Record May Cold In Japan; IPCC Arctic Sea Ice ‘Adjustments’; Canada Is Building Six New Polar Icebreakers; + Five CMEs Headed For Earth, ‘Severe’ Geomagnetic Storms Forecast
Record May Cold In Japan; IPCC Arctic Sea Ice ‘Adjustments’; Canada Is Building Six New Polar Icebreakers; + Five CMEs Headed For Earth, ‘Severe’ Geomagnetic Storms Forecast
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39 Thoughts to “Record May Cold In Japan; IPCC Arctic Sea Ice ‘Adjustments’; Canada Is Building Six New Polar Icebreakers; + Five CMEs Headed For Earth, ‘Severe’ Geomagnetic Storms Forecast”
So how do these solar storms gel with the encroaching solar minimum? Although we are at the peak of this cycle it is a weak one, yet the sun seems capable of some pretty ferocious activity. This is not something I can understand.
Have you ever heard about the improvement of death (when a patient who is very ill, suddenly improves but soon dies)?… the solar peak is moving forward for this year, instead of next year, perhaps it is a sign of that he will soon sleep.
If you would show the planetary alignments that caused all these flares and a good visual timeline it could go viral. Customers. Show the Electroverse in action. I can’t transfer the data on SimSolar that shows the planets positions. The bigger alignment is still a week away. Jupiter opposite with many other alignments.
One swallow does not make a goiter.
One summer does not make a climate.
One multiple corona mass ejection does not make a solar cycle.
One wheel does not make a bi cycle.
Here is one you don’t hear on a daily basis:. National Weather Service Honolulu HI
May 9 2024 –
* WHAT…Heavy snow and very strong winds expected. Total snow accumulations of up to 6 inches. Winds gusting over 70 mph.
* WHERE…Big Island Summits.
* WHEN…From noon Friday to 6 AM HST Saturday.
* IMPACTS…Travel could be very difficult to impossible. Blowing snow will significantly reduce visibility at times, with periods of zero visibility.
Snow at 14.000 feet on the top of a volcano while there’s solar flares, quakes and volcanic activity on the Island. Hope the cherry crop wasn’t damaged at 14k.
My daughter reports aurora in Missouri. I’ve never seen that before. And I won’t see this one because I don’t go outside at night since the last of my dogs died.
Too bad they don’t do that in color. My daughter texted me pics. Here in Missouri, there’s a band of green at the horizon, and maroon above. She said it was pretty faint, but the camera picked it up better than her eyes did.
There were no fantastic shapes, like you see in photos sometimes. Just the colors. But that’s amazing enough for Missouri.
04:15am still full sky N lights. Waves, spikes, pillars, pulses. No colors just dim soft white light. Same as the Bachelor cam. Sky is getting light now from dawn but it was dusk to dawn N lights W of Seattle. Incredible. More next few nights.
That cam is in color after all. I thought it was black and white because I thought auroras were always in color.
I believe the mountain peak behind the ski lodge is Broken Top. The other two nearby must be two of the Three Sisters. As the story goes, after Mt Bachelor saw what the Sisters did to Broken Top, he went away from them and sat by himself.
When I was 40, I was determined to climb Broken Top and get to the glacier on top, because I didn’t quite make it to the top when I was 20.
However, I drove 50 miles to the town of Sisters and had a flat tire as soon as I got there. It took me all day to get it fixed. I realized that God was preventing me from doing something stupid and broke me down where I could get help, not out in the desert, so I never tried that again.
It’s really not very smart to go mountain climbing by yourself.
Max solar wind speed of the solar storm so far 900 kilometers per second. Now at 885kps. That’s nuts. I have never seen the Northern lights in Washington State in my life until last night. Full sky, naked eye N lights from dusk till dawn. I would not go out in the sunshine right now I probably already have skin cancer.
SOHO site has the Solar wind Speedometer which is redlined.
Solar wind now at 935 kilometers per second. Sat eve at 7:30 PST.
Here in South Brazil, the capital of the state of Rio Grande do Sul: Porto Alegre (750km south of where I live), cities like Guaíba, Taquari… it was heavily flooded! It’s complicated and very sad! The press still reinforces the ‘climate change’ fallacy, taking advantage of the situation to confirm the lie, increasing the brainwashing that we are guilty of. And that the heat is harmful and everything that is extreme is our fault! Nothing is natural, nothing is climatological or geographical, the lack of questions regarding the ‘global upheaval’ is deplorable. And if you disagree with this, you are demonized!
