Polar Outbreak And Spring Snowfall For SE Australia; First Snow Of The Season Hits Anchorage; Wyoming’s Plow Trucks Are Out In Force; + U.S. Corn Yields In El Nino Years
Polar Outbreak And Spring Snowfall For SE Australia
A frigid air mass is enveloping southeastern Australia Friday and into next week, dropping temperatures well-below the average and dumping late-season snow on the alpine peaks.
A polar front will ride over large parts of Tasmania, South Australia, Victoria, the ACT and Queensland starting today.

The cold will extend well into next week, too, crashing temperatures 4 – 8C below the seasonal norm and returning freezing lows to the likes of Thredbo and Mount Hotham, both of which can expect -4C (24.8F) Monday night.
Fierce winds will accompany this cold front, which will drive the ‘feels like’ much colder.
While spring snow is also forecast for the alpine peaks Sunday and Monday, down to 1,200m (3,900ft).
Looking further ahead –and admittedly into the unreliable time frame– October could continue to hold anomalously chilly for many Australians as ‘blues’ look set to remain in charge (long-range forecast taken with a pinch of salt, but worth monitoring):

Wyoming’s Plow Trucks Are Out In Force
Thursday’s snowfall in Anchorage, Alaska has gone down as the first flakes of the season.
Officially, 1.2 inches settled at the National Weather Service Forecast Office, with 2.3 inches landing elsewhere in the city.
Note: at least 1/10th of an inch needs to accumulate to qualify.
Anchorage snow records date back to 1952.
As per the books, the city’s average first snow date is October 16, meaning this 2023’s first flakes arrived four days early. The earliest first snow ever recorded was on Sept 21, 1996 (solar minimum of cycle 22), with the latest being Nov 13, 2002.
Strong, cold winds from two different storms have battered the Aleutians and Southeast of Alaska of late; wet, frigid and windy conditions that are forecast to persist into the weekend. The cold is expected to return with avengeance by the end of next week:

Plow Trucks Out In Wyoming
For the first time this winter season, Wyoming Department of Transportation plow trucks are out in force on the state’s highways. One and a half feet of snow are forecast to fall in parts of the state as a cold front barrels south.
“We’re still trying to hire plow drivers in other parts of the state, both permanent and temporary,” said Cody Beers, spokesman for WYDOT District 5, speaking to a persistent hiring problem. “But statewide, I think we’re in quite a bit better shape.”
Nobody can say for sure exactly how this winter season will play out, said Beers — hopefully it will be significantly less severe than the record-smashing 2022-2023 winter season, but “we don’t hope,” said Beer, “we’re preparing for the long haul.”
“If we get shorthanded in one part of the state, we’ll have guys in another part of the state help them. We did it last year, and it worked,” he said.
“I don’t think you’re ever prepared for what happened last (winter). That was a winter like we haven’t had in a generation. It was survival and on-the-job training for seven months. People were pretty burnt out by the end of it, but they persevered, and we got through it.”
Here’s what this incoming storm is threatening (plus an extended look to the end of October):

And as for the winter season to come, all early indicators point to it being another brutally cold and snowy one:
“We’re going to be busy,” concluded Beers.
“Our guys are ready for another winter. That’s life in Wyoming.”
U.S. Corn Yields In El Niño Years
For those under a rock, an El Niño is building. With some outlying forecasts are calling for a strong El Niño this time around, it is likely useful to see how U.S. corn production fared during the previous the past three “super” events.
Going from oldest to most recent, we find the following details from the USDA annual reports (research conducted by Bryce Anderson for dtnpf.com):
In 1982, U.S. corn production and yield set new records at 8.4 billion bushels (bb) with an average yield of 114.8 bushels per acre (bpa). The yield number was notably higher than the previous year — 5.0 bpa above the 1981 yield.
In 1997, U.S. corn production totaled 9.37 bb with an average yield of 127.0 bpa. The yield was virtually the same as in 1996, but production was the third-highest on record behind 1994 (10.1 bb) and 1992 (9.48 bb).
In 2015, the third modern “super” El Nino growing season, U.S. corn production totaled 13.601 bb with a yield of 168.4 bpa. In this year, production was 4% lower than the previous year, and the average yield was also 2.6 bpa lower.
So, two out of three ain’t bad: here we have two of the previous three “super” El Niño growing seasons delivering either record or near-record production and yield numbers to the U.S. corn crop. And once again, warmth proves itself beneficial.
Linked below is the day’s other article:
Introducing the Unfinished Third Geoengineering Film of Michael J. Murphy
UNconventional Grey
The unfinished third documentary UNconventional Grey by Michael J. Murphy has been missing in action since 2016, the year Murphy had planned to release it. It is his third film of truth-telling about Geoengineering, the other two being What in the World Are They Spraying? (2010) and Why in the World Are They Spraying? (2012).
