Scientists On The Upcoming Grand Solar Minimum
This article was originally posted in late-2020 on the now censored
There is ever-mounting evidence warning the next epoch will be one of sharp terrestrial cooling due to a relative flat-lining of solar output.
The exact time-frame and depth of this next chill of solar minimum is still anyone’s guess, and the parameters involved (i.e., galactic cosmic rays, geomagnetic activity, solar wind flux etc.) remain poorly understood. However, there are some great minds on the job, and below I’ve collated 11 best-guesses based on published scientific papers from respected researchers in the field. The list begins with eminent Russian astrophysicist K. Abdussamatov, though it is in no particular order.
“The quasi-centennial epoch of the new Little Ice Age has started at the end 2015 after the maximum phase of solar cycle 24. The start of a solar grand minimum is anticipated in solar cycle 27 ± 1 in 2043 ± 11 and the beginning of phase of deep cooling in the new Little Ice Age in 2060 ± 11.
“The gradual weakening of the Gulf Stream leads to stronger cooling in the zone of its action in western Europe and the eastern parts of the United States and Canada. Quasi-bicentennial cyclic variations of TSI together with successive very important influences of the causal feedback effects are the main fundamental causes of corresponding alternations in climate variation from warming to the Little Ice Age.”
“The Sun has entered into the modern Grand Solar Minimum (2020–2053) that will lead to a significant reduction of solar magnetic field and activity like during Maunder minimum leading to noticeable reduction of terrestrial temperature. … From 1645 to 1710, the temperatures across much of the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth plunged when the Sun entered a quiet phase now called the Maunder Minimum. This likely occurred because the total solar irradiance was reduced by 0.22%. That led to a decrease of the average terrestrial temperature measured mainly in the Northern hemisphere in Europe by 1.0–1.5°C. … The reduction of a terrestrial temperature during the next 30 years can have important implications for different parts of the planet on growing vegetation, agriculture, food supplies, and heating needs in both Northern and Southern hemispheres. This global cooling during the upcoming grand solar minimum (2020–2053) can offset for three decades any signs of global warming and would require inter-government efforts to tackle problems with heat and food supplies for the whole population of the Earth.”
“This empirical modeling of solar recurrent patterns has also provided a consequent multi-millennial-scale experimental forecast, suggesting a solar decreasing trend toward grand (super) minimum conditions for the upcoming period, AD 2050–2250 (AD 3750–4450). … Solar activity (SA) has non-linear characteristics that influence multiple scales in solar processes (Vlahos and Georgoulis, 2004). These millennialscale patterns of reconstructed SA variability could justify epochs of low activity, such as the Maunder minimum, as well as epochs of enhanced activity, such as the current Modern Maximum, and the Medieval maximum in the 12th century. … We can conclude that the evidence provided is sufficient to justify a complete updating and reviewing of present climate models to better consider these detected natural recurrences and lags in solar processes.“
“These millennial-scale patterns of reconstructed solar activity variability could justify epochs of low activity, such as the Maunder Minimum, as well as epochs of enhanced activity, such as the current Modern Maximum, and the Medieval Maximum in the 12th century. Although the reason for these solar activity oscillations is unclear, it has been proposed that they are due to chaotic behavior of non-linear dynamo equations (Ruzmaikin, 1983), or stochastic instabilities forcing the solar dynamo, leading to on-off intermittency (Schmittet al., 1996), or planetary gravitational forcing with recurrent multi-decadal, multi-centennial and longer patterns (Fairbridge and Sanders, 1987; Fairbridge and Shirley,1987; Charvátová, 2000; Duhau and Jager, 2010; Perry and Hsu, 2000). It should be noted that all proponents of planetary forcing have forecasted a solar Grand Minimum for the upcoming decades, but one of them has also forecasted a Super Minimum for the next centuries (Perry and Hsu, 2000).”
MÖRNER, 2015:
“By about 2030-2040, the Sun will experience a new grand solar minimum. This is evident from multiple studies of quite different characteristics: the phasing of sunspot cycles, the cyclic observations of North Atlantic behaviour over the past millennium, the cyclic pattern of cosmogenic radionuclides in natural terrestrial archives, the motions of the Sun with respect to the centre of mass, the planetary spin-orbit coupling, the planetary conjunction history and the general planetary-solar-terrestrial interaction. During the previous grand solar minima—i.e. the Sporer Minimum (ca 1440-1460), the Maunder Minimum (ca 1687-1703) and the Dalton Minimum (ca 1809-1821)—the climatic conditions deteriorated into Little Ice Age periods.”
