‘Polar Blast’ Hits Australia; Solar Hush; + Avoiding The Stupidity Of Fear-Infected Crowds
‘Polar Blast’ Hits Australia
Another polar air mass is about to sweep up from the Southern Ocean and engulf much of Australia’s southeast.
Following what was a frosty August 17, during which a host of SE locales posted their lowest temperatures in years, the mercury will crash even harder over this coming weekend. Low readings have also already impacted ‘nearby’ New Caledonia, with Ile Mare posting a very chilly 5.7C (42.3F) on Thursday.
A strong cold front will spread over NSW Friday into Saturday, bringing snow, heavy at times, to the ranges. Accumulations down to 800m (2,600ft) are expected in southern and central NSW, while the line will hold at about 900m (2,900ft) in the state’s north.
Parts of Tasmania and Victoria will also be affected by blast as a record cold Antarctica unleashes fiercely frigid pockets of polar air.
Looking further ahead–to next weekend–something even colder and widespread looks to be barreling down the pike:

Solar Hush
The Sun is relatively quiet for the fifth day in a row, despite the presence of multiple large sunspot groups.
NOAA forecasters agree, reporting that “solar activity was low”, though the agency added that there remains a 15% chance of an M-class solar flare.

Avoiding The Stupidity Of Fear-Infected Crowds
In 1572, the burnings began…
Authorities in the small settlement of St Maximin, located in present-day Germany, charged a woman named Eva with witchcraft. Eva confessed under torture to using witchcraft to kill a child; she, along with two other women whom she implicated, were burned at the stake.
Things went down hill from there very quickly. By the mid-1590s, the settlement had burned 500 people as witches–an astonishing feat for a place that only had 2,200 residents to begin with.
Why is it that early modern Europe had such a fervor for witch hunting?
Between 1400 to 1782–when Switzerland tried and executed Europe’s last supposed witch, between 40,000 and 60,000 people were put to death for witchcraft, according to historical consensus. The epicentre of the witch hunts was Europe’s German-speaking heartland, an area that today makes up Germany, Switzerland, and north-eastern France.
The stock answer is that the killings were a response to the privations caused by the Grand Solar Minimum. Across Europe, weather suddenly got wetter and colder–a phenomenon now known as the Little Ice Age. Towns and villages were pelted with freak frosts, floods, hailstorms, and plagues of mice and caterpillars.
Witch hunts tended to correspond with these ecological disasters and crop failures, along with the accompanying problems of famine, inflation, and disease — when the going got tough, witches made for a convenient scapegoat.
A recent economic study, however, published in the The Economic Journal of the Royal Economic Society, proposes a different explanation for the witch hunts, one that can help us understand the way fear spreads through a society, today…
Religious Corporatism
This alternative theory comes down to market competition—between churches.
In Europe, Protestantism emerged as the first truly viable challenger to the Catholic church’s hold on the population. The study views the Catholic and Protestant churches as competing firms, each in the business of supplying a valuable service: Salvation.
As competition heated up, churches expanded beyond the standard spiritual remit and began focusing on salvation here on earth. Among both Catholics and Protestants, witch-hunting became a crucial service for attracting and appeasing the masses by demonstrating their Satan-fighting prowess.
“Similar to how contemporary Republican and Democrat candidates focus campaign activity in political battlegrounds during elections to attract the loyalty of undecided voters, historical Catholic and Protestant officials focused witch-trial activity in confessional battlegrounds during the Reformation and Counter-Reformation to attract the loyalty of undecided Christians,” write the study’s authors, Peter T. Leeson, an economist at George Mason University, and Jacob W. Russ, an economist at Bloom Intelligence, a big-data analysis firm.
When it comes to winning people to your side, after all, there’s no better method than stoking fears about an outside threat–fabricated if need be–and then assuring them that you, and you alone, offer the best protection.
