Arctic Misinformation; Icelandic Seismic Swarm; What Percentage Of Online Climate Alarmists Are Actually AI Bots?; + Escape.Farm
Arctic Misinformation
The catalog of establishment climate fails is so large and well-known that it’s almost cliché to mention it. Yet still, new ones continue to be added.
Here’s a look at two ‘Center for Biological Diversity’ quotes:
“Now, climate scientists say the Arctic could be completely ice free in the summer by 2012.”
– Center for Biological Diversity 2009
– Center for Biological Diversity 2023
“Now climate scientists say the Arctic could be completely ice free in the summer by the 2030s.”
In the 14 years since 2009 not a lot has change with regards to the institution’s wording, only the dates for catastrophe which have been pushed back (with zero mention).
‘Climate change’ has replaced ‘global warming’ — that’s one interesting change.
While in the featured images, 2009 sees the mamma polar bear with just one cub, whereas in 2023 she has two cubs, which looks to be an unintentional nod to the fact that the global polar bear population,is increasing, as per the official data.
The Center for Biological Diversity is just another agency charged with pushing a baseless ‘catastrophe narrative’.
Icelandic Seismic Swarm
The Icelandic Met Office (IMO) is continuing its close monitoring of the Reykjanes Peninsula, specifically of the evolving geophysical phenomena at Mt. Þorbjörn.
Following the considerable seismic swarm, which has consisted of over 18,500 earthquakes since October 25, the IMO’s latest data, issued November 9 offers new insights into the region’s activity.
The recent patterns of seismicity and crustal deformation at Mt. Þorbjörn show a continuation of the intense geophysical unrest.
In the 24-hour period leading up to 12:20 UTC on November 9, seismologists recorded approximately 1,400 earthquakes, with the most significant reaching a magnitude of 4.8. This event marks the largest seismic occurrence since the onset of activity.
The uplift at the GNSS station on Mt. Þorbjörn, previously noted at 7 cm (2.7 inches) over 10 days, has shown a further increase. Since the last reported measurement, the land surface has continued to rise, at a rate that is being analyzed for potential volcanic activity.
The magma or magmatic fluid inflow rate into this subsurface feature was previously estimated at about 7 m³/s, which was four times greater than rates observed during the previous four events which took place between 2020 and 2022.
The IMO, in concert with the Civil Protection Agency, continues to monitor and assess the situation.
Their efforts aim to detect early signals of magma ascent, which would be characterized by increased shallow seismic activity, rapid surface deformation, and signs of volcanic tremor.
Authorities maintain a high level of readiness to respond to any swift changes in volcanic behavior.
The Blue Lagoon, located on Iceland’s Reykjanes peninsula, which sees an estimated 700,000 tourists and visitors each year, has temporarily closed its spas over volcanic eruption concerns.
“Blue Lagoon has proactively chosen to temporarily suspend operations for one week,” the resort posted on its website.
What Percentage Of Online Climate Alarmists Are Actually AI Bots?
As pointed out by climate researcher Linnea Lueken on, it appears that “AI bots” are now posting false comments on climate change-related articles online.
In a Fox News post about glaciers in Chile, there are a string of pro-climate alarm comments that ring suspiciously similar.
They are polite, writes Lueken, start with either a personal anecdote or cited an “expert,” explaining how climate change is allegedly affecting the world, and end with an exclamation about how they can understand, given the above facts, why it’s important to “address” or “do something” about climate change.
It is odd that LisaTurner738 crow-barred in “food security” under an article about glaciers.
Well done Brandon — at least you mentioned glaciers in the article about glaciers.
Lueken continues, noting that this tempered phraseology would make for “a refreshing change of pace from the usual tone of alarmist commentary, except if you are a human being with a functioning brain, with pattern recognition and who can pass Captcha tests (FOX News’ website requires no captcha to make an account and post comments) then you will have noted something suspicious: Hey, isn’t the structure of these awfully similar?“
Lueken’s well-honed inner bot detector was souding off by the second comment.
