They’re Coming For Me (Again)
The same mechanisms that led to me losing adverts on my previous sites are in motion once again.
While not as overt as my original demonetization, when the Center for Countering Digital Hate boasted on X that they “successfully demonetized Electroverse’s advertising program … [and] have delivered a huge blow to their climate change denial machine”, still, very similar writings are appearing on the wall.
Yesterday I received an email from Zachary Fishman (@ZBFishman), a free speech fearing useful idiot working at NewsGuard, a misinformation watchdog that purports to “catalog and track all of the top false narratives spreading online”.
Note: The term ‘misinformation’ wasn’t part of people’s lexicon before 2020. As per a Google Trends search, ‘misinformation’ was crow-barred into public consciousness, appearing out of relative obscurity, in January 2020 — so just in the time for COVID:
Since then, that term has used as a shield behind which big corporations via their legacy media lapdogs are able to guard their decision making from proper scrutiny and interrogation, to ‘news guard’ themselves.
From COVID vaccine concerns, to the origins of the Ukraine war, from worries over transgender genital mutilation in children to the fact that higher levels of CO2 are beneficial to life on Earth, if the information is deemed inconvenient to The Narrative then it is branded ‘misinformation’ by the establishment’s ‘internet policing squads’ which then gives corporate media outlets all the ammunition they need to take said claims out at the knees, via censorship by Facebook or demonetization by Google.
But as we know, a great many of the assertions made by us honest enquirers ultimately turn out to be true. We aren’t burdened by agenda, and there is great power and worth in simply being able to say what we see — though we need free speech to do it.
NewsGuard is attempting to silence Electroverse by stripping it of its advertising revenue (again).
All I can assume is that I’m still shooting over the target.
In the yesterday’s shit-stirring email, Zack Fishman’s disdain for my truth-seeking endeavors is palpable (how dare I?):
My response:
As alluded to above, these are the same mechanisms that were set in motion the last time I lost ads, on (it was the Center for Countering Digital Hate that brazenly demonetized my original site,
–To get to the point already, what I’m asking for is you help…
I am so thankful to my very generous 458 patrons, and to all those who donate via PayPal. Without your financial support Electroverse would have hit the brick wall many moons ago. But I have a young family to support (due to be increased by another 1 this month!) and if I lose advertising, and fail to recoup the lost income through the likes of Patreon and PayPal, then some of my time will have to be diverted elsewhere in order support my family and our homesteading efforts here in Central Portugal.
One small venture I have been able to fit in is “Forever Little Pirate” — a children’s picture book that I wrote eight years ago now about my eldest son starting school (my son is now homeschooled, by the way, this was before myself and my wife were awake).
I published the book last week, on the suggestion of my wife, and your support in trying to work it up the Amazon rankings would be greatly appreciated. The book can be purchased via the link below (a good review would also help muchly).
Your continued support is what keeps me going.
Genuinely, thank you.
Enjoy your weekend,
Note: The above PayPal link isn’t working for some. Please try the other link in the sidebar (scroll down if on mobile).
When the establishment tell this or that is misinformation, it make investigate and 9/10 its MSM, and tech giants that are gas lighting me!
(((Zachary Fishman)))
Yip, youve got it, every f*cking time!
Is he wrong though? I’m only seeing verifiable facts from one side – and it sure as hell isn’t the ‘skeptics’ (denialists). On the other hand, people like YOU repeatedly put out disinformation regarding cold records which never happened.
So point out these record cold events from this site that never happened. Cap always puts the links to the sources, so by claiming they didn’t happen you are accusing the sources of putting forward false information, and be aware that by accusing Cap and these sources of putting out disinformation you are opening yourself to being sued for libel and/or slander.
As to verifiable facts the claim by people like yourself that the Earth has never been this hot before is easily disproved:
Over past 4000 years:
Over past 8000 years temperature graph in section starting at 4:25, but whole video worth a watch:
Over past 66 million years:
Over past 600 million years:
On each of those, note that the point at which the climate Nazis started their measurements from is either the coldest, or the equal coldest point. Note also that the current temperature is colder than 92% of the last 600 million years. Further the normal temperature of the Earth is around 10 degrees warmer than now. By normal I mean the statistical normal which can be the mean, the mode, or the median, which are in order 20C, 22C, and 22C.