MÖRNER, 2018:
“The concept of an anthropogenic global warming (AGW) driven by the increase in atmospheric CO2 is compared to the concept of a natural global warming (NGW) driven by solar variability. The application of the AGW concept only rests on models, whilst the NGW concept rests on multiple observational and evidence-based facts. … Several scientists (e.g. [Landscheidt, 2003] [Charvátová, 2009] [Mörner, 2010] [ Mörner, 2015] [Abdussamatov, 2016]) have shown that we, in fact, are approaching a New Grand Solar Minimum in about 2030-2050. In analogy with the documented climate conditions during the Spörer, Maunder and Dalton Minima, we may expect the return of a New Little Ice Age.”
“A simple harmonic model based on the 9.98, 10.9 and 11.86 year oscillations hindcast reasonably well the known prolonged periods of low solar activity during the last millennium such as the Oort, Wolf, Sporer, Maunder and Dalton minima … The harmonic model herein proposed reconstructs the prolonged solar minima that occurred during 1900-1920 and 1960-1980 and the secular solar maxima around 1870-1890, 1940-1950 and 1995-2005 and a secular upward trending during the 20th century: this modulated trending agrees well with some solar proxy model, with the ACRIM TSI satellite composite and with the global surface temperature modulation since 1850. The model forecasts a new prolonged grand solar minimum during 2020-2045.”
“The effect of the Sun’s activity on Earth’s climate has been identified since the 1800s. However, there are still many unknowns regarding the mechanisms connecting the Earth’s climate to the variation in solar irradiance. Climate modelling that implements the solar sciences is a novel approach that accounts for the considerable effect that natural factors have on the climate, especially at regional level. This paper discusses the noticeable effect that planet oscillations have on the Sun’s activity, which gives a very good correlation with the observed patterns in global surface temperatures, rainfall records and sea levels. In agreement with many studies that have identified a 60-year cycle in the variation of Earth’s temperature, it is expected that surface temperatures will reach a trough of the cycle around 2030-2040. … Many studies have reported that lower than average European temperatures were recorded during periods of low solar activity [3]–[7]. Such periods of low solar activity are the Maunder minimum (1645-1715), Dalton minimum (1800-1820), 1900 minimum (1880-1900), and a slight decrease between 1940 and 1970. … Current predictions on Solar activity show that we are in a low sunspot cycle, which is similar to that of the 1900 Minimum, and subsequent cycles are predicted to have even lower Solar activity, and therefore a drop in global temperatures is expected.”
“Deterministic models based on the stationary periods confirm the results through a close relation to known long solar minima since 1000 A.D. and suggest a modern MAXIMUM period from 1940 to 2015. The model computes a new Dalton-type sunspot MINIMUM from approximately 2025 to 2050 and a new Dalton-type period TSI minimum from approximately 2040 to 2065. … Periods with few sunspots are associated with low solar activity and cold climate periods. Periods with many sunspots are associated with high solar activity and warm climate periods.”
FLEMING, 2018:
“The cause of the Medieval Warm Period and the Little Ice Age climate changes was the solar magnetic field and cosmic ray connection. When the solar magnetic field is strong, it acts as a barrier to cosmic rays entering the Earth’s atmosphere, clouds decrease and the Earth warms. Conversely when the solar magnetic field is weak, there is no barrier to cosmic rays—they greatly increase large areas of low-level clouds, increasing the Earth’s albedo and the planet cools. The factors that affect these climate changes were reviewed in ‘Solar magnetic field/cosmic ray factors affecting climate change’ section. … The current Modern Warming will continue until the solar magnetic field decreases in strength. If one adds the 350-year cycle from the McCracken result to the center of the Maunder Minimum which was centered in 1680, one would have a Grand Minimum centered in the year 2030.”
This article is no way comprehensive.
There are hundreds of thousands of scientific papers/conclusions that put solar activity at the heart of Earth’s climate system and, in turn, its terrestrial temperature; and many hundreds exist describing a near-term future of solar and temperature decline.
What this article succeeds best in doing is refuting the dogmatic claim that ‘The Science is settled’. The science is never settled. Ever. And while modern civilization continues to writhe in the dark ages of self-serving agendas and dreams of socialism, the reality of our cosmological journey spins on unabated.
