UK’s Warm June Has A Natural Explanation — Leaps To ‘Catastrophism’ Are Baseless

The year 2023 will go down as ‘The Return Of Climate Crisis’. We had a few wonderful years of pandemic-led reprieve, but now all CO2-cylinders are once again firing.

This week, in their desperate bid to support the failing global warming narrative, official weather agencies in the UK are claiming that June’s average temperature of 15.8C (60.4F) is a new all-time monthly high: “hottest since records began”.

The BBC was first to propagandize the news, unsurprisingly, adding the baseless claim, “climate change made the chance of surpassing the previous joint record at least twice as likely, scientists say.”

In reality, the UK never rose above 32.2C (89.9F) during the month, which is far from the nation’s hottest June high on record–the 35.6C (96.1F) set in 1956, matched in 1976. Rather, it was the nighttime lows that crept that average up; a phenomenon proven to be exaggerated by the urban heat island effect (the Met Office’s systematic removal of rural temperature stations in favor of those cited in ever-expanding concrete-dense metropolises is by-the-by, of course–certainly not a factor).

Taking the official figures as read, June 2023 looks warm, overall, I won’t argue that, but it was far from historic.

The June of 1846 –for example– was far hotter, at least in England, coming in with an average temperature of 18.2C (64.8F). Likewise, as per the Central England Temperature (CET) record, the Junes of 1676, 1826, and 1842 were also all hotter than June 2023, with the Junes of 1775, 1762, 1798, 1858, and 1976 all comparable.

Inconveniently for the AGW Party, the UK’s warm June just gone has as much to do with sunshine hours as it does anything else.

A relatively –for the UK– low amount of cloud and a lack of rainfall sparked a gloriously mild month for most. But it turns out ‘cloud cover’ is just another data-point official agencies actively work to keep from the public — it would surely confuse their agenda.

Below is official Met Office data: UK Sunshine Hours vs Temperature.

Even though these two measurements correlate perfectly, the agency flat-out refuses to publicly link them:

The UK has gotten sunnier over the past century, with temperatures climbing in line.
(And to the alarmist blindly brushing this data off, check your bias, ask yourself ‘how is okay for me to ignore this correlation?’)

Met Office chief meteorologist, Paul Davies told BBC News that the new record high temperature is “significant in a warming climate … because of the consequential impacts on society.”

Uh-huh. I hit the internet (namely Twitter and BBC comment sections) in search of societies’ thoughts on the ‘record-hot’ month just gone. Below are a handful of uncensored and genuinely un-cherry-picked responses — I worked ‘first come’:

Russ: “In my 70+ years the hottest June on record was that glorious long hot Summer we enjoyed in 1976. The BBC and Met Office are spouting more and more rubbish. But hey, if it all goes to serve the brainwashed paranoid Fear Factor cult then what the heck.”

Stephen: “I too am a survivor of 1976. It was a very hot time! June 2023 has had some nice days and some not so nice days, but 1976 was relentless.”

Fernando: “So, Spring 2023 was the 2nd wettest since 1991, according to the Met Officey, followed by a nice sunny/hot June (aka Summer) & today in the SEast, it’s been pissing down yet again. Ignore the BBC propaganda, the weather/climate does what the hell it wants, always has, always will.”

Mr G: “I love the way a few hot days brings doom and gloom, end of the world scenarios. Yet the winter seemed to never end and was about 7 months of miserable cold weather. Gets a bit tedious doesn’t it…”

Irish Jig: “As a gardener/allotmenteer you notice how every year differs. Nov through to Feb were really cold this winter, killed a lot of usually very hardy plants. March and April were awful – cold, and extremely wet, it only really started to warm up in late May around here, many spring crops failed to germinate. Not sure ‘hottest ever’, but June was very warm (good for growing), if also very dry.”

Pulsa King: “No, June had a few hot-ish days but overall it was disappointingly cool. Summer so far has been underwhelming here in the UK to date.”

Jud: “BBC was not correct in saying this year set a new record and was hot than June 1976, I can tell you because I was working outside on the roads in June 1976 in the northwest of the UK, the roads were melting. Yes, the roads were melting. I’ve not seen any roads melting this year.”

Peter Morris: “How in God’s name can the Met office say that June in the UK was the hottest on record ever? It makes no sense. Personally, here in Barnsley we had a few really pleasant, warm sunny days. But not overly hot. Just pleasant. But only a few of them. I conclude they tell lies to further the climate change zealots.”

—-Society has spoken, Paul Davies: the “consequential impacts” appear muted, at best.

Furthermore, the NAO (North Atlantic Oscillation) has a lot to answer for in relation to the UK’s warm June. Here’s how Dr. Judith Curry explains it (passage lifted directly from her website):

“June atmospheric conditions over the North Atlantic are also highly unusual, as indicated by a North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index anomaly nearly 3 standard deviations below the monthly average. The NAO is defined by the subtropical – subpolar difference in atmospheric sea-level pressure (SLP) anomalies, and approximately reflects the intensity of the low-level atmospheric circulation over the North Atlantic basin. Extreme low NAO values in June are consistent with a very weak subtropical high (Bermuda High) and relatively stagnant surface winds, involving weakness of the midlatitude westerly flow and the tropical-subtropical easterly trade winds.”

In short, ‘stagnant surface winds and weak westerly flows’, which translates to atmospheric blocking and resulted in the UK experiencing anticyclonic weather for virtually the entire month, and, consequently, plenty of sunshine and so warmth.

Everything has a logical and natural answer, alarmists. Never is there the need to jump to CO2-demonizing, unless it is an agenda you are indeed driving; all that ‘leaps to catastrophism’ achieve is to expose your bias, all they do is dispirit our youth:

And lastly, and to expand on Fernando’s point above, that “it’s been pissing down yet again”, the first days of July have indeed swung back the other way to anomalous cold.

To July 4, the CET reads 15.3C (59.5F) which is -0.7C below the 1961-1990 average (an old and cold era that the Met Office insists on still using). That 15.3C reading puts July 2023 within coolest-third of Julys in books extending back to 1659, and sees it match those of 1770, 1777, 1792, 1856, as well as 16 others–most of which are from the 1700s.

If June’s warmth has “the fingerprints of climate change all over it”, as mainstream meteorologists love to claim, then what does the anomalously cool start to July show? What does the UK’s cold November to May tell us? Absolutely nothing, I assume…?

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