If there is snow here…know that the heat is to blame! And EV’s are the salvation of the world!
It’s a longer post, but the increase in frosts aren’t signs of anthropogenic ‘climate change’ and blah…blah.
-About frosts in European (Russian) territory.
In May, the frost theme is more relevant than ever. It was at this time that the “great exodus” to farms and gardens began. The soil is prepared, the seedlings are ready for planting in greenhouses or open ground. Fruit trees and bushes are blooming. And frosts are completely inappropriate. The Arctic air, which invaded European Russia, caused frosts in the central zone, the Volga region and the south. The average daily air temperature lags behind the norm by 7-8 degrees, in the Volga region by 9-10 degrees. On the night of May 10, record low temperatures were observed.
In Vladimir, the air cooled to -1.8°C, which is 0.6 degrees below the previous absolute minimum seven years ago.
The frost zone also covered the Black Earth region. In Valuyki (Belgorod region), on the night of May 10, -3.4 ° C was recorded; the previous record of 0.8 degrees stood for just over seventy years from 1952; In Yelets (Lipetsk region) it was -1.2°C, in Tambov -2.3°C, in Voronezh -1.8°C.
On the Middle Volga, 2-3 times during the first ten days of May. In Balashov it fell to -4.4°C, 2.2 degrees below the previous record, which had existed since 1950. In Alexandrov Gai it was -3.4°C
In Sorochinsk (Orenburg region) the air cooled to -2.3°C, the previous absolute minimum of -1.7°C was observed in 1971, the average daily temperature was 10-11 degrees below normal.
Frosts with an intensity of -3.3 and -3.8°C were recorded in Uryupinsk and Frolovo, respectively.
Record low values on the night of May 10 also occurred in the Rostov region: Chertkovo and Gigant.
Frosts also hit Luhansk, with -3.1°C; the previous extreme of minimum temperature of
-1.1°C was observed in 1950.
However, on the night of May 11, up to -1 ° C were observed in the Yaroslavl region
in the Kostroma region up to -3°C, in the Orenburg region up to -4°C, in the LPR up to -2°C.
In the coming nights, frosts of up to -3°C are most likely to occur in the Kostroma and Ivanovo regions, and will persist in the LPR.
Another X flare just went off. The data feeds have been sketchy for days, I haven’t been able to access the Global D layer site for most of the solar storm. SOHO feeds were down for hours. I could not get on the DSCOVR real time solar wind chart yesterday. I couldn’t get on NOAA CME forecast model site yesterday and NASA’s broke a week ago. Solarham’s X ray chart has broke three times in two days. Solarham had to change back to .com two weeks ago from a solar storm caused total system fail.
X1 flare centered on Cuba Sunday 16:26 UTC
Solar wind speed is now at 909 kilometers per noon Sunday USA. Pegged.
So how do these solar storms gel with the encroaching solar minimum? Although we are at the peak of this cycle it is a weak one, yet the sun seems capable of some pretty ferocious activity. This is not something I can understand.
I agree. We have been told for the last 20 years that the sun is heading for a Maunder Minimum and a new Little Ice Age is just around the corner.
How does that square with back to back X class flares?
Have you ever heard about the improvement of death (when a patient who is very ill, suddenly improves but soon dies)?… the solar peak is moving forward for this year, instead of next year, perhaps it is a sign of that he will soon sleep.
SC25 forecast a bit stronger than ave cycle. Goal would be to survive solar max and then it’s still years to a normal minimum with a weak mag shield. Temp went up last two minimums from solar wind from coronal holes hitting our weak mag shield.
Solar flares are like really big lightning, got your pos and neg polarities. Polarities look the same now as in 2014 when there were solar flares only Sun’s poles flipped.
Sept 2014:
Mar ’24:
Take two, Sept ’14 polarity:
Polarities will look like this when it’s solar minimum:
Here’s the polarities view now:
Polarities stable at the poles they don’t arc off the planets.