Michael’s targeting began in 2012 just after Why in the World debuted in Los Angeles at the Consciousness Beyond Chemtrails Conference—just as he began organizing for a third film that, unlike his first two films, would not just wake the public up but rally activists around the Aerosol Collection Project while filling in their grasp of how geoengineering entails crimes against humanity because of an operating agenda for global political power. The objective of the character assassination Michael was subjected to by the usual federally protected perpetrators and “insider” trusted colleagues was about preventing the production of his third documentary UNconventional Grey. Michael managed to rally from the post-2012 assault and to all but complete UNconventional Grey before yet another, even more brutal assault began at the same time that a remarkably similar assault began on the great Canadian activist Suzanne Maher who was spreading chemtrails awareness billboards across Ontario.
And here we are, seven years late and minus a final edit and public debut. UNconventional Grey is now available. We can now hear the thoughtful testimony of Michael Murphy, Marvin Herndon, Patrick Wood, Scott Stevens, Allan Buckmann, Max Bliss, David Lewis, Ed Griffin, Princess Basma Saud of Saudi Arabia, Rosa Koire, Cynthia McKinney, myself, etc. Rosa Koire is now dead (May 31, 2021), as is Michael Murphy (July 22, 2020). Both Michael and Rosa were critics of globalism; both died young.
It is imperative to emphasize that the classified Geoengineering program entailing weather engineering, chemical / electromagnetic engineering, geophysical engineering, directed energy weapons, surveillance and neural engineering, nanotechnology and digital synthetic biology, and hiding and detecting exotic propulsion craft and plasma lifeforms has been run by the CIA under various names since Bernard Eastlund, PhD, was building the powerful ionospheric heater HAARP in Alaska in the 1990s—back when Rosalind Peterson was a California USDA crop inspector and raising her voice against U.S. Navy sonar and the chemical jet trails making a murky cloud cover. In September 2007, Rosalind spoke at the UN 60th Annual DPI/NGO Conference on “Climate Change: How It Impacts Us All.” She died of cancer on February 4, 2018.
The public is mostly unaware of the danger surrounding classified programs like Geoengineering. Kidnapping, homelessness, accusations of “drug addiction,” internet defamation, murder and mayhem sound decidedly unscientific. Had UNconventional Grey come out in 2016—just four years before the global CV-19 medical / Big Pharma psyop run by the United Nations (UN), World Economic Forum (WEF), and World Health Organization (WHO)—would people have been awake enough to realize what it meant?
UNconventional Grey builds a picture of how Geoengineering—not the “climate change” cover story—leads straight to the UN “sustainable development” / carbons / Agenda 21 / 2030 master plan. In fact, Geoengineering with all of its political muscle is the price of admission to world government as well as the biggest transfer of wealth to the rich ever.
Gratitude to the anonymous person who stumbled upon Michael’s third film, thus flinging his vision upon the waters of chance so that we might take courage from it.
THE WEBSITE does not exist since the movie was never finished.
Where Does the Sick Depopulation Fantasy Come From? [It ain’t no fantasy]
Simulacrum: Are We Heading Into The Matrix? – Will you take the blue pill or the red pill?
Patrick Wood
Oct 2, 2023
Era Of ‘Unquestioned And Unchallenged’ Climate Change Claims Is Over
Saturday, Oct 14, 2023
Your link on the sick depopulation fantasy now takes you to an article on linoleic acid.
http://www.windy.com is predicting up to 1.5 metres of snow for New Zealand’s mountains over the next 5 days. It looks like most ski resorts have already closed, but a couple were planning on Sunday 15th being the last day of their season. I wonder if they’ll stay open longer and possibly set a new record for the latest opening date, 1.5 metres of snow should last quite a long time unless there’s a heatwave later in the month.
It was quite hot in Brisbane Saturday 14th @ 30c. 31c for Sunday, 34c for Monday.
Warmer November to January days and nights for almost all of Australia
Issued: 12 October 2023
For November, and November to January, above median maximum temperatures are very likely (greater than 80% chance) for almost all of Australia.
For November to January, most of Australia is at least twice as likely as normal to experience unusually high maximum temperatures, with chances increasing to more than 4 times as likely for central and western WA. Unusually high maximum temperatures equate to the warmest 20% of November to January periods from 1981 to 2018.
For November, above median minimum temperatures are likely to very likely (60 to 80% chance) for most of WA and northern NT; southern and western parts of Queensland; central, northern and eastern NSW; northern SA; eastern Victoria; and coastal Tasmania. Below median minimum temperatures are likely (60 to 80% chance) for a region surrounding Queensland’s North Tropical Coast and Tablelands district.
Plus ca change, plus ca meme chose.
Mucho serioso.
You guys need a little comic relief on this site.
They say that when you split open a persimmon seed this year, it has a big spoon shape inside. That is supposed to indicate lots of snow this winter.
I have also observed an abundance of acorns, some of them really huge.
My daughter says her apple tree, which barely produced in previous years, gave them 60 lbs of apples this year. The limbs were bowed (or boughed…) down to the ground.
