Northern India’s Coldest Start To May Since 1987; Las Vegas Ski Resort’s Longest-Ever Season; + New Study: Beaufort Gyre Could Be Readying For “Freshwater Catastrophe”
Northern India’s Coldest Start To May Since 1987
The higher reaches of India have endured freezing temperatures this week.
As reported Tuesday, unseasonable snow has been clipping the likes of Himachal Pradesh (HP) of late, but it’s the cold that’s taking the cherry.
The first ten days of May have been Northern India’s coldest (and wettest) for 36 years, since 1987, according to data from the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD).
Surender Paul, IMD director for Shimla –the capital city of HP– said maximum temperatures during the first ten days of May held between 8C and 36C (46.4F and 96.8F) when usual the mercury would have soared well-above 40C (104F) by now.
The state of Himachal Pradesh has suffered below-average daytime and nighttime temperatures this month, a trend that continues from April, and one that also fits the country’s increasing ‘cold waves’–as discovered by a recent study (linked HERE).
Dharamshala has logged its coldest May nights on record, logging 8.4C (47.1F) on both May 1 and 8 and thus breaking the all-time low of 8.7C (47.7F) set May 6, 2009 (solar minimum of cycle 23).
While in Keylong, a low of -2.6C (27.3F) was registered on May 9, breaking the record of -1.6C (29.1F) set May 2, 2019 (solar minimum of cycle 24).
Looking ahead, the IMD is warning of another bout of unseasonable snow due to hit from May 12.
Las Vegas Ski Resort’s Longest-Ever Season
Lee Canyon, a ski resort just 50 miles north of the Las Vegas Strip, just announced that they’re looking at their longest season yet due, in no small part, to the historic snowfall that hit this wintry season.
You can ski and ride Lee Canyon’s terrain until the end of this weekend, on May 14 — a new record.
Statewide snowpacks across the likes of Nevada, California and Utah are all riding 300%-or-so above their multidecadal averages.
Switching focus to Utah, the snow piles have been gargantuan.
“This year is the record year,” said Jordan Clayton, supervisor of the Utah Snow Survey. “We blew away the previous records.”
Statewide, the snow water equivalent peaked at 30 inches in early April. That’s almost double the state’s average based on recent decades, and inches more than the previous records held by 1952 (28.8 inches) and 1983 (26 inches).
As it has done for much of the Western U.S., this snowy winter has lifted Utah from severe drought to no drought, with the snowmelt expected to fill up a vast majority of state’s reservoirs.
In a just a few months, the Western U.S. has gone from “catastrophic 1,200 mega-drought” to poof! — no drought at all.
New Study: Beaufort Gyre Could Be Readying For “Freshwater Catastrophe”
A recent study has demonstrated the first observational proof that the anti-cyclonic Beaufort Gyre –the largest store of fresh water in the Arctic Ocean that has been inexplicably growing for decades– is stabilizing.
“Dynamic ocean topography” satellite information from 2011 to 2019 and a comprehensive hydrographic data set from 2003 to 2019 have been combined to measure the evolution of the sea surface height of the gyre.
Previous observations, using data up to 2014, documented a strengthening of the gyre since 2003 and showed an increase of freshwater content by 40% compared with 1970s climatology.
Stabilization of the gyre is concerning, it could be a precursor of a huge freshwater release which would have significant ramifications for Earth’s climate via a disruption of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC).
Without overstatement, it could be the trigger for the next bout of global cooling, the next ice age, even (more on that below).
The Beaufort Gyre “has transitioned to a quasi-stable state in which the increase in sea surface height of the gyre has slowed and the freshwater content has plateaued,” states the recent study, published in Nature Geoscience.
“In addition, the cold halocline layer, which isolates the warm/salty Atlantic water at depth, has thinned significantly due to less input of cold and salty water stemming from the Pacific Ocean and the Chukchi Sea shelf, together with greater entrainment of lighter water from the eastern Beaufort Sea. This recent transition of the Beaufort Gyre is associated with a southeastward shift in its location as a result of variation in the regional wind forcing,” continues the paper.

“Our results imply that continued thinning of the cold halocline layer could modulate the present stable state, allowing for a freshwater release. This in turn could freshen the subpolar North Atlantic, impacting the AMOC.”
The paper’s lead author, Peigen Lin, associate professor at the Shanghai Jiao Tong University’s School of Oceanography in China, warns of the ramifications: “People should be aware that changes in the circulation of the Arctic Ocean could threaten the climate.”
