Arctic Sea Ice Is Doing Just Fine; Polar Outbreaks To Engulf America And Europe; Wall Street Quietly Cashes Out As ‘Climate Investments’ Tank; + Electroverse On Lockdown
Arctic Sea Ice Is Doing Just Fine
From Antarctica, to Greenland, to the Arctic, global ice is doing just fine.
“There is a 75% chance that the entire north polar ice cap, during some of the summer months, could be completely ice-free within the next five to seven years,” said Al Gore in 2009.
Let’s check in with developments as of November 20, 2023:

Clear to see, Arctic sea ice extent is currently riding above the 2011-2020 average and fast-approaching the 2001-2010 average. In fact, at 10.019 million km2, today’s extent is higher than it was on the same date back in 2009 when Gore made his prophesy:

From polar bears, to the Great Barrier Reef, to hurricanes, to snowfall, to climate-related deaths, everything the climate cabal touches winds-up disproving their theory.
Climate charlatans –such as Gore and Gates– cannot be so wrong for so long on so many counts and yet maintain the platform that they have without shady media manipulation. The only reason these public figureheads haven’t had their reputations run through the mud is because, 1) they dutifully forward the agenda, and 2) they buy everything that appears in legacy media print.
They are scoundrels of the highest order.
But rest in the knowledge, these weak, spineless, pathetic men can only bend the fabric of reality for so long.
Their day of reckoning is coming, and I’ll be here to document it.
Polar Outbreaks To Engulf America And Europe
The models seem pretty confident here: brutal Arctic cold is set to crash south into both North America and Europe.
Starting with the Lower 48, this Friday (Nov 24) will see ‘blues’ and ‘purples’ descend down from Canada and engulf the majority of the country by Sunday, dropping temperatures by as much as -20C below the seasonal average:

The incoming snow looks equally impressive:

While in Europe, the picture appears even colder.
Beginning this weekend, a fierce and long-lasting Arctic Outbreak-proper is threatening to engulf the continent:

Temperatures are forecast to bust many-a monthly benchmarks, from the UK to Russia — as is the snow:

