Scandinavian Ski Resorts Save Record Piles Of Snow; Australia’s Cold Front Intensifies, Drops A Foot Of Snow; Rare June Flakes Clip Stevens Pass, Record Cold Yakima; + Irish Green Party Seeks To Restrict Free Speech “For The Common Good”
Scandinavian Ski Resorts Save Record Piles Of Snow
Ski centers across Scandinavian are saying they have stockpiled more snow than ever before ahead of the summer of 2023.
Also known as ‘snow farming’, the stockpiling process allows resorts to get a head-start on the next season by spreading the snow back out in early-autumn to form a base.
Some of the snow will be lost to summer melt, explains, but thanks to covers and insulation –such as bark– most of the pack survives.
Sweden’s Idre Fjäll resort says it has stockpiled a total of 203,300 cubic meters (718,000 cubit feet) of snow, the most ever.
While Finland’s Levi ski area has saved a similar 200,000 cubic meters (706,000 cubic feet) –a 33% increase on last summer– which has been spread across a total of nine storage piles.
Australia’s Cold Front Intensifies, Drops A Foot Of Snow
Reality continues to defy official Bureau of Meteorology prophesies, as temperatures continue to plummet well-below-average across Australia as the second polar blast in as many days encases the country’s southern and eastern states.
Temperatures dipped below freezing across swathes of Victoria, Tasmania, the ACT and New South Wales Tuesday morning, with overnight snowfall, of as much as a foot, observed at alpine areas, such as Oberon, located west of the Blue Mountains.
Canberra shivered through -5.6C (21.9F) at 6am Tuesday; 1.3C (34.3F) swept Penrith; 1.8C (35.2F) was logged in the Melbourne suburb of Viewbank; -3.9C (25F) at the Oakley defense site, Brisbane; -3.8C (25.2F) at Grove, southwest of Hobart; and 2.7C (36.9F) at Nuriootpa, north of Adelaide — with the wind dropping the feels-like at least a few degrees lower for all.
Temperatures also plunged below zero in southern Queensland, with Oakey reaching -3.7C (25.3F). Elsewhere, on the Darling Downs, Dalby reached -2.5C (27.5F) with Goondiwindi sinking to -0.9C (30.4F).
Also newsworthy, Sydney sank to just 1.8C (35.2F) on Monday which made for the metropolis’ coldest June morning on record (note, that particular monitoring site was only established 12 years ago).
The snow has been equally impressive.
More than 30cm (a foot) has been reported across Aussie alpine area, according to senior BoM meteorologist Miriam Bradbury, who foresees much more on the way.
“It’s fair to say winter is definitely in full swing,” she commented.

Weatherzone’s Anthony Sharwood wrote “it’s absolutely chucking down the snow in the Australian Alps, with the heaviest stuff still to come … The moisture, plus the follow-up of even colder air surging from the southwest makes this a weather system with serious snow potential … “winter is going all-in this year”.
The snowfall has also been welcome news for Thredbo Resort.
“The storm delivered the goods this weekend! Snow started falling all the way down to the village on Sunday morning, and it hasn’t stopped since,” read a statement. “With the blizzard continuing today … we couldn’t be more excited to get on the slopes! And the forecast is even better … Experts are calling for up to 40cm (1.3ft) in the next week!”
Looking ahead, temperatures are set to plummet even further on Wednesday, with a myriad record-breaking lows anticipated.
In turn, graziers across New South Wales have been put on alert, with sheep and lambs at risk of freezing to death.
Rare June Flakes Clip Stevens Pass, Record Cold Yakima
According to, Stevens Pass received three inches of snow over the weekend, with the Mount Rainier area also received an unseasonable dusting.
The snow was generated by a low-pressure system traversing Washington State, explains the National Weather Service, a setup which is driving daytime highs into the lower to mid 60s. NWS meteorologists have labelled the mid-June snow “rare”.
Washington’s cold has proved record-breaking.
A low of 35F (1.66C) was logged at the Yakima Air Terminal early Monday morning, a reading that felled the previous coldest temperature for the date set on June 19, 1996 (solar minimum of cycle 22), and one some 15F below the average.
“It’s very unusual to see these temperatures this late in June,” said Colby Goatley, a meteorologist at the NWS Pendleton office. “Our station to the south of us (in Medford, Ore.) had to issue a freeze warning for this morning.”