“Most bots on Twitter are trying to sell some digital coin scam or pornography or use ChatGPT to make a low-effort gimmick Twitter account. These AI ‘Climate bots’, on the other hand, are selling a narrative” — like ‘charlesvanderbilt’:
Charles goes on to give a unrelated comment about Just Stop Oil (shown below).
Charles also has one solitary post on Reddit’s r/ClimateOffensive, a comment which just so happens to contain the exact same wording as another comment on the Fox glacier article made by an “Edward Witmore”.

Charles and one “Ryan White” also posted on this article, here, about how they can see the “urgent need to address climate change.” Reddit’s r/climateskeptics also has a few posts by these bots.
Hundreds of millions of dollars being thrown at any project –associated with universities or otherwise– with the key phrase “climate change” attached, including projects that focus on “communication”–i.e., propaganda.
“Checkbook journalism” is increasingly the reason why you see so many articles about climate change flooding your feed, as organizations like the Associated Press accepted millions of dollars from groups like the Rockefeller Foundation and the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation to expand climate coverage.
Government agencies have held seminars on how to “break and fix audience mental models” regarding climate change, and thanks to testimony by Michael Shellenberger we already know that government and corporate collaboration has been used to stifle dissent on social media.
AI bots are a logical step for a controlling elite, they can help shape reality. Most people are sheep, COVID proved this, and if TPTB can fabricate a digital uniformity –online being where most people now reside– then they will be able to lead folk anywhere and into believing anything: real people will follow the AI bots off the proverbial cliff and straight into 15-minute cities.
I have been working on an off-grid resource for those looking to escape mainstream living.
Escape.Farm is a website documenting what we (as a family) have learned during our 5-or-so years growing our own food and harnessing our own energy in rural Portugal.
From growing potatoes, to raising goats, from building a solar array, to homemade recipes, the website aims to be a one-stop shop for escaping the system and thriving without the mollycoddling grip of the establishment and every dirty demand it expects in return for a little convenience.
I am launching the site earlier than planned, due to the recent hit on (during which Google stripped me of my ability to run adverts), but three new articles will be added each week so be sure to sign up for weekly post notifications.
As always, thank you for your support.
I hope you can follow me over at Escape.Farm.
Escape.Farm – Good Going Cap!!!
Now as for the earthquake swarm in Iceland, an important component is the depth.
Previously I have observed that when the quakes reach a depth of 1 kilometer or less an eruption is due to occur in less than two weeks.
So some input on the depth could indicate some timing.
BTW, yesterday I received and approved the Proof copies of my first new book published on Lulu Press titled “How To Never Lose Money in Las Vegas”.
That means it is no longer just selling in the USA, but goes out globally to
their 40,000 outlets. Most likely the highest priced book about Vegas at $18.88 (play the lucky Black 8 on the roulette wheel) I figure better buy my book than add another twenty dollar bill to the $100 M/day Las Vegas take!!!
I bought a Vegas book once, made $3400 on slots within two hours on hitting the city after reading it. I published that tip in my book as well as a few others so it seems to me the price is justified. The next highest priced one is $18.51 so we are not that out of line either.
Well, have fun & Good Luck,
Hi Cap,
Re A.I. bots: I wish their user names all started with names like Arnold Ingram or Anthony Irwin etc just to make it easier to spot, perhaps that should have been on the agenda at the recent A.I. conference in London?
IPCC reported that climate change is affecting forests. Any IPCC Report as published
consists of political opinions not reliable science. Average temperatures are not
rising (MSR/AMSR Satellite data; USCRN since 2004), drought is not caused by
“climate change” and climate change does not cause forest fires. Insect infestations
in forest stands can result from any type of stress including overcrowding and
inundation. 97% of the last 10,000 years were up to 3 deg C hotter than anything
recorded since 1850 and the Maunder Minimum (1645-1715) was to -2 deg C colder
on average, the coldest period of 8,000 years. Our forest tree populations have
endured more climate changes than we know so require no radical protections,
worrying or interference in their continued development
Why you dont Talk about the pretty hotter than average fall temperatures for Spain, France, Italy, etc. And the year 2022 was brutally hot thats undeniable.
You always cherry pick certain areas and record temperatures for your own convenience.
