“Coldest May On Record North Of 80N”; Historic Greenland Snow/Ice Gains; Warmer In The Past; + New Zharkova Interview
“Coldest May On Record North Of 80N“
According to professional meteorologist and weather forecaster Joe Bastardi, the Arctic (80N) just experienced its coldest month of May in Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI) record books (dating back 65 years, to 1958).
Bastardi, via Twitter (@BigJoeBastardi), writes: “only one, perhaps two days were average…”
This is visualized on the zoomed-in DMI graph embedded below, which shows the 1958-2023 mean (blue line) and the daily mean temperature for 2023 (orange line):

“This despite climate activists showing absurd GFS warmth over the Arctic,” continues Bastardi.
“You can be darn sure if it was the warmest May on record, it would be making headlines.”
In turn, the cold May lead to ‘healthy’ Arctic sea ice advances:
Bastardi also points to May temperatures globally, and calls out apparent NOAA obfuscation; another example of not showing the whole story.
NOAA’s ”percentiles’ map for May 2023 is out, and, once again, actual temperatures expose how absurdly biased it is.
Below were the ACTUAL temperature anomalies for May — points out Bastardi:
And here is how NOAA shows it:
You would have no idea just how anomalously-cold the Arctic –for example– was looking at NOAA’s interpretation of the data.
Now, NOAA aren’t exactly lying here, they’re obfuscating — bending the data and statistics to fulfill their objective, or, more specifically, to fulfill the orders of their Matrix masters, who, at least to my mind, are seeking ‘world domination by terror’.
Depressingly, government agency obfuscation is nothing new. It has demonstrated time and time again. Yet the dutifully compliant among us (i.e. the masses) continue to lap it up: “Why would the government lie to us?” — the dumbest of comebacks.
Looking to past fudgings, February 2021 was a month of truly historic cold across large swathes of the planet.
However, that is NOT the impression you’d get if you all you had access to was NOAA’s absurd ‘percentiles’ map:
However, when circumventing NOAA’s befuddling and breaking down the data, it is revealed that the contiguous United States suffered its coldest February since 1989; the Southern Hemisphere posted its chilliest month of Feb since 2012; ALL of central and northern Asia froze; while large parts of Africa, Southern Asia, and South America also experienced colder-than-average months.
NOAA’s rarely cited ‘departures from average’ map gives a far better indication of the state of play in February 2021:
Compare the two maps for yourself, and note — they use the exact same data over the exact same time frame, yet give wildly differing impressions of the month.
Historic Greenland Snow/Ice Gains
Tremendous accumulations of snow are pounding the Greenland ice sheet in mid-June — record-breaking.
Yesterday, June 14, the glacier posted an astonishing 5 gigaton gain at a time of year when it would usually be shedding mass:
DMI weather books reveal that the ice sheet, even during its very best mid-June postings of the past, barely gained 2 gigatons. But here we are, now decades in to this CO2-induced ‘global warming catastrophe’, and the glacier is posting 5 gigaton gains:
This isn’t an anomaly, either.
For the fifth year out of the past seven, ice gains on the surface of Greenland have been above the 1981-2010 mean.

Warmer In The Past
“So many places have been warmer in the past and at pre-industrial levels of CO2,” writes Earth science professor-in-exile, Dr. Matthew M. Wielicki, who’s Twitter profile describes him as a ‘climate and cultural realist’.
“We should have no reasonable expectation of a measurable change in temperature from a decrease in anthropogenic GHG emissions,” he continues, citing the published study, ‘Continental-Scale Temperature Variability During The Past Two Millennia‘:
“In Asia and Australasia, reconstructed temperature was higher during 1971–2000 than any other 30-year period. In the Arctic, temperatures were warmest around AD 395, but the twentieth century exhibited the second warmest temperatures, with the 1941–1970 period warmer than 1971–2000.
“In South America, the AD 1971–2000 reconstructed temperature was similar to the record maximum in AD 1251–1280.
“In North America, the reconstructed temperature for the 1971–2000 interval does not include the warm decades since 1980, and therefore underestimates the actual temperature for that interval.
“In Europe, slightly higher reconstructed temperatures were registered in AD 741–770, and the interval from AD 21–80 was substantially warmer than 1971–2000.
“Antarctica was probably warmer than 1971–2000 for a time period as recent as AD 1671–1700, and the entire period from 141–1250 was warmer than 1971–2000.”
[Source: nature.com/articles/ngeo1797]
New Zharkova Interview
Professor Valentina Zharkova –one prominent scientists calling for the onset of a Grand Solar Minimum– recently gave an interview to the always entertaining, enlightening and straight-shooting David Mauriello of The Oppenheimer Ranch Project.
For those who didn’t catch it, below is that interview:
Dr. Zharkova states that the Meridional Jetstream is caused by less ozone. Less ozone is caused by a decrease in ultraviolet light, less solar activity.
So, is ozone a symptom or a cause of a meridional Jetstream?
My understanding is the increased ultraviolet energy from increased solar activity warms the stratospheric and upper atmospheric nitrogen and oxygen which expands or increases the pressure of the atmospheric cells and above, thus tightening the Jetstream.