Long duration M6 solar flare over Africa on Monday 5/13:
If you would show the planetary alignments that caused all these flares and a good visual timeline it could go viral. Customers. Show the Electroverse in action. I can’t transfer the data on SimSolar that shows the planets positions. The bigger alignment is still a week away. Jupiter opposite with many other alignments.
One swallow does not make a goiter.
One summer does not make a climate.
One multiple corona mass ejection does not make a solar cycle.
One wheel does not make a bi cycle.
Here is one you don’t hear on a daily basis:. National Weather Service Honolulu HI
May 9 2024 –
* WHAT…Heavy snow and very strong winds expected. Total snow accumulations of up to 6 inches. Winds gusting over 70 mph.
* WHERE…Big Island Summits.
* WHEN…From noon Friday to 6 AM HST Saturday.
* IMPACTS…Travel could be very difficult to impossible. Blowing snow will significantly reduce visibility at times, with periods of zero visibility.
Snow at 14.000 feet on the top of a volcano while there’s solar flares, quakes and volcanic activity on the Island. Hope the cherry crop wasn’t damaged at 14k.
My daughter reports aurora in Missouri. I’ve never seen that before. And I won’t see this one because I don’t go outside at night since the last of my dogs died.
An X6 flare Friday 6pm CST Friday eve and it’s a Kp9 now. It’s a party.
I had not heard it was raised from X5.
It was a X5.89 . Closer to six than five.
And it’s a beauty, protons gone wild.
N lights here for hours it’s 02:15 am 5/11. See the N lights on the Ski cams looks the same as here now:
Too bad they don’t do that in color. My daughter texted me pics. Here in Missouri, there’s a band of green at the horizon, and maroon above. She said it was pretty faint, but the camera picked it up better than her eyes did.
There were no fantastic shapes, like you see in photos sometimes. Just the colors. But that’s amazing enough for Missouri.
‘Eleven cents change from six bucks. 03:15am still full sky N lights here W of Seattle Wa USSA
04:15am still full sky N lights. Waves, spikes, pillars, pulses. No colors just dim soft white light. Same as the Bachelor cam. Sky is getting light now from dawn but it was dusk to dawn N lights W of Seattle. Incredible. More next few nights.
That cam is in color after all. I thought it was black and white because I thought auroras were always in color.
I believe the mountain peak behind the ski lodge is Broken Top. The other two nearby must be two of the Three Sisters. As the story goes, after Mt Bachelor saw what the Sisters did to Broken Top, he went away from them and sat by himself.
When I was 40, I was determined to climb Broken Top and get to the glacier on top, because I didn’t quite make it to the top when I was 20.
However, I drove 50 miles to the town of Sisters and had a flat tire as soon as I got there. It took me all day to get it fixed. I realized that God was preventing me from doing something stupid and broke me down where I could get help, not out in the desert, so I never tried that again.
It’s really not very smart to go mountain climbing by yourself.
04:45am 5/11, another X flare over Africa going now. Two charts Magnetometer and Protons from Space Weather News:
And Global D layer with new X flare:
Max solar wind speed of the solar storm so far 900 kilometers per second. Now at 885kps. That’s nuts. I have never seen the Northern lights in Washington State in my life until last night. Full sky, naked eye N lights from dusk till dawn. I would not go out in the sunshine right now I probably already have skin cancer.
NASA has not updated their CME forcast for most of this major solar storm. Nada data. YOU”RE FIRED !!!
SOHO site has the Solar wind Speedometer which is redlined.
Solar wind now at 935 kilometers per second. Sat eve at 7:30 PST.
Good movie of last night’s X5.89 solar flare, big proton storm. That shows up here Monday.
CRs dumpster diving from flares:
Still Kp9 Saturday morning at 8am PST:
Record warm here yesterday and today from the intense solar radiation hitting our weak suck mag shield from GSM.
Here in South Brazil, the capital of the state of Rio Grande do Sul: Porto Alegre (750km south of where I live), cities like Guaíba, Taquari… it was heavily flooded! It’s complicated and very sad! The press still reinforces the ‘climate change’ fallacy, taking advantage of the situation to confirm the lie, increasing the brainwashing that we are guilty of. And that the heat is harmful and everything that is extreme is our fault! Nothing is natural, nothing is climatological or geographical, the lack of questions regarding the ‘global upheaval’ is deplorable. And if you disagree with this, you are demonized!
