What else rests he happy-few deepstaters than buying gold,silver and/or land since the dollar nowadays is only a paper tiger and can be reprinted into oblivion ?
My big concern is with Biden and the election. I suspect a False Flag incident OR WW3 to start letting this administration to stay in power. Be ready buy gold, silver, ammo, stock up on dried goods/seeds and get away from the city’s.
The senior Democrats have been asking Biden not to run again. Trump was kicked out because of very high unemployment, his mismanagement of COVID-19, and only 1 percent growth during his term. Pick your poison. I’d rather see two different candidates.
I am 68 yrs old and Trump’s economy was the best ever. And it would have been better if the UNIPARYY had worked with him instead of, like the other day, try to assassinate him it would have been better. We got a tax break and for the first time in Forty YEARS our Rural county had more good paying jobs than workers. I’ll take Trump and Peace & Prosperity over war and debt anyway. Trump 2024
Trump is the other arm of the same body, Trump pushed the poison jabs, what else can you say but he is deep state and a puppet, his followers have been had. Stay away form any thinking that politicians save you, it’s all theatre from this actors.
The Super Class elites are now at Summer Camp in California deciding what to do now. Same Group started the UN and put in all the Presidents. Ronnie Raygun and little Billy Clinton/Rockerfeller. Trump not a member. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2Or6nr7Il8
Three Ps— Peanut butter, Pancake mix and Preserves. Good items to stock up on, survive a long time on just those and water. Great shelf life, great barter items, cheap now. Can’t have too much Terriyaki sauce, I use it for smoking salmon and elk and oysters, pork/beef/chicken/rabbit/possum/whatever. Preserves with the salt in it and use brown sugar and fruit for sweet and sour make best fried rice.
Coho Salmon are suposed to return in five weeks go catch a bunch and then the Chum Calmon return in November and the Chanterelle mushrooms come out. They live where the Elk are, handy. I just hope there’s lots of returning Salmon and the rivers have water. Rain would be good I hope La Nina takes over ASAP we get the zonal flow from Asia in an Atmospheric River of dense clouds. Flares stop we go zonal La Nina pattern here NW US. Standing by in the Bunker with the cammo shade tarps up. All’s quiet on the Western Front, no volcanos erupting yet.
WHen they do the Mid West will get lots and lots of snow. Quakes ogoing on a lot of volcanos right now with the solar flares. https://storage.roundshot.com/5d8367d3a33008.07256823/2024-07-13/14-00-00/2024-07-13-14-00-00_default.jpg https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/map/?extent=-81.09321,-293.90625&extent=80.76061,40.78125&range=month
Hmmm. Maybe, but I can’t see that 535 congressmen and women and a few cabinet members being made to get out of individual stocks in favour of index funds is going to affect the other hundreds of millions of people that own stocks. I just don’t think the numbers are there.
I had a similar one when I lived in my van in the Willamette Valley in Oregon. It’s pretty dry there in the summertime.
I probably still have it in my storage locker somewhere, but it’s way too humid to work here. The last thing I need is more water in the air. It’s been running 80% humidity in the mornings, but drops down some during the day as the temp rises. I think it was 90F and 50% yesterday afternoon.
Mine doesn’t work here either it’s junk. I quit using it just using a little fan now.
Forecast tomorrow here is 92F hot all week and then 90F Saturday. It’s been hot every day since July 4th. Ten days straight of way warmer than average temps and the forecast is the same next seven days. Record hot for today was six years ago my first summer here and there was a BIG forest fire to the South ten miles it was very smokey.
Hot here every summer since 2010, a lot of the daily records I see on Accuweather were from 2007 which was going into solar minimum SC23. I was running a bulldozer vwith no AC in the heat building roads and parking lots.
’08, ’09,’10 were cool weather La Nina hot summers ever since reading this it’s so cold BS. Way hot in Eastern Wa over 100F everyday way cooler here that’s why I live here it’s only 75F ave don’t usually need AC. 4am,57F best time of day starting to get light already another day begins with a solar flare, M2.7: https://stereossc.nascom.nasa.gov/beacon/latest_512/ahead_cor2_latest.jpg
You know, Dirk, of all the crazy men I have met on the Internet the last few years, you’re my favorite. Of course, I understand why that is, and it’s okay. Just keep being yourself, lol! I appreciate learning all the sun stuff.
No Arctic Ocean ice where the waves are China can use their now multi billion dollar infrastructure to transport oil and NG East over Siberia to China saving the trip around Africa. Arctic Belt Road. Ship North Stream Pipeline’s NG to China. Shut down Germany’s Industry and farming send NG to China on the new Arctic Belt Road all new tanker ships and storage areas.
They’re still not identifying anything but Western Europe. But I’ll take your word about it.
Just heard about “assassination attempt” on Trump. They’re making sure he gets elected this time, or I should say, making sure he’s popular. The election has already been decided, I’m sure.
Boy Cap didnt you call it. Stocks are crashing everywhere, And the icing on the cake here in the US is the major Stock investment firms web sites have crashed. (So congress can dump first?? Say it aint so joe)
What else rests he happy-few deepstaters than buying gold,silver and/or land since the dollar nowadays is only a paper tiger and can be reprinted into oblivion ?
My big concern is with Biden and the election. I suspect a False Flag incident OR WW3 to start letting this administration to stay in power. Be ready buy gold, silver, ammo, stock up on dried goods/seeds and get away from the city’s.
The senior Democrats have been asking Biden not to run again. Trump was kicked out because of very high unemployment, his mismanagement of COVID-19, and only 1 percent growth during his term. Pick your poison. I’d rather see two different candidates.
