Record-Setting Frosts Sweep Yakutia, Russia; Californian’s Get Extended Tax Deadlines Owing To Historic Winter Snowfall; + Solar Storms And Grand Solar Minimums

Record-Setting Frosts Sweep Yakutia, Russia

Sakha, officially the Republic of Sakha (aka Yakutia), is the largest republic of Russia, located in the country’s Far East, along the Arctic Ocean. And although autumn has only recent beset the region, hard -30C (-22F) frosts have already set in.

We’ve been tracking plunging Siberian temperatures of late (as well as the building snow)…

From the region’s first -10C (14F) of the season, Verkhoyansk’s -10.1C/13.8F on Sept 23 (the town’s earliest -10C in 15 years); to Russia’s first -20C (-4F) of the season, Delyankir’s -21C/-5.8F on Oct 9 (also early).

This week, it’s Oymyakon making the headlines.

The Yakutia village, home to the “Pole of Cold” weather station, bottomed-out at -33C (-27.4F) on Oct 17: Russia’s coldest temperature this early into a season for 30 years, reports Russian weather site who provide the following graphic:

Siberia’s trend to the cold side has been matched with impressive and wide-scale dumpings of snow.

For more that, click below:

Californian’s Get Extended Tax Deadlines Owing To Historic Winter Snowfall

In these days of catastrophic warming and no more snow, the IRS has had to extend the tax-filing and payment deadline for most California taxpayers due to the record-smashing snowstorms that tore through the state earlier in the year.

Residents living in the 55 qualifying counties including San Francisco, San Bernardino, Los Angeles and San Diego can qualify for IRS relief, the agency added. The Federal Emergency Management Agency offers reliefs based on three different disaster declarations including severe winter storms, flooding, mudslides and mudslides over a period of several months.

Record snowfalls buried homes and businesses.

Along with the majority of the Western United States, California endured severe winter weather earlier in the year leading to Gov. Gavin Newsom declaring a state of emergency in 13 counties including Amador, Kern, LA, Madera, Mariposa, Mono, Nevada, San Bernardino, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Sierra, Sonoma and Tulare, reports USA Today.

Record-breaking snowfall across the state left cars completely buried, snow piled up on roofs and even trapped residents in their homes in the mountains east of L.A., concludes USA Today, which then inexplicably wraps up its article with this image…

…as if to distract the sheep from what they just read and herd them back on track (I have no other explanation).

Then there’s this:

This new winter season is beginning in earnest–frustratingly for the AGW cabal:

And early indicators point to 2023-24 being another brutally cold and snow winter for much of the Northern Hemisphere:

Solar Storms And Grand Solar Minimums

Adding weight to the contention that SC25 may have already peaked, the Sun has hushed of late.

Today (Oct 18), the sunspot number stands at just 56, down from a peak of 200+ in June/July.

Quiet Sun, Oct 18 [SDO/HMI]

Also, the sunspots that are peppering the Earth-facing solar disk all have stable magnetic fields that pose little threat for strong flares.

A magnetic filament did recently erupt from the now extinct ‘AR3467’, on Oct 16, hurling a CME into space. And while it is not directly Earth-bound, latest NASA modeling suggests the ejection could deliver us a glancing blow on Oct 19:

If so, the off-target CME could cause a minor G1-class geomagnetic storm.

Those residing in far-northern climes can watch out for that.

Otherwise, the takeaway here is hushed activity which hints that the peak of Solar Cycle 25 is already in, meaning a descent toward the solar minimum of SC25 is next, followed by the onset of Solar Cycle 26 — and the fun that period is predicted to bring.

While on the topic of solar eruptions –which I contend pose the biggest immediate threat to our modern society– an international team of scientists recently discovered a huge spike in radiocarbon levels some 14,300 years ago by analyzing ancient tree-rings from the French Alps.   

The radiocarbon spike was caused by a massive solar storm — the biggest ever identified. 

Needless to say, a similar solar storm today would be catastrophic for our modern technological-dependent society. It would wipe out telecommunications and satellite systems, and cause global electricity grid blackouts. Earth would be plunged into darkness — no more Netflix, no more phone-swiping dopamine hits, no more pharmaceuticals (so it’s not all bad then).

Such monstrous storms are known as Myake Events and were unknown to science before 2012. But they are common. As many as eight others having been identified over the past 15,000 years. The 14,300 event is the most powerful yet identified.

The 1859 Carrington Event may have sprung to mind. But as disruptive as that episode was, with its destroying of telegraph machines and dancings of night-time aurora so bright that birds began to sing, believing the Sun had risen, Myake Events are an entire order-of-magnitude greater in size.

The collaborative research, which was carried out by an international team of scientists, was published Oct 9, 2023 in fortnightly peer-reviewed scientific journal, The Royal Society’s Philosophical Transactions A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences.

Bard, a climate scientist at Collège de France and CEREGE and a co-author of the paper, slips this in:

“Learning about the sun’s past behavior is important for forecasting future solar storms, but also for understanding the sun’s impact on Earth’s climate. The sun’s effect on Earth’s climate is not as large as warming from greenhouse gas emissions, but it is a factor to consider in climate models.” — sacrilegious!

Bard adds another interesting note: That the 14.3 kya Myake Event appears to have been swiftly followed by a 14 kya Grand Solar Minimum that was coincident with the Older Dryas cooling between the Bølling and Allerød interstadials.

Myake Events and Neoglaciation — a link worth of exploring.

You can read the paper in full here.

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