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- South America’s Snowiest Start To A Season In 30-Years; Record Cold Freezes The Sea In Tierra del Fuego; Help For BC Wineries Following Devastating Winter; Denmark’s Absurd ‘Flatulence Tax’; + US Heatwave Failed To Deliver
Taxes don’t stop cows farting. Taxes drive farmers out of business.
Turn Your stock yard into a flowering wonderland. So muffle those farts, save on taxes and fill the air with a pleasing fragrance. Get AssMaster fragrance patches today.
New invention:
AssMaster fragrance patches for cows with methane activated rose fragrances. Turn methane into a wonderful bouquet of roses
This product unfortunately won’t do a thing for Washington swamp gas.

Alternatively collect the methane and use it as biofuel. This seems a genuine invention as it’s featured on several websites e.g.
WEF NAZI Dutch PM to be new NATO head cheese. The same NAZIs who are trying to start WW3 and reduce World population by 90% that would make them happiest killing 8.5 billion people. If NATO would stand down the war would be over but they won’t and continue to bomb inside of Russia. Russia said stop bombing us or we are going to nuke you off the map. Simple statement. They won’t stop and it’s go time. All the Ukraine Army is dead or wounded hospitals full no power. It’s all NATO vs Russia/China/Iran/Turkey who was at the last BRICS meeting last week. Pivot man, the Belt Road is already operating in the Ottoman Empire.
Money and weapons sent to Ukraine are not accounted for. Most of the weapons go on the black market used for terrorist ops elsewhere. Billions of dollars and all our ammo handed out to bad customers.US has bio weapons labs in Ukraine, chemical weapons labs . Fart tax news updates here. Oh goody.
There you go again! I know d*mned good and well there’s plenty of good news out there in world as well as end of the world fear porn. That’s as bad as the MSM. Why don’t you try for 50/50 at least?
I filter a vast amount of BS looking for real news. I scan YouTube full time looking for real news wading through the BS clickbait. Clickbait is a new industry, the BS industry. I check Zero Hedge news site all the time watching for news updates I used to read comments on there full time back in ’09 there were thousands of comments per article new articles feeding 24/7/365. Information. There were smart people on there commenting with links. More info, always filtering out the BS. It’s like reading history in action, in live time.
I used to be a workaholic leave the house at 04:30am after another sleepless night kick butt all day and get home at 10pm. Most jobsites were fifty miles away through traffic. Heavy construction high energy always deadlines. I’d rather be hogging dirt on a Komatsu 300 making $75 an hour on overtime no BS no distractions just hogging dirt building things.
I truly believe the workaholic thing. Well, you’re gonna do what you’re gonna do. I’ll just have to stop clicking on all your links. (I’m sure you’re amazed I would do such a thing, lol.
Jesus set me free from the addiction to bad news, so I don’t have to listen to that stuff anymore. Now, if He would just set me free from my addiction to Bad Boys…!
On one job we put in 22 miles of 42″ NG line from Canada border fence South in 14 weeks. They doubled the West Coast NG supply with that pipe. We could put it ten more and run cars/trucks/tractors on NG.
Drove these one Summer. Weld a six foot tall box on those there was 10 of us. Six wheel drive, articulating.
Drove John Deer brand and Komatsu, Norwegian Moxee, Volvo. I worked on the I-90 Snoqualmie Pass on the DOT pics. Commuting to the Pass drive gear all day. Basically bored out of my nut now.
Bored? So am I or I wouldn’t be talking to you.
I used to think I wanted more, but I’m coming around to the idea that we are both getting what we want/need just as it is.
A human connection without all the baggage (that’s assuming you’re human, of course. If not, it’s a whole new ball game.)
Sir you are CORRECT. Sorry Deb but he is and it is worse. The murder of s Priest and Policemen in Russia was done by Islamic terrorists who used NATO weapons from Afghanistan…the $80 billion worth BIDEN left behind.
Those poor Danish tax farmers will be disappointed to learn that all Danish cows are the fart-free variety. No methane emissions! Anyone who says otherwise is just a AGW liar. No farts, no tax.
Ike you know there is no such thing. Those cows are made out of Veggies and made to look like cows….oh man I can’t do that anymore