The dots to today are clear: “The world is burning, so says The Science”, so, step 1) ‘ostracize all deniers!’, 2) ‘forgo cheap and reliable energy!’, 3) ‘have fewer children, or better yet, none!’, and, 4) –most tellingly– ‘pay your carbon tax and all will be well!’
Good story, thank you Cap.
Cap – regardless of the horrible side to this the Bible is quite definite – no witchcraft allowed for the ancient Israelites or the early Christians ie there is an evil side to the spiritual world and if you follow God then you do not also delve into the “dark arts”.
Burning people at the stake is NOT ON – BUT there is another version active today – eg the recent spate of mob hysteria in Pakistan (against Christians living in their communities) . Doubt that this mob rule is weather related but maybe the 2nd theory in your article is closer to the truth.
Keep up the good work. I always read your site. Fortunately the opinion commentators on Sky News Australia are also pointing out the stupidity and bad effects of climate change/global warming hysteria – and also the lack of true science.
Hello Trevor,
The article was a look at fear as a control mechanism, and it’s abuse by institutions. The Bible I have respect for, overall.
–And thank you for the very generous (and extremely helpful) donation. I have to thank you ‘here’ as my email account has been giving error messages for weeks.
Burning witches is one of the things that can result when people “know” that they’re correct and believe things that are impossible to prove and fly in the face of everyday evidence. The parallels with global warming believers should be obvious.
Sadly, many Christians have fallen prey to the cabal’s Flat Earth operation… They even believe that a wall surrounds their Flat Earth…
On the net, these inquisitors are becoming a nuisance…
It’s time we made it clear that the Earth is a globe…
May it disturb the flatards!
Mass climate hysteria has proven to be profitable for the rich men north of Richmond. No scientific data will stand in the way of their lust for under the table kickbacks. When the cold downturn hits we will be totally unprepared as a nation. What happens then God only knows.
Mass climate hysteria has proven to be profitable for the rich men north of Richmond. No scientific data will stand in the way of their lust for under the table kickbacks. When the cold downturn hits we will be totally unprepared as a nation. Only God knows what will happen then.
Well most city folk will not be ready but us Rural Folk will survive…
Without the technology that comes from the cities and no markets even the rural folk will have trouble surviving. Another glacial period may be on the way. They occur about every 10,000 years and it has been 11,700 years. During those times the temperature drops about 20 degrees Fahrenheit. That is too cold to grow crops in most of the US.
The city folk out number the rural folk by a significant margin. When they come for what’s yours you’ll run out of ammo before they run out of hungry mouths to feed. And it the meantime it’s hard to run a farm while one is busy defending it. When the power grid goes down most of us will perish no matter where we live. All are completely dependent on it and that’s why the MSM wants it shut down, they represent the controlling class who now has the wherewithal to do just fine without the masses. After all the so called meek will inherit the earth.
It is more than a little interesting that the new global warming timeline, eight years, mirrors the grand solar minimum time line. It is hard to believe the government isn’t fully aware of the epic cold period at our door step. Withholding information deliberately will have deadly consequences. Population reduction is their appetite & goal.
The guys in the country can put up signs like, you city folk have been had. Instead of informing you and letting you get prepared for all this ice & snow. The government elected to gaslight you, Tax you to death, throw you under the bus and make their survival chances a little brighter. The city folk will have time to read the signs because they will be on foot. Getting together against the elites makes more sense.
“It is hard to believe the government isn’t fully aware of the epic cold period at our door step.”
It’s easy to believe if you accept the propositions that (a) they call anybody with a different opinion a denier and (b) they exist in an echo chamber of believers in the Church of Climate Catastrophology,
Yes, look also at the way ‘woke’ Hollywood is behaving — echo chamber insanity.
Actually. Look at the Amish. I understand you think that those independent of the system will be attacked. But then if the hungry masses defeat them. HA HA THEN where will they get their food? Lol.