Monday’s high reached just 67F, compared with the average high of 81F
This ‘return to winter’ hasn’t been confined to Washington, with anomalous cold crashing south into the likes of California, southwest into more central states, such as Colorado, but also north of the border, too, into Canada.
SilverStar, B.C. –for example– reported decent snowfall on Monday, mere days before the resort opens for summer activities.
Disruptive has also been settling on the Okanagan Connector, with Environment Canada (ECCC) putting out a special weather statement.
Likewise in Alberta, the much documented heatwave appears to be over with 40cm (1.3ft) of out-of-season snow pounding Jasper’s higher elevations –for example– which prompted ECCC to issue a warning: “be prepared for winter conditions.”
Irish Green Party Seeks To Restrict Free Speech “For The Common Good”
In a democratic free-marketplace of ideas, if your political views aren’t widely accepted then the next step should be to admit defeat, to quit pushing them so hard — but that’s rarely we what see. The Irish Green Party is the latest group to go full-Orwellian, with its chairwoman, double-thinking Pauline O’Reilly, calling to “restrict freedom” in order to protect it.
O’Reilly’s comments are part of the introduction of the Criminal Justice (Incitement to Violence or Hatred and Hate Offences) Bill 2022, which seeks to criminalize “incitement to violence or hatred against” people with “protected characteristics,” as well as “condoning, denying or grossly trivializing genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and crimes against peace.”
The anti-free speech movement also abuses terms such as disinformation and misinformation to obscure its draconian intentions. They also steer clear of the term “censorship,” instead referring to their objective as “content moderation.”
Speaking before the Irish Senate this week, Green Party chairwoman Pauline O’Reilly declared “when one thinks about it, all law and all legislation is about the restriction of freedom. This is exactly what we are doing here. We are restricting freedom but we are doing it for the common good” — a line befitting an Orwell novel.
“If a person’s views on other people’s identities make their lives unsafe and insecure, and cause them such deep discomfort that they cannot live in peace, our job as legislators is to restrict those freedoms for the common good,” reiterated O’Reilly.
Now, that seems like a low threshold — “deep discomfort”…? Who polices that, exactly? O’Reilly’s comments have, personally, caused me ‘deep discomfort’, but I know, however tempting, that it would be wrong of me to resort to censorship to shut her up.
“Hate” is how they censored my previous sites, and .co. My arguments, I presume, couldn’t be challenged face on, so they aimed ‘The Center for Countering Digital Hate’ my way. This body, founded in 2018, that somehow has the power to strip truth-seeking websites such as Electroverse of their right to advertise.
“The Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) is a global non-profit organisation with offices in London and Washington, DC. It campaigns for big tech firms to stop providing services to individuals who may promote hate and misinformation, including neo-Nazis and anti-vaccine advocates.”
The CCDH was setup, for the most part, to silence “anti-vaxxers”, and in that regard, the timing of its inception (2018) could be looked upon as suspicious. But the body also works to de-platform neo-Nazis and “climate deniers”, but to even mention these in the same breath gives a sense of the instability and disconnect from reality going on here.
Censorship and speech controls are the last resort of failing ideologies.
Depressingly, these extreme measures are spreading across the Western world like a virus as the small minority of twisted souls espousing tyrannical intents appear genuinely shocked and surprised when confronted with any amount of push-back.
The majority of us ordinary folk have remained logical, it seems — this is a problem for the elites.
COVID-19 was a prime example of ‘dissent crushing’. Just this week, Mark Zuckerberg admitted that Facebook, on orders from on high, censored valid pandemic debates and queries in order to blindly push The Narrative. This tactic is still rife today, particularly when it comes to the topic of global warming where we proles are literally barred from publicly questioning The Science.
This is what people like O’Reilly are fighting for — a monopoly on truth, on science, on The Narrative. Reality is an inconvenient spanner in the works of an agenda, but for a totalitarian regime to win out all it need do is restrict its circulation.
David Fisher
AS this website often points out, the media and government ignores the science and pushes their agendas, but it is worse than that. Sadly people accept what they are told and don’t check to see if the information is true. For instance, asparagus is an expensive crop to grow, because it takes a lot of room in the garden and only produces one crop over a few weeks. The truth is you can harvest asparagus all summer long and it is the most predictable and controllable crop in the garden.
A month after the asparagus crowns mature in the spring add nitrogen and water and within two days new sprouts will emerge, but only take half or less. After the unharvested sprouts mature, then do it again and each time you do this the new sprouts that emerge from the ground will be larger than before. You can do this all summer, but stop a month before the first frost. The longer the growing season the more you can harvest.
