Brazil Is Cooling; Australian Heat Overcooked; Ulawun Erupts To 50,000ft; + Solar Ramp-Up
Brazil Is Cooling
Brazil is forecast to hold anomalously cold over the next few weeks, according to latest GFS runs.

This hints at the longer term cooling trend picked up by the country’s temperature stations.
The only weather station in Brazil with continuous data extending back to 1900 is that sited in the eastern city of Quixeramobim, points out Tony Heller on X, located in the state of Ceará:
According to data collated by NASA, the Quixeramobim temperature station shows cooling since 1960:

Australian Heat Overcooked
Much is being made of the heat and wildfires in Perth.
The hyperbole and propaganda is hypnotizing, as are the licking flames and swirling embers:
However, and as is always the case, a quick fact-check ruins the alarmist parade.
A thin slither of red doesn’t equal proof of a ‘climate crisis’:

Looking ahead, it only gets colder:

While zooming out, a cooling trend has emerged (as per the satellite data) of -0.132C per decade since 2013:
Ulawun Volcano Erupts To 50,000ft
Ulawun volcano exploded in spectacular fashion Monday, with a repeat eruption noted Tuesday.
Mount Ulawun, located on the island of New Britain in Papua New Guinea, erupted at around 3:30 PM local time Monday, firing volcanic ash as high as 50,000 feet (15km), according to the Volcanic Ash Advisory Center in Darwin, Australia.
As well as that impressive, stratospheric boundary-reaching ash cloud, tall and incandescent lava fountains have been shooting into the sky, and a massive pyroclastic flow was seen racing down the flank.
Papua New Guinea’s Geohazards Management Division said Ulawun’s volcanic activity is expected to continue indefinitely, and raised the volcano’s risk level to the highest stage: four — the volcano likely isn’t done yet and is capable of powerful VEI 4s.
Rabaul Volcano Observatory (RVO) said activity at Ulawun was intensifying in the lead-up to Monday’s blasts.
During November 3rd through 18th, white gas-and-steam plumes of variable densities were seen rising from the summit crater, noted the observatory, and low-level booming noises were reported on November 9th.
Ulawun is one of the most active volcanoes in Papua New Guinea, which sits on the Pacific “Ring of Fire”. It has repeatedly erupted since 1700s, and had its last major eruption in 2019 — a VEI 4.
Explosive activity is continued into Tuesday, according to the VAAC Darwin, which warned of another ash plume rising to an estimated 40,000ft (12.2km).
Smoke and ash ejected beyond the stratospheric boundary (located as high as 65,000ft near the equator and as low as 23,000ft at the poles) result in long-lasting planetary cooling as the particulates block incoming sunlight.
Additionally, volcanic and seismic activity appear to correlate with changes in our Sun. Its global uptick is thought to be attributed to the drop-off in solar activity, a waning magnetosphere, and the resulting influx of Cosmic Rays penetrating silica-rich magma.
Conversely, geomagnetic storms can also be a trigger for eruptive events…
Solar Ramp-Up
NOAA’s Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) recently released a “revised prediction” for the current solar cycle, which states that the upcoming solar maximum will arrive sooner and be more explosive than they initially forecast.
Following a multi-month long lull, the sun crackled back into life this week with 178 sunspots peppering the Earth-facing solar disk as of today, November 23.
Sunspot ‘AR3490-91-92’ –so big they named it thrice– poses a continued threat for flaring:
Scientists forecasting solar weather now say that we are fast approaching an explosive peak in solar activity.
Is this what we’re seeing now?
The sun’s current cycle, Solar Cycle 25, officially began in early-2019.
At the time, NOAA’s SWPC predicted that Solar Cycle 25 would most likely peak at some point in 2025 and be underwhelming compared with average cycles, much like its predecessor, Solar Cycle 24.
They were wrong, SC25 ramped-up quicker than expected and is now threatening to end prematurely (potentially with a bang).
On October 25, the SWPC finally issued a “revised prediction” for Solar Cycle 25 and acknowledged that its initial estimations were “no longer reliable enough for SWPC’s customers”–speaking to its private space exploration and satellite companies.
The new update states that “solar activity will increase more quickly and peak at a higher level” than initially predicted and that solar maximum could come as early as January next year (2024) and no later than October.
For more on that:
Electroverse On Lockdown
I have fought to keep access to Electroverse free for 6+ years now, with the site existing on advertising revenue and the generous donations of readers.
However, with the ramp-up in establishment censorship, via Google’s recent advertising ban and social media/search engine black-listings, I can no longer afford to run the site unless I successfully switch to a subscription model.
I cannot prepare my young family for an uncertain future on $2000 a month (my current pledge total on Patreon).
We are living off-grid in Portugal, which keeps costs down, growing our own food and harnessing our own energy, but properly preparing the land, etc. takes funds that I will have to seek elsewhere unless I can gain more subscribers on Patreon and/or Substack.
As of next Monday (November 27), all new articles will only be accessible to paid subscribers.
If you appreciate my efforts, please consider helping out.
This is the last avenue I have left to keep the site running.
Thank you for your support.
It’s a great site, shame you are being targeted. GWO are predicting we have as of now entered the beginning of the next cooling epoch. The cycles aligning. Stage one started, extreme weather events of heat and cold will occur as the ending of the last warming phase transitions into the now starting cooling phase. The Pacific is cooling and the cold in the Poles is intensifying and becoming more abundant. I can’t donate currently as I struggle to make ends meet in this cost of living crisis. See you down the line, best wishes
The so-called El Nino looks like a nothing burger to me, here in Cal (hopefully soon to be leaving this wretched overpriced marxist state).
