Frozen Turkey; Rare May Snow Hits South Korea; Cold Front To Drop Snow On Aussie Alps; Florida’s Heat Was NOT Made “5x More Likely Due To Climate Change”; + The Solar Storm Was Indeed ‘Great’
Frozen Turkey; Rare May Snow Hits South Korea; Cold Front To Drop Snow On Aussie Alps; Florida’s Heat Was NOT Made “5x More Likely Due To Climate Change”; + The Solar Storm Was Indeed ‘Great’
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49 Thoughts to “Frozen Turkey; Rare May Snow Hits South Korea; Cold Front To Drop Snow On Aussie Alps; Florida’s Heat Was NOT Made “5x More Likely Due To Climate Change”; + The Solar Storm Was Indeed ‘Great’”
The hottest temperature in the ice age the Earth is still in, named the Quaternary, is a very good thing. The coldest temperature would be an absolute disaster. Outside of the Tropics, almost everybody has to live and work in heated buildings and use heated transportation most of the year.
Uh I do and we have used heat, wood stove, 6 months this past Winter season. We live 25 miles North of the TN border…Metcalfe County KY…and until Yesterday it has been very cool. Today is 78°F and getting warmer. I like Heat more than cold. AND…read about the Roman Era when it was Much hotter than now.
It was all HAARP, the solar flares they showed us were fake and UAH GT is really record low. Mag shield really getting stronger and the poles haven’t moved in a century. All a CIA psyop.
Aliens from Planet Nibiru control the HAARPS. The sea surface temp anomaly map is also an CIA trick, the orange warm areas are really blue cold areas they have the gauges reversed just to fool everybody.
There hasn’t been any sunspots or solar flares since 2001 and all the Oceans are really record cold from Edwin Minimum which really started back in the 60s. They hid it all so the aliens can have the oil for their spaceships based on Planet Nibiru which has no oil. It’s all a CIA trick, the big secret.
They sell the oil to the aliens for gold which they have megatons of from Planet Nibiru and then keep gold supply and prices low. The Elites have underground cities made from solid gold.
Aliens have all the other metals too like the Walmart of Rare Earth Elements. Then they keep the supply low and only give it to China. CIA controls all of it.
So Pipsqueak Mankind can produce…5 x 25 to the 59th energy all over the Earth at one time? Not. Harp is just a noise maker that MAY be able to make it sprinkle over NEW YAWK CITY.
-With the imminent arrival of the La Niña phenomenon, the Chilean Meteorological Directorate (DMC) has released its latest report revealing what the weather will be like during the rest of March, April and May.
As for maximum temperatures, it indicates that throughout Chile they will be above normal, without exceptions.
Will it be cold or hot? This is the weather forecast for autumn in Chile
Regarding temperatures, DMC states that in general, afternoons will be warmer than normal during autumn. The minimum temperature forecast indicates that from Iquique to Santiago they will meet this condition (see graph below), while from Rancagua to Puerto Montt it will be normal or above normal.×0/smart/filters:quality(70):format(webp):no_upscale()/
-News of March 18, 2024 – Certainly supported by the Global Boiling Party
But…But this is just the beginning!:
-SANTIAGO DO CHILE HAS THE COLDEST MAY IN HALF A CENTURY The minimum temperature this morning in Santiago de Chile was the lowest in the Chilean capital’s official season for May since 1969.
Any cold now is ‘extreme’ and is definitely Global Warming “Hoax” or CIimate Changes that’s now ‘Buried or Ruined’. Climate changes DO NOT bring cold!
How about the record hot May we’re experiencing in southern Australia?? Ofcourse you won’t mention that because it contradicts your denialist theories.
Snow in May is nothing special. In fact it’s unusually LATE !
Australia’s first snows arrived early this year, back in early-April.
Across the entire Aussie continent April was a colder-than-average month (vs the 1951-1980 average, no less).
This is the bigger picture — it doesn’t much matter if it was hot in your particularly area for a few days in May.
Northern Hemisphere didn’t get cooler in May, another lame CYA BS prediction as we were going into a solar storm. Pretending it’s GSM global cooling when it’s record warm on the chart gets lamer every day. Should print the cold times are returning on the UAH GT chart for extra laughs.,35.916,49.230,3,i:pressure,m:fonagXU
Cap – any thoughts on EthicalSkeptic’s latest writings on the subjects of exothermic core theory / geomagnetic pole excursion etc and how it plays into any of the observed warming? And by extension, pole-flips and what comes with that?
