve their gravy train & rancid politics.
On the climate front, there’s so much to address and fix there, too.
For far too many people, the phrase “Don’t confuse me with facts, my mind is made up” is how they live.
Zarkova may of been slightly wrong regarding solar cycle 25 but this doesn’t automatically mean her predictions for cycles 26 and 27 are going to be wrong. Solar science is still a relatively new discipline and still being refined. It’s possible that the sun threw us a bit of a curve ball that was impossible to predict and in future will behave in the way the models suggest.
Also it’s far too early to say that cycle 25 was stronger than 24. Obviously the maximum sunspot count was a lot higher than anything in cycle 24 but the total number of spots in the whole cycle may end up being very similar to the total for cycle 24. In terms of the effect on decadal global temperatures the total number of sunspots in a cycle may be more important than the number recorded at solar max. Also the size and strength of the spots may be as important as the number of spots. A better measure of the strength of each solar cycle may well be the strength of the sun’s magnetic field although I can’t find a data set that extends beyond 2018 to be able to make a comparison between cycle 24 and the first half of cycle 25 .
That’s funny, the solar cycle chart is right next to your comment showing SC25 is larger than SC24 and Zarkova is wrong. You don’t even have to look away from the page, there it is.
I’ve showed the sun’s mag strength site lots of times showing how wrong Zarkova is, I’ve been watching that chart for 14 years and am waiting for them to update it. Hurry up and wait. If we could see what that chart looks like in four years that would be special. I could just show the mag strength site again but nothing is going to change here. Same thing, trend the CR chart shows Zarkova was wrong. CR max was ’09, solar min was ’09, that was it. This crap was over before I heard about it in 2012 12 years of BS.
Zarkova’s TCI prediction for SC25 was sposed to be way weaker than SC24. If it’s stronger now then she is wrong right now today like everyday last year and the year before.
The Left are wrong and The Church of Zarkova is wrong, what’s new?
The Republicans didn’t want to get vaccinated against COVID-19 and 15% more of them died from COVID in Ohio and Florida where this study took place.
‘Political party affiliation linked to excess COVID deaths’
I have three solar cycle prediction charts that show ’09 was the low. That was it no GSM next decade. They are two years old and they got posted on here two years ago. They all show Zarkova was really really wrong. And they show you guys are wrong wrong wrong all day long. One of the chart was posted here as an article the prediction done by AI and it showed Zarkova is wrong.
I have no updated GSM charts showing you guys are sane. Nada, zip. Three to zero. Can’t use the old GSM charts, they’re junk. All you got up there is the UAH GT chart showing it’s not cold.
The UN/IPCC redefined the word “climate” to mean 30 years’ worth of weather instead of the thousands to millions of years it used to mean. So, like the weather, of course, “climate” is always changing, with the new definition.
Wildfires have been part of California for millions of years. The Giant Sequoia trees even need wildfires to open their seed pods at the right time.
The only person I talk to here in the neighborhood believes in man made climate change. He watches CNN and Fox news to get both sides of the story though. He watches the commercials with the volume up full blast on a big screen TV which has fried his brain to mush. Has Facebook always on getting stupid messages of trivial crap. Punk rubbish. Any search is ask Google from cell phone, all CIA AI selected disinfo. Everything he says is stupid, he only says something if he thinks up something stupid. But he’s a plumber and he helped me twice five years ago when I needed a hand so I think he’s a good neighbor and I bring him smoked salmon because he doesn’t know how to fish. I bring him garden veggies he’s never seen a bean plant. ???? I bring over smoked oysters, he’s never figured out how to do it you just smoke them it’s not magic holy crap what a doorknob.
One more, I’ll go away. Zarkova’s parameter blew out ten years ago. Wanna see the chart? No. You don’t wanna see I already spent a month showing that chart showing the Sun’s mag strength increased above her prediction ten years ago.
I was watching the chart fulltime and even Ben Davidson was saying it at the time and showing that because that is the chart we get to watch to see what SC26 should look like. Watch the chart the next four years whenever they update the ferking thing. Hurry up and wait. Any updates yet? No. Whatever the mag chart does I’m going to watch it not predict what it’s going to do and then measure mag strength at solar minimum fiveish years away. Lots of time to wait watching the chart not update week after week for months. Solar polar fields chart, watching for fourteen years now waiting for updates.
Can you maybe put your hyperbolic comments into a form of English that is more easily recognised? As far as your apparent hysterics go, I suspect that there is far more in the solar cycles than we have yet discovered and we will just have to wait and see what transpires. Being ‘wrong’ is to be a scientist. It’s the nature of the scientific method; Karl Popper’s “conjecture and refutation”. The current observed reality is that there is nothing happening to our weather that hasn’t happened before, and there are more displayed benefits of increasing CO2 than any supposed negatives. Having watched this bunfight for the past forty years or so I know full well that I’m not going to live to see it all pan out, but I do hope that those who are trashing our world in their insane obsession against this necessary trace gas will receive some kind of Karma before I go.
Not likely. The Antichrist will probably kill us all, and then they will get their “karma” on Judgement Day.
You really are hyperbolic. Just out of curiosity, do you like ANYBODY?
Sure I like everybody just fine. There’s not many people around here there’s more elk than humans. Nobody comes over here and I don’t go anywhere this time of year just stuff logs in the woodstove and try to survive another Winter. It is sposed to be cold crappy weather everyday in February snow rain sleet lots of snow in the mountains.
We’re getting hit from the Hawaii volcano if you look at Windy SO Mid US getting hit by Mexi volcano, the Sun is very active with solar flares and a giant coronal hole. Mercury is opposite of us on the other side of the Sun a very big alignment and all the other planets are aligned in a V formation on this side of the Sun. I’m waiting for the Sun to pull apart there’s so much stress right now with these alignments it’s not a time to be talking about solar hibernation when the Sun is going bonkers and volcanos are erupting. What a show!!
“I like everybody just fine.”
Except, presumably, for the “doorknob” who helped you out.
Btw, have you learned plumbing? I learned a lot at a factory I worked at 25 years ago. It’s not magic. Maybe you’re the doorknob.
Dammit, I just can’t resist!
Zarkova’s GSM BS went out the window ten years ago. Easy to see on a chart I showed lots of times and everybody else knows about but you guys.
Nobody at NASA thinks the sun is going into Grand Hibernation that’s just made up BS.