Some examples of your assertions would be in order. (and please don’t resort to the “scientific consensus” arguement – show the source data and show where Electroverse is incorrect)
I guess your religion of CAGW prevents you from seeing the truth. If you are relying on information from the people making money from CAGW, it will only confirm your religion. I see the reverse … many lies and untruths from the CAGW side where facts are being provided by the skeptic side.
You are lying or you are just very, very bad at research.
No one goes this long and claims everything on the side whose predictions are right, I have over 200 predictions accurate, are wrong and those that are so blatantly wrong have got it all correct.
Either that or many might want those same drugs you might be taking?
So… yawn… point to where I’ve ‘disinformed’ re. record cold.
And, do you agree with Zack that my website should be demonetized/censored/taken down?
Oh boy where to start…most recently you claimed that last weeks’ frontal system in southern AUS was a “polar blast” – see: – but in reality it only turned out to be slightly below the long-term (1961 to 1990) average. It seems you do not understand baselines; or do understand them, but refuse to acknowledge them, as you keep referring to very mild events as ‘extreme cold’.
Earlier this year, you also claimed ‘record cold’ for a site with only ten years of data (I believe one of the new Sydney sites). You also continually claim “heavy snow for AUS/NZ”, when it was nothing of the sort all year and it was in fact the LEAST snowiest “””winter””” ever recorded. In short, you have no idea about Australian climate and what is or isn’t normal for us. So I suggest you educate yourself by reading this – yes I wrote that, as I live in the South West Slopes/Snowy Mtns region (Tumbarumba) so I know first-hand about the climate here.
You also continually ignore or downplay extreme heat, which this year has FAR surpassed any cold in AUS.
There’s this though, isn’t there:×487.png?ssl=1
And you didn’t fully answer: should my site be shut down?
Read your own graph more carefully: “2013 to 2022 anomaly vs 1990 to 2020 mean” EPIC FAIL ! You’ve just proved my point that you refuse to acknowledge the differences in baseline. Had that been plotted against a 1960 to 1990 baseline (as the Bureau does), I assure you it would be a warming trend.
And yes, I think your site should be shut down if this is the sort of nonsense you’ll keep pushing
;^ D
I actually used to be a full on denialist like you – P. S. I still follow SuspiciousObservers and cling onto the hope that AMOC shutdown and increased volcanism will return us to our cooler past, so I’m not exactly ‘mainstream’.
I personally believe that Mother Nature has Her ways of returning balance to the climate system. I don’t believe in the ‘runaway warming’ hypothesis either…we all know that warmer oceans = more cloud, and there has to be a negative feedback there. I can’t wait for the big flip. But it hasn’t arrived yet, not even close.
AA clearly doesn’t understand basic maths and graphs. If the 2013 to 2022 anomaly was plotted against the 1960-1990 baseline the trend would be identical, all that would happen is that all the data points would be shifted upwards by a few tenths of a degree.
Why use the 1960-1990 baseline when the WMO states that the most recent 3 decades should be used? Answer is that it was the coldest period since the 1930’s so is used to show the largest possible increase in temperatures in order to push an agenda rather than following scientific protocol.
Can AA provide a link to a single global temperature set that shows a long term i.e. 30+ years, warming trend of 0.25-0.3 degrees C per decade. This is the central estimate of all the climate models used by the IPCC, hence claims that at current rates of CO2 emissions they’ll be 3 degrees of warming this century? The satellite data shows a warming trend of 0.14 degrees per decade, therefore the models have been tested against reality and been proven wrong. Obviously if 2 top former NASA scientists are unable to interpret raw data from satellites I look forward to reading AA’s peer reviewed paper showing why they’ve got it wrong and am sure he’ll be delighted to provide a link to it, or any other paper that shows the same thing.
Censorship and trying to get websites shut down is the last resort of people who are unable to prove their point with evidence and engage in a grown up debate. It’s the same reason no ‘climate scientist’ will debate with ‘sceptics’, they know they haven’t got the evidence to prove their point/disprove the points made by ‘sceptics’. It’s pathetic and the equivalent of sticking your fingers in your ears a saying “I can’t hear you”.