It looked very weak from the SST anomaly charts, I wouldn’t even call it an el nino proper. Aside from one storm we’re having endless dry and cold, more like La Nina.
The economy is right now tanking so badly with Biden the pedo trash inflation (first thing he did was take a bribe from that train transport company and halt the oil pipeline)… businesses dying everywhere around me – Unemployment highest ever seen – if you find the real numbers instead of the Lies… me too,,, I simply can’t donate to anybody.
The current El Nino looks like it may of peaked, although some forecasts predict it will strengthen very slightly and peak in about a month’s time. It’s currently classed as moderate, nowhere near the predictions made earlier this year or the El Nino’s in 2015-16 and 1998, for example. No 2 El Nino’s have exactly the same effect on regional weather patterns, all that can truthfully be said is that an El Nino will increase or greatly increase the chances of a certain type of weather in a particular region and it often takes a few months for the effects to happen. GFS is predicting a major precipitation event for California in about 10 days time with over 4 feet of snow for the Sierra’s, maybe the first of many this winter.
Both parties are controlled by the same group of banks.
Biden is the fall guy for the managed meltdown allowing dollar printing.
Trump will be back with a stream of cheerleading BS and debt to pump up the economy. As everyone cheers, first words out his mouth will be “open up the pipelines!” “cheap energy for everyone!” Except once people wake up and realise it didn’t stop The Great Stagflation™, so he will blame CHIIIINA!!, until he is impeached and the cycle repeats once again..
A distracting circus, so that nothing changes.
Hi cap, I’d Love to make an annual donation what is your suggested amount?
I feel bad-enough having to ask people for money, I can’t bring myself to put an exact total on it.
Honestly, whatever you can afford Joe, either through my Patreon or Substack (or Paypal and then I can manually gift you a Substack sub).
Thank you so much for considering to pledge.
Global warming doesn’t warm, it never has. But it brings snow!
“Orange” level of climate danger announced in Belarus.
The forecast for the next few days is unfavorable, an “orange” level of meteorological danger has been announced.
Heavy precipitation is expected in the form of snow, hail, turning into rain. In many regions of the republic there is heavy snow. In the morning and afternoon of November 23, in most of the territory the southwest wind is expected to increase with gusts of 15-20 m/s, snowfall in some places. The situation on the roads is difficult – black ice, in the western regions there is black ice. In Minsk, heavy snow and blizzards are expected in the afternoon. In the morning and afternoon the southwest wind speed is 15-18 m/s. The predominant temperature on November 23rd is 0..-5°C, during November 24th 0..+4°C.
Snow is not something of the past!
In the Volga region, snow cover corresponds to New Year’s Eve.
As a result of three days of snowfall, the territory of the Volga region was heavily snowed. The height of the snow cover reaches 25-30 cm.
In Ulyanovsk, the norm for these days in November is considered to be 8 cm. In fact, there is 22 cm of snow. In Izhevsk, the snows are a month ahead of the calendar. Typically, this snow cover is at the end of December.
Halo solar flare last night forecast direct hit on the 25th:
Sun’s Negative polarity stable Earthside N on Nov 19 then rotation changed the pattern, negative polarity left side, positive facing.
I don’t do online $$$ transactions or email or text. EVER. Never type my real name on this pute. Later taters.,-216.7218&extent=22.32975,-211.71204&listOnlyShown=true—add-more-layers/overlays?tcso2,5.660,149.941,5,i:pressure,m:dYVakcm
Dirk, please email
Sorry to hear you’re going private and charging. Sorry you can’t manage on $2000 per month. It’s more than my family has to live on. Good luck in future.
Best climate site that has ever existed. Gonna have to pony up for the goods!
Re my last comment, also disappointed that I made a small donation and didn’t even get an acknowledgement from you.
Hi Stuart,
I’m working on the thank yous, and I apologize that I haven’t gotten to you yet.
I’ll say it now: thank you, genuinely.
And I don’t know which country you live in, but if you have a family of 6 (as I do) and can get by on $2000 a month then well done.
Thanks Cap. I don’t have 6 to feed (you know what causes that by the way?) but things are still pretty tight here in NZ and I’m retired and coming back from some setbacks. Hope you continue to proper. Regards, Stuart.
the funds are needed so that he can also keep the site up and running as well as providing for his family…. it does cost to run a site , maintain access to data etc etc. i hope everyone can survive and get through these bad times and get out the other side when hopefully we all have fought back against the BS climate views , censorship, economy -wrecking policies etc in our countries.
Hi Cap!
Years ago I came across Robert Felix’s “Not by fire but ice” website and I started analyzing data available to me…
My general understanding is that the so called Climate Change propaganda is one of many agendas for accomplishing substantial depopulation of the planet. Harping about it’s nonsense doesn’t really matter because the powers behind the plan are well prepared and determined to execute it regardless of any obstacles!
I wish you well in carrying on your project!
Hi Capp. I too will miss this site. I have followed your site for many years and have told as many that will listen to go here. Great information difficult to obtain anywhere else. I would contribute Soo, but have not the freedom to do so.
May God keep you and your family safe in the very dangerous times before us.
Can you give us a goal you need to hit to stay online? I really enjoy your information and I check it daily. It most help if we have an idea if we all need to increase our gifts by a little or a lot. Some of us are retired and we to what we can, but maybe give us a hint.
Thanks for all you do for us!