Winter Arrives Early In New Zealand; Record Cold Continues To Sweep Australia; Cold Czech Republic; + Warming ‘MUST’ = Cooling
Winter Arrives Early In New Zealand
Temperatures across New Zealand have plummeted this week, and heavy May snowfall has clipped both island’s, dropping the snowline to below 400m (1,300ft).
Ski resorts near Queenstown received as much as half a meter (20 inches) on Wednesday alone.
The impressive accumulations have seen the Manganui Ski Area, located in NZ’s North Island, open its slopes on May 12 and so set a new club record for its earliest opening ever, besting the previous record of May 16, 2009 (solar minimum of cycle 23).
Club spokesperson Rob Needs could hardly believe it.
“There’s a lot of excitement,” he said.
“It’s insane. It’s so early. It’s certainly not what we’re used to.”
We’re moving into El Niño—the legacy media has proclaimed it be so–and while this ENSO pattern spells “catastrophic hotty-heat-hot” for great swathes of the planet, what the MSM routinely fails to mention is not everywhere warms; large regions, conversely, cool — New Zealand being one.
NIWA meteorologist –and firm AGW Party member– Chris Brandolino is expecting this winter to bring more cold snaps to NZ.
The ENSO pattern is “in neutral” but as the El Niño takes hold it will likely see colder south-westerly winds dominate, he said; winds that are usually tied to drier conditions — so the opposite effect of La Niña which recently delivered NZ its wettest summer on record.
“That climate driver (La Nina) which was helping to produce those events no longer exists … It wouldn’t be surprising to see kind of a drier lean as we work our way through the winter season.”
The cold has certainly arrived, but there’s no sign of those drier conditions, not yet anyway…
Record Cold Continues To Sweep Australia
‘Frosty temperatures have already sent shivers across Australia, sending warning signs for an especially cold winter.’
This is opening line of a recent article, which, against official government forecasts, is expecting state low temperature records to fall this coming cold season–even the all-time national low of -23C (-9.4F) set at Charlotte’s Pass in 1994.
Across Eastern Australia, a myriad of locale’s have already logged their lowest-ever May temperatures–and early in the month, too, making the feat even more impressive. These records include, but are not limited to Cooma, Omeo, Bombala, and Canberra; while Sydney, with its 7.1C (44.8F) last Sunday, set its coldest temperature this early into autumn for 85 years, since 1938.
Eastern Australia’s early-season snow has also been noteworthy, with the first flurries of the year already hitting the likes of Brown Mountain, Nimmitabel and Perisher Valley — to name just three.
The West hasn’t escaped the chill, far from it.
The Perth metro area dipped to an anomalously-low 5.4C (41.7F) overnight Thursday, forcing many to grab their coats and rug up, reports
While looking ahead, the rest of the month is forecast to bring much of the same, and for ALL of Australia:

Saying all that, you AGW proponents can remain safely within your cardcastles, for your pals, the Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology has your back. The government agency is comfortingly prophesying a “drier and warmer than average winter”.
However, confidence in this forecast may waver a little when looking at past results:
The BoM confidently called for a hot autumn of 2023, but reality continues to deliver a record-cold season; they stated that last summer would be a stifling one, but it turned out to be unusually chilly; while the winter of 2022 was predicted to be “far warmer than average”, but it turned out to be historically-frosty with sprawling metropolises such as Brisbane enduring their coldest winter’s in recorded history — and ALL of this despite 1) the BoM’s ignoring of the well-established UHI-effect, and 2) their overhaul of the country’s weather stations, replacing all mercury thermometers with new ‘0.7C warmer’ electronic probes…
Cold Czech Republic
Just a quick word on Europe…
Along with the likes of Poland, Slovenia, Slovakia, Serbia, Croatia, Moldova –to name just six– April 2023 in the Czech Republic was colder than the multidecadal norm, finishing with an average temperature of 6.4C (-2.1C below the norm):
Looking ahead, Europe’s chill –particularly in Eastern parts– (and Alpine snow) looks set to persist well into May.
I also see a big cool-down on the cards for the Iberian Peninsula (my neck of the woods), as well as some much needed rains.
Warming MUST = Cooling
The establishment is at it again, trying desperately to keep global warming relevant on an ever-cooling planet.
During catastrophic global warming, “the strangest thing to wrap our heads around is the apparent paradox of colder winters,” reads a recent paint-by-numbers article.
“Surprisingly,” the article’s author Megha Mogarka continues, alongside supposedly rising global temperatures, “we have also seen harsher winters … In fact, places where it never snows have been regularly receiving snowfall…”
Mogarka goes on to rehash the long-debunked claim that global warming is disrupting the polar vortex, causing the jet stream to weaken and in turn sink polar air masses anomalously-far south, particularly during the winter months.
I mean, she’s half there: the jet stream is weakening, which is resulting in additional polar outbreaks entering the lower latitudes, but it’s a setup attributable to the historic low solar activity we’re been experiencing, not humanity’s CO2 excretions.
