One Of The Earliest Snowfalls Ever Recorded In Brazil; Historically Cold March For Guadeloupe; + At Least 19 U.S. Resorts Have Broken All-Time Snowpack Records This Year, With More To Come
One Of The Earliest Snowfalls Ever Recorded In Brazil
Last night, Brazil witnessed an early taste of winter.
Exceptionally-rare April snow hit the highlands of Santa Catarina do Sul at Bom Jardim da Serra (3280 ft asl).
According to meteorologists, “this is one of the earliest snowfalls ever recorded in Brazil”.
Temperatures have also crashed, with daytime highs across the Brazilian highlands holding below 10C (50F) — record-breaking.
Reports are currently thin on the ground where this news is concerned — more to come, soon…
Historically Cold March For Guadeloupe
The Caribbean has been holding unusually frigid for the past six-or-so months.
Guadeloupe, an island group in the southern Caribbean Sea, just suffered its third coolest March of the past 70 years.
While in nearby Martinique, located 150km to the south, March 2023 finished with an average temperature of 25.8C (78.4F), which is 0.2C below the baseline.
19 U.S. Resorts Have Broken All-Time Snowpack Records This Year, With More To Come
It’s been a flummoxing winter for AGW Party members to get their group-thinking heads around–and these folk are used to a little Doublethink, their religion demands it.
But whatever your angle or agenda, the winter of 2022-23 is most-certainly one to remember–if the Ministry of Truth doesn’t scrub it from the history books, that is–especially across the western United States.
The likes of California and Utah have posted truly monstrous totals, with at least 19 resorts raising their bars for what a snow season can deliver.
The southwest has experienced a particularly historic winter: record snowfall which, most recently, has triggered rare waterfalls.
Snowpack in Utah has pushed the majority of the state to 200% – 400% above the multidecadal norm, and in southwest Utah, the spring melt is now cascading into the Santa Clara River and causing rare waterfalls across the likes of Gunlock State Park.
The above video was from mid-March, but more than month later the water is still falling:
Park officials say the waterfalls could flow for months longer, such has been the epic volume of this season’s snow.
This is only the fourth time in the past 15 years that the Gunlock falls have been reanimated, previously flowing in 2008, 2019 and 2020 — they are an increasing phenomenon.
As of April 15, Utah has seen at least nine of its ski resorts bust all-time benchmarks.
These being, Eagle Point: 367 inches; Cherry Peak: 459 inches; Deer Valley: 598 inches; Snowbasin: 602 inches; Park City: 618 inches; Solitude Mountain Resort: 783 inches; Snowbird: 809 inches; Brighton: 850 inches; Alta: 879 inches.

The snow is still coming down, meaning these records are being extended even as the second half of spring approaches.
Of course, the unprecedented snowpack isn’t just confined to Utah. California has seen at least ten ski resorts break all-time records this year–again to mid-April.
These being, China Peak: 549 inches (701 inches at summit); Heavenly: 566 inches; Bear Valley Resort: 672 inches; Kirkwood: 705 inches; Mammoth Mountain: 705 inches (885 inches at the summit); Dodge Ridge Mountain Resort: 731 inches; Boreal: 735 inches; Palisades Tahoe; 710 inches; and Sugar Bowl is suspected to have eclipsed its record of 779 inches, surpassing 800.
While elsewhere, Jackson Hole Mountain Resort in Wyoming is another to have set an all-time record, with 595 inches.
And still, with the month of May just days off, additional rounds of heavy, accumulating snow are on the cards, even as far south as northern New Mexico and Texas:

As are late-season, record-setting polar outbreaks, driven anomalously-far south by a ‘meridional’ jet stream flow:

