Snow In Wyoming And Colorado; + “The Oceans Are Overflowing,” Claims Guterres; + “Paleoclimate Reconstruction Sausage”
Snow In Wyoming And Colorado
In addition to the snow in Northern California, mountain ranges in Wyoming, Oregon, and Colorado also received rare August snow this week.
Jackson Hole Mountain Resort, WY recorded its first snowfall of the 2024-25 winter season on August 26.
CO’s Longs Peak, a 14,259-foot giant, was similarly treated to a dusting.
Mt. Bachelor, OR was another to see rare August flakes.
Contrary to the mainstream messaging, winter WILL return, sooner than many think.
“The Oceans Are Overflowing,” Claims Guterres
UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres recently sounded another dire warning about the state of our planet, this time claiming “the oceans are overflowing” because, you know, ‘science’.
“This is a crazy situation. Rising seas are a crisis entirely of humanity’s making. A crisis that will soon swell to an almost unimaginable scale, with no lifeboat to take us back to safety.”
Not content with the level of drama, Guterres ups it further, “A worldwide catastrophe is putting this Pacific paradise in peril. The ocean is overflowing.”
Guterres’ rhetoric leans on the same old alarm, but when examined against the actual data, the story falls apart.
Even the latest IPCC Report (AR6 WGI), sold as “the most authoritative source on climate science,” provides a far less concerning view of sea level rise. Far from confirming the “oceans are overflowing,” the IPCC report states that any rise is a far more gradual and regionally varied process, indistinguishably from natural variability.
The report makes it clear that for a great portion of the planet, a detectable change in the rate of relative sea level rise (RSLR) hasn’t been found (and might not even emerge before 2100), contradicting fairy tales of an imminent global catastrophe.
Moreover, to get any meaningful RSLR at all, the IPCC is required to employ the wholly unrealistic 4.5 and 8.5 emissions scenarios. And, even under those absurd higher scenarios, the AR6 report states that many regions may not see a detectable change for 100-years, if ever. This isn’t mentioned in the media.

The idea that we are on the verge of some “unimaginable” catastrophe, with no lifeboat in sight, replaces a scientific reality with a emotive, fear-inducing fantasy.
Sea level rise is a slow, complex process with significant regional differences. For example, the majority of the atolls that Guterres speaks with such alarm to, such as Tuvalu, are actually growing, not sinking.
“Paleoclimate Reconstruction Sausage”
Paleoclimate proxies—natural archives like tree rings, ice cores, and sediments—are key tools for studying Earth’s climate history. But how reliable are these reconstructions?
A new study published in Science China Earth Sciences, led by Professor Bao Yang, reveals how the choice of proxies drastically alters past global and hemispheric temperatures.
“Although the intensifying proxy network has improved the quality of recent large-scale climate reconstruction products, we wanted to know how our understanding of climate in the past is dependent on proxies,” explains Professor Yang.
Yang’s research draws from the PAGES 2k Consortium’s extensive proxy network, crafting new global and hemispheric temperature reconstructions for the past 2,000 years. The findings reveal stark differences, depending on whether tree-ring or non-tree-ring proxies are used. While tree-ring data show minimal cooling before the 20th century, non-tree-ring records—like ice cores and lake sediments—point to a much more significant historical cooling, especially in the Southern Hemisphere.
The implications are clear: the mainstream reliance on tree-ring data is misleading.
Tree rings, which dominate many reconstructions, capture short-term variability but fail to reflect long-term climatic trends. “All the evidence points out that we are still far from a complete understanding of the Common Era temperature variability at hemispheric and global scales,” says Professor Yang.
Global temperature trends look vastly different if tree rings are the primary data source. Non-tree-ring proxies reveal a significant global cooling rate (of up to 0.5C per millennium in the Southern Hemisphere) that is missing in tree-ring reconstructions. Yet, tree-ring data often remain at the forefront of climate reconstructions.

Tree rings capture high-frequency changes (decades to centuries), but flatten millennial-scale trends, masking any long-term natural variations—enemy number one to the AGW theory. This distortion supports the notion that current warming is unprecedented.
Yang’s study shows that our understanding of past climate is deeply flawed if proxy selection is not critically assessed. Non-tree-ring records—though fewer in number and spatially limited—better capture millennial-scale changes and paint an entirely different picture of the Earth’s climatic history than tree-ring records alone.
Using all available proxies, this is what our best guess global temperature reconstruction looks like:
Not this:
“Don’t ask what’s in a paleoclimate reconstruction sausage,” writes Dr. Javier Vinós on X. “Each type of proxy gives a different answer, and the right mix produces the desired result.” Speaking specifically to Michael Mann, Vinós concludes: “Tree rings do not reflect long-term trends and produce a hockey stick, as we already knew.”
I spent the past week on Tarawa in Kiribati. Maximum atitude 3 metres above sea level. Our guide for the WW2 battle sites, who was born and brought up there, told us that ‘climate change’ wasn’t evident anywhere there. To his observation there hasn’t been any change in sea level in his entire life (which neatly covers just about the whole global warming catastrophe times).
Water always finds a level playing Field. (Archimedes principal). Since the oceans are inter connected, it is Impossible for regional sea level rise. Regional Short term rise can be caused by tide or wind effects ,storm surge. Recent conversation will a university educated person, tells me Florida will be under water ,, because the ice caps are melting. When the question was asked and mention of Archimedes principal “Why not New York or other more northern locations? The response was a blank stare and a repeat of the same claim.
Actually Manhattan is sinking BUT it is because HUMANS have placed MILLIONS of tons is steel, concrete, glass, etc on that mud spit. THAT is why the ‘sea gauge level’s shows Sea Rise 🤪😎🇺🇸
I wonder about polar ice samples, After some of the temperature readings reported occurring in Antarctica on this channel.
CO2 freezes out at -109.84f and some of the temperatures reported on this channel have exceeded that to the negative or being more cold. As we move into the Grand minimum a greater accumulation of frozen CO2 seems highly likely.
Yep. And CO2 like H2O will ‘evaporate’ in that DRY DRY DRY climate. So the chance of a CO2 snow storm is not likely…COOL 🥶but not likely😁
I keep thinking of the movie ‘The Day after Tomorrow’ where the temp dropped down to -200°F in seconds🥶☠️ Remember the Mammoths frozen with food in their mouth??? Something to think about EH?!? 😱🥶☠️
Flash frozen animals happen with sudden axial tilt changes.
There were impacts by comet and meteor , 13 thousand years ago and 52 thousand years ago.
FYI, Cap:
Party Over for Alarmists as Sea Temperatures Plunge Around the World
i proposed a study to the ipcc if i could calculate the effect that all the shipping has on raising the level of the sea, a bit like gettin in a bath when its full and watchin it spill over the sides, they declined , i then proposed bathers swimmers and surfers have the same effect , , they laughed and then i said what about whale farts, now i have a grant to study the effect of methane on rising sea levels, i have a toilet paper coming out soon, ..
The recent USA’s Summer snow reported on here on several articles is all from Kamchatka volcano from solar flares from a planetary alignment. The same SO2 plume went through here and the rain put out the forest fire which was out of control days before.
thanks Cap.