When it comes to how the sun heats the earth we are never told it does so in three different ways. Everyone knows about infrared heat and some know that UV radiation heats the upper atmosphere, but almost no one knows, or understands how electromagnetic radiation that causes the auroras also heats the earth. This is how it works, when electromagnetic radiation (solar flares) hit the earth’s field lines the current is directed through the core that is mostly iron. Iron is a resistor to electromagnetic radiation, so the core is heated. The longer the earth’s iron core is exposed to increased electromagnetic radiation from solar flares, the hotter it gets. Eventually this excess heat reaches the earth’s surface and melts the glaciers FROM THE BOTTOM UP. Recently we have entered a period of deceasing solar activity after almost 80yrs. of extreme solar activity. The heating of the earth’s core is slow to manifest its effects on the earth’s surface and those effects are also slow to dissipate as well. The first detectible increase in the core heating is when the heat reaches the mantel, which in turn increase speed in the movement of the earth’s crust. The sudden increase in the speed the tectonic plates were moving was first reported in the mid 1990’s. Next came the reports glaciers melting followed by sea ice.
When the earth moves into a strong long term solar minimum the atmosphere cools rapidly, which starts to cool the crust causing it stiffen, while at the same time the mantel is at its peak heating and at its most fluid nature, which pushes the crust harder. These conflicting forces are most likely the reason we see an increase in strong earthquakes and increased strong volcanic eruptions at the beginning of strong long term solar minimums.
When you put these three solar heating forces on the earth into context, then all the “Global Warming” blamed on man’s CO2 production evaporates like the morning fog. I will address some curious facts about carbon and hydrocarbons later this week.
thank you.
its good to read some reality!
Fascinating. Thanks David, look forward to hearing more.
“Eventually this excess heat reaches the earth’s surface and melts the glaciers FROM THE BOTTOM UP.”
And causes more volcanic eruptions throwing dust high up and blocking MORE of the Suns’ energy hitting Earth’s surface.
The increase in cosmic ray penetration is also a result of the Sun’s weakening magnetosphere. The strong magnetosphere has kept a large percentage of the cloud seeding cosmic ray components from the Earths atmosphere for a large part of the last century. The Earth had a cloud shortage which lead to higher temperatures. These same cosmic rays are now penetrating the Earth and stimulating silicon rich magma increasing volcanic activity.
David, thanks for this great & insightful article
What do you think?
Re: Ireland’s Green Party. Wasn’t there something about the Viet Nam village, Mai Lai, where it was said that we must destroy the village to save the village, or something to that effect. Passing laws “for the common good” is the way totalitarians dupe good people in giving up their rights and liberty. And, once lost, it takes a bloody revolution to regain them, if ever.
X 1 solar flare today:
I’m in North Texas. USA Today had (along with other news sites) a story about the “stifling heat wave” going on in Texas right now. The stifling heat wave? it’s in the upper 90’s and maybe breaks 100 (Fahrenheit, of course). This is not out of the ordinary for this time of year.
Here’s another thing: A local news site stated the current temperature and the heat index, which was 122 degrees. I thought that it didn’t look right so I went to two different sources for heat index as a function of temperature and humidity, one being the National Weather Service. For the same measures, those two sources had the heat index 5-6 degrees cooler. So someone at WFAA is fudging the heat index just to freak people out.
As Elon said, “one person’s misinformation is another person’s information”. They cannot silence everyone that substitutes truth for their hateful totalitarian lies. Even if they could, they cannot silence what we think, (even with their EMF subliminal broadcasts,etc), and that can have just as profound an effect on the course of events. If enough people know the truth, they create a collective consciousness which is infectious:- the “Hundredth Monkey” effect. Truth will still spread and there is nothing that the tyrants can do about it!
In the UK the police already record “Non crime hate incidents” even though the government never passed legislation to enable them to do so. These are recorded on a persons police record and will show up in an enhanced check e.g. if applying for a job working with children or vulnerable adults thus making it much harder to get one of these jobs. As they aren’t crimes they don’t go to court so the “accused” has no way to defend themself. Basically if someone says you’ve committed a hate incident by saying something in person or online that another person claims has upset them or may upset a third person then you’ve committed a hate incident. They’re generally used against people who question transgender ideology, but there’s no reason why someone can’t claim to have been hurt by your climate sceptic views or lack of action on global warming and hence get you put on a blacklist.