UK Breaks Late-April Low; Western U.S. Has Never Been Snowier; Polar Cold On Course For Australia; + “Glancing” CME Impact Due Today
UK Breaks Late-April Low
Silence has befallen Britain’s paint-tossing climate alarmist-types this week as record cold sweeps the country.
This morning, -7.4C (18.7F) was the UK’s official low temperature, set at Loch Glascarnoch, Scotland. This breaks the nation’s coldest-ever low for the date, previously held by Glenlivet’s -6.1C (21F) set in 1956.
Mainland Europe is also enduring a late-season freeze, bringing heavy show to the higher elevations–most notably the Alps.
While looking ahead, a larger mass of polar cold is currently threatening to descend into the continent commencing May 2. However, the GFS has been all over the place re. Europe of late with runs just six hours apart offering wildly different outlooks: The upshot of spring variability compounded by a low solar activity-induced meridional jet stream flow (more on that below).

Western U.S. Has Never Been Snowier
The Western U.S. endured a historic winter; from record cold stretches to unprecedented snow totals, this has been a cold season to remember–and one that flies in the face of AGW Party prophesies.
Starting with the chill –and according to ‘warm-mongering’ NOAA data– the U.S. has set 7 ‘all-time’ low temperature records so far this year (to April 24) vs just the 1 for heat; while in April alone (again to the 24), 321 ‘monthly’ lows have fallen vs 66 for heat.
Moving onto the snow –and in official books dating back to 2001– prior to this year, the highest-ever area of Western U.S. land covered by snow/ice at the onset of April was the 398,000 square miles posted back in 2019. This year, however, has blown past that benchmark, with satellite imagery revealing more than 444,000 square miles of the West was under snow/ice as of April 1.
For reference, the average snowpack in the Western U.S. by the end of March stands at 242,000 square miles.
Confirming the record is Wyoming state meteorologist Don Day: “The snow-covered area for the Western states was 184% of average for the end of March, the highest since the satellite record began in 2001”.
As per NSIDC data, this season’s snowpack in all Western states far exceeded the April 1 average. Looking at the below chart, South Dakota, Nebraska and Arizona tied the top spot with 350% of the average remaining, closely followed by Nevada:

“You can have really snowy years, but by the end of March, you’ve lost a lot of the snow,” said Day. “But not this year, since it’s been such a cold winter and spring over most of the northern and western United States.”
A dramatic resurrection has taken place at Tulare Lake in California’s Central Valley.
Satellite imagery provided by the Earth imaging company Planet Labs show the transition from a dry basin to a wide and deep lake running about ten miles from bank to bank on arable land:

The Sierra Nevada’s record snowpack will send further torrents of water into the basin as the melt season gets underway.
Despite the AGW Party prophesying endless drought for this region of the world, they’re now also claiming that the flooding is also due to human prosperity (i.e. CO2 emissions). Selling crises is a lucrative business, attracting both wealth and power.
Until the late-1800s, Tulare Lake was the largest body of freshwater west of the Mississippi River. For agricultural irrigation and municipal water uses its tributary rivers were diverted. Now, as the lake revives, establishment worries have inexplicably flipped on a dime from “man-made mega-drought” to “man-made deluges” — both caused by the same mythical beast: carbon dioxide.
Gov. Gavin Newsom has been out on the beat this week: “We’re working with our federal and local counterparts to provide on-the-ground assistance and the support locals need,” Newsom said, which he quickly followed with the mandatory, totalitarian-backer-appeasing, “This weather whiplash is what the climate crisis looks like.”
Karla Nemeth, director of the California Department of Water Resources, immediately dismantles Newsom’s politicized claptrap, pointing out that the last time the basin saw similarly major flooding was during the mid-1980s (so around solar minimum of cycle 21). Then, it took about two years for the water to evaporate/get pumped out.

According to establishment-funded science, ‘climate change’ is intensifying California’s atmospheric river storms and is also responsible for the state’s two decades of drought. Mainstream climate science is the biggest joke going, only no one’s laughing.
On one side you have purblind educators scaring young children with ‘end of the world’ fantasies, while on the other side, my side, you have endless frustration as you watch a powerful elite strip humanity of its hard, multi-century-earned prosperity (access to cheap and reliable energy) with hogwash and fatally flawed logic.
The U.S. has never been snowier — fact.
Global temperatures have been falling since 2016, according to the satellites — fact.
What the alarmists call ‘catastrophic climate change’ is in reality a low solar activity-induced ‘wavy’ jet stream flow.
Low solar activity impacts Earth’s climate via a number of different mechanisms. The most notable of which is the reduction of energy entering the jet streams which reverts the jets’ standard straight ZONAL flow to a weak and wavy MERIDIONAL one:
In times of meridional flow, a region’s weather is determined by which ‘side’ of the stream it’s on. If it is located ‘above’ the stream (in the NH) then it’s in for a spell of unseasonably cold conditions–open to influxes of Arctic air; while conversely, if the locale is ‘under’ the jet stream then it is set for anomalously hot conditions–subject to air masses dragged up from the tropics.
A wavy jet stream flow also increases the prevalence of swings between extremes; that is to say, intense bursts of heat will linger in one area, while a teeth-chattering chill will dominate nearby — these areas will often then flip on a dime.
This is your ‘climate change’, alarmists — a wavy jet stream caused by historically low solar activity.
A violently-buckling flow is on show this week.
Looking at the latest GFS run (shown below), Arctic air is forecast to descend into the Eastern and Central U.S. on May 1, while to the West anomalous-warmth will ascend from the tropics. This is a meridional flow in action. The “weather whiplash” the likes of Gov. Newsom speak of is entirely natural, explainable and DOES NOT require the suicidal, anti-human policies pushed by said political/activist stooges.

