During large winter storms, turbines must shut down to avoid damage,
if the turbines are fitted with blade & nacelle
warming, that puts an additional drain on the grid. They go from providing energy to becoming parasitic just when you need them the most. If a grand minimum is our future the safety of citizens of Western World nations have been compromised. Very poor timing.
Ya it helps to be a millionaire on a farm with a good family and have skills and your health. Top 5%? Most people are in debt they don’t have any money and own nothing it’s all on credit living check to check they can’t afford their bills foreclosure rates are through the roof.
I couldn’t buy this overgrown teardown till I was 62 health gone by then but I’m lucky I got in when I did everything trippled in price.
Politicians the world over are “for” whatever they judge to be the hot, popular thing, whatever will get them more votes & power, whatever will bring more money into their pockets and whatever will bring more money & power into the pockets of their investors (their contributors.)
Far down their list of reasons is anything worthwhile for their constituents or for their state or country.
You should also have added that there is no way to be sure that elections are on the up and up since they went to computers. Anyone with money can hire a good hacker and hijack an election. And they probably do.
It’s all a dog and pony show. Musk, the Democrats, the Republicans, all the same and still sucking in the public and making them think they have a choice.
Got my camo shade tarps up cooked dinner at 6am too hot to cook afternoons for last 5 days. It was only sposed to be 82 for one day last Friday then taper back down to normal. 96F record yesterday hot all weekend 89F today ave is 75F not sposed to get this hot here no rain forecast July. Another record hot/dry Summer NW US wish it was cloudy rainy La Nina solar minimum I hate the heat. I know I know it’s going to be so cold real soon bla bla bla been hearing that for twelve years now hot every summer. I don’t like it over 65F. Heat is wearing me out waiting for the big cooldown feel like I got ran over by a truck. No sleep since last week because record heatwave hereWest Coast USA.
At least you’re close enough to the mountains to go camping there. Closest mountain to me is 1000 miles. (REAL mountains that is -the kind with snow on top. ) Pick up a little travel trailer and head for the hills til it cools down.
IF the solar wind density goes up to 90 from a coronal hole there will be quakes and volcanos. There will be a heat surge and if it’s over ocean that is 87F there would be convection and if there is duration you get rotation and a cyclone. Solar wind Speed and Density top shelf black and white unmolested real time data.
If the solar wind speed from a coronal hole goes up to 900 kilometers per second for two days there is a heat surge and N & S Auroras, quakes volcanos hurricanes just like solar flares. You don’t need solar flares for solar activity. Spot counts mean squat cosmic rays don’t seem to do much coronal holes are a key part of Space Weather. https://www.spaceweather.com/
Sunspots go away then the coronal holes come back and go round and round till the polarities stabilize at the poles for a brief time at solar min. Then the coronal holes come back then the sunspots return with solar flares.
Solar wind from coronal holes just as bad as from solar flares. Waiting for cold gotta wait for the coronal holes to stop in ’29. Mag strength increased not decreased could be stronger coronal holes than last solar min which were very powerful caused record heat and record El Nino in 2016. Caused UAH GT to go way up in 2020.
Be careful about heatstroke, Dirk. Have someone checking on you regularly when the weather is severe. And drink lots of water.
If I’m not feeling well, I always ask someone to call me in the morning. Things can go sideways during the night. I used to be extremely independent but I am learning to lean on other people a bit. I want to take care of myself, but things change as you get older. Don’t let pride get in the way of doing the smart thing.
Record hot here and forecast is way above average. Record hot/dry here last three summers. Our snowpack went to zero percent of normal before summer started. Average temp here July 10th75F. Mild, that’s why I live here. None of this record heat was in the forecast last week there was one day of 82F then back to normal then six days later it went to 97F.
’09,’10, ’11 were below ave warmer every year since. The records I see being broken were from 2007 in solar minimum from coronal holes. I was working out in the 100F heat building roads and parking lots running heavy equipment with no AC on a 160 acre construction project. 100f in the shade what shade.
Ave temp here 75F we don’t normally need AC it’s not supposed to be record hot here every summer everybody thinks it’s from carbon they’ve never heard different anything else is crazy talk. I tell them it’s the weak mag shield nobody’s ever heard of it. No help with that here or anywhere, no back up. So cold, record cold. What a joke.
If there is a big coronal hole and the solar wind is 900kps for three days that’s worse than an X flare. Don’t need sunspots or solar flares for solar activity.