A deflated, cooler upper atmosphere from a quieter sun allows the Jetstream to meander. Ozone quantum is merely a byproduct of less or more 240 gigahertz frequency ultraviolet.
Any comments?
Also the good Dr mentions the warming of the Southern ocean from perihelion but puts the timing for this as later than calculated perihelion of around 2nd to 4th of January because of the movement of the sun’s barycenter.
Hmmmm!!!! Interesting.
The Earth is closest to the Sun, at its perihelion, about two weeks after the December solstice and farthest from the Sun, or at its aphelion, about two weeks after the June solstice. (Aparna Kher)
Perihelion 147.1 million kilometers. Aphelion 152.1 million kilometers.
The sun is !.4 million kilometers wide.
Namely, we can make a certain conclusion from Figs. 2 and 3 that average meaning of the kinematic resulting distance of Sun center motion (relative to barycenter of Solar system) is circa 1.25 radius of Sun, whereas the average value of its velocity is circa 1050 Km/day. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2468896722000179#:~:text=Namely%2C%20we%20can%20make%20a%20certain%20conclusion%20from,value%20of%20its%20velocity%20is%20circa%201050%20Km%2Fday.
Another reason may be higher ozone demand. This would likely have to come from more particulates or other molecules in the atmosphere.
The thing not mentioned about Greenland gaining SMB this time of year instead of losing is that it reflects cloud cover—the primary driver of surface mass loss due to insolation and metabolism of microbiota in the surface waters pooling on ice. I just wish DMI got their albedo data up to date instead of locked in at Oct 2022. Albedo is an important metric to track because it provides insight into ice sheet dynamics.
Is there a transcript of the Prof. Zharkova interview?
YouTube provides transcription. Although I assume you are able to copy and paste the text, I have not tried that so I am not sure. Worst case, you can do screenshots and copy it by hand but it appears to be accurate.
About Valentina Zharkova:
Forget global warming, the sun says an ice age is coming: with updates.
World unprepared for the arrival of the Ice Age and the Magnetic Pole Shift
Perhaps this has already been posted, it’s worth rereading it, very good material!
Yeap….me too:
Is there a transcript of the ‘New” Prof. Zharkova interview?
Some important points of Dr. Valentina’s interview, in my opinion, besides the prediction of another GSM in cycles #26 and #27.
Her team seems to have discovered a correlation between even solar cycles and important increase in volcanic activity.
The close correlation, above 85 percent according to their studies, started AFTER the beginning of the present magnetic excursion
of the the N. Pole of Earth’s magnetic field, and the simultaneous decrease of the field strength, since about 1860, which accelerated at the end of the XX century, but seems to have reached a stable mode now.
Both the excursion and the decrease of the magnetic field are still happening though.
Their studies also found a 2,000 years cycle in the Sun, which seems to be similar to the observed periodic
Heinrich and Dansgaard/Oeschger events, in which Earth’s temperatures seem to oscillate by 1 to 2 degrees away from the average, even during glacial periods.
Valentina also believes that low Ozone in the atmosphere is related with the appearance of meridional mode of the Jet Stream, which seems to be related with the acceleration (in my opinion) of the polar see-saw of Earth’s ice-caps,
a phenomenon that Svensmark attributes to the high albedo of ice-cap of the Antarctic continent.
The facts that the meridional mode of the Jet Stream has become more prevalent recently than in previous solar cycles
and the Ozone hole is NOT decreasing, seem to corroborate her belief.
The Heinrich and Dansgaard/Oeschger events are related with the onset of abrupt climate changes, as the Younger Dryas event which dropped Earth’s temperatures to glacial level in just 10 years.
All these fundamental climate events seem to be connected and govern MAINLY by solar activity, and we seem to be approaching another point of fast changes probably starting in the next solar cycle.
All these phenomena seem to be converging to another big climate shift very soon.
Mag 7.2 Tonga and a mag 6.2 Taal during a mag spike from increased solar wind density and speed:
Solar activity port side:
New video from Weather.com of the “summer” going on at Mt. Washington, NH: https://weather.com/news/weather/video/heavy-snow-and-whiteout-conditions-strands-motorists-on-colorado-mountain
… sorry, that was Pikes Peak, Colorado.
There’s highly likely to be a period of 4-5 days this summer when Greenland looses 20 Gigatons or more in mass, it happens most years even when summer overall is relatively cool. The alarmist MSM will be all over it like a rash and state that Greenland lost enough water to cover LA to a depth of 15 inches, it’s enough water to drown 1,427,000 climate change deniers in, or some other equally meaningless figure. Obviously it won’t be put into context i.e. it’s quite typical and overall SMB is likely to remain above average.
Sea ice area in the Greenland Sea is still increasing despite the fact that the melt season is well underway everywhere else.
I’m sure that new ice isn’t forming in June so this can only be the result of increased ice flow out of the Arctic Ocean. This means an increase in the outflow of cold water and is presumably a reliable indicator of the Beaufort Gyre collapsing along with the fact that sea surface temperatures in most of the area north of Iceland are now below average. The start of the next period of cooling, similar to the mid 20th century?