The Sun is entering an epoch of relative hibernation, so it objectively appears, and the impact this will have on climate is expected to match that of every previous Grand Solar Minimum; that is, cooling and, ultimately, hard times for humanity.
Reject the establishment’s warm-mongering propaganda.
Prepare for the COLD, it seems far more plausible.
Do we have a name for the new Solar Minimum , yet ?
Eddy Minimum I believe.
The currently beginning (imo) solar minimum has been proposed to be named the Eddy Minimum.
The Eddy Minimum
Thanks Jay !
Thanks Jay
Another similar kind of question is if we have scientific names for concepts like ‘Propaganda minimum, and maximum’.
Another proposal is the Landscheit Minimum to recognize Theodor’s early declaration of it and contribution to documenting the contributing causes. He passed away in 2004. He is known for correctly predicting the El Nino of April 2003, made in 1999, when the ENSO scientists were unable to predict one more than 5 months ahead. He was out by 4 weeks, BTW, which is pretty good. for such a supposedly “unpredictable” phenomenon.
It is very damn certain to me that 2032 will be a year to reckon with.
I experienced the great Jan 2010 Everglades freeze then with the water based solar panels to heat the swimming pool becoming water sprinklers due to the pin hole leaks due to freezing. I had a hundred dead fish float up in front of my trailer house at the One million fish in the Everglades died leaving mainly only a couple of species mainly.
Then on a review of Solar activity of periods of sunspots of 30 days or more I predicted on 20 Sept 2020 “Unimaginable Cold Coming” on . The Great Texas Freeze of Feb 2021, eleven years after the Everglades then froze 702 Texans dead!!!
So 2032 is coming!!!! Be Prepared!!!
Last night I was watching Diamond from the Oppenheimer Ranch project. He has adopted a new milder family friendly delivery to his reporting that over all I appreciate but he soft stepped a very important mile stone that I would like to highlight. That is he reported the magnetic reversal has taken place on the sun. It seems counterintuitive that a reversal would happen when the sun is at its peak output phase but after researching on the web the answer came back YES, and according to Diamond it already did. So there you have it and all that it implies. In 2021 snow blanketed almost the whole state of Texas. Just 2 & a half years later indications are we are at peak solar output. Does this mean the decline has begun?
Thanks that was good information.
Sun’s polarity Sept 2006 month by month to present:
2 Years ago electroverse had a very interesting article about a galactic wave that was due to impact our sun around July-August 2023. Here is the now non working link.
I wish there was an update on this.
A remote viewer from New York named Buddy Bolton on the Linda Moulton Howe show last year also a predicted a super-flare this year, but earlier in the spring. He later said he was visited by the men in black who told him to shut up.
Suppose he had his timing a bit off?
The good Dr Zharkova excellent at Astro physics but overly optimistic about the elites changing course and helping to save a population they have come to detest. They know what’s coming and they are creating multi cultural & ethnic populations hoping they will devour each other during this time of famine. At the same time they plan to relocate to the warmer food producing zones on the equator. There is a lot of science suggesting a grand solar minimum, which is now more & more becoming common knowledge. Crickets from the elites & government officials. Who believes they are just oblivious to what the future has in store for us?
So much for July 2023 being “the hottest recorded month ever” as well as UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres calling the current global climate situation “global boiling”!
“Global Boiling” ==============LoL
That’s the 101 F black murky sediment laden water from the Manatee River north of Bradenton, Florida that’s supposed to represent all the clear sediment free ocean water on the planet!!!
One thing about the unfortunate “global boiling” rhetoric.
The anomalous three year La Nina resulted in the accumulation of warm oceanic warm water North of Australia and the distribution of some of this above average temperature water has been distributed NE into the North Pacic Ocean and SW to the South Pacific Ocean, SW of New Zealand.
The Southern Ocean storms have still not completely dispersed this warmer water by overturning.
We concurrently have early onset El Nino conditions so therefor an anomalous spread of global oceanic surface water.
I will not be surprised if there is a spike in Global temperatures in the upcoming UAH Global temperature record for July, the presumption being the referenced animated record is accurate.
an anomalous spread of WARMER global oceanic surface water
That should read SE of New Zealand, not SW. I apologize for being a dyslexic mutant.
Ocean heat from volcanos mentioned on Magnetic Reversal News:
Solar activity causes earthquakes and volcanos mentioned again on S O News recently:
Hi Dirk and readers.