I’m still waiting for you to report the “coolest summer ever” in the American Midwest. I got my heart fixed, so maybe I’ll live to see it yet.
Before Spock gave his Ica Age prediction back in the 70s he was a just poor abalone diver in California trying to make a few clams.
Oh, please.
Everybody knows he was the world’s favorite alien.
Finally followed the link,lol.
Lloyd Bridges does not look anything like Leonard Nimoy.(Something about the ears, I think.)
Are you ever going to get tired of fomenting rebellion, division and confusion and decide to seek peace in your old age?
Jupiter going by on the other side of the Sun:
Imagine, whirrled peas.
4:44 in. He was on six Sea Hunts.
Prior to that he was a Comanche Warrior with a rather hostile attitude;
His attitude improved once the West was a little more tame as a card dealer in Carson City:
He was a Kiowa for a while, raiding cattle drives up from Texas:
Hell raiser Cherokee on the Oregon Trail:
He was in heap big trouble in Tombstone Territory:
TCI strongest in 20 years, we’re not in weak solar minimum:
Never a dull moment…
I live my life as if it’s real, and you certainly help. I don’t think I could tolerate the tedium otherwise.
Snowpack here down to 43%, it’s only May. Central Columbia Basin down to 30%. Warm, dry from solar flares all year hitting our weak mag shield.!MSNT&states=!&basins=!&hucs=&minElevation=&maxElevation=&elementSelectType=any&activeOnly=true&activeForecastPointsOnly=false&hucLabels=true&hucIdLabels=false&hucParameterLabels=true&stationLabels=&overlays=&hucOverlays=state&basinOpacity=75&basinNoDataOpacity=0&basemapOpacity=100&maskOpacity=100&mode=data&openSections=dataElement,parameter,date,basin,options,elements,location,networks,baseMaps,overlays,labels&controlsOpen=true&popup=&popupMulti=&popupBasin=&base=esriWsr&displayType=basin&basinType=wa_8&dataElement=WTEQ&depth=-8¶meter=PCTMED&frequency=DAILY&duration=I&customDuration=&dayPart=E&monthPart=B&forecastPubDay=1&forecastExceedance=50&useMixedPast=true&seqColor=1&divColor=7&scaleType=D&scaleMin=&scaleMax=&referencePeriodType=fixed&referenceBegin=1991&referenceEnd=2020&minimumYears=20&hucAssociations=true&relativeDate=-1&lat=48.124&lon=-120.914&zoom=6.9&autoExport=full,pdf,2,2,L,BL,Washington%20SNOTEL,49.4893,44.9175,-114.8615,-125.2705
bs”d Great summary of weather news – I love the detail.
The hottest temperature in the ice age the Earth is still in, named the Quaternary, is a very good thing. The coldest temperature would be an absolute disaster. Outside of the Tropics, almost everybody has to live and work in heated buildings and use heated transportation most of the year.
Ralph –
Go spend some time in the temperate zone!
Uh I do and we have used heat, wood stove, 6 months this past Winter season. We live 25 miles North of the TN border…Metcalfe County KY…and until Yesterday it has been very cool. Today is 78°F and getting warmer. I like Heat more than cold. AND…read about the Roman Era when it was Much hotter than now.
“Most”= greatest in amount, quantity or degree.
In the current context, most means six months of the year or more.
I don’t run the heat in my home or vehicle 6 months or more per year. I run heat and AC about equal lengths,
approximately 4-5 months each.
I shouldn’t have to waste my time spelling this out for you.
I’m busy trying to reel in a wily old curmudgeon!
You’re in a cracker box on a pile of rocks in BF MO waiting for a record hot summer from solar flares not reelin in nothin.
Is that your final word?
Just say yes and you’re scot free. Say it-please!
So, did HAARP have anything to do with it? They were working on making Auroras between May 8th and May 10th.
It was all HAARP, the solar flares they showed us were fake and UAH GT is really record low. Mag shield really getting stronger and the poles haven’t moved in a century. All a CIA psyop.
Well, this is what happens when you live on a flat planet.
Actually, Dirk, I believe you. You’re the guy who knows everything, so you must be right.
(I suppose you think that’s sarcasm.)
Aliens from Planet Nibiru control the HAARPS. The sea surface temp anomaly map is also an CIA trick, the orange warm areas are really blue cold areas they have the gauges reversed just to fool everybody.