What does all this mean? Well, God provides for His little creatures whom He created. He will provide for us, too, but mostly we have to ask, and showing some gratitude helps, too. Why? Is God an egomaniac? No, it’s just that he desires a relationship with each and every one of us, and for most of us that begins with, “Help me, please!”
Looks like we’re in for a rough one. Hope i can get my 4WD fixed before it hits.
Already snow at Mt Bachelor Oregon what’s wrong with the 4X4?
Don’t know. The low 4WD works, but the high doesn’t. I may not need it. Since I’m retired, when it snows, I usually stay home. But if it keeps snowing for a couple of weeks or so, I may have to go out.
I tried the link to Mt. Bachelor, but they insisted I open an account, which I declined. Too bad. I lived in Bend for awhile many years ago, and I believe we went up Mt. Bachelor at that time. Oregon has changed considerably in recent years, but mountains don’t change much, lol, unless their name is Mt. Saint Helens.
I’ve never used 4X4 high gear in my rigs never been stuck in low or ever for that matter. I used to drive my 60’s cars to Mt Baker, Crystal Mt etc never been stuck. Had a ’68 VW Bug with Ford station wagon studded tires that thing would go anywhere. Had two ’63 Volvos we skied the steep and deep always driving in blizzards. Two Chevy Novas, two El Caminos, one GMC Jimmy, this is my fourth half ton Chevy 4X4 had this one sixteen years only put thirty thousand miles on it now at one hundred one thousand. I’ve been driving two Chevy Cavaliers for fifteen years great in the snow no clearance though. Just went to Jefferson Lake in it in Olympic National Forest two days ago looking for chanterelle mushrooms, my backyard. Oly from IAN.
I see you’ve changed the spelling of your name.
I tried the new link to the Mt. Batchelor cam, but just got a black screen. I get the same view out my window right now, so maybe I should wait til the sun comes up, lol.
The photo wrenched my heart to look at it. I think I inherited some “mountain DNA” as a few of my ancestors were Swiss, and I always felt more at home in the mountains on the occasions I was able to visit them. No sign of altitude sickness, either. That’s a beautiful photo. I can almost feel and smell the pure, crisp air.
Thanks, Dirk. (No relation to Brad, I hope, lol. What a loser he is. Well, they all are. They just don’t know it yet.)
PS I know who you are. Sort of.
Three hour loop to Walmart grocery shopping yesterday morning during the eclipse, was thinking about you on the way back. Made the rounds on the pute on return and there was good ol’ Deb on Everse. Ha, too funny. Timberline and Crystal Mtn also had snow but it melted warmer these days with rain from volcanos. Wild wild West.
Twenty six feet of new snow forecast Greenland next ten days temp now -40F on Windy.com. Get in your hole Al Gore,,,twenty six feet !!!!
It takes me that long to do my Walmart shopping, too, but mainly because I always stop at the library when I’m in town.
50 miles away, speed limits some areas down to 45mph.
PPPS-It’s nice to be appreciated. Thanks!
PPS And I love you, anyway, lol.
Drought over in Portugal 9.7 inches of rain next ten days:
If you’re 50 miles from the nearest Walmart, you must be in a pretty good place. I used to think I was out in the boonies, too, until they plopped an international raceway down practically in my backyard. Hoping to sell out and move farther out in the next year or so.
I just checked out the Mt. Bachelor cam. I think that’s Broken Top it’s focussed on.
We climbed Broken Top in ’69. Dad and my brothers made it up to the top and saw the glacier up there. Mom and I kept slipping back down in the loose scree on the steep final stage. The oxygen was sort of thin and we got the giggles every time we slipped down.
I went back in ’88 by myself. I was determined to get up to the glacier but had a flat tire and spent all day in Three Sisters getting it fixed. God’s way of keeping me from doing something stupid.
I sure miss Oregon, but the liberals from CA have ruined it, like they did their own state. I lived there 3 times in different parts of the state, but doubt I’ll make it four. Arguably, the most beautiful place I’ve ever been.
Thanks for the cam link, and the trip down memory lane, lol.
Love the Three Sister’s area with the Buffalo Burgers at Bend.
Never lived there but visited quite a few times.
Oregon most beautiful of all the states.
Now in Florida Flatlands where one stays lost due to no mountains to locate by. The streets bend, twist and turn and stop with all the canals having three names as well.
After the weak front passed yesterday we have temp drop 12 F in two days. It is definitely cooled off here, never to see a high above 80 F til April per Accuweather.
Hi Dallas-
Are you still shooting the sky every morning?
That lake shown on the cams is a caldera, it could go full Monty any second. The Sisters are cones, many such have came and went on the West Coast we get to enjoy the temporary tranquility between events, lucky.
no new posts for a few days…does this mean Cap is locked out, or has a new address?
Hope all is well in the Cap-land.
He doesnt usually post on the weekends.
Saturday posts will return starting this w/e; Sunday will remain homestead day.
good show.
after you said that ‘they were coming’ i thought that they might have!!