The establishment is once again guilty of reverse engineering their findings, of trying to fit their precious predetermined theory with wildly contradictory real-world observations. “Winters are getting colder, it must be global warming.” This is not how science is supposed to work, but then again, this isn’t science at work here, of course, this is a warped, politically motivated agenda.
Digging deeper than even Mogarka can be bothered to, The Narrative states that “because the Earth’s polar regions are warming more quickly than the rest of the world, the temperature contrast that drives jet streams has decreased (making for weaker streams)”. ‘Polar Amplification’ is the theory, but for it to work BOTH poles need to be warming, which isn’t proving the case.
Official data reveals that East Antarctica, which covers two thirds of the continent, has cooled 2.8C over the past 40-or-so years, with West Antarctica cooling 1.6C. Climate alarmists love long-term trends, and to them forty years is regarded as a long-enough time-frame from which to draw significant climatic conclusions. But the evaluation of the past four decades can result in only one summation: that Antarctica is cooling in conjuction with a weakening of the southern jet streams.
To spell it out: this reality blows apart that mainstream ‘AGW-driven polar vortex’ explain-away.
Moreover, Antarctic’s cooling has actually been intensifying in recent years alongside a further-weakening of the southern jets.
The South Pole suffered its coldest-ever ‘coreless winter’ in 2021 (April-Sept), and has posted anomalously cold months ever since. These include Nov 2022’s -40.4C (-40.7F)–coldest since 1987; Dec 2022’s -29.1C (-20.4F)–coldest since 2006; Jan 2023’s -31.3C (-24.3F)–coldest since 1995; Feb 2023’s -41.1C (-42F)–which is -0.7C below the norm. And with an overall reading of -35.6C/-32.1F, this made it the second coldest Nov – Feb on record (after 1999-2000’s -36.6C/-33.9F)).
And more recently still, in March 2023, both Vostok and the Antarctic station posted what are believed to be their coldest temperatures ever recorded this early into a season (-65.2C/-85.4F) and -68.1C/-90.6F, respectively).
To spell it out again: the South Pole is undoubtedly COOLING yet the southern jet stream is simultaneously WEAKENING, sending exceptionally cold polar air masses unusually-far north and into the likes of Australia and South America.
To conclude, the establishment’s explain-away theory that warming poles are to blame for a weak and wavy jet stream flow, and in turn the correlated violent swings between extremes in the weather (labelled a ‘climate crisis’ by the legacy media), is patently false. The establishment however, via its MSM lapdogs such as Megha Mogarka, continue to push their own conclusion…
Bitterly cold winters were not always the recurring phenomenon they are today, so writes Mogarka, “but now, we experience a record-breaking summer of heat every year and a consequent record-breaking winter of cold as well. It has become a recurring phenomenon in recent years, and shows no sign of slacking off. How strange,” she concludes, “that a phenomenon associated with increasing temperatures is also responsible for the coldest temps as well!”
How strange indeed, Mogarka — ‘implausible’, even…
Any extreme or no extreme weather event at all – it’s all due to climate change. That’s the mantra. To combat it, we must…
Public Must Reduce Standard of Living by 75% to Stop ‘Global Warming,’ Media Warns
Governments must introduce measures to reduce the public’s standard of living by a staggering 75 percent, using force if necessary…
The public must take drastic measures to reduce individuals’ so-called “carbon footprint” to stop “global warming,” according to the BBC.
Ask these people what will happen if we get CO2 to ZERO PPM…when they answer wait to laff for about 1minute. When they ask why ya laffing…ask them what plants need to grow/survive…you will get one of two reactions – WHAAT??? or well they need water and other things. Ask the second answer ‘What specific element does the Plant need to exist’?
Than tell them Plants need CO@ to make O2 and without CO2 plants will all die and then…mankind.🤣🤣🤣🤣I love Science!!!
CO2 doesn’t need to drop to zero, experiments show that at 150ppm plants stop growing. Greenland ice cores show that it dropped to 180ppm at the height of the last glaciation (ice age). Thankfully our stone age ancestors all started driving SUV’s and jetting off for a couple of weeks holiday in the sun thus bringing CO2 levels up to 280ppm, ensuring that life could carry on and indeed flourish.
The only carbon they want is YOU!
The Sun of God is intense.
Even in winter in Sydney.
Yesterday it was 23-24 Deg Celsius.
Should be no more than 18.
Had my shirt off in Gods Sun after cutting the lawn.
The extreme cold snaps are a result of the wavy/split antarctic jet stream as it shows in charts. Then when it backs off the weather gets back to somewhat normal. There has been increased overnight dew, even through summer for the last few years here. Record cold in Brisbane combined with a national March record for heat.
Its becoming all over the place.
Just look at how the plants behave during this time compared to previous years.
Its a sign that cant be denied.
Just as the Hopis have advised.
And its gonna be real bad times.
The Great re-set.
Hey Pete in Sydney, it’s autumn, not winter, winter is going to be like it was 23-24 years back when we had -8 minimums and 20 max in the Lockyer valley for 2 days, around 18- 20 years ago with -10 in Lithgow, where I was working that day.