Wow! I stopped watching for one day and sunspot number 3728 put out a bunch of M class flares. None of them reached M2, tho. They were just barely over the line from C class.
I found that coronal hole info on Solarham. Couldn’t find it on Spaceweather. Something else for you to watch now. Maybe some auroral activity for you this weekend. Not for us. My daughter saw the Aurora here in Missouri during that big GM storm in early May. I went outside to look, but all I saw was trees, lol. All I ever see is trees. Maybe I should move to Montana — Big Sky Country. It would be nice to see some sky for a change.
An interesting video on how wind turbines operate and the intricacies of incorporating into the grid.
I am not a fan of these or solar farms/factories – basically a stupid idea to try and run a modern economy this way but Australia like elsewhere is “stuck in the renewables rut”.
Australia is pushing non renewables, because wind and solar are not recyclable. Destroy the pristine rain forest snd bush lands during construction. But the main cause is money laundering superannuation companies invest in these sic renewable companies, the same companies that are given government subsidises, a superannuation fund for the building industry, run by dodgy ex politicians, that money gets funnelled into certain unions, that in turn funnel the money as donations back to the Labour Party, that’s why the massive push for wind and solar in Australia, nuclear power the Labour Party is rejecting would stop that money chain. Australian electricity cost are some of the highest in the world, we have massive coal and uranium deposits, we sell them overseas, but don’t use them here, apart from the coal powered power stations that are left. Hopefully the elections may change that it at least slow do the closing of coal fired power stations so we have some electricity
Tried to buy a newer used car before Summer with a good AC and not a total POS like I have now. I looked at all the cars on Craigslist for months all makes and sizes there are tens of thousands on there. OK, a twenty year old station wagon with 259k miles is only $6300.00. Plus tax and license, Seven grand for a twenty year old POS with 259,000 miles are you out of your fracking mind?
I bought a 1968 El Camino at a car lot in ’89 with a fresh a Trans Am 400ci and three inch side headers had 80k miles for $800.00. But now a POS ricegrinder station wagon with 259k miles is $7k???? WTF are they even talking about you don’t buy anything with that many miles. Cheap clean used car now five grand twentyfive years old electrical nightmares. Bugs. Sensors. Junk for five grand.
I had a four year old VW in high school working part time at a grocery store after school it would go anywhere in the snow. Good used car now ten grand all junk electronics waiting to go haywire can’t work on nothin without the computer tester. It’s a Miricale every time my car makes it to the store and back hundred mile round trip. Every time I drive my 32 year old truck something else breaks. Died three times last year… throttle position sensor. Dead. Never heard of a throttle position sensor. Electronic crap. Here comes the Sun better put the camo tarps up so cold from GSM. https://seattle.craigslist.org/see/cto/d/seattle-2004-toyota-4runner-4×4/7765094751.html
I stay out of the Sun as much as possible in Summer, probably already have skin cancer. If I went out in my boat in this heatwave I’d get torched like a bug under a magnifying glass. That’s what the Sun feels like. Hiding in my cave from the solar radiation need some clouds and rain ASAP. Too ferkin nice I do best in cloudy rain and 52F. Fresh air. 53F at the Ocean today an hour and a half drive away. I turned down a lot of cheap houses out there because tsunamis. Mag 6.4 and mag 5.4 today out on the fracture zone off Vancouver Island BC, eh? https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/map/?extent=45.75986,-132.1106&extent=51.73383,-121.65161&listOnlyShown=true
Wish I could offer you some advice, but I still can’t figure out how to deal with summer, except to stay holed up in the AC. I’m not fond of winter either, but don’t mind it as much as summer. The thing I hate about Missouri is the short spring and fall.
Coronal hole section on Space Weather left side scroll down till you see: https://www.spaceweather.com/images2024/10jul24/coronalhole_sdo_blank.jpg
Same spot there I’ve been watching every day since 2011. Also on that side is: Spotless days, TCI, Solar Cycle chart (Radio Sun), Cosmic Rays and the Kp Index. All for monitoring Space Weather.
I read books in the shade outside I never read books inside the house never in the sun always in the shade. All the Clive Cussler’s and Tom Clancy’s. Robert Ludlum, James Mitchner’s etc etc etc etc etc. Years of reading a book every two days, Clancy’s take three days they are fat.