Co-author Robert Pickart, a senior scientist in WHOI’s Department of Physical Oceanography, has a similar warming: With the gyre being the Arctic Ocean’s largest freshwater reservoir, “if that freshwater gets released and ends up spreading into the North Atlantic, it could impact the overturning circulation, and, in an extreme case, disrupt it.”

The study, which includes an examination of long-term trends of the Beaufort Gyre and the causes of the thinning of the cold halocline layer, quantifies the evolution of the gyre in terms of its sea surface height as well as its freshwater content: “Both of these indicate that the Beaufort Gyre has stabilized in the second decade of this century,” Lin said.
The recent documented state of the gyre “does not represent a return to the initial condition of 2003 when the gyre was weak and located partially in the southeastern basin. Instead, under the strengthened wind stress curl, the gyre has continuously intensified even though it has contracted, and it has maintained its excess freshwater storage,” the paper notes.
For more, continue with the article below (originally published Sept, 2020 on the now censored
Contradicting EVERYTHING the warmists have ever been told, a loss of ice at the poles is now thought to be the trigger for GLOBAL COOLING and ICE AGES.
For two decades now, NASA has told us that during bouts of otherwise “global” cooling the poles actually warm — this is likely due to a GSM-induced meridional (wavy) jet stream flow that diverts tropical warmth anomalously-far north AND/OR a depletion of the ozone layer high-above the poles that allows-in extra solar/cosmic radiation–including ultraviolet.
Regardless of the exact mechanism, however –a field of study that remains poorly understood– Arctic sea ice has been in a natural decline in recent decades, an occurrence that is now threatening to set into motion a genuine and inevitable catastrophe: a threat that is often labelled a “ticking climate bomb”.
The Beaufort Gyre is a massive wind-driven current in the Arctic Ocean. The region has been regulating climate and sea ice formation at the top of the world for millennia. Recently, however, something has gone amiss.

During the second half of the 20th century, the gyre adhered to a cyclical pattern in which it would shift gears every five to seven years and temporarily spin in a counter-clockwise direction, expelling ice and freshwater into the eastern Arctic Ocean and the North Atlantic. But for more than 17 years now, this carousel of ice and freshwater has been spinning faster in its usual clockwise direction, all the while collecting more and more freshwater from three sources: melting sea ice, runoff flowing into the Arctic Ocean from Russian and North American rivers, and the relatively fresh water streaming in from the Bering Sea.
As reported by Today, the Beaufort Gyre now holds as much freshwater as all of the Great Lakes combined, and its continuing clockwise swirl is preventing this enormous volume of ice and cold-freshwater from flushing into the North Atlantic Ocean. Scientists say the gyre will inevitably weaken and reverse direction, and when it does it could expel a massive amount of icy fresh water into the North Atlantic.
Polar oceanographer Andrey Proshutinsky of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution has labeled this anticipated surge of water a “ticking climate bomb,” noting that even a partial flush of that growing reservoir –a mere 5 percent– could temporarily cool the climate of Iceland and northern Europe. A larger outflow would actually threaten to shutdown the Gulf Stream, an event that would see ice age conditions sweep Northern and Western Europe almost overnight.
We know this occurs, and have detailed records of a relatively recent event: during the 1960s and 1970s, a surge of fresh Arctic water was released that cooled the top half-mile of parts of the North Atlantic. Known as the Great Salinity Anomaly, British oceanographer Robert R. Dickson said the event represented one of the most persistent and extreme variations in global ocean climate observed during the past century. The surge of ice and freshwater cooled Northern Europe dramatically and disrupted the North Atlantic food chain. Between 1951 and 2010, many of Europe’s exceptionally cold winters occurred during the period of the Great Salinity Anomaly.
The discussed mechanism is believed, by many, to be the ice age trigger, and a newly published scientific paper only adds further support. Entitled, “Evidence for extreme export of Arctic sea ice leading the abrupt onset of the Little Ice Age“, the new study combines marine sediment cores drilled from the Arctic Ocean to the North Atlantic. These records reveal that an abrupt increase in Arctic sea ice and cold freshwater exported to the North Atlantic starting around 1300, peaking in mid-century, and ending abruptly in the late 1300s. Crucially, the paper concludes that external forcing from volcanoes or any other cause may not be necessary for large swings in climate to occur — a previously widely held assumption: “These results strongly suggest that these things can occur out of the blue due to internal variability in the climate system,” said Dr. Martin Miles, researcher in the Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research at the University of Colorado.
The climate jigsaw continues, albeit slowly, to be pieced together.
