Cosmic Ray Detector Flies Off Course, Ends Up Buried Under 30 Feet Of Snow; + Scientists Were Wrong About Arctic Sea Ice
Cosmic Ray Detector Flies Off Course, Ends Up Buried Under 30 Feet Of Snow
Dr Tony Phillips of and the students of Earth to Sky Calculus launch ‘cosmic ray balloons’ more than once a month to monitor space radiation in Earth’s atmosphere. Sometimes things go wrong.
Last October (2022) one of these balloons flew off course and became stranded on a steep rocky slope overlooking Echo Lake — a mile-wide pool of melted snow in the Sierra Nevada:
A year later it’s still there.
“The payload,” writes Dr Phillips, “was quickly buried in snow by the Great Winter of 2023.”
At one point, the recovery team estimate the device was under as much as 30 feet of snow. Teams have visited Echo Lake four times since Oct 2022, each time getting a little closer to the payload but never managing to recover it.
Dr Phillips is hoping the fifth time will be the charm. Today, Oct 5, the team is trying again.
“Improved route-finding (based on repeated visits) will allow us to reach the payload earlier in the day with more hours of sunlight to dig,” writes Dr Phillips.
“At the landing site, the snow pack is down to only a few feet so the search is not as daunting as it was before. If the payload is recovered, we will be able to finally stitch together a complete record of radiation data for the past year. Wish us luck!”
Scientists Were Wrong About Arctic Sea Ice
Arctic sea-ice extent (SIE) hits its seasonal low during the month of September. Measuring the ice during this month gives a useful metric for determining the overall ‘health’ of the ice sheet.
During the 1980s and 1990s, Arctic SIE’s average September low showed a moderate decline.
After the 1997 ‘climate shift’ (see below chart) –which was an abrupt global atmospheric reorganization– the Arctic entered a period of stronger decline that climate researcher, Dr Javier Vinós, has dubbed ‘the Arctic Shift’.
Scientists noticed this change in trend about a decade later, and became increasingly alarmed about the prospect of an ice-free Arctic. Concerns of a ‘runaway ice-albedo feeback’ were rife and quickly entered the legacy media lexicon.
Loss of sea ice would reduce albedo, went the thinking, and additional solar energy would cause further sea-ice loss.
Climate models dutifully agreed with the inputs, and predicted ‘a tipping point’ that would lead to an ice-free Arctic by 2040, or 2020, or even 2014–if you believed the likes of Al Gore, sparking public fears.
However, recent work suggests that up to 60% of the decline in September SIE since 1979 may be due to changes in atmospheric circulation. Additionally, the persistence of Arctic summer cloud cover continues to significantly reduce the ice-albedo feedback. Internal variability proving itself a more important factor than expected is an inconvenient reality for climate cabal, it explains why the rate of decline of Arctic summer SIE has slowed so much since 2007, contrary to all mainstream expectations.
The Arctic Shift, a period of adjustment of Arctic climate variables to the new atmospheric regime, ended in 2007.
Since then, the September Arctic SIE shows no significant trend.
In 2013, climate researchers were shocked to find that there had been no net loss since 2007, when their public fear campaign began. And this is fine, science can be wrong. Best guesses often are. What science can’t do, however, is sweep its failures under the rug and forge ahead with the same failed theory, and worse, work themselves an unchallengeable position.
After 2013, climate scientists quietly refined their models, and added a 34% chance of a 7-year pause (2007 through 2013).
However, this pause has now extended to 17 years, and the probability of this observed reality playing out is sitting at 10%.
“In other words,” writes Dr Vinós, “there is a 90% chance that climate scientists’ predictions about Arctic sea ice were wrong. If the hiatus continues until 2027, it will become statistically significant (p<0.05, or less than 5%) and no longer explainable by chance.”
Despite the reality and the ever-multiplying failure of climate modelling, The Science is still held as unquestionable gospel and we westerners are ordered to blindly accept its doctrine which calls for the destruction of our economies (i.e. health and prosperity).
Simply telling me the ‘world is ending’ isn’t enough.
They need to prove it.
But they can’t.
It’s not often I do this, i.e. ask (beg) you for money, but here we are…
Your kind donations are what keep Electroverse going, and I am eternally grateful to all those who contribute. Advertising has also occasionally helped the site, as it is now, but this has been intermittent due to establishment censorship.
I do now, however, have a new–though admittedly unconnected–potential source of income…
Around eight years ago I wrote a short story about my eldest son starting school, called “Forever Little Pirate”. …bear with me here… My wife convinced me to turn the story into a children’s book and self-publish it on Amazon. So that’s what I did.
Electroverse is important to me. I feel I have a duty to combat the destructive mainstream narrative, and EV is my outlet. However, running both the site and the homestead here in Central Portugal consumes the bulk of my day, and I don’t have a tremendous amount of time for other ventures. “Forever” is one small project that I have managed to crowbar in, and I would greatly appreciate your support with it.
The book can be purchased via the link below. And I am hopeful, with your help (and positive review, if you feel it deserves it), that I might be able to work my way up the Amazon ranking and generate a few organic sales.
Thank you reading this far. And regardless if you purchase my book or not, your continued support is what keeps me going.
Just purchased the 2016 copy of “Forever”. Looking forward to giving it a go with my 11 year old nephew. Thanks for all that you do.
We had an unfortunate death in the family recently, so I brought up the idea of interactive head stones so people can send messages to lost family and friends. That would make the cemetery a lot more interesting scrolling through all the messages.
Even more so if you got one back.
Then the conversation turned to where everyone wanted to be buried. Grave or urns. I said don’t worry about it we are all going to end up in a mass grave.
Thanks world governments. Time to move to China, if you want to live.
No, you’re better off to move to Russia, Poland, or Italy. They have Leaders that actually CARE about their people and their sovereign Countries. Even Mexico is better than America these days. But I think better times will be coming, we just have to get through the breakdown of society and the crash of the monetary system. Do like Cap and I are doing,…..prepare! That’s what we should have been doing all a long as our grand parents knew back then. 🙂
I’ve had quite the laugh over most of my adult life when our “leaders” grandstand on data that has been extrapolated from current, short term trends. Examples include: Gas getting to $10/gallon (late 70s), gold reaching $10k/ounce (mid-80s), and all of the climate crap going on now. You know they took that downward trend in the early 2000s and just drew a line down to zero and said, “By this year the Arctic will be ice free!”
Long term complex behavior is not linear except for very short periods of time.
Hi Cap, ordered your book for my grand son. We watched Pirates of the Caribbean last week. I’m adding the gold coin necklace to your book as a present for him.
Thank you Scott.
Very much appreciated!
One area where climate modelers excel is crafting climate models to yield the desired results.
Accuracy is not a goal of the warmists.
The website lists the original Arctic to be ice free by date as 2000, so the climate liars have been wrong for 24 years in a row. Even a village idiot tossing a coin to decide if the year would be ice free would be right half the time, so how come the liars have done so much worse than a village idiot would have done?
Oh boy! I ordered your book, and then 3 more little kids books! Better write another one Cap! My grand kids will love your book….and we have them almost every other weekend now, so it’ll be a great read before bed. Thank you!
Cap, the little video at the front of this article, about Astronomy Facts, their website isn’t working. I clicked on it because it’s a beautiful sound,….the Galaxy’s sound, I wanted to hear more of it, it just kind of stops. But their website didn’t do anything when I clicked on one of the other little videos. You might want to let them know so they can fix it. It was a nice short by the way! You can tell them I like it!