I read most of them in the same spot at a beach park looking over at the Olympic Mountains across Puget Sound and watching the weather. Space Weather and weather. Watching solar wind speed/density and ground temp. Watching weather patterns going around the Olympic mountains off the Pacific into WA ST ten hours a day seven days a week. Watch on Windy and live in person monitoring SC24 go home at night watch the sat feeds report back to monitoring station at 07:00am winter and summer. https://www.google.com/maps/@47.8047608,-122.3934886,3a,75y,257.17h,67.37t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sxscv2r4HI7t8pkDtkDi1DQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205409&entry=ttu
’09 the Economy crashed there was no construction projects going I was #1279 on the Union list after we built the Light Rail Train. No work for three years economy was dead. I started reading books and was
reading on Economics Blogs figuring out why the economy crashed. https://frankpartnoy.com/infectious-greed/
On the GONG site red and green they do call North and South, BUT the Sun’s poles flip every eleven years. They are positive and negative polarities, they switch their N & S names when they filp. The blue slinky is the heliosphere. Interaction between pos and neg polarities. Magnetic field lines. The denser the red and green color the stronger the mag strength. Stronger the mag strength the stronger the solar flares. Electrical potential. Kind of like a defibrillator they build up charge and whammo. https://gong.nso.edu/data/magmap/movie.html
I have access to two libraries here, read a book a day the first seven years I lived here. That’s about 2500 books. I’ve slowed down a lot the last year or so. Couldn’t drive for first three months after heart surgery. Watched old movies and sitcoms on YouTube. I’ve had to reread a lot of the good ones. Libraries are running out of new material.
I really like Clive Cussler too. My favorites are the Oregon Files. I liked the early Dirk Pitt books, but Dirk Cussler is not the writer his daddy was.
Robert Walker is my favorite writer. Spenser, Jesse Stone, Sunny Randall. The authors who took over his characters after he died have stayed true to his style and characters. I’m back reading every day, but don’t finish them off as quick. Staying more active in the real world. If it is real.
During large winter storms, turbines must shut down to avoid damage,
if the turbines are fitted with blade & nacelle
warming, that puts an additional drain on the grid. They go from providing energy to becoming parasitic just when you need them the most. If a grand minimum is our future the safety of citizens of Western World nations have been compromised. Very poor timing.
I have wood for heat & cooking AND we have oil wells and the ability to make diesel from raw oil

Ya it helps to be a millionaire on a farm with a good family and have skills and your health. Top 5%? Most people are in debt they don’t have any money and own nothing it’s all on credit living check to check they can’t afford their bills foreclosure rates are through the roof.
I couldn’t buy this overgrown teardown till I was 62 health gone by then but I’m lucky I got in when I did everything trippled in price.
Politicians the world over are “for” whatever they judge to be the hot, popular thing, whatever will get them more votes & power, whatever will bring more money into their pockets and whatever will bring more money & power into the pockets of their investors (their contributors.)
Far down their list of reasons is anything worthwhile for their constituents or for their state or country.
I should have added that there are principled politicians but they are far outnumbered.
You should also have added that there is no way to be sure that elections are on the up and up since they went to computers. Anyone with money can hire a good hacker and hijack an election. And they probably do.
It’s all a dog and pony show. Musk, the Democrats, the Republicans, all the same and still sucking in the public and making them think they have a choice.
96f today in Brazil extreme drought and fire danger conditions:
Got my camo shade tarps up cooked dinner at 6am too hot to cook afternoons for last 5 days. It was only sposed to be 82 for one day last Friday then taper back down to normal. 96F record yesterday hot all weekend 89F today ave is 75F not sposed to get this hot here no rain forecast July. Another record hot/dry Summer NW US wish it was cloudy rainy La Nina solar minimum I hate the heat. I know I know it’s going to be so cold real soon bla bla bla been hearing that for twelve years now hot every summer. I don’t like it over 65F. Heat is wearing me out waiting for the big cooldown feel like I got ran over by a truck. No sleep since last week because record heatwave hereWest Coast USA.
At least you’re close enough to the mountains to go camping there. Closest mountain to me is 1000 miles. (REAL mountains that is -the kind with snow on top. ) Pick up a little travel trailer and head for the hills til it cools down.
IF the solar wind density goes up to 90 from a coronal hole there will be quakes and volcanos. There will be a heat surge and if it’s over ocean that is 87F there would be convection and if there is duration you get rotation and a cyclone. Solar wind Speed and Density top shelf black and white unmolested real time data.
