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- Spring Anomalies From BC To SoCal; HadCRUT Disappears 0.15C From 1940s Warming ‘Blip’ As Proposed In 2009; “Climate Crisis Is Making Turbulence Worse”; + New Poll Shows Youth Losing Faith In Climate Change
Re – “New Poll Shows Youth Losing Faith In Climate Change”. Youth is always revolting – originally said by someone far wittier than yours truly, maybe Mark Twain, Churchill or GB Shaw? J McN
Ok do I have this straight? We buy wind turbines from China and they get blown down. China takes the money and builds reliable coal fired power plants. Now how are we saving the planet? Foreign made hazardous debris destined for the land fills in the USA. CO2 emissions on the increase from new coal fired power plants in China and the trick is the USA is paying for them. How long is this stupidity going to last? If it isn’t hail stones battering acres of solar panels, it’s tornadoes & derecho’s toppling wind generation equipment. The Grand Minimum has only just begun. Buckle up!
Washington DC isn’t exactly overflowing with geniuses. Can anyone say Boondoggle?
It would help if there was an official NOAA SWPC Eddy GSM chart and then put that where the UAH GT record warm temp is. Not the old outdated charts, a new updated official version. You know why there isn’t one?
Those guys are nuts!
That’s heat rising from solar flares all year.
Snug as a bug in my crackerbox, with a roaring fire in my Cubic Mini Wood Stove, a cup of ginger -lemon tea on my rolltop desk, and a thunderstorm outside.
I don’t ask for much of life, and by the grace of God, I’m finally getting some of it.
Love these cool days! It’s been in the 80’s and 90’s here in Missouri lately.
Btw, I have two crackerboxes. This the one with wheels. The view out my windows is about 50 shades of green.
People would not have to worry so much about crop failures if they would just cultivate indigenous plants, instead of dragging them halfway around the world to foreign climates and then whining because it’s too cold/too hot/too dry, etc.
God put us here to work with nature and each other, not to beat everything around us into submission.
I wish He would have left out the control freak gene.
Oh they’re realizing that now? I guess that means (until now) the youth believed all that talk from their left wing teachers that driving to the grocery store would cause them to drown under 200 feet of salt water? I’ve known for 32 years that all that climate junk talk was total garbage! Anyway, once they learn about climatic cooling, the next step is to teach them how to vote straight Republican!! They better do that unless they want to freeze to death in future years!!
Ahhh, the lefty loonies and Greenies love to parrot their toxic “solutions” without any serious research or honest fact-checking. They prefer to repeat whatever their masters tell them rather than develop and use critical thinking skills. As a result, they cause more environmental damage and redistribute more wealth out of the peoples’ hands than they are capable of realizing. If you point out that the sun is mostly responsible for climate, cover your ears because their voices can get really loud as they shout at you for your stupidity.
The over 55+ crowd still believing in GW which should be of no surprise. The Boomer generation has a long history of radical thinking. It gives me great hope for our future if the younger generations are pulling away from the hysteria of the GW scam.
2:30 pm PST it’s 25F at the top of Crystal Mtn at 7000 feet elevation. It’s been snowing all day on the cam. Also snowing Mt Hood and Mt Bachelor
Every time I see the view from this cam, I feel such a yearning to fly away to the mountains. It’s been 21 years since I saw the Cascades.
I’ve never been one to take vacations. My feeling is, if you go somewhere better than where you were, then stay there!
The Mission Ridge cam looks out over the Apple Capital of the World if you turn around and look South my sister lives on the other side of the ridge in wheat and cattle country top shelf grade AAA+ American quality. Her kids were all 4H Club State Fair Champs and my Nephew’s kids are all 4H State Fair Champs and his Wife runs the State Fair program. He and she met at WA ST U studying Agro where they graduated. He went to work on the windfarm and has a good career with a good salary. It’s a big International CO. The turbines add to the mix and are used to pump water back up above the dams for storage and irrigation during non peak hours.
With Hydro, NG and Wind we have one of the cleanest most efficient grids anywhere that’s why Biz got big here like Boeing and Microsoft and Amazon, cheap power. Less than half of normal snowpack is a big deal, it’s not just for snow skiers to play on. Miles of irrigated crops and millions of salmon depend on the snowpack. Central Columbia Basin is at 30% and solar flares are forecast. Fire season is going to be hell. In the Valley where the apples grow it gets 114F there in Summer and there’s Pine forests as far as you can see into Canada. I’ll be glad when November rolls around and get the rains back.!MSNT&states=!&basins=!&hucs=&minElevation=&maxElevation=&elementSelectType=any&activeOnly=true&activeForecastPointsOnly=false&hucLabels=true&hucIdLabels=false&hucParameterLabels=true&stationLabels=&overlays=&hucOverlays=state&basinOpacity=75&basinNoDataOpacity=0&basemapOpacity=100&maskOpacity=100&mode=data&openSections=dataElement,parameter,date,basin,options,elements,location,networks,baseMaps,overlays,labels&controlsOpen=true&popup=&popupMulti=&popupBasin=&base=esriWsr&displayType=basin&basinType=wa_8&dataElement=WTEQ&depth=-8¶meter=PCTMED&frequency=DAILY&duration=I&customDuration=&dayPart=E&monthPart=B&forecastPubDay=1&forecastExceedance=50&useMixedPast=true&seqColor=1&divColor=7&scaleType=D&scaleMin=&scaleMax=&referencePeriodType=fixed&referenceBegin=1991&referenceEnd=2020&minimumYears=20&hucAssociations=true&relativeDate=-1&lat=48.124&lon=-120.914&zoom=6.9&autoExport=full,pdf,2,2,L,BL,Washington%20SNOTEL,49.4893,44.9175,-114.8615,-125.2705
4H, Youth farming skills etc:
Covid exaggerations?
Over 1.2 million people have died of COVID-19 in the US, the most of any country in the world, and millions are suffering from long-term COVID-19 which has the symptoms of ADHD without hyperactivity.
The US with half the people not wearing masks has had 6 times as many deaths per 1 million people as Japan where almost everybody wore masks and got vaccinated. The US had 3,642 deaths per 1 million people, Japan had 595 deaths per 1 million people. The masks also keep people from breathing virus particles into the air since most of the time a person is most infectious before they show symptoms.
That is far more deaths than in WW II(400,00), WW I(116,000) and Vietnam(50,000).
The reporting of cause of death is highly suspect.
People who died of covid were murdered by the medical industry. Masks do nothing as proven by numerous studies. More people have died from vax side effects than from covid. People who have been vaxed and boosted are 4 times more likely to get covid. Wake up!
And guess what the successful treatment for long covid and long clot shot is? Yet to be published definitive research.
Yep. Ivermectin.
Oh, PS, it can not correct established structural damage.
That’s what we use, but I doubt you’ll get it if you let them cart you off to hospital.
N95 masks stop 95% of the inhaled particles, which is 19 of 20.
They also stop 19 of 20 particles being exhaled if the person infected is also using a mask
That reduces the chance of getting COVID-19 from one in twenty to one in 400 which is a big difference.
As I mentioned above, Japan where almost everyone wore a mask and got vaccinated and boosted had only one-sixth the number of deaths per million as the US.
In the US with around half the people not wearing masks, there were virus particles everywhere and a mask wasn’t enough.
That is why Japan where almost everybody wore a mask had only one-sixth of the number of deaths per million as the US.