I am 68 yrs old and Trump’s economy was the best ever. And it would have been better if the UNIPARYY had worked with him instead of, like the other day, try to assassinate him it would have been better. We got a tax break and for the first time in Forty YEARS our Rural county had more good paying jobs than workers. I’ll take Trump and Peace & Prosperity over war and debt anyway. Trump 2024
Trump is the other arm of the same body, Trump pushed the poison jabs, what else can you say but he is deep state and a puppet, his followers have been had. Stay away form any thinking that politicians save you, it’s all theatre from this actors.
The Super Class elites are now at Summer Camp in California deciding what to do now. Same Group started the UN and put in all the Presidents. Ronnie Raygun and little Billy Clinton/Rockerfeller. Trump not a member.
Three Ps— Peanut butter, Pancake mix and Preserves. Good items to stock up on, survive a long time on just those and water. Great shelf life, great barter items, cheap now. Can’t have too much Terriyaki sauce, I use it for smoking salmon and elk and oysters, pork/beef/chicken/rabbit/possum/whatever. Preserves with the salt in it and use brown sugar and fruit for sweet and sour make best fried rice.
Coho Salmon are suposed to return in five weeks go catch a bunch and then the Chum Calmon return in November and the Chanterelle mushrooms come out. They live where the Elk are, handy. I just hope there’s lots of returning Salmon and the rivers have water. Rain would be good I hope La Nina takes over ASAP we get the zonal flow from Asia in an Atmospheric River of dense clouds. Flares stop we go zonal La Nina pattern here NW US. Standing by in the Bunker with the cammo shade tarps up. All’s quiet on the Western Front, no volcanos erupting yet.
WHen they do the Mid West will get lots and lots of snow. Quakes ogoing on a lot of volcanos right now with the solar flares.
90s N Alberta next week building to 101f next weekend. Heatwave going up into the Arctic. 82f at the Arctic Ocean tomorrow N Canada.
West Coast rain all going to Alaskan and Canadian Coast N of WA ST. Drought here wet up there.
Kamchatka still erupting from solar flares: Changes the whole weather pattern.
Hmmm. Maybe, but I can’t see that 535 congressmen and women and a few cabinet members being made to get out of individual stocks in favour of index funds is going to affect the other hundreds of millions of people that own stocks. I just don’t think the numbers are there.
100f in Calgary Alberta Canada next weekend, Extreme fire Danger.Extreme drought conditions Western half of US EXtreme fire danger. !!!!!. So let’s talk about stocks and elections.
Trump just got shot at a rally, shot his ear off he’s not dead. Shot missed because he turned his head. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ievTzPS1lfM
Three solar flares today:
And with that attempted assassination…Trump will be President in 6 months.
My Walmart Arctic Air Tower humidifier.
I had a similar one when I lived in my van in the Willamette Valley in Oregon. It’s pretty dry there in the summertime.
I probably still have it in my storage locker somewhere, but it’s way too humid to work here. The last thing I need is more water in the air. It’s been running 80% humidity in the mornings, but drops down some during the day as the temp rises. I think it was 90F and 50% yesterday afternoon.
Mine doesn’t work here either it’s junk. I quit using it just using a little fan now.
Forecast tomorrow here is 92F hot all week and then 90F Saturday. It’s been hot every day since July 4th. Ten days straight of way warmer than average temps and the forecast is the same next seven days. Record hot for today was six years ago my first summer here and there was a BIG forest fire to the South ten miles it was very smokey.
Hot here every summer since 2010, a lot of the daily records I see on Accuweather were from 2007 which was going into solar minimum SC23. I was running a bulldozer vwith no AC in the heat building roads and parking lots.
’08, ’09,’10 were cool weather La Nina hot summers ever since reading this it’s so cold BS. Way hot in Eastern Wa over 100F everyday way cooler here that’s why I live here it’s only 75F ave don’t usually need AC. 4am,57F best time of day starting to get light already another day begins with a solar flare, M2.7:
You know, Dirk, of all the crazy men I have met on the Internet the last few years, you’re my favorite. Of course, I understand why that is, and it’s okay. Just keep being yourself, lol!
I appreciate learning all the sun stuff.
SST cool S S America, very warm off NE US. Very warm off Japan and West Coast US from N of Hawaii.. Indian O and S Pacific all warmer than ave. Around Oz SST warmer than ave. Med very warm, look at Hudson Bay Canada, Arctic O warming up. But let’s just focus on six months away ignore record heat now from solar flares. X flare Sunday AM at 02:34UTC:
China running new NG ships from N Russian new oil/ng port traversing Arctic Ocean N of Siberia to China. New icebreaker not for studying climate change effects on jellyfish.
Where’s “No Data”? In Russia or China, lol?
No Arctic Ocean ice where the waves are China can use their now multi billion dollar infrastructure to transport oil and NG East over Siberia to China saving the trip around Africa. Arctic Belt Road. Ship North Stream Pipeline’s NG to China. Shut down Germany’s Industry and farming send NG to China on the new Arctic Belt Road all new tanker ships and storage areas.
They’re still not identifying anything but Western Europe. But I’ll take your word about it.
Just heard about “assassination attempt” on Trump. They’re making sure he gets elected this time, or I should say, making sure he’s popular. The election has already been decided, I’m sure.
Solar cycle 25 was predicted to be very weak and it was sposed to be snowing year round by 2016 but it got record hot El Nino.
God is still on the throne. Man proposes, God disposes.
Boy Cap didnt you call it. Stocks are crashing everywhere, And the icing on the cake here in the US is the major Stock investment firms web sites have crashed. (So congress can dump first?? Say it aint so joe)
I think we’re nearly there Wayne (re. market crash), but not quite yet.