If the solar wind speed from a coronal hole goes up to 900 kilometers per second for two days there is a heat surge and N & S Auroras, quakes volcanos hurricanes just like solar flares. You don’t need solar flares for solar activity. Spot counts mean squat cosmic rays don’t seem to do much coronal holes are a key part of Space Weather.
Sunspots go away then the coronal holes come back and go round and round till the polarities stabilize at the poles for a brief time at solar min. Then the coronal holes come back then the sunspots return with solar flares.
Solar wind from coronal holes just as bad as from solar flares. Waiting for cold gotta wait for the coronal holes to stop in ’29. Mag strength increased not decreased could be stronger coronal holes than last solar min which were very powerful caused record heat and record El Nino in 2016. Caused UAH GT to go way up in 2020.
Be careful about heatstroke, Dirk. Have someone checking on you regularly when the weather is severe. And drink lots of water.
If I’m not feeling well, I always ask someone to call me in the morning. Things can go sideways during the night. I used to be extremely independent but I am learning to lean on other people a bit. I want to take care of myself, but things change as you get older. Don’t let pride get in the way of doing the smart thing.
Not that hot out I can take a cold shower. Only mid 80s now.
Oceans are warmer than ave, Pacific Atlantic Indian very warm areas. It;s cold S S America it happens. Look at N Pacific and Atlantic. Mostly warmer than ave from solar flares:
Shocking that it would be hot in July Dirk
Record hot here and forecast is way above average. Record hot/dry here last three summers. Our snowpack went to zero percent of normal before summer started. Average temp here July 10th75F. Mild, that’s why I live here. None of this record heat was in the forecast last week there was one day of 82F then back to normal then six days later it went to 97F.
’09,’10, ’11 were below ave warmer every year since. The records I see being broken were from 2007 in solar minimum from coronal holes. I was working out in the 100F heat building roads and parking lots running heavy equipment with no AC on a 160 acre construction project. 100f in the shade what shade.
Ave temp here 75F we don’t normally need AC it’s not supposed to be record hot here every summer everybody thinks it’s from carbon they’ve never heard different anything else is crazy talk. I tell them it’s the weak mag shield nobody’s ever heard of it. No help with that here or anywhere, no back up. So cold, record cold. What a joke.
On Space Weather. com now on the Coronal Hole section it says solar wind from that coronal hole will hit in three days and might cause minor GEOMAG unrest. Just like a solar flare.
If there is a big coronal hole and the solar wind is 900kps for three days that’s worse than an X flare. Don’t need sunspots or solar flares for solar activity.
Wow! I stopped watching for one day and sunspot number 3728 put out a bunch of M class flares. None of them reached M2, tho. They were just barely over the line from C class.
I found that coronal hole info on Solarham. Couldn’t find it on Spaceweather. Something else for you to watch now. Maybe some auroral activity for you this weekend. Not for us. My daughter saw the Aurora here in Missouri during that big GM storm in early May. I went outside to look, but all I saw was trees, lol. All I ever see is trees. Maybe I should move to Montana — Big Sky Country. It would be nice to see some sky for a change.
Oops. Don’t know how I got a 1 after my name, but it will slow down my response.
Now my response completely disappeared. And my keyboard is acting screwy. I need a cup of coffee.
An interesting video on how wind turbines operate and the intricacies of incorporating into the grid.
I am not a fan of these or solar farms/factories – basically a stupid idea to try and run a modern economy this way but Australia like elsewhere is “stuck in the renewables rut”.
Australia is pushing non renewables, because wind and solar are not recyclable. Destroy the pristine rain forest snd bush lands during construction. But the main cause is money laundering superannuation companies invest in these sic renewable companies, the same companies that are given government subsidises, a superannuation fund for the building industry, run by dodgy ex politicians, that money gets funnelled into certain unions, that in turn funnel the money as donations back to the Labour Party, that’s why the massive push for wind and solar in Australia, nuclear power the Labour Party is rejecting would stop that money chain. Australian electricity cost are some of the highest in the world, we have massive coal and uranium deposits, we sell them overseas, but don’t use them here, apart from the coal powered power stations that are left. Hopefully the elections may change that it at least slow do the closing of coal fired power stations so we have some electricity
Ah, yes, the subsidies game. Every Western gov’t is milking the public treasuries and the people get it coming & going in this manner.
