One-Third Of USHCN Weather Stations Have Been Decommissioned, Yet NOAA Still Uses Their ‘Phantom’ Temperature Data
The number of USHCN temperature stations has changed over time, new ones are added, old ones fall away.
However, from the late-1990s –so the start of AGW catastrophizing, a time when you’d think more temperature stations would be commissioned to give us a better picture of the climate– the number of stations began plummeting, from a consistent ≈1,200 between 1930 to 1996, to just 830 stations as of 2020 — and falling.
Even more confusing, many of the stations that were decommissioned still feed temperature data back to NOAA, ‘phantom data’ that the government agency still incorporate in their official reportings.
As meteorologist John Shewchuk elaborates on X, “by 2020, NOAA was fabricating temperature data for more than 40% of all USHCN stations” — “ghost stations,” he calls them, with one example being Belle Glade, Florida:
The following slide (below) is taken from Shewchuk’s accompanying video (posted to YouTube last year).
What it shows is the final 6-years of RAW data from the Belle Grade temperature station (2000 – 2005), followed by the ALTERED (aka ‘ghost’) data which is still running to this day despite the hindrance of no temperature station physically being on site.
Note: the monthly data values are in Celsius x100, with ‘-9999’ readings indicating an error.
NOAA likely get around such brazen devilment –legally– by putting an ‘E’ after all post-2005 temperature readings; E standing for ‘estimate’ which when translated from establishment gobbledy-doublespeak means ‘fabricated’ to you and me.
These phantom temperature readings have seemingly helped government agencies such as NOAA warm the present and, by extension, cool the past — a long-standing and long-exposed endeavor.
We’re told that the U.S. is warming, that summers will soon become unbearably hot, but there is zero indication of this in the raw USHCN data — the 1930s dust bowl era still rules supreme, and overall, summers have been trending cooler since 1895:
A warming trend only appears after the station data passes through NOAA’s tax-payer-funded discombobulation machine, ‘adjustments’ that NOAA openly admit to but claim are necessary “to improve data quality”:
Here are the July data side-by-side for comparison, raw (blue) vs altered (red):
Lastly, below is the polished summer temperature chart (July-Aug) that NOAA proudly presents to the world (top panel), compared with America’s inconvenient raw temperature station data for the corresponding months (bottom panel):
This appears to be a theme playing out globally, too.
Differing wildly from establishment proclamations of linearly rising temperatures and looming catastrophe, the ≈60,000 weather stations that feed show Earth’s average temp as being just +0.14F (+0.08C) vs the 30-year mean (with the 2015-2023 avg. holding -0.278C below):

Related reading:
Today’s other article:
I believe the chicanery began when NOAA changed their reporting of “average” temperatures, which have an exact numerical value, to “normal” temperatures, which have none.
Can’t figure out why no one ever called them on that. There is no such thing as a “normal” temperature.
Leaving a blue city in a blue county where my home has 3 heating systems, 3 heating systems, heat pump, lp gas, and a wood stove to probably a travel trailer in the next county…I might be nuts, but the crime in Asheville is astounding building over the last few years. Scary. Prefer to take risk in quality travel trailer over being shot or mugged.
Check out for a woodstove for your travel trailer. Built in Canada, quality stuff and great service. Videos on youtube. Get the Grizzly, not the Cub. Don’t have to feed it as often.
Enjoy your mobility. Everything is a tradeoff.
I just returned from a five week RV trip. Time really slowed down not being in a rut. Are you going to do work from you camper?
So….I take it that the head of NOAA is fully onboard with altering and publishing this fradulent data…? Zero honesty…
I just want to point out that all this has been detected and described by Tony Heller. I have also carried out analysis of these data, see
A rare frost hits Yakutia.
Autumn on the calendar has just arrived at the “equator”. And in Yakutia there have already been 30-degree frosts.
It is not difficult to guess that Oymyakon is the “trendsetter”. On October 17, at the “Pole of Cold” meteorological station, the temperature dropped to -33°C.
Cooling was rapid. The temperature dropped drastically by 10 degrees or more. The weather went from normal to very cold.
Such a severe frost was observed on October 17 for the first time in the last 30 years.
In the city where you live, what you can do if the temperature dropped by 10… 12°C in the morning, likes -2°C and cooled down to -15°C…
This is clearly an ‘absence’ of heat, a strong cold!
I still keep asking where the hottest year on Earth is, it seems to me that there are a lot of dogs with their tails between their legs!!
Lots of clouds and rain are boycotting the IPCC Max Temps, aren’t!?