Such snowfall totals will bolster what is already ‘Europe’s best start to a ski season in memory’:
Stay tuned for updates.
Wall Street Quietly Cashes Out As ‘Climate Investments’ Tank
The Money has decided time has expired on the climate scam.
Wall Street continues to quietly scrub terms like “sustainable,” “global impact,” and “carbon transformation” from fund names, and is also busy closing ESG (environmental, social and governance) investment products altogether as investors continue to cash out, reports the WSJ.
Sustainable funds lost $14 billion so far this year, according to Morningstar.
At least six funds announced they would drop their ESG mandates this year, while another 32 will close.
Not that long ago, continues the WSJ, companies were rebranding faltering funds as ‘sustainable’ so as to cash in on the billions of dollars flowing into climate-related investment products.
The wheels are starting to fall off the green energy bandwagon, writes Kristen Walker for Fox News.
The giant push toward a net zero utopia is not practical and has been a complete disservice to the American consumer, she adds. The green movement is experiencing major setbacks, namely offshore wind, electric vehicles (EVs), and investments.
Offshore wind projects are struggling to secure financing and stay on track. The biggest blow came last month, when the world’s largest offshore wind developer Ørsted canceled two major projects off the New Jersey coastline, taking the wind right out of Gov. Phil Murphy’s green energy sails. Ørsted is also suspending work on offshore projects in Maryland and Delaware as The Mone recognizing a sinking ship when it sees one.
The jig is up.
Wall Street has deemed it time.
Even CNBC has decided to “dismantle” its “climate desk”, the company’s full-time team for covering climate doom.
When even the CNBC clowns can’t keep the climate-apocalypse ruse alive, you know the narrative is falling apart, writes Harris Rigby at
The powers that be are shifting gears, ditching coverage (and profiteering) re. our ‘impending doom’ and switching to… well, that’s the question: What the hell is coming down the pike that now renders their cLiMaTe CrIsEs scare-mongering obsolete?
Great Depression ?
Global Cooling ?
These are my top three, in order of likelihood.
You can throw a large X-flare in there as well–though this, as far as I know, isn’t predictable.
Regardless, it’s “game over” for the “climate fraud”, so says Professor Ian Plimer.
“No one has ever shown that human emissions of carbon dioxide drive global warming… And if it could be shown, then you would have to show that the 97% of emissions which are natural, do not drive global warming.”
Though a welcome collapse, let us not forget the negative impacts the AGW Party’s reckless EOTW rhetoric and cries for Net Zero continue to have on certain factions of society, namely the young, lost and easily led — typified by these poor unknowing pawns:
While below is an example of the logic that the legacy media, for years, has claimed is a minority ‘crackpot’ position:
Electroverse On Lockdown
I have fought to keep access to Electroverse free for 6+ years now, with the site existing on advertising revenue and the generous donations of readers.
However, with the ramp-up in establishment censorship, via Google’s recent advertising ban and social media/search engine black-listings, I can no longer afford to run the site unless I successfully switch to a subscription model.
I cannot prepare my young family for an uncertain future on $2000 a month (my current pledge total on Patreon).
We are living off-grid in Portugal, which keeps costs down, growing our own food and harnessing our own energy, but properly preparing the land, etc. takes funds that I will have to seek elsewhere unless I can gain more subscribers on either on Patreon or Substack.
As of next Monday (November 27), all new articles will only be accessible to paid subscribers.
If you appreciate my efforts, please consider helping out.
This is the last avenue I have left to keep the site running.
Looking at the Belgium Observatory, these last two cycles look similar to those shown for about 1885 to 1905 in the Yearly mean and smoothed sunspot number from 1700 to 2050. Probably just coincidence.
Rather than shutting down ESG mechanisms altogether, the focus of ESG should take a dramatic and irreversible turn from “climate change” mitigation to ecological/biodiversity/species preservation and restoration. To me, the biodiversity stuff – along with actual pollution of various kinds – is at the heart of true environmentalism and sustainability. The poaching of elephants, rhinos, etc. for their horns, the loss of delicate and biodiverse ecosystems due to urban and resource development, invasive species wreaking havoc on existing ecosystems – all of these things, to me, are the true sustainability alongside stopping oil spills, smog, etc. And when these environmental threats are dealt with properly, the local people also benefit!
Y.D., that’s ALWAYS been the core of environmentalism and sustainability—preserving what we have, for all creatures great and small. As humans we have a unique responsibility to care for, grow, and recover the harm done to other species, but the ESG/anti-capitalism push by climate astrologists makes no sense. The world is changing, yes, but no one said it wasn’t supposed to change—CAGW advocates would have us believe that it shouldn’t change, or more than that, suggest that the sustained cold and all its effects at the beginning of the 20th century is somehow preferable. My mantra is like yours: tread lightly, do as little harm as possible, restore lost habitat, ensure the diversity and health of all this wonderful world’s creatures.
Across Europe and North America the air and water is a lot cleaner than it was 50 years ago, far more land has some kind of environmental protection and large areas are being returned to nature. There’s still problems e.g. populations of farmland birds are a lot lower than they were 40-50 years ago, but in the West the environmental movement has achieved a lot of what it was set up to do. To keep the public worried and the donations flowing environmental groups had to find a new big issue, hence jumping on the AGW bandwagon.