The next bout of severe cooling is due –climate is cyclic, never linear– and the release of the Beaufort Gyre, in line with a rapidly waning magnetosphere and an intensifying Grand Solar Minimum, hold all the keys necessary.
For more still, see:
THE BG – 1700 CUBIC KILOMETERS of Fresh Water ———
Time for me to set up my Crystal Clear Artic Bottled Water factory……..
On IG (Instagram) @RedneckBillionaire
Notice the Twitter Bird in the upper Right Corner!
I make it chirp on a regular basis………lol~~~!
SW Florida temps creeping up a bit!
So I told my sis-in-law (the Hurricane Ian refugee camped out in the recliner in my living room who gets up a 4 AM every morning) “rain in 48 hours” as this is the second day of 2 degree creep up.
Sure enough, on checking Accuweather they give us an 86% chance of rain on Sat.
Accuweather also predicts the low temp for the last two weeks of May to be 72 or above as would be normal (one day at 70F) but I think that prediction is going to be totally wrong. It was 64 F this morning. A rain normally cools the temps down so
I am predicting a cool down if it rains on Sat. Last chance for rain we had it only stormed on the inland 10 mile east of us, not here on the West Coast of Florida!
PS Cap…….the website isn’t working like it should on my computer. From a previous tab it doesn’t refresh like it should constantly giving me an older article. . I go to Twitter to click on your latest article which then comes up. Also I took a hit on twitter, with a Tweet that I did not tweet that also had no link to block it or report it. It was reported anyway to a different section of Twitter than normal so hopefully one part of the company will hunt down the section that has no right to mess with our communications and ………… it!!!
Re the Beaufort gyre: “Our results imply….”
I did a quick Google search and found several science e-magazines all sharing the same story. The abstract of the paper seems to be the only source for information as the paper is behind a paywall.
I wonder if the “Our results imply” gets walked back and or diminished in the actual paper. The overabundance of ‘stories’ referencing this paper makes me think this is part of a ‘fear campaign’.
Hard to tell (“science”) fact from fiction these days.
if you want to learn about the changes to earth planets sun soar system and galaxy observable and understandable join suspicious observers for the 30 day challenge all who do have never gone back. they know=== day after tomorrow
Previously it was known that the BG had been spinning for too long in one direction and not releasing when it spins back, Having amassed a large body of fresh water what happens next is it will combine with a Gulf stream at its weakest in 1200 years, that might turn northern europe cold for a while. Even in Ireland surface water temp peaked in 2007 with cooling happening now,
Don’t know if it was sarcasm or not, but the 1200 drought was barely a drought at all, manufactured bs. They intentionally drained the lakes to create a problem..
The scenario of the freshwater release from the Arctic causing a sudden ice age ( proper ice age) was the theme in the film “Day after Tomorrow), made in 2004
These ain’t fire balls. Up in Colorado trying to camp & the Denver area was punished by two severe hail storms. The car window breaking size hail. In a global warming world why is so much ice falling from the sky?
Because it’s getting so warm the sky is actually falling.
I remember I brought up this topic in a climate class (at the College of Charleston) back in 2003 quoting several paragraphs from Woods Hole Oceanography Institute, but nobody seemed interested at the time because so many 17 year-old kids in my college days were brainwashed to stupidity by GW. In those days, many believed that driving your car to the post office was destroying the climate due to GW. I won’t mention those 2 words – they have been completely outlawed in my household since 2001 and I will delete that phrase from any article in the future unless it refers to natural forcings, such as going from a glacial to an interglacial period.
Climatic Cooling is the new threat based on several relevant natural factors, including:
1. The Little Ice Age Cycle, which we have already entered in 2017.
2. The next Magnetic Reversal Cycle, known as Equinoctial Precession – due immediately. This cycle is the cause of major ice ages and the next extinction phase. The weakening magnetic field is also the reason for increasing cosmic rays and uptick in volcanic activity in the last decade. The field is now weakening by about 5 percent or more per decade and the rate of weakening is increasing.
3. The so called 1,400 Year Ice Age Cycle, which is also due immediately. (source: Magnetic Reversals and Evolutionary Leaps)
4. The Orbital Stretch Cycle (orbital eccentricity) also due at this time. This is when the Earth is approx. 11 million miles further from the sun than it is today. (same source as above)
5. The Beaufort Gyre Cycle, which is also due at this time – based on the condition that freshwater infiltration will continue. (source: Woods Hole Oceanography Institute)
If these 5 cycles were to combine concurrently, we would likely see catastrophic consequences to human life.
I’m not saying to hold your breath for it, but any one of these factors should come into play in the not too distant future.