Hey A.A. –
Did you ever find out why IPCC left out the reason for the warming effect
they are hollering about all the time – The “FATAL FLAW” in their calculations –
the heat caused by the G.E.C.s???
The Global Electric Currents heating up the earth like an incandescent light bulb heats up so damn HOT you can’t hold it in your hands?
What about it? Where are all the research done in that direction?
What verifiable facts? All I see is ‘modelling’, with date projections now pushed out to 2100, so that there will be no accountability, as we will all be dead by then. They have learned that lesson after all the predictions on imminent ice-free Arctic summers proved to be utter disinformation!
As always, follow the money.
Observable facts – data taken direct from the thermometer. I don’t care about predictions or models, only the data that HAS been measured (and that is verifiable by station ID). Admittedly a lot of the charts put out by the warmist side, are questionable (where does the ‘data’ from 3rd world shit holes like Congo come from?? What historical basis is there if any in such a region?) – I only believe Bureau sites as I have thorough knowledge of their siting. Check out the climate section on Tumbarumba’s wiki page (yes I wrote it)-
Then presumably you know that a lot of the sites are at airports or large towns/cities where there’s a lot of localised warming. Presumably you know that the BoM homogenise data from stations that are close to each other by increasing the values from rural stations so the trend matches the trend at urban stations corrupted by the UHI effect.
You’re correct that large parts of the world, and especially the oceans, are poorly covered by surface recording stations. This is why the satellite data is far more accurate, it has global coverage and isn’t affected by localised heat islands. This shows less than half the warming predicted by climate models.
Hi Cap, I would like to make a regular donation or become a patron, but I have a Problem: I d’ont deal with paypal and never give my credit card details to the internet.
If pareon would allow to pay via bank transfer, I would pay immediatly. would you have a solution for that? best regards Bernhard Kleinhenz
The only dis-information is from the AGW control freaks Truth has never mattered to them, only control. AA is a troll or just a useful idiot. Where is the proof, cause there is nothing to prove the AGW side. Real history is what matters as you know Cap. You keep proving it. Thank you.
Hi Cap,
why don’t you give us Zachary Fishman’s email? I am quite happy to send him loads of emails pointing out all the lies by the climate Nazis. He refers to the scientific consensus, which is a contradiction in terms because a consensus is not scientific, and he refers to NOAA and NASA; well I can send him the link to NOAA showing the Earth has been cooling since 2016, and the NASA page showing that the Arctic ice has been increasing since 2012. I would also send him my reply to Adaminaby Angler about the climate Nazis lying about the Earth being at its hottest ever. I suspect that many of your readers would like to join me in writing to him.
Here’s his X/Twitter page link.
You may find his “work” email here if you search
Electroverse domain moves determined as a matter of survival forced on it by the persecution of pseudo scientific “misinformation” organisations pushing a fraudulent agenda regarding AGW that obviously does not stand up to scrutiny, scientific or otherwise hence the febrile machinations trying to shut any site that dares to contradict the claimed scientific “consensus” that does not exist.
Whether a hypothesis appears to be correct or incorrect depends on data and observation. The CAGW hypothesis and its conclusions are based on “homogenised” ie manipulation of the original raw data designed to fit or help fit a predetermined outcome not matched by real world observation. The whole hypothesis flies in face of the basic physics.
Mann’s work in producing the hockey stick graph was at best the product of flawed science or an outright deception and fraud. The data used comes in the main from the analysis of the growth rings of the Bristlecone Pine trees and depending on where they grow and the size of the sample the outcome can be manipulated to prove almost anything. MacIntyre “We have shown that [only] approximately 60–80 meters of vertical elevation can be sufficient to create a change in the climate response of bristlecone pine” The fact that this data stacking was an issue has been accepted by “The United States National Academy of Sciences announced that, bristlecone pines should no more be used as proof of climate change”. The fact that Mann was cleared of scientific misconduct by the university where he was employed and by subsequent enquiries simply shows how far those supporting the failed CAGW hypothesis will go to protect such nonsense
Several quake clusters last night following a quake cluster of 77 greater than 2.5 South of Japan the last 7 days.,51.67969&extent=72.60712,211.99219
The Alaska volcano popped again to 40k and SO2 from the volcano now covers the NH. Some of it hits the West Coast USSA Monday bringing rain for days, snow higher elevations inland:—add-more-layers/overlays?rain,2023100912,46.286,-128.188,5,i:pressure,m:eOvacFb—add-more-layers/overlays?tcso2,2023100911,46.286,-128.188,5,i:pressure,m:eU1acvv
In my opinion, the narrative and the followers of the narrative, whether it be climate, Covid, shots, whatever, are pure and simple, MURDERERS. We have much proof that cold causes MORE deaths yearly than heat. You know you deal with evil when cognitive dissonance raises its ugly head. Or in simpler terms, stop telling me that I’m hot when I am shivering and trying to get more fuel or wood or electric to keep warm. There is a special place for the climate alarmists. I think some of us know where that is.