When one studies the three month animated coral watch by NOAA the El Nino causing warm water on the coast of Peru and Ecuador appears to be upwellings which would mean heated by geothermal activity.
This area is exactly on a side branch of the Pacific Ring Of Fire.
nobody is talking about next years planetary alignment when the 4 big outer planets form a grand cross on the same side of the sun and the Earth is sandwiched in between making it very vunerable to any solar onslaught.Also the gravitational pull of the big outer planets will pull the Earth slightly more away from the sun.If you go back to 1811/12 the planetary alignment is eerily similar when a comet was also visible in the sky together with a solar eclipse…this resulted in 3 of the most powerful earthquakes in recent USA history.A comet and a solar eclipse is also due in is a video of the 1811/12 earthquakes
Try this video………..
“Mini Ice Age 2024 Maths- Its not good news – Milankovitch Cycles”
Try the 10 Minute mark!
Accuweather’s Fall Forecast “compares to 2009!!!
Remember 2009 produced the 2010 Everglades Freeze!!!
Interesting setup to be cold this year!!!
Per Clif High who analyzed the internet to predict 911, this year
“will be a brutal winter”!!!
This global cooling during the upcoming grand solar minimum (2020–2053) can offset for three decades any signs of global warming and would require inter-government efforts to tackle problems with heat and food supplies for the whole population of the Earth.”
And don’t they know it.
And helping to push it along as well, with all the geo-engineering they’re causing.
These are the times they’re concerned about as they will be overthrown when the people are starting too suffer.
All for one.
One for all.
The West is not being undermined by socialism, it is being undermined by Marxism.
“Misinformation” was first used by the Bolsheviks after the revolution.
Thanks for this, Cap. I was waiting for this sort of mass prediction. There is definitely a correlation in these science based predictions.
As one of them said, their projections are based on observations, not erroneous models.
It was also good to see a mention of the 1900 minimum. My grandmother had mentioned it. She lived in London and saw the River Thames frozen over. We obviously experience warmer and cooler periods and periodically extremely cold periods.
Not looking forward to things being colder than they are, but it’s better to have the truth. Forewarned is forearmed!
Regards, James.
Alaska volcano plume going North into the Arctic then hitting Greenland where it’s snowing with 39 inches new snow forecast next ten days:—add-more-layers/overlays?tcso2,61.312,-106.172,3—add-more-layers/overlays?snowAccu,next10d,70.110,-81.563,3,m:fTgaezE
Solar activity is increasing because Mercury is opposite Jupiter now and should increase more next month as Mercury retrograde Venus and Earth. You can see how much the Northern Hemisphere oceans are cooling from being closer to Saturn and further from the Sun, they’re not and getting warmer by the minute. 87F off the East Coast where the Gulf Stream is not weakening:—add-more-layers/overlays?sst,20.015,-87.451,4,m:eFWad6m
A super typhoon just went through Philippines, Taiwan and into China and another typhoon has already formed from solar activity from planetary alignments.—add-more-layers/overlays?gust,22.126,127.485,5,i:pressure,m:eboajTm
SANCHEZ-SESMA, 2016 listed this time period >> AD 2050–2250 (AD 3750–4450). The second listing must be the metric system, right?
The sun is shining, but it’s not warm. (Abdussamatov)
Very good! (Posted in 2012).
Habibullo Abdussamatov proves that heating is fiction.
FYI a colleague of mine tells me it was snowing in Estonia yesterday.
it ‘s over nobody waking up the sleeper
all around me they sleep
ls font ce qu’ils veulent .
imaginez des polytech: des dieux pour reprendre l’expression d’un certain laurent chantre du transhumanisme et tous les autres ne sont des “rien”des useless…
all the best
important for your health
Lots of interesting high altitude ice crystal pics, see “Fire Rainbow” for a rainbow of such. Includes tidbit such as “Grand Canyon National Park” Opening delayed due to excess snow!!
here is an interesting link:
is it because we have better communications or is the world going crazy?!
Solar Storms and Hurricanes on S O News:
Magnetic Excursion Radiation on S O News:
“During the California heat wave of 1906, Baldassare Forestiere dug a home underground with just a pickax and shovel. He spent 40 years excavating 10 acres of rooms, tunnels, a chapel, an underground aquarium, and courtyards to experiment with underground farming.”
That had to be on hot summer in California to inspire a man to do that much digging!
This is for Valentina Zharkova’s research.