I remember I brought up this topic in a climate class (at the College of Charleston) back in 2003 quoting several paragraphs from Woods Hole Oceanography Institute, but nobody seemed interested at the time because so many 17 year-old kids in my college days were brainwashed to stupidity by GW. In those days, many believed that driving your car to the post office was destroying the climate due to GW. I won’t mention those 2 words – they have been completely outlawed in my household since 2001 and I will delete that phrase from any article in the future unless it refers to natural forcings, such as going from a glacial to an interglacial period.
Climatic Cooling is the new threat based on several relevant natural factors, including:
1. The Little Ice Age Cycle, which we have already entered in 2017.
2. The next Magnetic Reversal Cycle, known as Equinoctial Precession – due immediately. This cycle is the cause of major ice ages and the next extinction phase. The weakening magnetic field is also the reason for increasing cosmic rays and uptick in volcanic activity in the last decade. The field is now weakening by about 5 percent or more per decade and the rate of weakening is increasing.
3. The so called 1,400 Year Ice Age Cycle, which is also due immediately. (source: Magnetic Reversals and Evolutionary Leaps)
4. The Orbital Stretch Cycle (orbital eccentricity) also due at this time. This is when the Earth is approx 11 million miles further from the sun than it is today. (same source as above)
5. The Beaufort Gyre Cycle, which is also due at this time – based on the condition that freshwater infiltration will continue. (source: Woods Hole Oceanography Institute)
If these 5 cycles were to combine concurrently, we would likely see catastrophic consequences to human life.
Knowing my luck…the Gyre, Volcanoes galore and the Pole flip will all happen together…
Hi Cap
Regarding Beaufort Gyre, I think you will be able to find some gold nuggets in this investigation of projections from 40 climate models participating in the fifth Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5) under different emission scenarios (RCPs)
Seems we should worry more about the SPG convection collapse than AMOC
“On the one hand, the SPG temperature drop of around 2 °C in SPG convection collapse models takes place in less than a decade, and is mainly due to a local convective feedback causing an interruption of the vertical heat transfer from the deep ocean to the surface. The occurrence of such an abrupt shift in seven models suggests the potential bistability of the SPG31, in agreement with a recent study based on an evaluation of CMIP3 models32. On the other hand, the abrupt cooling in AMOC disruption models is more linear and occurs over a longer timescale. It is mainly due to a large-scale advective feedback causing a long-lasting reduction of the ocean’s northward heat transport, which drives a more regular but persistent temperature decrease over the entire northern NA, that is, up to 4 °C in 50 years. ”
The strong cooling observed in the AMOC disruption model exceeds 4 °C at the end of the 21st century (Fig. 3c). This subset of models exhibits a massive AMOC decline of 60% (80% if compared with its pre-industrial strength), which strongly differs from the characteristic AMOC reduction in both SPG convection collapse and non-abrupt models
The paradigm that the potential for NA abrupt changes mainly depends on the fate of the AMOC is clearly incomplete. In addition to the potential existence of a tipping point for an AMOC shutdown, we argue that a separate one involving a collapse of SPG convection46 also exists. Both AMOC disruption and SPG convection collapse are possible responses to the ongoing global warming trend43,44 and changes in the hydrological cycle that are freshening the northern NA31,55. However, while the risk of an AMOC shutdown has been largely debated24,30, an assessment of the possibility of a local SPG convection collapse and its potential impacts was missing so far. Our results highlight that in CMIP5 models the occurrence of a NA abrupt cooling due to an SPG convection collapse is almost four times more likely than the occurrence of a NA abrupt cooling due to an AMOC disruption. Furthermore, when considering only the most realistic models in simulating the present-day SPG stratification, the chance of an NA abrupt cooling in the coming century is close to 50%, while the chance of a complete AMOC collapse is negligible.
Is this for real?
Watched click bait video and no where in there except in the title does it provide anything about it’s title. Like Hunga Tonga explosion a wormwood type explosion will come like a thief in the night. To change the course of history of humans around the globe.
It’s a shame that the study only includes data up to 2019. If the Gyre had stabilised by 2019 and this was a precursor to it potentially collapsing then the collapse may have started by now. A comparison of current North Atlantic sea surface temperature anomalies with data from the last few years leads me to think that the collapse has indeed started.
The Earth is in a 2.58 million-year Ice Age named the Quaternary Glaciation(fourth ice age). The Earth is in a warmer interglacial period named the Holocene. The warmer interglacial periods alternate with the cold glacial periods. The glacial periods last about 90,000 years and the interglacial periods last about 10,000 years, it’s been 11,700 years.