And EV’s are the salvation of the world!
If there is snow here…know that the heat is to blame!
The globalists seem to be setting things up so only intelligent people can survive. I don’t know why they would do that.
Heavy rain from volcanos from flares. SO2/Rian Accumulation overlay map on Windy would be handy: SO2 from Indo two weeks ago is in S America mixing with S America volcano SO2. Party.,next10d,-15.214,-29.071,4,i:pressure,m:dL5afey,-15.214,-29.071,4,i:pressure,m:dL5afey,-15.214,-29.071,4,i:pressure,m:dL5afey
It’s a longer post, but the increase in frosts aren’t signs of anthropogenic ‘climate change’ and blah…blah.
-About frosts in European (Russian) territory.
In May, the frost theme is more relevant than ever. It was at this time that the “great exodus” to farms and gardens began. The soil is prepared, the seedlings are ready for planting in greenhouses or open ground. Fruit trees and bushes are blooming. And frosts are completely inappropriate. The Arctic air, which invaded European Russia, caused frosts in the central zone, the Volga region and the south. The average daily air temperature lags behind the norm by 7-8 degrees, in the Volga region by 9-10 degrees. On the night of May 10, record low temperatures were observed.
In Vladimir, the air cooled to -1.8°C, which is 0.6 degrees below the previous absolute minimum seven years ago.
The frost zone also covered the Black Earth region. In Valuyki (Belgorod region), on the night of May 10, -3.4 ° C was recorded; the previous record of 0.8 degrees stood for just over seventy years from 1952; In Yelets (Lipetsk region) it was -1.2°C, in Tambov -2.3°C, in Voronezh -1.8°C.
On the Middle Volga, 2-3 times during the first ten days of May. In Balashov it fell to -4.4°C, 2.2 degrees below the previous record, which had existed since 1950. In Alexandrov Gai it was -3.4°C
In Sorochinsk (Orenburg region) the air cooled to -2.3°C, the previous absolute minimum of -1.7°C was observed in 1971, the average daily temperature was 10-11 degrees below normal.
Frosts with an intensity of -3.3 and -3.8°C were recorded in Uryupinsk and Frolovo, respectively.
Record low values on the night of May 10 also occurred in the Rostov region: Chertkovo and Gigant.
Frosts also hit Luhansk, with -3.1°C; the previous extreme of minimum temperature of
-1.1°C was observed in 1950.
However, on the night of May 11, up to -1 ° C were observed in the Yaroslavl region
in the Kostroma region up to -3°C, in the Orenburg region up to -4°C, in the LPR up to -2°C.
In the coming nights, frosts of up to -3°C are most likely to occur in the Kostroma and Ivanovo regions, and will persist in the LPR.
Summer residents and gardeners! Do not rush to plant heat-loving plants in open ground.
-This is exactly a reverse trend to global warming Hoax! Shortened food production period, right!?
Very hot in Japan on May 5th. 91F Too hot for me, I like it around 65F.
Heatwave from solar flare had a cold front. Nigata got down to 37F. now lows are forecast warmer than ave the rest of the month, from solar flares.
The side of the sun turning to face us looks timid and cool to the touch
We think May 13th is more likely when a CME from yesterday’s X5.8-class flare is expected to arrive. Either way, stay tuned!
Happy Mothers Day
I have not noticed and disruptions from CMEs & the X-flares.
May it stay that way!
Another X flare just went off. The data feeds have been sketchy for days, I haven’t been able to access the Global D layer site for most of the solar storm. SOHO feeds were down for hours. I could not get on the DSCOVR real time solar wind chart yesterday. I couldn’t get on NOAA CME forecast model site yesterday and NASA’s broke a week ago. Solarham’s X ray chart has broke three times in two days. Solarham had to change back to .com two weeks ago from a solar storm caused total system fail.
X1 flare centered on Cuba Sunday 16:26 UTC
Solar wind speed is now at 909 kilometers per noon Sunday USA. Pegged.
Hardly even felt that little M6.4 quake from the flare hit in S Mexico:
Quake swarm to the North in Mexico:
Magnetometer shows disruption to the mag shield:
Kp index next to your comment shows the disturbance to the mag shield,
Dang gubment sea ice tweakers, just when things can’t get more messed up. Wow.