Polar Cold On Course For Australia
Despite the BoM’s proven temperature book-cooking antics, Australia has still been shown to be cooling in recent years.
Additional Antarctic fronts are on course to grip the majority of the continent this weekend.
Here’s a look at temperature anomalies for Saturday:

And here’s Sunday:

“Glancing” CME Impact Due Today
NOAA say a G1-class geomagnetic storm is possible today, April 27 as a minor CME hits Earth’s magnetic field.
The ejection was hurled into space on April 24 by an explosion in the Sun’s southern hemisphere:
Most of the CME will sail south of Earth, but its northern flank will likely touch our planet.
The impact poses little to no risk of disruptive storms –unlike Sunday’s surprise G4 event (see link below)– and should prove a nothingburger. Still, given Earth’s ever-waning magnetic field strength, where even minor solar discharges are wreaking havoc on our defensive shield, who knows…
you should go to the Australian bureau of meteorology and have a look at their monthly forecast vs their 2 week outlook – – agriculture (blue box) – rainfall (on the left) – 3 month outlook
1st – 14th May is going to be very cold but the monthly forecast for may is very hot
not sure how they can reconcile, the forecast was issued on 26th May
BOM just permanently predicts hot weather monthly as a scare tactic. i have screenshots if you want to contact me for more
It would make a good story. The BoM are clear obfuscators–to put it mildly.
Please email with any info you may have.
Yes , BOM consistently forecast temperatures which are higher than the actual temperatures that eventuate.
People pay more attention to forecasts than to reports of what happened yesterday.
Replying to your drought question: notill shines in dryness. If your field was unworked and covered with mulch, you would still have a lot moisture in the ground. Working the ground loses huge amounts of moisture and destroys the mulch, another moisture loss.
If you have irrigation, that would be adequate to germinate your corn. You also want the soil greater than 10 degrees C.
Indians in the very dry SW USA would plant their corn and cover it with a stone to keep the moisture, pulling it off before emergence. Some varieties took a year to mature to use the scarce moisture.
Thank you, Don.
I really appreciate your input.
Ignorant questions, no doubt: can ‘mulch’ mean a living cover crop or is it strictly a layer of dead organic matter? If it’s the latter, this layer will be added to each year, right? Also, I have livestock ‘working’ field for at least 6-months of the year, naturally fertilizing and keeping the weeds down, etc; not sure how a mulch works with this setup…
A living cover crop such as clover would be ideal. It’ll shade the ground and help to stop evaporation. The roots will keep the soil from compacting and allow rain to penetrate into the ground instead of just running off a baked surface especially if precipitation in the summer months is mainly in the form of heavy intermittent showers rather than steady light rain. This would be particularly useful with a crop such as corn where there are large gaps between the mature plants. It would be best to sow clover once you’ve harvested this years crop, use dead organic matter as a mulch this year, so it can get established without being shaded out by the corn and if possible don’t put livestock in the field for the first year. Your goats should be O.K. to go in the field as they’ll just eat the above ground greenery, however pigs would dig up and eat the roots so shouldn’t be put in fields where you have a cover crop.
Thank you Matt,
I can source White Dutch Clover here — sound good to you?
I’m not sure of the differences between various types of clover, but I’ve got white clover as a cover crop in my small vegetable patch, so White Dutch should be fine.
Hello Cap. Please permit me two short comments. I don’t think one should ever say never, as in how snowy its ever been. I’m sure it was much snowier during the Maunder Minimum all over the planet not just the US. Also probable during the last two glacial periods. Estimates of the habitable areas of the US were south of the 45th parallel of latitude. 240 nautical miles south of the CAN/US border. Trying not to show any attitude there. The 2nd would be to try and encourage everyone we meet to hardly ever (not ever?) say the phrase “Climate Change”. We should instead use “Changing Climate”, which it does. Hope this helps. Billy Best in Delta BC.
We should also avoid the term climate sceptic, and certainally climate denier, climate realist is a much better way to describe people who don’t believe the “official” theory of manmade global warming/heating, climate catastrophy/breakdown/emergency etc.
143% of monthly snowfall in Irkutsk per day
The height of the snow cover is 22 cm
According to the Irkutsk hydrometeorological center, 30 mm of precipitation fell on the city during the day, which is 143% of the April norm.
The height of the snow cover is 22 cm, as reported to the Irkutskmedia news agency by the press service of the Irkutsk mayor’s office.
Since the beginning of April, 354% of monthly precipitation has fallen in Irkutsk.
20 cm of spring snow fell in Irkutsk
A series of spring snowfalls continues in southern Siberia. After Kemerovo, Krasnoyarsk and Gorno-Altaisk were covered with April snow, the intractable winter clearly manifested itself in Irkutsk.
Snowfall with a blizzard lasted about a day and brought more than 20 cm of snow. Instead of +12°C, which was normal at this time, the daily maximum was -2°C.
In the mountains of the Eastern Sayan and the southern Baikal region, the increase in snow cover amounted to half a meter!
-Snow is not a thing of the past!
And in May…more snow?
Temperatures taking off, explains the extra snow…
The upper Midwest USA is once again experiencing above average temperatures in the ranges of 30 to 42 Fahrenheit. There is very little snow across Minnesota and Wisconsin as winter appears to be non-existent. Snowmobile manufacturers Yamaha and Artic Cat have announced they will cease production of snowmobiles in 2025. There are economic factors at play but also the most obvious is the lack of snow and warming across the Midwest and eastern states. It’s getting warmer here. Not colder.
Hey Cap;
Well that cold front is now sweeping through inland central florida ( Myakka city) ~ 10 20 EDT, no rain but winds have shifted to W/NW 15- 20 mph gust near 30 ( guessing, via tree movement ) light rain. Nope nevermind coming harder now