There hasn’t been any sunspots or solar flares since 2001 and all the Oceans are really record cold from Edwin Minimum which really started back in the 60s. They hid it all so the aliens can have the oil for their spaceships based on Planet Nibiru which has no oil. It’s all a CIA trick, the big secret.
They sell the oil to the aliens for gold which they have megatons of from Planet Nibiru and then keep gold supply and prices low. The Elites have underground cities made from solid gold.
Aliens have all the other metals too like the Walmart of Rare Earth Elements. Then they keep the supply low and only give it to China. CIA controls all of it.
Did somebody get up on the wrong side of the bed this morning?
no !!harrp is one of their countermeasures with chem and satellites !
I know someone who is selling tickets for a tour of Niburu. Are you interested?
They’re serving nuts and frozen turkey.
Sounds like it’s right up your alley,Lost.
94F in Aydin Turkey today, 14 degrees above ave. Warmer that ave most of the month so far and forecast is warmer than ave.
87F in Daegu S Korea today, 9 degrees above ave. Forecast above ave temps,
So Pipsqueak Mankind can produce…5 x 25 to the 59th energy all over the Earth at one time? Not. Harp is just a noise maker that MAY be able to make it sprinkle over NEW YAWK CITY.
-With the imminent arrival of the La Niña phenomenon, the Chilean Meteorological Directorate (DMC) has released its latest report revealing what the weather will be like during the rest of March, April and May.
As for maximum temperatures, it indicates that throughout Chile they will be above normal, without exceptions.
Will it be cold or hot? This is the weather forecast for autumn in Chile
Regarding temperatures, DMC states that in general, afternoons will be warmer than normal during autumn. The minimum temperature forecast indicates that from Iquique to Santiago they will meet this condition (see graph below), while from Rancagua to Puerto Montt it will be normal or above normal.×0/smart/filters:quality(70):format(webp):no_upscale()/
-News of March 18, 2024 – Certainly supported by the Global Boiling Party
But…But this is just the beginning!:
-SANTIAGO DO CHILE HAS THE COLDEST MAY IN HALF A CENTURY The minimum temperature this morning in Santiago de Chile was the lowest in the Chilean capital’s official season for May since 1969.
Any cold now is ‘extreme’ and is definitely Global Warming “Hoax” or CIimate Changes that’s now ‘Buried or Ruined’. Climate changes DO NOT bring cold!
How about the record hot May we’re experiencing in southern Australia?? Ofcourse you won’t mention that because it contradicts your denialist theories.
Snow in May is nothing special. In fact it’s unusually LATE !
Australia’s first snows arrived early this year, back in early-April.
Across the entire Aussie continent April was a colder-than-average month (vs the 1951-1980 average, no less).
This is the bigger picture — it doesn’t much matter if it was hot in your particularly area for a few days in May.
So funny to see NOAA with their pants on fire, having been caught in their own web, now trying to climate-splain their way out!
Kenyans have faced catastrophic flooding which has affected nearly 400,000 people, including more than 280,000 people who have been displaced. The floods are some of the deadliest in Kenya’s history, affecting 41 of 46 counties, including the capital city of Nairobi, where a quarter million people have been impacted.
En images : Touchée par les inondations, une partie de la Belgique patauge dans l’eau (
Coulées de boue, TGV immobilisé… Les images impressionnantes des inondations en Moselle (
Les images impressionnantes de la Moselle sous les eaux après les inondations (
Inondations. L’état d’alerte déclenché dans plusieurs communes de Rhénanie-Palatinat et de Sarre, Olaf Scholz se rendra sur place (
I don’t know why I keep thinking it’s Thanksgiving.
(I blew it by posting this on the wrong article. That’s why I’m not working as a comedienne -no timing.)
I think Deb and Dirk should get a room (or USB stick) and take this schtick private.
The ball’s in your court, Dirk. I’d settle for an email address.
Go fish:
One of these days I might go fishing-for curmudgeon.
Roger –
Please note: I tried.
Yes, the signal-to-noise ratio is all out of whack.
Northern Hemisphere didn’t get cooler in May, another lame CYA BS prediction as we were going into a solar storm. Pretending it’s GSM global cooling when it’s record warm on the chart gets lamer every day. Should print the cold times are returning on the UAH GT chart for extra laughs.,35.916,49.230,3,i:pressure,m:fonagXU
Cap – any thoughts on EthicalSkeptic’s latest writings on the subjects of exothermic core theory / geomagnetic pole excursion etc and how it plays into any of the observed warming? And by extension, pole-flips and what comes with that?
Some more context