1.07 degrees Celsius warming in the ice age named the Quaternary Glaciation that the Earth is currently in IS negligible. The Earth is still in a cold interglacial period.
The temperature at the baseline was barely above that at the end of the Little Ice Age where millions, in a much smaller population, died of famines
This recent study shows that the cold- weather we have every year causes about 4.6 million deaths a year globally mainly through increased strokes and heart attacks, compared with about 500,000 deaths a year from hot weather. We can’t easily protect our lungs from the cold air in the winter and that causes our blood vessels to constrict causing blood pressure to increase leading to heart attacks and strokes.
‘Global, regional and national burden of mortality associated with nonoptimal ambient temperatures from 2000 to 2019: a three-stage modelling study’
Many more people in the US are moving each year from cold states to warm states than are moving from warm states to cold states.
“My response” … I love your French…
“Forever Little Pirate” But it is not Scholz, isn’t it?
Hello Cap,
Tips of advice:
Rule number 1) don’t say where you live and don’t say how many children you have. Your naysayers will go after them eventually. Don’t give that lead to your opponents ever again so that they are not nabbed. They will do so with everyone who opposes in one year or more.
Rule number 2) don’t say that an opponent’s days are counted: it is considered as evidence of a premeditated crime.
Rule number 3) be diplomatic and don’t answer back. And bad words on your replies? Don’t reduce your level. Be professional. If you reply with bad words, then you are giving them the excuse that they want. Make them look bad by not replying rudely.
Rule number 4) expose their employers by investigating their sources and supplying that information to whatever news media (objective, mainstream, or alternative) will publish the news. The pendulum is in our favor nowadays, and people are already shifting away from the Big Tech, Gaians, Transhumanists, and other leftist wackos, so take advantage before the above-mentioned thugs use mercenary force (predominantly illegal male immigrants of military age being infiltrated by left-leaning NGOs into Europe, USA, and Canada) to silence all of us. Remember that Prince Charles, now King Charles, said at a WEF meeting that the use of a military force would be necessary to push the Agenda 2030 ahead, so be aware of what is to come.
Rule number 5) think of alternate places to go and start packing before September-October, 2024. Your in the EU, so they can come for you. Think about a “one-month vacation dream” for you and the family and leave all behind with friends and family looking after it. If nothing happens, return cautiously. Just saying, but be wary.
Rule number 6) think of how you can share information in an automated and underground way once the thugs come to “forced upon” power. It will happen at 4 AM two weeks before the global takeover, and country by country.
Rule number 7) have several hideouts well stocked and several new IDs to move around. Change biometrics and have friends ready to tuck you into safety when needed.
Good luck,
When are these WEFers going to give us their data that tells us what the exact temperature of the earth should be, where the temperatures should be taken, what time of day they should be taken, what height above the ground the temperatures are taken, what is on the ground and surrounding area the temperatures are taken, geographical data with actual images when the temperatures are taken, etc. I want proof from 250 million years ago, because apparently these people believe they know everything. I want verifiable information.
Increasing Coverage:
Suggest to auto send an HTML version of each article to all who post here. Readers would then be free to relay it to their email network with one click. We can also all relay it to the opinion checkers like NewsGuard
Yes, you will go on another (sic) list, but as Christine Anderson (Member European Parliament) says, we are now at the following stage in modern history : “It’s them or us!”
Anyone reading this site who is not intellectually challenged should be paying Cap his due.