NOAA says the sunspot number will start dropping in 2025 and will drop to zero and stay there until at least 2040. That’s when their forecast ends. The sunspots reflect the number of extra hot regions of the Sun that cause extra warming of the Earth.
The collapse of the Bronze age cultures in the eastern med is attributed to a Bond event ,Massive climactic changes, Earthquakes, drought and volcanic eruptions . That collapse ushered in the next rebranding called the Abrahamic religions we know today, With iron being the next best weapon those bronze age cultures passed into the sands .when the climate settled again cultures began to develop and compete for supremity, including the sanctified use of genocide, child sacrifice, slavery, misogyny in the old testament/torah Hell and other fear based tactics such as Malleus Maleficarum,the inquisition that the roman rebranding called christianity/catholicism enacted are too numerous to mention.
At first I thought the above report was going to be an expose on rising ocean levels, but it seems it was discovered below the ocean floor with the mining company creating an artificial lagoon to drain the water from it.
Anyway it interesting. Being 500 years old they also discovered a human foot inside a boot. “Archaeologists say they also found a human foot bone preserved inside a leather boot, which is being kept along with the rest of the ship at a secure storage facility near the mine.”
Now I have seen a fossilized leg inside a boot in West Texas. 9 miles west of Iraan Texas on the side of a hill my next door neighbor had it. He had found it in a draw which is mostly dry but can flash flood at times. As a cowboy boot it must now have been over 100 years old or so but I could clearly see the leg bone in the center of the rock which should have been flesh broken off at the top of the boot. There must be something preserving about flesh inside leather.
The neighbor also said he had found a dinosaur egg fossilized (might have been any old egg). He let his son take it to school for a show and tell where the yolk inside the egg was promptly lost.
Note: today I started having ads on my computer including this site. I played around with the settings, cookies, scripts, ad blockers which on blocking the ads also managed to block the content. I am using Brave which worked well as when I tried Bling I got all the ads I did not want either. This makes what was useful tool for me almost worse than TV. i knew the Powers that be could not stand it until they converted the net into a TV like media. I am glad I lasted this long, and will be working on an attempt to fix it.
Sorry, but your “POLAR BLAST in Australia” is absolute nonsense – as usual with your pieces on Australian weather. This has been one of the warmest and least snowiest winters ever recorded in AUS, and indeed Three Mile Dam (1430m altitude) just registered its lowest snow depth on record, sinking below that of 2006. I live in the alpine region, so I know exactly what’s going on first-hand.
They should be called ‘Climate Model Scientists’ at best. The geologists are the ones that know about the Earth and the real climate. The claim that CO2 is warming the air and the oceans. They have it backwards. The Sun has been at its highest level over the past 70 years of any 70 year period since 1610. The major energy from is the Sun warms the the oceans, which store the energy, and warm the air. It can’t be the other way around. The oceans weigh about 2,000 times as much as the air. For the air to warm the oceans by 1 degree the air would have to be 2,000 degrees.
Does anyone have any thoughts or knowledge as to why this cold water should be in the pacific?
Hi MC. The Pacific is not anomalously cold off the coast of Ecuador, unless NOAA are more corrupt than the Bidens.
Check this out.
thank you.
that link actually shows the cold water coming up from the south…thank you.
Hi M C. The Antarctic circumpolar current cannot all fit through the narrowing and shallowing of Drake Passage so there are normally nutrient rich cold water upwellings along the West Coast of South America.
We are observing that with El Nino those upwelling’s appear to have move westward., offshore.
The fossil fuel industry is on the cusp of rolling out mass use of CCS (carbon capture and storage). This is derailing (hilariously so) the master plan of the anti-humans at the UN etc. Look out for the re-framing of carbon “emissions” to just the “burning” of fossil fuels going forward. Because reasons. The Malthusians are losing and they’re getting scared.
Do you think this might have had something to do with the belief in witchcraft and the murders that resulted from that belief?
“Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.” –Exodus 22:18 (Bible — KJV)