Snowy Colorado; Obfuscation At The Hill; Nothing To See Here; + ELECTROVERSE.SPACE
Snowy Colorado
Snow is making headlines across Colorado peaks as the first flakes of the season blow in.
“It’s snowing on top of America’s Mountain this morning,” the NWS’s Pueblo office posted on X, adding, “Tis the season with fall-like temperatures across south central and southeast Colorado today!”
At Arapahoe Basin, the first snow arrived Wednesday night and continued through Thursday morning, leaving a healthy dusting by sunrise.
Keystone, Breckenridge and Copper Mountain were others to see snow, as were higher peaks of Summit County including Quandary Peak. In fact, a good portion of the Rockies (11,000+ feet) have received noteworthy early-season snow this week.
Obfuscation At The Hill
The Hill recently reported 2,325 heat-related deaths in 2023 and suggested that extreme heat be classified a “major disaster” event. While the headline sounds alarming, these deaths represent only 0.07% of the 3.3 million U.S. deaths annually.
Despite this small percentage, the media continues their scary fire and brimstone rhetoric, failing to point out that cold-related deaths outnumber heat-related deaths by 15 to 1 in the U.S., yet there are no calls for a similar “major disaster” classification.
How can global warming be labeled a “crisis” when heat-related fatalities are so small?
Heart disease claims 703,000 lives annually in the U.S., Alzheimer’s 134,000, and diabetes 102,000, yet the media’s focus is on the 2,325 heat-related deaths. This exposes the agenda. Our unhealthy lifestyles, driven by the consumption of processed foods and resulting in chronic illnesses, remain largely unaddressed because they’re profitable for multinational corporations.
Now, these same forces are taking aim at our access to affordable energy. Technologies like air conditioning and heating—powered by reliable sources like oil, coal, natural gas, and nuclear—save tens of millions of lives each year in the U.S. alone, far exceeding the small number of heat deaths that our use of said tech supposedly attributes to.
The facts and data are there for those willing to look beyond the headlines.
From whichever angle you choose to look at it, there is no “climate crisis”, only agendas.
Nothing To See Here
The European Union’s live births dropped below 4 million, with just 3.88 million babies born in 2022.
The EU’s average fertility rate is now 1.46, well below the 2.1 needed to sustain a population.
Malta (1.08), Spain (1.16), Italy (1.24), Greece (1.32), and Cyprus (1.37) have the lowest fertility rates in Europe.
Live births have tanked from 5.1 million in 1990 to just 3.88 million in 2022.
“Population collapse is a certainty,” so warns Musk on X.
I have just launched a new website:
The aim is for it to be a one-stop-shop for all solar and climate data.
The site offers the up-to-date information on solar events such as sunspots, flares, and other space weather phenomena, as well as the latest climate data, including global temperatures, snow cover, and polar ice.
I would appreciate people sending any issues or errors to (or via the contact form on this site) — there will be some. Also, it is a ‘heavy’ website and so is better accessed on desktop (mobiles have lower processing power).
If this is your thing, please let me know of any recommendations for new panels/data. I want this to be a useful resource for all.
Thank you for your time, and for your continued support.
I’ll be back Monday, as always.
Enjoy your weekend.
Speaking as an artist, I admire the graphics of your new website. And this means I can remove a bunch of buttons from my home screen and replace them with just one.
Cap- you missed one-the Blue Slinky.
Thanks Cap. I love watching the sun data, no fear! But I do appreciate someone who can explain it to me; Im one of those who gets extreme fatigue and cant sleep atb the same time…my digestion decreases and other odd reactions..One of those. Blessings.
Great work on the .Space pages, Cap.
I suspect a lot of time spent with the formatting, and it looks great!
Thank you for your work, it is much appreciated. Or locally to you; Muito apreciado.
Europe’s fertility rate may well be well below replacement rate, but the woke PTB allow in so many migrants, both legal and illegal and fail to deport the illegals that the population is still increasing fairly quickly.
The same as in the USA, the Euro PTB want European nationals gone, to be replaced with those that are accustomed to taking orders from and being largely supported by the State.
They, in return, vote as is necessary to maintain both the State’s power and their own access to State (taxpayer) support.
When, in the not too distant future, there’s way more takers than makers, I expect plans are already in place to commandeer sufficuent wealth from the middle class makers and the corporations, all the while claiming they are only “taxing the rich.”
Said plans will be far easier when we’re all operating on whatever digital “cash” we are allowed to “own.”
Heavy rains soak Sahara Desert as northward ITCZ shift alters African weather patterns
Big low pressure over Hudson Bay Canada the other day, heat going up the US East Coast and cold air shooting down into the Central US from Canada which was loaded with the volcanic plume from the Iceland volcano that erupted two weeks ago. The Iceland volcano erupted from a solar flare. The Colorado snow was from the Iceland volcano from a solar flare.
Also the Kamchatka volcano erupted and that is in the mix along with the Mexico volcano plume both from solar flares. The low that was over Hudson Bay will be on the other side of Greenland by Saturday pulling the SO 2 plume with it back to Iceland and then back into the loop with all the other residual volcanic particulates. Still lots of SO2 above Canada in the Arctic from Kamchatka it goes up over the N Pole then down into a low pressure in the Gulf of Alaska. That cyclone was right next to Kamchatka last week powered by the heat from the volcanos. More snow is forecast from the volcanos from solar flares,68.302,-80.068,3,i:pressure,m:eXEagvV,68.302,-80.068,3,i:pressure
Wildfire smoke from Oregon up here in Washington State USSA seen at sunset Friday eve. Record hot here from solar flares in solar maximum. The heatwave goes up into Canada and Alaska:,2024090821,51.681,-102.799,4,i:pressure
No noteworthy solar flares for the last 48 hours. Does that mean it will cool down for you, Dirk? And why are we dipping down to Class A solar flares all of a sudden? And what is a Class A anyway? It almost looks like a negative flare on the chart. Does this mean the sun is starting to quiet down? What do you think, Dirk? It’s all pretty much Greek to me, lol.