For more on the mechanics click below:
This is my go too ‘share’ for friends and family regarding ‘climate change’.
Thanks for collecting and posting.
It’s interesting listening to radio hosts of top 100 (allways happy even when it’s sad) type stations. They try to talk and laugh away the obvious ‘warming’ lie, but they never quite get it. There’s that unmistakable twang of incredulity in their voice. Keeps undermining and exposing their lies.
A Canadian meteorologist did a special report on why more snow proved AGW. I thought it was comedy. Then I realized she was being serious. It actually made it funnier.
Low pressure west of the Great Lakes and another low east of Hudson Bay.
Warm air going up the east coast, cool air pulled into the two lows from the Arctic which is loaded with volcanic cloud from Russia with love. West coast is under attack from another fresh plume of Kamchatka ash and all of N America is under a plume of SO2. The volcano erupted when Earth was opposite Jupiter, several other alignments and there was solar activity eleven days ago.—add-more-layers/overlays?tcso2,51.454,-86.836,3,i:pressure,m:fizadxg—add-more-layers/overlays?temp,43.612,-87.979,4,i:pressure,m:eJiadZn
You know maybe she is on to something. In my profession the increase in COVID and vaccine deaths really mean that the vaccine is effective and working.
And dare I suppose you’re an undertaker?
Julius Fucik – entry of the gladiators
Look it up, it made my day, and it will make yours
Check out this map courtesy of the National Water and Climate Center:
Central Washington State in USA, a fruit-growing area, has been cool to far this spring. We keep track of the full bloom date of our first flowering tree, the apricot. 20 years of data, this will be the latest bloom yet.
“we only have 3.4 million recognized submarine volcanoes”. Professor Ian Plimer. Absolutely priceless presentation this year.
His presentation begins at 56.61.
Yeap. South Brazil Snow and frozen rain.
I suspected yesterday night and early today that there would be drizzle with low temps. Fall has started here in south of Brazil.
What about the high temps in Asa & SE Asia?
The high temps are confined to SE Asia, the majority of the continent is actually hold anomalously cold.
If you’re obtaining your ‘facts’ from the MSM, be sure to check the bigger picture.
Linked below are the forecast temp anomalies for this morning (April 20):
There will always be a few areas that have well above average temperatures. The MSM focus exclusively on these for a couple of days to “prove” global warming then go silent a few days later when the weather flips to very low temps and snow. There’s a huge pool of very cold air just to the North of China that is going to push South over the weekend. There’s going to be heavy snow over central regions and most of China will end up with below average temperatures, 15 degrees below average in central areas, check out tropical tidbits. I challenge you to find any coverage of this in the MSM.
The sun’s energy enters earth at the equator.
Energy flows from warm to cold. The cold is at the poles. Since energy is moved either by wind or water, there are major wind or water currents.
For wind, the current moves heat to the pole. The heat is discarded. The enormous amount to air, now cooled, must return.
This is the reason for the Meriden flows.
Check out the sulphur dioxide from our last volcanic eruption! (on windy)
More cooling on its way!
Unprecedented April cold in Siberia.
Abnormally cold weather is supported by an extensive anticyclone in southern Siberia. The air temperature is below the climatic norm by 4-6, and in some areas by 8-10 degrees. During the day, the temperature is positive, and at night, with a clear sky, dry air cools quickly. During the transitional periods of the year, spring and autumn , such weather conditions lead to frost. But in the south of Siberia at night there are not frosts, but ‘real’ frosts. The air cools down to -10..-15°C, and in some areas even down to -20°C.
Minimum temperature records are recorded not only in the south of Siberia, but also in Kazakhstan and Central Asia. In Irtyshsk (Kazakhstan), the air cooled down to -12.5°C on April 19. In Siberia, the records are amazing. In Novokuznetsk, thermometers showed -19.3°C (according to automatic weather stations, up to -22°C). This is noticeably lower than the record set in 2008, when the air cooled to 11.6°C. In Novosibirsk it was -14.2°C, which is also almost 5 degrees lower than the previous record. In Omsk -11.9, in Pudino -15.2°C.
Cold air will linger in the south of Siberia for several more days. The air temperature is below the climatic norm by 6-8, in some places by 10 degrees, the next records are ahead.
‘Leading Specialist of the Meteonovosti news agency
Anna Vasilyeva’
More news of unprecedented catastrophic heat.
Caused by the ‘absence’ of heat. lol
More cold records…
In the Baikal region – record cold
April in the Baikal region bears little resemblance to spring. From the first days, very cold weather has been established here , which continues to this day.
Over the past day, the average daily temperature in the south of the Irkutsk region and Buryatia was below the norm by 8-9 degrees. At night, frosts intensify to -10..-12°C, during the day the temperature fluctuates from -2 to +2°C.
Precipitation occurs mainly in the form of snow and sleet, and the height of the snow cover in the south of the territory in some places reaches 14 cm, in the north – up to 50 cm.
In conditions of abnormally cold weather in a number of points, the temperature updates daily records.
So, in the village of Orlik, located in the Eastern Sayan Mountains, on the night of April 20, frosts intensified to -22.6°C, updating the daily record with a value of -21.3°C, which has been held since 1959.
In Balagansk, Irkutsk region, the minimum temperature record for April 20 is now -13.2°C (the previous record, -10.9°C, was set in 1984).
Cold weather in the Baikal region will continue in the coming days.