I think you do great work. Anything the global warmingists say cannot be taken seriously. and yes, they will gang up on you and try to cut off your income because they are vile disgusting communists. I hope they fail massively. It’s disgusting to try to stop someone from making a living just because you disagree with them!!!
Regarding the latest UAH temp – it certainly proved my triangle theory that a breakout would happen!!! Very likely this is due to Hunga Tonga.
Earlier this year by a few months my Sky-Ground-Air temp readings reversed the Ground-Air relationship. “Normally” the ground would be lower than the air due to sky induced cooling. Now that reading is “normally” warmer which would induced sky induced heating is the reading is taken from a small glass coffee table top exposed to the sky in an open area.
The Triangle theory is where the high readings are trending down against the low readings trending up which leads to a tightening of the readings into almost a straight line which precedes a breakout. For you online trader, try this! I REALLY LIKE the results I am having from that analysis!!! The basic problem is determining in advance WHICH way the breakout will occur – Up or Down!!
In stocks the SMAs Simple Moving Average – three of them the 8-20-200 units will greatly assist in being right here.
Now another thing which happens is that a false move to the major move will occur immediately before the main breakout.
It seems to me this is what has occurred with the UAH temp data.
This winter is predicted to be “brutal” per Clif High, and others like Farmers Almanac. We are going into effects of the planetary alignment which really started around Sept 21st, the Fall Equinox.
Now much like a RV gas Refrigerator which depends on it’s cooling effects from a little gas pilot light heater in my opinion the heating effects from the injection of 13% more water vapor in the air will turn to cooling. I admit it is NOT a closed system like the refrigerator. Not being a closed system is also why the earth will NEVER have a “Greenhouse Effect”. Big Fat Lie staring you right in the face, the “Greenhouse Effect” is.
So all that water vapor is fixing to turn the planet into one HUGE GIANT WALK-IN FREEZER!!! It has heated up, now the Refrigerant Effect is upon us!!! Stay Warm!!!
Water IS a Refrigerant Fluid just like FREON!!! It just reacts at a different set of temperatures. At the Rexene Polyolefins (plastics) plant we had a huge Container sized water based cooler. It used steam for it’s power source. It had two absorbent tanks which flipped back and forth. The absorbent would cool the water by evaporative effects by absorbing the water vapor from one tank creating a vacuum in it. The other tank would be drying out from the steam heat getting ready. The device was one helluva noisy operation, creaking and groaning all the time.
WAKE UP WARMISTS!!! Your World is getting COLD NOW!!!
Record hot yesterday West Coast USSA, back to normal this week with no frost forecast just rain and showers.
Should be warm again in EU, Atlantic still warmer than ave. Ocean temps off Kittyhawk USSA have been at 84F, warmer than Hawaii and pumping heat up to EU. Gulf of Mexico warmer than ave 88F since Spring sending clouds up the mississisp and over the Sunshine State more solar flares forecast think I’ll go mow the lawn before the rain tomorrow;)—add-more-layers/overlays?sst,31.803,-77.607,6,i:pressure,m:eygadXC
Pacific Ocean Area North of many recent quakes in New Guinea now has cloud tops 55k. The TS is forecast to be a Cat 4 SE of Japan waves 52 feet every 14 seconds. The typhoon heads for the Gulf of Alaska then down the West Coast US with Gale winds and heavy rain typical nasty weather.
I’ve been getting trees topped and cut down getting ready for storms, no shortage of firewood here and really glad I won’t be on a ship in that typhoon going up and down and side to side 52 feet every 14 seconds trying to keep the bow into the wind and not die. Time to make a crab omelet and then go get some oysters. Later, smoke some fresh caught coho salmon with teriyaki and homemade plum sauce from my plum tree. Life is good in Flavor Town.—add-more-layers/overlays?rain,6.665,153.940,5,i:pressure,m:dUPaknl—add-more-layers/overlays?gust,6.665,153.940,5,i:pressure,m:dUPaknl—add-more-layers/overlays?tcso2,7.929,153.281,5,i:pressure,m:dUPaknl
It won’t make any difference, ‘fact checkers’ aren’t interested in facts. People fighting against ‘misinformation’ are fighting against information they don’t want other people to see. These people/organisations exist to push an agenda not to try and discover truth and have no interest in changing their mind whatever evidence they’re presented with.