Your ‘cherry’ is Spain, witch is the only region in Europe that was warmer than normal.
Go away trol.
Is that you Greta? You’re accusing someone else of doing the exact thing you’re doing. The lack of intelligence and common sense from you is appalling. I don’t worry about climate change whether it be cold or hot I worry about the stupidity of many human beings. That is our downfall.
To K, The theory is Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming. That’s the whole planet. If parts of the planet aren’t warming that means the theory is wrong. The author of this blog only has to show that the planet is not warming according to the theory. To do that he uses authoritative, mostly Government-owned data sources. That’s not cherry picking. That’s simply proving the theory wrong.
On a side note, Western Europe having a hot Summer doesn’t prove CAGW. While Western Europe was having a hot Summer other parts of the planet were having colder temperatures. Given that you’re arguing for CAGW that is cherry picking.
Iceland quakes from solar activity from what planetary alignments? Another alignment now, more forecast soon with more solar activity.
I’m glad to hear about the farm channel I was going to suggest it many many times. Best news I’ve heard in a long time. Bravo.
In NZ we have a sea weed eating fish called parore which is not nice eating at some times of the year. When it is marinaded in teriyaki before cooking I call it “parore done nice”.
What breed of salmon out of what water way did you catch last weekend?
We fish from the beach in salt water at the river mouth there’s a fish hatchery they’re all hatchery fish. Tides are a big factor there’s a 15 foot tide difference medium is best. Low tide there’s oysters everywhere too shallow cuts your line. Too deep at high tide over your head water temp 45F with the river mix.
Thanks for that Dirk.
The Pacific Decadal Oscillation was identified in 1996 by Steven Hare as part of his research into salmon runs (recruitment).
The current negative phase PDO is combined with El Nino so one wonders if this combination is the first time since the 1930’s dust bowl years.
When I was studying the three month coral watch animation I noticed what appeared to be geothermal upwelling off the coast of Japan which could be the heat source. There is a meeting of four tectonic plates at this location. The hot spot is still occurring now.
The upwelling off Peru has ceased and appears to now merely be recycling of above average temperature water heated further by the sun.
The Western Equitorial flow splits west of Micronesia, some current going North West to Japan and Some dropping South West past Fiji and down into the Southern Ocean where it has been the major influence of the Antarctica ice loss. You can watch the blobs of warmer water travelling on the animation. Thank you for referencing the coral watch animation.—add-more-layers/overlays?currents,35.853,141.021,6,i:pressure,m:exdajYS—add-more-layers/overlays?sst,34.832,138.911,6,i:pressure,m:eyMajSY—add-more-layers/overlays?currents,11.867,145.239,5,i:pressure,m:dY0ajNZ—add-more-layers/overlays?sst,11.867,145.239,5,i:pressure,m:dY0ajNZ—add-more-layers/overlays?currents,0.835,-96.812,5,i:pressure,m:dEiadrx—add-more-layers/overlays?sst,0.835,-96.812,5,i:pressure,m:dEiadrx
Two sets of computer models with conflicting information.
The windy buoy model shows the Equitorial counter current where the NOAA model not so much.
The heat source off Japan is still active and corelates with where the tectonic plated meet.
The North Peru hear source is no longer active as it was during Feb. March this year.
In NZ South Island there are Chinook Salmon, introduced from West Coast North America in 1901.
Electron chart still above threshold. link above stays current. Another big quake swarm where the N mag pole is headed. Lots of other quakes in volcanic area like S America. The electroverse. Mercury opposite Venus. Electrons pegged. Volcanos erupting from solar activity. Trying to get people to watch the electroverse and not ignore it on here 2.5 years. IAN 2.5 years prior. S O News 8 years. tried at ten years ago they don’t pay attention.