We’ve lived in Northland, Niu Tireni (New Zealand) for six years. Summers usually include one or more monthlong draughts with our clay soil splitting into fissures a foot or more deep. La Nina has been a blessing for 3 years.
The sickening “BOM” is just about as bad as NOAA here. Their bias is so bad, you really have to put your hand infront of their headline section in spring and summer whenever you check just to keep yourself from shooting your PC screen with a machine gun!!!!!
They are terrible!
When we had all-time record snow in West Virginia in early May, I barely could find it anywhere on their headlines page. You had to scroll to the bottom to finally see mention of “snow expected in mid Atlantic.” They are sickening!
Yet, whenever you have a brief heatwave somewhere, they plaster it infront of the page like it’s the end of the world!!! You can clearly see this disease ridden warm bias going on with NOAA – just like the fraudulent BOM, or BOB – Bureau of bulls….t.
I am sick of their garbage!
Too right. BOM = Woke Weather Service.
Look at weather maps the world over, at the colours used to illustrate temp. Used to be we’d only be getting shades of red when the temperature got up around 40C, now even on days when its in the 20’s we’re seeing red.
Even looking at soggy old UK, weather maps coloured like an Aussie summer of old. Its brainwashing young people who haven’t had a lifetime to experience the cycles of drought, fire and flood, hot as hell days and freezing like a brass monkey..
Cold nights in Ukraine – Record thirty-five years ago was changed.
The low night temperatures of the second week of May in Ukraine contribute to the underestimation of average daily values relative to the climatic norm by 2-6 degrees
The result of May 12 was new temperature records in several cities. In Izmail, such a cold night has not been remembered since 1976, the temperature dropped to 3.6°C. In Kryvyi Rih, it froze at -0.5°C, which caused the record of thirty-five years ago to be changed. At the same time, daytime heating reaches 15…20°C in cities.
Winter, clinging to Taimyr, slows down the ice drift of the Yenisei people
Winter, after giving an indulgence at the beginning of May, returns to cover the region with snow. To this day, snow cover in Norilsk is maintained at a level of 35 cm, in Khatanga snowdrifts with a height of 86 cm do not give up their positions.
The average daily air temperature on Sunday will not reach the weather norm of 2-4 degrees.
May 14 in the industrial district of Norilsk during the day -10..-5°C. But the winter tour is unlikely to end there. It is very reluctant to leave its northern possessions in May 2023. As a result, the edge of the expected ice drift on the Yenisei lags behind last year by almost ’80’ km.
Based on the hydrological and meteorological situation, the beginning of rising waters of the Yenisei River in 2023 in the Dudinka area is scheduled for May 18-20. Until the 25th of May, the flooding of berths with the 8-meter mark is expected.
The responsible services in Taimyr have already started carrying out measures for the safety of the population in preparation for ice drift and flooding.
-Such floods, yes, can be catastrophic, but these caused by excessive snow and ice, not MSM ‘GW’.
Cat 5 Tropical Cyclone Mocha Myanmar gusting 160mph waves 40 feet feeding off 110F heat from India from solar flares from Mercury in retrograde:—add-more-layers/overlays?temp,25.978,93.911,5,i:pressure,m:d7baiqi
The BoM are a complete joke, everyone knows this warming BS is lies.
They stated their latest crap in February saying the Autumn would be hotter and drier, the complete opposite has occurred, the complete opposite the last year or two. People just laugh at these clowns.
Love that Heating in the Artic, Cooling in Antarctic, BOTH producing weak jetstreams!!
Contradictory data cools for investigation. This leads to the same propaganda being released in many public sources from one main propagandizing source.
Hmmmm, now who could that be?
Rain in SW Florida start of Hurricane Season 1st June 2023 only 0.1 inch.
It does seem the end of the dry season, start of the monsoon rains.
Normally one thinks it will get hot in August but then the rains keep things
fairly cool. Temp still a cool 62 this morning when it should be hitting 72 as an
old normal.
Yakutia is a territory of frosts
In cloudy weather conditions, at night and early morning in Yakutia, the air cooled intensely. Record low temperatures were recorded on Yubileynaya, where the average daily value was 0-10 degrees below normal.
On May 13, the thermometer stopped at -24.5°C, the previous extreme of the minimum temperature was -24.1°C and was observed in 1958. And this is the third time in the last days of May that the observations Instrumental weather forecasts are updated.
At the same time, the eastern half of Yakutia was at the mercy of a cyclone, which was marked by precipitation of varying intensity and duration, and in some settlements record.
Everything “they” say is a lie at this point.
From the pandemic that wasn’t to the climate etc etc etc ad nausea (I do mean nausea).
And the weather is consistently typical of March here in cal, and I have NEVER in my many years seen conditions this cold for this long CONSISTENTLY. I’d call that climate.
My mormon bishop (not a practicing mormon myself) told me at my confirmation that I would live to see the END of it all – I never thought much of it – but I’m sure he is correct – all it would take is a few large volcanic eruptions – call me silly I don’t care – and I don’t have a whole lot of years left.