I make good chow yuk now.
That’s good, because you don’t make good sense now. If you truly did stop drinking, maybe you should start again.
Ninety nine bottles of beer on the wall, ninety nine bottles of beer. Take one down and pass it around, ninety eight bottles of beer on the wall….

Chow yuk make good sense.
A candid glimpse behind the scenes in Finland:
Everything’s better in Finland:
Never know what you’ll find in Finland:
That Chow Yuk looks yummy! But it would be better if you used avocado oil, which can handle the high heat, instead of canola oil, which is bad for you.
I’m tempted to try that recipe, and I hate to cook!
A long duration M class solar flare erupted Friday night at midnight Central time in the US. A heavy plasma stream pointed South from the Sun, Dr Ben D at SO News featured the solar flare on the Saturday morning show which came out at 4am Central time USA.
The plasma stream from the M flare continued into Saturday it looked like a giant blowtorch. Then mid day Saturday Central time there was a large filament eruption and a continuation of the plasma stream from the other M class. There is still a large plasma stream now Sunday 05am here seen on SOHO feeds.
Dr Ben also mentioned the triple planetary alignment now going on and showed diagrams.
The weather here is going into cooler pattern from the Kamchatka volcano plume mentioned in the post up there. Hit the SO2 link walk it out , cross trach on the clouds and rain functions. Cold front loaded with SO2 forecast now for rain this week here we need every drop. I am so thankful my well hasn’t gone dry yet, our snowpack went below zero percent of ave before the first day of the long hot/dry Summer from solar flares. I thank God every time my well pumps back up to pressure and my car makes it to and from Walmart like yesterday morning, I got so lucky getting this house six years ago there is nothing cheap available on the market now.
Solarham flare chart shows nothing much going on the last two days.
The solar flare from Friday night is hitting on schedule. The protons hit warning level on the proton chart and the global D layer map is showing the activity.
TCI is looking more like SC21 or 23.
Obfuscation?… Heat related deaths ; factor into that deaths from air pollution, traffic accidents, smoking,drugs, shit food, wars, all made possible by the manufacturing of heat then its easy to say heat related deaths outnumber cold related deaths, its not all true or false as our actions are also a factor,
Go Herbal.
I use Frankincense for my Neuropathy and it keeps it at bay. The DRUG they give you has worse side effects than it’s worth.
RFK JR. is correct. Stop with the crap food, eat meat & raw veggies AND stay away from vaccinations! By 18 yrs of age a Child today will take…FIFTY FOUR INJECTIONS!!!!!
Now their body is full of toxic hell. I am a PUREBLOOD … No DEATH JAB and I will never take another vaccine/mRna anything PERIOD.
Any other shot again…slip of fat fingers

Thanks. I am doing similar. The more complex the food, the more of your energy is needed to digest and process it.
Easier said than done. Shorter days cause lower serotonin (the feel good hormone). Eating carbs raises serotonin. Thus, the traditional holiday foods of fall and winter. Hard to abstain when you KNOW the goodies actually do make you feel better, counteract depression, irritability, anxiety, the blahs etc.
Useful cravings when foodstuffs were less available in winter, but now we pack it on in the harvest season and keep packing all winter, instead of living on stored fat.
Meat and raw veggies do not satisfy the craving for carbs. Stuffing with gravy and pumpkin pie loaded with whipped cream do. Life is not fair.
ARTICLE: 5 reasons behind the historic absence of tropical storms this hurricane season
Their “reasons” are just speculations and they are still predicting 16-20 named storms.
Accuweather? Not so much…
thank you Cap… and all the best for the space climate!!
UFO seen Sunday morning through the wildfire smoke in NW US:
Another keeper, “UFO” and all,lol.
It’s a pleasure to help you with getting your “Data Centre” running with intrigue and accuracy.
We are having another “wild swing” in temperatures here in Central Alberta again. Forecast of 31C by 4pm (MST) today (September 6, 2024). When last week we harvested as many tomatoes as possible with overnight temperatures getting close to freezing (0C).
I would suggest a catalogue of links to the “studies” you post here on Electroverse, might drawn more eyes, and make grasping the import of these studies a little easier for us; hordes of the Great Unwashed.
Our Creator designed us to always “know”.
Not one of us does not hunger and thirst after righteousness – the truth.
Another idea – draw attention to the status quo that has been proven – wrong. I saw today, how the history of Greenland is that it was “green” and fertile, “not too long ago” (800 to 1300 AD). Ice cores cut in the 1990’s, stored in Colorado, just now revealed seeds, leaves, DNA, fossils, etc, from ice cores of the middle, oldest parts of Greenland
You might want to consider a place where “uncomfortable truth” is being discovered and revealing that long held beliefs are wrong. Like this information about Greenland. Greenland that was actually “green” in its recent past and has been warmer, many times. Too often today, the truth gets buried. A “Did You Know” section.
Cap enjoy your day of rest this weekend. Your Creator designed you to be humbled by it – to be at peace with your little ones around your feet, and a blushing bride feeling safe within the comforting, warm strength, of your arm.
A desire to finish well,
Alberta Jim