Anyway I wish the farts go to those who deserve it…every politician that passes thst law 

That was brilliant Mystic. Thanks for that.
With atmospheric concentration of Methane at 2 parts per million, I really cannot fathom how two lonely molecules of methane in one million molecules of air could possibly have any part in heating the planet. But I ain’t no Physicist.
85F in N Alaska at the Arctic Ocean, 85F in Finland. 81F N Siberia at the Arctic Ocean t the heatwave going up from Pakistan to the Arctic. 121F in Pakistan. 119F in Iraq.
64F ‘ere today with rain showers perfect temp no AC no woodstove just dandy. Good color on all the new veggie plants good dark green. My grapes are doing great here 45 miles South of BC the vines grow ten feet a year. This whole yard was overgrown with them and blackberries took three years to clear it out,35.564,51.661,4,i:pressure,m:et8ahNC
You probably have mineral rich soil due to volcanic ash. I don’t know how much you get since you are west of the Cascades but surely some of it floats that way. The gardens and orchards in the Columbia Gorge were producing fantastic fruits and veggies after Mt St Helens blew her stack.
Ground here is glacial till. 7000 ft mountain 15 miles east in basalt former Yellowstone hot spot. There was 3000 ft of ice here it melted there was a lake which broke out to the ocean and salt water came back in sea level was 200 feet higher. I’m at today/s sea level on a ledge at the base of the mountain. Glacial till is rocks and clay no organics. Lots of nutrients lots of rocks. The clay turns to peanut butter when it’s wet. Same color with rocks. It dries rock solid in Summer in Winter water comes up out of the ground. Water comes out of my well head a foot high. Trees grow great all 150 ft second growth. Glacial till good with amendments to be made into topsoil but has water flow half the year. Raised beds work good mix imports with existing.
Bored yes I’d rather be moving dirt with a JD 750. I used to live project to project 125%. Multi year billion dollar construction projects. I worked for the second largest construction company on the planet for ten months finished the project then game over. Find next project, rinse and repeat.
I was a boss had crews planned my day all night thee biggest factor the weather.
Gee, just as well humans wiped out the upwards of 200 million bison that once roamed the Americas… not to mention other herbivores such as elk, deer, moose etc. by the millions. Oh, and what about the tens of millions of large herbivores that populated (and still populate) the African continent—wildebeest, giraffe, buffalo, zebra etc etc. Better dispatch them asap too! Oh dear… what a farce it’s all becoming.
As a Postscript to my comment above—and for perspective, the current US cattle herd is less than 90 million. I live in Australia, where the cattle herd is 25 million, sheep about 25 million—and kangaroos, somewhere around 35 millions.
Solar wind density bump to 65 and a mag 7.2, S America. Kp6.
And a mag 5.7 Tonga:
Big Mag spike on the big quake in S America:
Volcanos in S America have been erupting constantly from solar flares last three years. Snow from solar flares. The pm2.5 map is still loaded up from volcanos from solar flares. The pm2.5 map was blank until the flares started. Every snowflake has a nucleus these from volcanos from solar flares.,pm2p5,-1.322,-55.937,3,i:pressure,m:cGmaff5
G4 GEOMAG storm now, Kp8 !!!
Very interesting. Thank you Dirk.
Volcanic particulates 2.5 microns in size. Pm2.5. Snow layers can be traced to source. California went from extreme drought to overflowing dams from snow from volcanos from solar flares. Traceable in the glaciers. Not from GSM no flares Utah record snow from volcanos from solar flares hitting our weak mag shield from GSM and man made weak mag shield which nobody knows anything about. Unknown unknowns only God knows, beyond our understanding.
It’s certainly beyond mine, lol!
RE Denmark, cows, tax >> I imagine Danes are getting who & what they voted for. Otherwise, it would not be happening.
They produced Greta. Need I say more?