The tax receipts are misdirected and they pay higher energy costs, too.
Tried to buy a newer used car before Summer with a good AC and not a total POS like I have now. I looked at all the cars on Craigslist for months all makes and sizes there are tens of thousands on there. OK, a twenty year old station wagon with 259k miles is only $6300.00. Plus tax and license, Seven grand for a twenty year old POS with 259,000 miles are you out of your fracking mind?
I bought a 1968 El Camino at a car lot in ’89 with a fresh a Trans Am 400ci and three inch side headers had 80k miles for $800.00. But now a POS ricegrinder station wagon with 259k miles is $7k???? WTF are they even talking about you don’t buy anything with that many miles. Cheap clean used car now five grand twentyfive years old electrical nightmares. Bugs. Sensors. Junk for five grand.
I had a four year old VW in high school working part time at a grocery store after school it would go anywhere in the snow. Good used car now ten grand all junk electronics waiting to go haywire can’t work on nothin without the computer tester. It’s a Miricale every time my car makes it to the store and back hundred mile round trip. Every time I drive my 32 year old truck something else breaks. Died three times last year… throttle position sensor. Dead. Never heard of a throttle position sensor. Electronic crap. Here comes the Sun better put the camo tarps up so cold from GSM.
I stay out of the Sun as much as possible in Summer, probably already have skin cancer. If I went out in my boat in this heatwave I’d get torched like a bug under a magnifying glass. That’s what the Sun feels like. Hiding in my cave from the solar radiation need some clouds and rain ASAP. Too ferkin nice I do best in cloudy rain and 52F. Fresh air. 53F at the Ocean today an hour and a half drive away. I turned down a lot of cheap houses out there because tsunamis. Mag 6.4 and mag 5.4 today out on the fracture zone off Vancouver Island BC, eh?
Wish I could offer you some advice, but I still can’t figure out how to deal with summer, except to stay holed up in the AC. I’m not fond of winter either, but don’t mind it as much as summer. The thing I hate about Missouri is the short spring and fall.
Coronal hole section on Space Weather left side scroll down till you see:
Same spot there I’ve been watching every day since 2011. Also on that side is: Spotless days, TCI, Solar Cycle chart (Radio Sun), Cosmic Rays and the Kp Index. All for monitoring Space Weather.
I read books in the shade outside I never read books inside the house never in the sun always in the shade. All the Clive Cussler’s and Tom Clancy’s. Robert Ludlum, James Mitchner’s etc etc etc etc etc. Years of reading a book every two days, Clancy’s take three days they are fat.
I read most of them in the same spot at a beach park looking over at the Olympic Mountains across Puget Sound and watching the weather. Space Weather and weather. Watching solar wind speed/density and ground temp. Watching weather patterns going around the Olympic mountains off the Pacific into WA ST ten hours a day seven days a week. Watch on Windy and live in person monitoring SC24 go home at night watch the sat feeds report back to monitoring station at 07:00am winter and summer.
’09 the Economy crashed there was no construction projects going I was #1279 on the Union list after we built the Light Rail Train. No work for three years economy was dead. I started reading books and was
reading on Economics Blogs figuring out why the economy crashed.
On the GONG site red and green they do call North and South, BUT the Sun’s poles flip every eleven years. They are positive and negative polarities, they switch their N & S names when they filp. The blue slinky is the heliosphere. Interaction between pos and neg polarities. Magnetic field lines. The denser the red and green color the stronger the mag strength. Stronger the mag strength the stronger the solar flares. Electrical potential. Kind of like a defibrillator they build up charge and whammo.
Are the white holes between the red and green and blue Slinky indicators of coronal holes?
I have access to two libraries here, read a book a day the first seven years I lived here. That’s about 2500 books. I’ve slowed down a lot the last year or so. Couldn’t drive for first three months after heart surgery. Watched old movies and sitcoms on YouTube. I’ve had to reread a lot of the good ones. Libraries are running out of new material.
I really like Clive Cussler too. My favorites are the Oregon Files. I liked the early Dirk Pitt books, but Dirk Cussler is not the writer his daddy was.
Robert Walker is my favorite writer. Spenser, Jesse Stone, Sunny Randall. The authors who took over his characters after he died have stayed true to his style and characters. I’m back reading every day, but don’t finish them off as quick. Staying more active in the real world. If it is real.