Last year’s Cali snow from solar activity from alignments. Tonga eruption from solar activity. Taal. Kamchatka. 62 volcanos Sept 3 ’23 from alignments. Last Sept too hurricane Ian Florida. Dallas lost feed for a month. Just trying to get people to watch the electroverse and not ignore it. Waiting for the sun to come up. check out the snow cams. Heavy rain here last 16 hours from Kamchatka volcano snowing heavy mountains NW US. 45F outside, 70F by the woodstove:),-231.18805&extent=-5.13745,-228.68317&range=week&listOnlyShown=true,-286.52344&extent=79.3677,34.10156&range=week&listOnlyShown=true—add-more-layers/overlays?snowAccu,next10d,50.875,-120.938,5,m:e42acEn—add-more-layers/overlays?tcso2,50.875,-120.938,5,m:e37acsi—add-more-layers/overlays?cams,pm2p5,50.875,-120.938,5,m:eVEacGq
Stevens Pass cams only 3 work rest are stuck from July. Top cams with most snow where I want to watch now,,,why can’t they get them working already? Base cam trees are loaded with snow:
Any day now,,,hurry up and wait.
Hi Cap!! I love your new site. Especially the Goats,…..Junior is such a beautiful color! I’d like to have a couple Nigerian goats too so your article was great to read. We have 10 Bielefelder Chickens (hens) and they are awesome,…but we live where summer is short and winter is long. So, we get a lot of eggs in the Summer, but almost none in the winter. Don’t use additional light yet, we have it ready incase we can’t get eggs from the store. But it’s better for the hens not to be forces to lay all year.
Got lots of purple potatoes this fall, but they got Scabs, so won’t be using them again. Going to stick to King Harris and Yukon Gold,….they did fine.
I grow everything in raised beds on my deck,….I’m in a wheelchair so that’s easier for me to tend. I love it, I just wish summers were longer! We were going to retire to Arizona, but the Border Crisis put a stop to that….now we’re out in the middle of nowhere,….praying the Zombies don’t find us!
Very happy to see your new site! Thank you for being willing to help us learn.
I tried to leave this note for you on the new site, but the form didn’t work, it said to let you know. LOL!
Mandy in upper mitten of MICHIGAN.
Hey Miss Mandy…Mike from Wayegon KY. We use raised beds for most crops but corn directly in the ground. And we have at present 7-9 dozen eggs and get over a dozen a day. Want some…please?!?
Anyway stay safe and remember…Walkers must be shot in the head pan!!!
They also redefined the word “climate” so it is now only around 30 years and can have a specific temperature associated with it.
The usual definition of climate means thousands to millions of years and the main values were hot, temperate or cold, wet or dry, and maybe snowy,
I guess you have to use the phrase “geological climate” to refer to the usual definition of climate.
We had some Toggenburgs and one doe that was a Saanen-Nubian mix. I loved the goats but I cannot stand the taste of goat milk to this day. Yuck.
You can make cheese out of the milk. Or do what we do and use it to make soaps. I haven’t bought a store brand soap in probably a decade+.
Great new site Cap. I bought my great grandparents farm for many of the same reasons that you started yours.
Potato farmers facing crop losses as harvest hit by waterlogged fields
“Weather unpredictability and above normal rainfall has made it a difficult year for the agricultural sector.
“Most farmers were affected in some way or another and right now, potato growers are facing serious crop losses as waterlogged fields impede this year’s harvest.”
They rename the Atlantic Hurricanes to Winter Storms.
Hola Cap, ya varias veces me ha tocado leer artículos científicos relacionados con glaciares donde viene incrustada una estrofa o un par de líneas donde colocan la propaganda. Lo peor es que discontinúa la lectura y no está conectado al trabajo en sí ni menos a los datos. Estas estrofas son las que justifican la financiación y parece como un requisito para recibir los dólares de apoyo a la investigación. La proliferación de tantos doctores de menos de treinta años, generalizando, explica en parte este boom de científicos robot que repiten lo que sus mentores les exigen.
Hello Cap, several times I have had to read scientific articles related to glaciers where a stanza or a couple of lines are embedded where they place the propaganda. The worst thing is that it discontinues the reading and is not connected to the work itself, much less to the data. These stanzas are what justify the funding and seem like a requirement to receive research support dollars. The proliferation of so many doctors under thirty years of age, generally speaking, partly explains this boom in robot scientists who repeat what their mentors demand of them.
Exactly right.