Can you sell merch?
maybe sell early access to articles?
maybe put out an appeal across tiktok/twitter/facebook/reddit etc?
sad to see it go, really enjoyed it. :/
Humans are the biggest invasive species.
I have followed you for years and repeatedly recommended your site to others, but I’m a pensioner on £1100 per month and we are already wearing extra layers indoors to keep warm and heating only the rooms we need to use with the other radiators turned down to just enough heat to prevent condensation and mould. Even your cheapest option of £4.50 per month + VAT comes to £64.80 per year so this will be a tough decision; can I give up anything else to keep following you? If not, it will be goodbye.
I have always been forewarned and forearmed by Cap. He has saved our gardens in Western North Carolina for the past few years. I will give what I can to keep this going.
understood about fund raising.
I hope you will freely publish after a month say in order that your information sees wide distribution. This should amplify subscribers too.
On Substack publish freely after a delay, subscriber perks of instant access and ability to comment seem to be a poplar way to play it.
Readers might post comments about your plight on related climate /science sites:
Best wishes
G’day Cap,
Like Disabled Dave, we are retirees living off our savings and a part British pension. We have answered the call periodically, especially when the Goons stop your cashflow. At over $AU 100 pa it is a tight call, though looking back through our previous donations there is not much difference.
Make us an offer we can’t refuse because we cannot let you go
Cap, You are on my daily go-to list every morning. Close to retiring from construction but can’t. And this year, our property taxes went up 14% here in Oregon. My retired neighbors’ went up even higher.
This is the rippling effect of horrible policies for almost three years.
Best wishes.
Sorry. I can’t help because I’ve been banned by Patreon. That’s another way that they exercise censorship.
Solar flare last night, several flares erupting the last few days:
Quakes in several active volcanic areas as a solar flare hit Earth, a minor mag spike.,-278.78906&extent=64.99794,-118.47656&listOnlyShown=true
Major volcanic eruption where the quakes are hammering the Ring of Fire: Diamond covered the volcano yesterday, Daily Events Worldwide did also:
Ben Davidson showed last night’s solar flare and the quakes on this morning’s show:
The plume from Ulawun Volcano that just erupted is headed North into the jet stream, West into SE Asia, And SE into Vanuatu Volcano’s plume which never stops.
The plume headed N from Ulawun is headed into the cyclone N Pacific being powered by Kamchatka volcanos now gusting 82mph:—add-more-layers/overlays?tcso2,18.313,-177.891,3,i:pressure
Sorry to hear about your heavy reliance on digital income. The vulnerability of The Grid and the infrastructure it takes to keep it going has inspired me to derive income in other ways taking cues from those that lived in the late 1800s and even as early as the 1960s.
Best wishes.
Hello Cap, from the Wet (on a yearly basis) Coast of Canada. I will up my small contribution by about 35% which is still relatively small but if everyone who is able were to increase by a bit it should help you. Have you considered a direct appeal to Elon Musk for inclusion to/in X? I’m suggesting the appeal to Musk be on a humanitarian basis perhaps for some sort of sponsoring. He is one smart dude and might see this idea as a chance to “stick it” to his many detractors. I would hope all of Electroverse’s followers would co-author such a request. As in an axiom of flying with gas turbine (jet) engines these days, all thrust is positive so keep the damn thing running all the way into a crash unless it’s on fire. Lousy analogy probably but, as ounces make pounds, any increase either monetary or influential is positive. Billy B. in the Vancouver BC area.
Looks like Kentucky/S.Indiana are going to be extremely cold.
I lived in Kentucky 1986. First time I saw ice crystals in the air like glittering
As for Income, I am VERY HAPPY with my crypto buy/sell program. Only takes
a $110 USD to start. I only started 8th Oct with $220 USD. $5.25 earnings a day is a lot more satisfying than $2.60. It pays 2 1/2% a day on your money. It compounds profits profits until you reach $20,000 when it peaks at paying you only $15k/month. We should all sign up under Cap except I am already in.
Sign up under with this link:
I am up to $150/day for 5 clicks in the morning taking under 30 minutes. They are Global with different servers on the different continents. The daily clicks are easy. The deposit of USDT and withdrawal are a little more complicated but not too much. I am working with a friend to make it easy to get a person going in about 30 minutes with deposit made. Until then we are on our own.
All instructions are on the website. It’s a Free signup! Well, not quite free, they give you $8 for your trouble.
There is no greater impending climate related issue than the current geomagnetic excursion. I have my life raft and backpack ready!
I would like to donate to your cause but how can i do so without using a credit or debit card?
I upped one tier. That’s probably about it for me.
The old saying is quite true. “When you’re taking flak, you know you’re over the target.”
i’m guessing a Marburg virus outbreak is next cab
Cap – where is your paypal option in the substack?
Sorry not keen on using credit card direct – already had my bank block a Visa action this week.
Sent you an email Trevor.
Can I send over some cash as I am banned from patreon? I will put it in an envelope with my email
I also run a Telegram channel call Electroverse Articles where I share your shizz along with other climate truther publications.
Hi James,
Please email
If you regularly share my links on Telegram then I will happily gift you a substack subscription.
Please send your email address to